My cold CEO wife

Chapter 849 Arrangement

Chapter 849 Arrangement
"Can you please let me go? I am willing to surrender to you."

The killer looked at Lu Chen pleadingly.

Although he is a killer, killers also want to live, and no one wants to die.

"Sorry, I have no interest in you."

Lu Chen spoke calmly and said, "It seems that you are not willing to do it yourself, so I will be the only one to do it."

While speaking, a glimmer of light appeared on Lu Chen's hand, and he flicked it with his fingers, and the glimmer shot towards the killer like a bullet.

The killer instinctively wanted to dodge, but found that he couldn't dodge at all. He could only watch the ball of light hitting him between his eyebrows.

Then, the killer felt his life force being sucked out of him, and he slowly fell to the ground.


The corners of Lu Chen's lips curved.

Then he returned to the villa, Du Ziyue was still crying heartbroken.

"Auntie, stop crying, beauty is not dead."

Lu Chen advised.

Du Ziyue was a little confused immediately and said: "Mr. Lu, don't make such a joke with me. In fact, this joke is not funny at all. Can I trouble you with something? I am going to choose an auspicious day to let the beauty be buried. For An, I hope you can come and help me take charge of the overall situation, maybe Nana and I can't take charge."

Lu Chen couldn't help but smile, and came to Qiao Meili, and then flicked her neck with a finger.

Qiao Meili immediately coughed violently.

The cough was because Lu Chen held her breath in her throat, preventing it from coming out, making her look like she was truly dead.

Now that this hypothetical situation was resolved, she felt unwell and coughed.

This is like a baby. When a baby comes into this world, it will cry non-stop. It seems that it is not really crying, but it is adapting to the new world and changing its breathing method, from internal circulation to external circulation breathing.

When Du Ziyue saw Qiao Meili coughing, she screamed in fright and took several steps back.

She asked in a low voice: "Are you a human or a ghost?"

But after asking, before waiting for Qiao Meili to answer, she continued: "No matter you are a human or a ghost, as long as you are my daughter, I like you."

"Mom, I'm still alive and well."

Qiao Meili said: "At first I suspended my death, mainly to solve a big conspiracy. Now that I wake up, I know who the mastermind of this conspiracy is. Mr. Lu, what do you think?"

Lu Chen nodded and said, "Yes, the leader of the curtain has come out, it's the Wan family."

"Wanjia, how could it be Wanjia?"

Qiao Meili frowned slightly.

She never expected that her opponent would be Wan Jia.

"Let me tell you the conversation I just had with the killer." Lu Chen said calmly, and then told Qiao Meili about the conversation with the killer.

Qiao Meili listened to the conversation with the killer, and then became convinced of the fact that it was indeed the Wan family who was targeting the Qiao family.

"Now, what are you going to do?" Lu Chen said calmly.

"Since my father died in the hands of the Wan family, I naturally want to take revenge. Unfortunately, I am not strong enough now and can only recharge my batteries. The biggest advantage of my Qiao family is that they are rich, and the biggest disadvantage is that There are no powerful people in charge.”

Qiao Meili's thoughts were very clear. She looked at Lu Chen with deep longing on her face and said at the same time: "Mr. Lu, can you please be the martial arts master of our Qiao family? I am going to hire a group of talented young people to come." Practice martial arts, and in addition, the Wan family’s enmity may be borrowed from you, and you can do whatever you want in return.”

She understands that the Qiao family is too passive now because it has no power, so she plans to cultivate a group of die-hard loyalists for the Qiao family. As for the next few years, she plans to imitate Li Yan, on the one hand, to increase her own influence, and on the other hand, to use the help of Li Yan. Specialized bodyguard company.

"Since I promised you to come to SIPG to help you solve your problem, then your current problem has not been solved. Naturally, I will not stand aside and deal with Wanjia's affairs. You don't have to worry about it. Just leave it to me. , when the time comes, all the wealth of the Wan family, you can find a way to return it to the name of the Lu Group."

Lu Chen spoke calmly and said at the same time: "As for the talented young man you want, you don't have to think about it. I have my own bodyguard company. These people are all brought out by me personally or indirectly. You can just hire them when the time comes. .”

"If they are not strong enough to protect you or your family and need help, I can send more powerful people to protect you, or I can help you when the time comes."

Lu Chen's promise is already very high for Qiao Meili, because Qiao Meili cannot keep Lu Chen by her side forever.

Of course, she wanted to keep Lu Chen by her side forever, but Lu Chen might not be willing to stay here, after all, Lu Chen didn't seem interested in her.

"Okay, I'm willing to accept your proposal." Qiao Meili immediately agreed.

When the two were discussing things, Du Ziyue had been beside her. She never realized what the two were talking about. Now after hearing the two of them finish talking, she asked in a daze: "What on earth is going on?" What's going on?"

"Mom, I'll tell you about this later."

Qiao Meili knew that her mother regarded Zhang Na as if she had been divorced. If she knew that she had betrayed the Qiao family, betrayed herself, and killed Qiao's father, Du Ziyue would probably collapse.

Therefore, she was not ready to tell Du Ziyue the truth for the time being.

Qiao Meili sent Du Ziyue away, and then began to discuss the details.

"What are you going to do with your sister?"

Lu Chen has no pressure at all to deal with Wanjia. What he is more concerned about now is how Qiao Meili will deal with Zhang Na.

After all, Zhang Na betrayed Qiao Meili.

"If you can, can you catch her in front of me? I want to ask her why she did this to me, my father, and my mother." When Qiao Meili mentioned Zhang Na, her whole body He seemed dejected and powerless. This feeling of betrayal by his relatives was very bad.

"no problem."

Lu Chen nodded, and then asked: "Next, whatever arrangements you want to make, I will listen to your arrangements."

"I'll continue to pretend to be dead. The whole group is in chaos now, and those conspirators who don't want the good of the group will take action. I'll catch them all in one fell swoop."

Qiao Meili is worthy of being an elite in the business world. In response to her fake death incident, she not only has to deal with Wanjia, but also needs to eliminate the residents in the group.

"Okay, since you arranged it this way, then I will do as you do and stay put for the time being."

Lu Chen nodded lightly and said: "But I have to remind you that you only have one day at most, because one day later, Wanjia will find out that their killer has missed, and they may take other actions against you. At that time, You have to do something.”

"Understood, give me one day, it's enough."

Qiao Meili said very confidently, and at the same time she warned: "Please don't tell my mother about my sister for the time being."

"In addition, you need to protect a person named Liu Xin now. He may be in danger tomorrow."

"it is good!"

Lu Chen nodded and didn't ask Qiao Meili any more.

(End of this chapter)

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