My cold CEO wife

Chapter 852 The Wanjia shrinks

Chapter 852 The Wanjia shrinks
Liu Xin scanned the phone number, then tied up Liu Xin, looked at Zhang Na next to him, and said, "You can tell Wan Guojun that Wan Jun is in my hands. If he dares to mess around, Wan Jun will be killed." Jun must die."

After saying that, Liu Xin didn't look at Zhang Na at all, but pushed Wan Jun into his car and drove away as well.

As for Zhang Na, he looked down upon her at all.

Lu Chen found Liu Xin's father through Qiao Meili. Liu Xin's father was Liu Laogen, a very chronological name.

Then he took Liu Laogen to Qiao's house.

"Director Qiao, I have my eye on a person. When your Qiao Group stabilizes, I want this person." Lu Chen said to Qiao Meili.

Qiao Meili glanced at Liu Laogen next to her and said with a frown: "You want Liu Xin, right? Liu Xin is indeed the treasure of my Qiao Group. To be honest, I don't want to let him go, but since you are the one who asked, I will let him go." , but only if he is willing to leave with you."

To be honest, Qiao Meili also admires Liu Xin very much. Liu Xin is a talent, and she is confident that Liu Xin will not leave the Qiao Group.

Because she also understood that Liu Laogen regarded the Qiao Group as his home, and now Liu Xin was helping his father build a home. Liu Xin wanted to make his father feel incomparably proud.

"Okay, we're done."

Liu Xin is indeed a talent. He can use limited information to make optimal judgments. This is Liu Xin's ability.

However, that represents limited information, and Wanjia is far from being as simple as it seems on the surface. Liu Xin will always suffer, and he will definitely be asked to take action when the time comes.

"It's not good, it's not good, Dad, the big thing is not good."

Let’s talk about Zhang Na.

After Wan Jun was taken away by Liu Xin, she ran to Wan's house in a panic.

Now that she is married to Wan Jun, then Wan Guojun is her father. There is nothing wrong with this statement.

"Zhang Na, what's wrong? Also, why did you come back alone, where is Junjun?" Wan Guojun asked slightly dissatisfied.

"Dad, Wan Jun was... he was captured by Liu Xin. Liu Xin also said that he would use the Qiao family to fight with my Wan family. He also warned you not to mess around, otherwise, he would directly give Wan Jun to Kill." Zhang Na said with some fear.

Although she is now the first heir of the Qiao Group, she is not happy at all. Once Wan Jun is gone, she feels like duckweed, and she cannot control such a large group. Come.

"Liu Xin? How could a mere Liu Xin scare you like this?"

Wan Guojun sneered and said: "This Liu Xin is quite talented, but unfortunately he is still too young. If I want to destroy him, it will only happen in a matter of seconds."

After finishing speaking, Wan Guojun shouted.

"Come on!"

Soon, someone came to him and asked, "Master, what are your orders?"

"Go and capture Liu Laogen."

Wan Guojun ordered his subordinates.

He knew where Liu Xin's weakness was, which was the other party's father. Now as long as Liu Laogen was arrested, Liu Xin would definitely compromise.

Originally, he was planning to let Wan Jun persuade Liu Xin, but it seemed that his son was not living up to expectations.

"Dad, there's no need to go, Liu Laogen has been taken away for protection." At this time, Zhang Na interrupted from the side, and Wan Guojun was obviously taken aback.

Then he nodded and ordered to his men: "Take the people and let me meet Liu Xin in person."

I have to say that Liu Xin is indeed very awesome. There are many of his followers in the Qiao Group. He just sat in the Qiao Group. As a result, the turbulent Qiao Group calmed down in an instant. .

If Qiao Meili is here, Qiao Meili can also calm down the Qiao Group, because Qiao Meili is the helmsman of the entire Qiao Group.

Liu Xin can do it because he is more like the soul of Qiao Group.

The current Qiao Group's culture was created by Liu Xin.

This is also the reason why he was able to become the vice president of Qiao Group as an outsider.

Because his contribution to Qiao Group is indeed great enough.

After stabilizing the Qiao Group, he immediately went to the Chen family.

Yes, Liu Xin arrived at Chen's house immediately.

That is, the Chen family, a low-key martial arts family, the head of the family is Chen Jianqiao. The person who really calls the shots is Chen Chunan.

Liu Xin met Chen Jianqiao, and he didn't know what he said to Chen Jianqiao, but Chen Jianqiao actually agreed to cooperate with him.

Then, Liu Xin went to find Li Yan again, and he didn't know what he said to Li Yan, but Li Yan actually agreed to cooperate with him.

In just one day, Liu Xin took care of the Li family and the Chen family, and then united the two families to deal with the Wan family.

If Qiao Meili knew about this method, she would probably be shocked.

After Liu Xin reached an agreement with the two companies, he sat on the position of vice president of Qiao Group.

He will not overstep his position.

He is like a courtier, and Qiao Meili is like a queen.

As long as he is in Qiao Group, his position will be like this.

Wan Guojun brought several masters from the Wan family to the Qiao Group.

When he appeared at Qiao Group, the security guard of Qiao Group told Chen Jianqiao about Wan Guojun's arrival.

"Master Chen, Master Wan has arrived at our group. Get ready to make dumplings."

Liu Xin said to Chen Jianqiao.

When Chen Jianqiao heard this, his eyes shone with light, and then he summoned the masters of the Chen family to go to the Qiao Group.

At the same time, Liu Xin called Li Yan again and said, "Mr. Li, Wanjia will soon be in turmoil. Get ready to attack Wanjia in business."

Wan Guojun didn't know that he was being tricked by Liu Xin.

When he led his men to question Liu Xin, they were made dumplings by the Chen family. Wan Guojun never thought that the Qiao family would join forces with the Chen family, so he was not fully prepared, even if he brought a master , but how can it be compared with the well-prepared Chen family.

The Chen family directly forced Wan Guojun to the top floor.

Wan Guojun jumped off the building in despair. Wan Guojun didn't know until his death that the killers he sent to assassinate Du Ziyue would never return to Wan's house.

The news that he jumped from the building immediately spread in SIPG, and then Wanjia's business empire fell into crisis. At this time, Li Yan took the opportunity to take action, and Liu Xin also took action, directly killing Wanjia's business empire. Throw away your armor.

Wanjia's industry has shrunk by half.

Liu Xin achieved a phased victory.

According to the agreement, half of the Wanjia business empire was swallowed up and divided equally between Li Yan, the Chen family and the Qiao family.

After the three families were equally divided, Liu Xin came to the Qiao family with the results of the victory.

"Mr. Qiao, Liu Xin is here to meet you."

Now the Qiao family was deserted, and Liu Xin's voice sounded loud and clear outside the door.

"Mr. Liu, please come in."

The door of Qiao Meili's villa is automatic. Qiao Meili controlled the door to open automatically, signaling Liu Xin to enter.

Liu Xin walked to the yard and looked at Lu Chen next to him, with a smile on his lips, as if he was showing off.

(End of this chapter)

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