My cold CEO wife

Chapter 861 The Corpse Emperor appears again

Chapter 861 The Corpse Emperor appears again
After Lu Chen and Zheng Yiyi said a few words, they fell silent again.

The world fell into silence again, and Zheng Yiyi slowly fell asleep.

In the dark night, there seemed to be a wind blowing.

At the moment when the wind blew, Lu Chen's closed eyes suddenly opened, and he muttered: "Here he comes."

Yes, he was indeed waiting for someone.

Moreover, the person waiting was an old acquaintance.

Xu Fang.

To be precise, it was Xu Fang who was possessed by the corpse emperor.

Lu Chen originally thought that the Corpse Emperor escaped last time and would cause him a lot of trouble next time, because if the other party was not strong enough, he would definitely not show up on his own initiative.

Therefore, it will be very difficult for him to find the other party.

But now he found that he had found traces of Xu Fang.

Zheng Yiyi was actually sick at first, but later she was infected by the corpse poison and almost turned into a living zombie. This is why her body smelled like a corpse.

"Jie Jie."

The moment Lu Chen opened his eyes, there was an imperceptible smirk outside, which sounded sensational.

However, this is the correct feeling coming from this sound.

Because this sound is no other sound, it is a sound like a ghost coming from outside, and it is now full of excitement.

The food inside is so delicious!
As long as it eats this food, its strength will greatly increase, and by then it will be only one step away from the true innate state.

"I was searching in the vast sea of ​​people, and I only found you. Now I didn't expect that you would be reborn in Nirvana so quickly. Is this God's will?"

The excitement in that voice became more and more intense, and he felt that he was about to return to the pinnacle of his life.

This figure is none other than Xu Fang, who is also the Corpse Emperor.

Lu Chen had beaten the Corpse Emperor back to his original form, and then possessed Xu Fang. Now Xu Fang and the Corpse Emperor have become one.

Because the Corpse Emperor suffered extremely serious injuries, he needed a special physique to return his strength to its peak.

And Zheng Yiyi is such a person.

Zheng Yiyi's physique is Tianyin physique.

The so-called Tianyin constitution means that one is born with a Yin bias.

Zheng Yiyi has been in poor health since she was a child and has contracted various diseases. This is because her Tianyin body is not suitable for growing in the sun, but is suitable for growing in a dark environment.

Human beings live in an environment that is half light and half dark, which caused irreversible lesions in Zheng Yiyi's body.

Finally, Xu Fang, the Corpse Emperor who seized the body, appeared. Xu Fang turned Zheng Yiyi into a corpse, which was exactly in line with his physique. Xu Fang took a fancy to Zheng Yiyi's corpse. Once Zheng Yiyi's complete corpse transformation was successful, it could After capturing Zheng Yiyi's body, we will be able to take a step forward with the help of this body.

Now that Zheng Yiyi's body no longer smells of rotting corpses, there are only two possibilities for this happening.

One possibility is that it is reversed and becomes a normal person; the other is that it is completely decomposed, and then the smell of rotting corpses disappears, and instead emits a corpse fragrance.

But the possibility of the first type of reversal and becoming a normal person is very small, so Xu Fang naturally thought that Zheng Yiyi was in the second type.

If Zheng Yiyi is in the second situation, as long as Xu Fang controls her, he can seize her body and then own her body. At the same time, because Xu Fang seizes Zheng Yiyi's body, Xu Fang wants to regain his former self. strength, faster.

"Tsk, tsk, little beauty, just wait for me, I'm here."

When he was outside the room, Xu Fang had already let out a weak and arrogant laugh.

Although the Zheng family is huge, they have no precautions against such ghosts, so Xu Fang is not worried about any accidents in the Chen family.

It can now occupy Zheng Yiyi's body unscrupulously, and then achieve its own goals.

Xu Fang climbed over the window and came to Zheng Yiyi's body. At the same time, he said to himself: "I originally thought it would take a long time for you to get rid of the corpse odor in your body, but you used The corpse odor in my body was eliminated in such a short period of time, which completely exceeded my expectations."

"However, since you have removed the odor from your body, I will naturally not let you go. I never expected that your flesh would be so pink and tender, full of temptation." Xu Fang stood. Muttered to himself at the window.

After he came out, he quietly investigated the area where Lu Chen was located. The area where Lu Chen was located was very far away. Lu Chen was in Guiyuan City, so he quietly developed himself far away from Lu Chen.

In the end, he chose to develop himself in Shanghai City, because there is a physique in this area that meets its requirements very well, that is, the Tianyin physique, and the owner of this Tianyin physique is Zheng Yiyi.

Now it wants to give up Xu Fang, and then seize Zheng Yiyi's body, but because of his great loss of strength, it cannot fully integrate with Zheng Yiyi, but if Zheng Yiyi is completely corpse, it can be with Zheng Yiyi Complete integration.

In this way, it can inherit Zheng Yiyi's physique.

But now, Zheng Yiyi's physique has matured and has completely transformed into a corpse. It can obtain Zheng Yiyi's physique.

It's like the peaches are ripe and now it's time to pick them.

So, he came to find Zheng Yiyi.

He looked at Zheng Yiyi who was sleeping soundly on the bed in the room, his eyes full of excitement.

As long as it devours Zheng Yiyi, its strength will immediately increase greatly, and he will turn into a true corpse emperor. By then, let alone ten Lu Chens, even hundreds of Lu Chens will not be able to become him. his opponent.

Because, below the innate nature, everyone is an ant, only above the innate nature can there be distinction between strong and weak.

"Lu Chen, when I completely succeed in seizing the body, I will definitely take this body to kill you."

The Corpse Emperor murmured to himself.

"Really? How about you kill me now?"

Just as the Corpse Emperor was muttering to himself, a disembodied voice sounded.


The Corpse Emperor was startled and asked warily.

"Xu Fang, we meet again. Last time I was going to destroy you, but I didn't expect that you escaped. I originally thought that the probability of dealing with you next time would be extremely small, but I didn't expect to meet you now. , since you are destined to suffer such a disaster, then you should suffer it." Lu Chen said calmly, and then walked towards Xu Fang step by step.

Both Xu Fang and Corpse Emperor had fought against Lu Chen. They knew that Lu Chen was extremely powerful, so they were instinctively afraid of Lu Chen.

Now after hearing Lu Chen's voice, they faltered instantly, and couldn't help but backed up a few steps.

Then Xu Fang saw Lu Chen's face clearly, and couldn't help but said, "It's you."

(End of this chapter)

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