My cold CEO wife

Chapter 881 Killing Fu Yu

Chapter 881 Killing Fu Yu
Fu Yu stood up and walked towards Lu Chen.

Lu Chen looked at Fu Yu with a mocking look on his lips.

He could tell at just one glance that this Fu Yu's body was different from other people's bodies. Fu Yu's body was very flexible.

This should be a master of jujitsu.

"I'm afraid these people think I have practiced some hard skills and am preparing to use softness to overcome strength?"

Lu Chen muttered.

"Come out, I'm going to blow your head off today."

Fu Yu stood not far from Lu Chen, his eyes calm and confident.

"Blow my balls? I'm afraid you can't do that."

Lu Chen stepped out, stretched out a finger, and said with a sneer, "You can't do one move in front of me."


Fu Yu seemed to be still calm, but deep in his eyes, there was a trace of anger. Then he quickly accelerated and rushed towards Lu Chen. At the same time, he said: "I want to see how you can't let me go." one move."

As he ran, his body twisted erratically, almost like dough.

"Fu Yu's yoga skills are really superb. With such yoga skills, I'm afraid that Lu Chen will be defeated sooner or later." Guardian Zuo muttered.

"No, if it's a real fight, I'm not his opponent."

The right protector also echoed: "I'm afraid that if we two brothers attack together, we may not be able to defeat him. This is because we know some jujitsu. If we don't have jujitsu and just use hard kung fu, we may be defeated faster. Come."

"Today, we will destroy the Donghua Society."

At this time, Murong Gaowei beside him also muttered.

The Fu Yu we found this time was a master of overcoming strength with softness, and Lu Chen would be defeated to death by him.

However, Long Xiangtian and the others thought differently from Murong Gaowei and the others. They had blind trust in Lu Chen.

Since Lu Chen said that he could defeat Fu Yu with just one move, then it really only took one move.

At this time, Fu Yu came to Lu Chen's side, and then he punched Lu Chen.

Moreover, his punch was extremely fast, and at the same time, there was a force on his fist.

Later, if Lu Chen strikes with a move, his punch will quickly adjust its direction and attack Lu Chen's other position, staggering from Lu Chen's fist.

At that time, Lu Chen's punch will hit the air, and his punch will hit Lu Chen's body firmly.

Then, like now, he would keep testing until he found Lu Chen's valve.

People who practice the Iron Cloth Shirt and the Golden Bell Mask all have Qi, and it is because of the existence of this Qi that they are extremely strong and their bodies are indestructible.

However, if the valve is broken, all the hard work will be wasted.

Thinking of this, Fu Yu even had a hint of joy on his face.

Lu Chen saw Fu Yu's punch coming, and he punched Fu Yu's fist without any fancy.

When Fu Yu saw Lu Chen's fist coming, he quickly changed the trajectory of his fist and hit Lu Chen's other parts according to his inner thoughts.

However, at this moment, he saw a very terrifying scene. Lu Chen's fist changed along with his, and Lu Chen's fist still struck with his fist.


The two fists intertwined in the air.

This was a full blow that Fu Yu had accumulated, but even such a blow seemed so insignificant in front of Lu Chen.

Lu Chen stood on the spot without moving, while Fu Yu hit him like a cannonball.


Murong Gaowei and others' eyes bulged out.

This was a master who was in the early stages of martial arts, and his jujitsu was well-known, but now he was defeated by Lu Chen with just one punch.

The left and right guardians, especially the left guardian, had a look of disbelief in their eyes. Lu Chen seemed to be dealing with Fu Yu no differently than he was dealing with himself.

One punch, all are resolved with one punch.

"I told you, you can't stand a move in front of me."

Lu Chen came not far from Fu Yu and looked at him condescendingly.

Fu Yu wanted to say that he had underestimated the enemy, but when the words came to his lips, he could not say them.

He could feel that just now Lu Chen also used tricks similar to jujitsu.

After this type of technique was used, his jujitsu was broken.

The opponent is also a Jiu-Jitsu master.

But what he couldn't figure out was that the news sent to him by the Murong family clearly showed that Lu Chen was practicing hard skills such as the Golden Bell Cover and the Iron Cloth Shirt.

"I lost at your hands. I have nothing to say. I just want to know one thing. Have you really practiced the Golden Bell Iron Cloth Shirt? How can you be such a powerful jujitsu?"

Fu Yu climbed up from the ground and asked bitterly.

"Whether you're talking about Vajra Shield or Jujitsu, I can't do it, because I have absolute strength and I'm invincible. Do you understand?" Lu Chen said calmly.

"No wonder I'm not your match."

Hearing this, Fu Yu smiled sadly, and then said: "Senior, I know that I am no match for you, and the Murong family members cannot escape today, but I am not a Murong family member, so I beg you to let me go. I'm willing to pay enough."

"Ha ha."

Lu Chen smiled coldly and said at the same time: "You said that if I came to trouble you, if I could kill you, I would kill you. When I found that I couldn't beat you, I told you not to fight, and I would pay you as compensation. Do you accept it?"

Hearing this, Fu Yu fell silent.

Because in this case, it is impossible for him to accept it.

Obviously, he also understood what Lu Chen meant.

"Murong Gaowei, you are so mistaken." Fu Yu suddenly shouted.

However, he yelled violently, and suddenly accelerated towards Lu Chen, spat out a small blade from his mouth, and just like this, he held the blade and slashed towards Lu Chen's neck.

He knew that he was no match for Lu Chen today, and Lu Chen was not prepared to let him go. In this case, there was no need for him to beg for mercy.

Now he just hopes that he can make a sudden attack and kill Lu Chen with one blow, so that he can have a chance to survive.

His attack was indeed sudden. If this attack was to attack other strong men, then it would most likely be successful.

But this attack was aimed at Lu Chen, so it would definitely have no effect at all.

Lu Chen seemed to have guessed that the opponent would attack him. He stretched out two fingers and firmly clamped Fu Yu's attacking wrist, and then Lu Chen gently applied force.


There was a crisp sound of bones breaking from Fu Yu's wrist. Lu Chen kicked Fu Yu, then he stepped on the opponent's chest and said in a deep voice: "Since you want to die, then I will make it happen for you."

While speaking, Lu Chen moved his feet up to Fu Yu's neck.

Fu Yu's eyes flashed with fear, and he wanted to make a sound to plead, but his throat was stepped on and he couldn't make a sound.

Lu Chen didn't give Fu Yu a chance to beg for mercy, so he stepped hard on Fu Yu's throat.

Fu Yu died instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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