My cold CEO wife

Chapter 885 Lead the way

Chapter 885 Lead the way
The moves of the two brothers Murong Nan and Murong Bei are the moves passed down by the Murong family, and this kind of inheritance has been passed down from generation to generation.

This move is very mysterious and extremely powerful.

If it weren't for step-by-step instruction, you wouldn't be able to learn at all.

They didn't expect that Lu Chen would learn their moves in a matter of seconds, and now the move that Lu Chen played was much more powerful than the move that they played. The two brothers simply couldn't catch it. Come down with this move.


During the fight with Lu Chen, the two of them were blown away by Lu Chen, and both of their hands were broken off.

This time, the whole place was silent.

At first, when they saw the two brothers Murong Nan and Murong Bei overwhelming Lu Chen and fighting, the guardians on the left and right were ecstatic, but now with two against one, they were defeated so quickly.

The scene shifted too much.

"You... how can you be so powerful?"

Even their old man couldn't defeat them so easily. Lu Chen's strength completely exceeded their imagination.

They would even have the illusion that Lu Chen was inherently strong, so he suppressed them to fight.

"This is not all my strength. I just wanted to study your combined attack technique. This combined attack technique can be integrated into my combat skills."

Lu Chen grinned, showing his white teeth, looking harmless.

In the last life, Lu Chen cultivated Qi, which was different from how he cultivated the physical body in this life.

When practicing Qi, what is important is the flexible use of Qi, but practicing in the physical body requires close combat, so strong combat skills are needed to support it.

In the previous life, Lu Chen also obtained books related to combat skills, but the combat skills were very useless at first, but the growth potential of this combat skill was very high.

Once he incorporates some novel moves, his combat skills will be upgraded and become more and more powerful.

His combat skills are similar to a fighting technique. After integrating other combat skills, his combat power will naturally increase.

When the two heard this, they were extremely sad.

They turned out to be just people Lu Chen used to play with.


The strength of the two of them was there. Lu Chen was still a little stressed if he wanted to seriously injure the two of them with one or two moves.

Therefore, the injuries suffered by the two of them are not particularly serious now, but they understand that one or two of them cannot be Lu Chen's opponent. In this case, staying here will only lead to death. Instead of doing this, it is better to escape first.

Only when they escape back to their own family can they gather all the masters in the family to kill Lu Chen. Only then will there be hope.

Now they have to bring the news back.

"Is this a place where you can come and leave whenever you want?"

Seeing the two of them trying to escape, a sneer appeared in Lu Chen's eyes, and then he accelerated and stopped in front of one of them.

Then he slapped it with his palm, and Murong Bei felt a overwhelming force coming towards him, and he felt a sense of powerlessness.

He couldn't take this blow at all.

But Murong Bei understood that if he did not take this blow, his death would be even worse.

His right hand was already injured. At this time, he stretched out his left hand and slapped Lu Chen with the same palm.


The two attacks collided.

This time, Murong Bei was not as lucky as the first time. After he was slapped away by this palm, his left hand broke directly. There was a surge in his chest, and then he spat out a mouthful of blood.

Obviously, his internal organs were also damaged to a certain extent in this palm.

At this time, Murong Bei wanted to stand up, but found that his injuries were serious, and he couldn't even lift his strength for a while.

"Third brother."

Seeing Murong Bei being knocked down so easily by Lu Chen, Murong Nan's eyes showed anger. He even had the intention to stay and fight with Lu Chen to save his third brother, so he While running away, he stopped and hesitated.

"Second brother, drive away and bring back the news here."

Murong Bei reminded.

When Murong Nan heard this, he nodded heavily and said harshly: "Lu Chen, this time our Murong family is not fully prepared. The strength of our Murong family is far beyond your imagination. You'd better not move." My third brother, otherwise, when people from my Murong family come, it will be your death."

While speaking, he quickly ran away.

As for Murong Bei, he suddenly stood up again and launched an attack on Lu Chen, hoping to hold Lu Chen back.

"Out of control."

Seeing Murong Bei attacking him, Lu Chen's eyes were full of disdain, and then he kicked him out. Murong Bei was directly kicked in the chest and flew out.

Murong Beidu was far from Lu Chen's opponent at the beginning, and now that he was injured, he was even less likely to be Lu Chen's opponent, so Lu Chen directly defeated the enemy with one move.

After beating Murong Bei until he lost his fighting ability, Lu Chen ran towards Murong Nan in the distance and made sacrifices. Murong Nan was naturally no match for Lu Chen.

Soon, he too was subdued.

As for the two guardians on the left and right, they did not run at all, because they were no match for Lu Chen. They had tried to escape before, but were caught by Lu Chen without exception.

Therefore, they have given up struggling and are not ready to escape at all.

"You lose."

Lu Chen threw Murong Nan and Murong Bei together and spoke calmly.

"Let us go to our family. We will not break our promise to you."

Murong Nan and Murong Bei said at the same time.

However, no one knows what other thoughts they have in their minds now.

Maybe, they wanted to take Lu Chen to the Murong family, and then trap Lu Chen and kill him.

"Lead the way."

Lu Chen said to the two of them.

"Master Lu, please wait."

Seeing that Lu Chen asked the two to lead the way to the Murong family, Long Xiangtian stood up and stopped Lu Chen.

"What, is something wrong?"

Lu Chen asked.

Long Xiangtian quickly replied: "The Murong family is not as simple as you think. If you go to the Murong family, it may be very dangerous. I suggest you keep the two of them here and let the guardians take you to the Murong family. If anyone from the Murong family is not good for you, I can use them as a threat."

Although Long Xiangtian blindly worshiped Lu Chen, he had dealt with the Murong family before and knew how powerful the Murong family was.

The Murong family seems to have average strength, but there are some old and immortal ones, such as the current Murong Nan and Murong Bei.

However, Long Xiangtian guessed that there might be more powerful beings in the Murong family than just Murong Nan and Murong Bei.

Therefore, if Lu Chen went to the Murong family alone, he would still be a little worried about Lu Chen's safety.

"It's okay. A mere member of the Murong family can't do anything to me." Lu Chen replied very confidently.

(End of this chapter)

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