My cold CEO wife

Chapter 890 The old man surrenders

Chapter 890 The old man surrenders

After the old man finished speaking, he shot to the side quickly, then pressed a button, and then a rumbling sound came from the room.

Afterwards, a stone door opened, and inside the stone door, there was a bluestone, which circled into a column, and in the middle of the column, there was a blue tripod lying there quietly.

This tripod is the legendary Qingding.

When Lu Chen saw the cauldron, a strange light emitted from his eyes.

Today, he is destined to win another tripod.

The old man held the green cauldron and poured his true energy into the cauldron. The other four members of the Murong family also poured their true energy into the green cauldron.

Under the blessing of these true qi, Qingding flew up like this, wrapped in true qi, and flew towards Lu Chen like this.

The five old masters stood behind the tripod, pushing the tripod forward at a faster speed.

At this speed, once the green tripod hits Lu Chen, even Lu Chen's physical body will probably be smashed to pieces in an instant.

However, Lu Chen was not afraid at all.

He put away the Emperor Sword, and at the same time, with a thought, Yanding appeared in his hand.

He held the tripod ear in one hand, and then smashed the tripod towards the flying green tripod.

"Humph, this kid is looking for death."

Seeing that Lu Chen was holding a cauldron to fight against the five of them, even the second prince had a look of disdain in his eyes.

If Lu Chen fought alone, they might not be his opponents, but now with the combined strength of five people, how could Lu Chen fight against the five of him?
Not only he thought so, even the old man and others thought so.

Moreover, Lu Chen had sacrificed the tripod now. As long as they killed Lu Chen, they could take away the tripod. This made their eyes extremely fanatical.


When both sides were thinking this way, Qing Ding and Yan Ding finally collided.

Then a huge shock wave came. Under the attack of this shock wave, the old man and others flew out directly.

As for Lu Chen, he didn't feel very well either. His energy and blood surged, and he took several steps back before regaining his balance.

His physical body has been sanctified, but now this blow actually makes his blood boil, which shows that this blow is not ordinary.

"how can that be?"

Compared to Lu Chen, the injuries of the Murong family members were much more serious. Looking at the scene in front of him, the second prince’s eyes almost popped out.

They did not expect that Lu Chen not only caught the attack from himself and others, but also did not suffer any injuries. On the contrary, all of them were injured.

"I will accept this Qingding."

Because the five people were knocked out, the Qingding fell to the side alone. Lu Chen came to the side of the Qingding, grinned, and then picked up the Qingding with one hand.

"Boy, put the Qingding down quickly, or we will fight you."

The second prince roared at Lu Chen at this time.

Lu Chen said back in a very rude manner, and said at the same time: "Can the five of you beat me?"

At this time, the second master was speechless.

Because they discovered that they and others were really no match for Lu Chen.

Lu Chen walked towards the old man unhurriedly. The other four people thought that Lu Chen might kill the old man, so they surrounded the old man one after another.

"Old man, you should know the whereabouts of the other tripod. Tell me where the other tripod is, and I can spare the lives of your descendants."

Lu Chen said to the old man at this time.

Today, he has already murdered the old man and the others.

When the old man heard this, he suddenly said: "Mr. Lu, you are very powerful, as I have seen in my life. The Murong family is willing to surrender."

He understood that his situation was over. If he didn't bow his head, it was very likely that he and others would die here in the end, and the Murong family would also decline by then.

For the present plan, it might be better to follow Lu Chen.

"I gave you a chance, but you didn't cherish it."

Lu Chen raised his lowered eyelids and said disdainfully.

The old man was stunned, and then he said: "Mr. Lu, there is still a little distance between you and me. I am the only one who knows the specific whereabouts of the other tripod. If you insist on fighting against me now, I can attack you here. When the time comes, you can You won’t get anything.”

Lu Chen frowned slightly when he heard the word "Bing Jie".

The word "Bing Jie" means the disintegration of weapons, but cultivators also have the term "Bing Jie", which is to disperse all their cultivation and let themselves return to the world, and then even their souls will be reduced to nothingness. .

There are not many people who really know the art of military solution.

According to Lu Chen's guess, this old man doesn't know how to use Bingjie, but the other party said the word Bingjie again, he dare not bet, once he loses the bet, then he may lose the fourth place forever. Zun Ding’s whereabouts have disappeared.

Lu Chen, he was threatened, but he still takes such threats now.

"Okay, you Murong family will surrender to me, I agree."

Finally, Lu Chen gritted his teeth and said: "However, if you want to surrender, then show your sincerity. I have special pills here. If you swallow them, you will have to ask me for the antidote every other year, otherwise you will His whole body will rot and die."

While speaking, Lu Chen flicked his finger, and five pills crossed a parabola and flew towards the old man and the other five.

The old man stretched out his hand and grabbed five pills.

"Brother, you can't eat it. Our Murong family cannot surrender."

"That's right, Dad, we fought him."

"Fight him."


Several other members of the Murong family originally thought that the old man's surrender just now was a matter of interests, but now that they saw that Lu Chen wanted to use drugs to control them, they felt a little restrained.

If they really take this medicine, they will really be Lu Chen's people from now on. If Lu Chen dies, then they will not be able to get the antidote.

"Shut up for me."

At this time, the old man gave a low drink, and at the same time he put a pill in his mouth, and said at the same time: "If anyone doesn't listen to me today, I will drive him out of the family. It has nothing to do with my Murong family."

What he said was very level, that is, if you don't want to surrender today, you can basically leave it to Lu Chen to handle it.

Although the other four people were extremely unhappy, the Murong family still recognized the old man, so after he said these words, the other four people swallowed the medicine in their mouths.

After taking the medicine, there was no abnormality in their bodies, but they knew that if they couldn't get the antidote within a year, they would die after waiting for others.

"Mr. Lu, we are yours now, but I have one more request, that is, you cannot disclose the relationship between our Murong family and you to the outside world, because this may affect the development of our Murong family, as well as the family. The younger generation may not be able to accept such a thing, but I want them to grow up healthily.”

At this time, the old man spoke again.

(End of this chapter)

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