Chapter 898
When Lu Chen appeared in the town, he immediately attracted his little brother's attention.

"Brother Hu, I met a stunningly beautiful man, who looks like Pan An. You must be interested." The younger brother below laughed obscenely.

After hearing the words of the younger brother below, Hou Liang immediately became interested and his eyes lit up.

Pan An has been a synonym for beautiful men since ancient times. If this man is really more handsome than Pan An, he will definitely be interested in playing with it.

Lu Chen didn't know that someone was plotting against him. If he knew that someone wanted to sleep with him, he would probably break the other person's neck right away. His majestic Immortal Emperor was actually fucked by someone who was mentally strong. How could this happen? Can it be tolerated?
Arriving in the town, Lu Chen found that the beggar industry here was quite developed.

In his opinion, it should be the reason why this place is relatively backward and relatively simple. Anyone begging for food or passing by with money should give some reward to reassure them.

He thought about it and realized that beggars were actually the most informed, and these beggars were also the most trustworthy.

Thinking of this, he walked towards an elderly beggar in the distance.

This old beggar was very good with his hands and feet, but while he was squatting there begging for food, people still occasionally threw money into the iron bowl in front of him.

Just when Lu Chen approached the old man, a young man walked up to the old man, squatted down, and then took out a lot of money. The young man took out a piece of money and pointed it in front of the old man. Throw away the iron bowl asking for money.

"thanks, thanks."

Tears of gratitude appeared in the old man's eyes, he was really touched.

However, at this moment, something strange happened, and the young man suddenly grabbed all the dozen yuan in the old man's iron bowl and ran away quickly.

At this time, the old man stood up and was about to chase the young man, but when he stood, Lu Chen realized that his feet were wrong, because half of his feet were missing, which was deformed.

He has no big problem with basic standing, but if he wants to run, he can't run at all.

When the old man saw the young man running away, he shed tears of grievance.

"Uncle, leave it to me."

When Lu Chen saw this scene, he quickly chased after the young man.

The young man was no match for Lu Chen. He was quickly stopped by Lu Chen.

"Boy, please mind your own business, or else I'll make you look good."

As the young man spoke, he took out a knife.

"What if I have to meddle in this business?"

Lu Chen really couldn't stand it anymore. This guy was so handy, and he went to snatch the money from a disabled old man. It was simply unjust.

"Hmph, that old man is so handy and yet he comes to beg for food. Don't you know he can go home and farm? A man like him deserves to be robbed. You'd better stay out of this business. I'm here to make him remember." The young man Obviously he didn't want to be an enemy of Lu Chen. After all, Lu Chen was faster than him when he ran over just now. He was worried that he would overturn in Lu Chen's hands.

"Are you sure he really has good hands and feet?"

Lu Chen said lightly, "Even if he is good at hands and feet, he is still an old man who has lost his labor force, and you are a young man, and he knows how to make money by selling his pity on the street, but you still want to break the law." Robbing money, do you think you are criticizing the old man from the highest point of morality, do your words hold water?"


The young man was speechless by Lu Chen's words. This was not the story of a fifty-step laugh at a hundred steps in the allusion, but a story of a hundred steps to laugh at fifty steps.

His behavior was many times more excessive than that of the old man, and he even accused the old man of his fault.

The young man was left speechless by Lu Chen. He became angry and said, "Boy, you'd better stay out of your own business, otherwise I guarantee you'll get a white knife in and a red knife out."

"I really take care of this business. I'll give you a chance. Follow me back, return the money to the old man, and apologize to him. I'm in a good mood today, so I'll let you go. Otherwise, today You may be missing some parts." Lu Chen said calmly.

"You are looking for death."

Seeing that Lu Chen was still threatening him, the young man finally got angry and stabbed Lu Chen with a knife. However, Lu Chen didn't hesitate at all. He pushed the knife away with a flick of his hand, and then he pinched the young man's wrist. , exert slight force.

The sound of bones breaking was immediately heard from the young man's wrist, and the knife fell to the ground. Lu Chen squeezed the young man's wrist tightly and said, "Will you come over to me now to apologize and pay back the money?"

"Go, go, brother, be gentle, be gentle, it hurts!"

How could the young man expect that Lu Chen was so powerful? He immediately gave in.

When Lu Chen saw that the young man had softened, he let go of the other person's hand and said at the same time: "I haven't used too much force on your hand. Ten days and a half will be enough, but if you dare to do anything random later, , I guarantee you, your hand will be broken at the wrist.”

"Brother, I know I was wrong."

The young man apologized very sincerely.

Not long after, Lu Chen brought the young man back to the old man's place. Only then did he realize that half of the old man's feet were missing, and he suddenly felt a little ashamed.

If he robs a normal person's money, he feels that it is natural because the other person's money comes from an unfair source, but now he has really robbed a disabled person's money.

"Uncle, I'm sorry. I just robbed you of your money in a moment of confusion. I hope you can forgive me. Come on, I'll pay you all the money I have here."

On the one hand, Young felt guilty, and on the other hand, he was afraid that if his apology was not sincere, Lu Chen would cause trouble for him again.

"No, I'm very happy that you can return the money."

Seeing that the young man got the money back, the old man was somewhat moved by the money. Of course, he knew that the reason why the young man was willing to come back was inseparable from Lu Chen.

"Brother, I've already apologized. Do you think it's okay now?"

Seeing that the old man no longer blamed himself, the young man came to Lu Chen and asked cautiously.

Lu Chen shouted: "Go away."

The young man immediately ran away in confusion.

"Little brother, thank you, thank you very much. If it weren't for you, I probably wouldn't have gotten the money back."

The old man thanked Lu Chen at this time.

Lu Chen smiled and said: "It's a simple task, uncle, you don't have to worry about it, but uncle, I think your foot is not caused by congenital, but was injured on the construction site?"

"Oh, I can imagine this if you were injured on a construction site."

The old man sighed, and said: "It's my son who didn't live up to expectations. I don't know when he got involved in gambling, but he owed a whole lot of debt. It's only natural to pay back the debt. Later, he couldn't pay back the money. They Naturally, I would not be happy if they wanted to cut off one of my son's legs, so I used half of my son's foot in exchange for one of my son's legs."

"Old man, I can heal your legs."

Lu Chen said at this time: "However, I am looking for an important thing now, and I can treat you when I find it. See if you can give me some clues."

(End of this chapter)

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