My cold CEO wife

Chapter 912 Killing Sombra

Chapter 912 Killing Sombra
Even if the black shadow retreats, it will be of no use.

Because Lu Chen's current speed is too fast.

He struck out in a rage, just shy of breaking the seal the fortune teller had placed on him, which shows how angry he was with this punch.


He punched the black shadow in the chest.

The black shadow was knocked upside down and hit the ground, causing the ground to collapse.

Lu Chen was unyielding and soared into the sky for more than [-] meters, and then he crashed down to the ground.


The black shadow avoided the situation and was hit by Lu Chen again.


Next, the black figure was hit by Lu Chen like a sandbag, without the slightest ability to fight back.

Moreover, as time passed, the aura of the black shadow became weaker and weaker.

He looked at Lu Chen with a little fear in his eyes.

Because now he felt that there was a particularly terrifying force in Lu Chen's body, which could even wipe out his demonic energy.

The last time he fought with Lu Chen, Lu Chen's strength was not able to wipe out the demonic energy in him, so he just sealed him.

But it was different now. Now Lu Chen's power seemed to have reached a critical point. This critical point was enough to completely destroy the demonic energy in his body.

Breakthrough all methods.

When a person is powerful enough, anything can be destroyed.

"No, Lu Chen, please let me go. I am willing to recognize you as my master."

Frightened, the shadow was really frightened.

If he was sealed by Lu Chen, he still had a chance to break free of the seal, but if he was beaten by Lu Chen and disappeared between heaven and earth, he would really disappear from now on.

He is a demon, and as long as he has demon energy, he can be immortal, but now it seems that he is going to be destroyed.

"You dare to threaten me with the people around me, I don't need a slave like you."

Lu Chen sneered, and then violently bombarded the black shadow again.

The shadow's resistance became weaker and weaker.

In the end, Lu Chen punched Heiying's heart, and Heiying's heart immediately burst and turned into a rain of blood all over the sky.

Immediately, a mass of black energy gathered between the shadow's eyebrows, and this mass of black energy seemed to be escaping.

"Let me see how you can escape."

Lu Chen grabbed the black energy, opened his mouth and swallowed it.

Now his physical body is pure flesh, without any fluctuation of true energy, so there is no way to use true energy to refine this demonic energy.

But it doesn't matter. He has an unparalleled body now. If he puts this demonic energy in his body, sooner or later the demonic energy will be refined by his body.

After the black shadow was eliminated, Lu Chen picked up the boulder and filled up the hole created by the smash, and then quickly hurried back.

When he returned to the original place, Murongzi still stayed here.

"You were smart and didn't leave."

Lu Chen opened his mouth lightly.

Murongzi knelt in front of Lu Chen and said, "Mr. Lu, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have attacked you. I am willing to die in exchange for the longevity of the Murong family."

He had already guessed that Lu Chen could deal with the black shadow, and at the same time he was ready to sacrifice himself to save the family.

"Get up, I don't blame you for this matter. You are no match for him. He planted demonic energy in your body and it is normal for you to do irrational things." Lu Chen gently raised his hand to signal Murongzi to get up.

Murongzi was slightly stunned. He had never thought that Lu Chen would consider his feelings in this way.

The corners of his eyes were a little moist.

"Thank you, Mr. Lu, for your understanding." Murongzi choked with sobs.

Lu Chen spoke calmly and said, "Come here."

Murongzi didn't know why, but he still stood in front of Lu Chen. Then Lu Chen took out a silver needle and pierced Murongzi's heart.

Murongzi did not resist because he knew that Lu Chen wanted his life, so he had no way to resist.

The silver needle pierced Murongzi's heart. Murongzi had no reaction at all, but then he felt a sharp pain in his heart, and then he found a mass of black energy rising from his heart.

Just feeling this blackness made him feel fear and fear from the bottom of his heart.

This power is so evil.

That was the demonic energy, the demonic energy planted in Murongzi's body by the black shadow.

"Mr. Lu, what is this? It's so scary."

"This is demonic energy. It contains negative aura. The reason why you are unstable and want to kill me is because you were affected by this demonic energy and did such a thing." Lu Chen explained.

"Demon energy, what is this? Who is that black shadow?"

Murongzi asked.

Obviously, he has never heard of demons, so he is very unfamiliar with this energy.

"Since you don't know, then don't ask any more. Sometimes knowing too much is not a good thing for you." Lu Chen said calmly.

Murongzi nodded.

Then Lu Chen threw the devilish energy into his mouth and swallowed it.

Murongzi didn't dare to ask any more questions.

Lu Chen swallowed the demonic energy and asked again: "Besides you, who else in your family has come into contact with that black shadow?"

He didn't think that the dark shadow only controlled Murongzi.

"My sons are all in contact with each other."

Murongzi understood that this evil spirit was at work. He was afraid that his sons also had this thing in their bodies, so he did not dare to deny it.

"Okay, I see."

Lu Chen nodded lightly, and then he said, "Let's go to your home."

The two of them soon appeared at Murongzi's home, and then Lu Chen got rid of the demonic energy in Murongdong and others.

After getting rid of the demonic energy in several people's bodies, Lu Chen did not return to Yuan City immediately, but went directly north to Kyoto.

Before going to Kyoto, he made a call to the head of the Lin family.

This time when he goes to Kyoto, he needs the help of the head of the Lin family.

the reason is simple.

Since the black shadow broke the seal from there, there must be someone in Kyoto who was demonized by the black shadow, so Lu Chen must find this demonized person, otherwise, in the later stage, the destructive power of these demons will be quite powerful. .

Just like the Zhu family back then, if they hadn't met Lu Chen by chance, the Zhu family would have developed into a frightening place now. It's possible that the Lin family might not be the Zhu family's opponents.

In the past, Lu Chen didn't want to care about these things, but now he found that if he did good things on earth, he would have the power of faith. This power of faith is still very weak, but he can feel it.

This power was very unfamiliar. He wanted to see what effect it would have if he cultivated it, and whether he could achieve different practices.

Just like the Buddhist power of those who practice Buddhism, it is actually a kind of power of faith.

"Lu Chen, what's going on?"

When the head of the Lin family met Lu Chen, he couldn't help but ask.

Regarding the matter of the demon, Lu Chen simply mentioned it to the Lin family head on the phone, but did not go into details. However, the Lin family head knew that the consequences would be very serious, so he took the initiative to ask now.

"Do you know why there are people on the mountain?" Lu Chen asked.

Hearing Lu Chen's words, the head of the Lin family couldn't help but shook his head.

(End of this chapter)

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