Chapter 928
"You just stay here for now."

Lu Chen spoke lightly, looking very serious, but when he came to Lin Qinghan, he seemed a little frivolous and asked with a smile: "Wife, what is it that makes you unhappy?"

Lin Qinghan put the contract in front of Lu Chen. After Lu Chen took the contract and read it, he grinned and said: "Honey, it's a matter of [-] million US dollars. Let's do this. I'll pay for it, okay?"

"Pay, if money can solve the problem, I will get so angry. Do you think I, Lin Qinghan, am willing to suffer such a loss? If people know that I, Lin Qinghan, spent 5000 million U.S. dollars to buy a property worth only [-] million U.S. dollars." What will others think of me in the future?" Lin Qinghan immediately exploded when she heard Lu Chen's words.

Lu Chen was startled by Lin Qinghan's outburst, and countless thoughts ran through his mind. At this time, Lin Qinghan continued: "I'll leave this matter to you. Remember, if it exceeds 5000 million US dollars, Once this matter is settled, then you don’t have to go back to Jiangting Villa in the future.”

"Honey, what if I asked the other party to pay us 5000 million US dollars to beg us to take over their core components? So what do you mean?" Lu Chen immediately laughed.

"Are you dreaming about paying us 5000 million US dollars to accept their core components?" Lin Qinghan rolled his eyes.

There is simply no possibility of such a thing happening.

"What, you don't believe it? Then what do you say if I realize it?"

Lu Chen asked hehey.

Seeing Lu Chen's playful smile, Lin Qinghan had no reason to get angry, but she still suppressed her anger and said: "If you can get them to pay us 5000 million US dollars, beg us to accept the core." Parts, I'm at your disposal."

"Let me do it?"

Lu Chen's eyes couldn't help but light up, and he suddenly thought of the beauty of Lin Qinghan. He felt that he could hardly control the hormones in his body that were about to burst out. He immediately replied excitedly: "Okay, deal."

Soon, the two sides reached an agreement.

Lu Chen replied at this time: "Honey, let's keep Zhou Ming for internal management. He is not good at public relations. If you ask him to do public relations, it is a blessing that he has not completely killed the company in public relations."

Hearing this, Lin Qinghan felt a little embarrassed for a moment.

She made an exception and re-employed Zhou Ming, in fact, it was because Zhou Ming usually did a very good job in the company conscientiously, but she was also a little hasty.

Zhou Ming usually does internal management, but she believes that Zhou Ming should make a breakthrough by doing external public relations. She thinks too highly of Zhou Ming.

"Okay, since he is now your employee, you have the final say." Lin Qinghan agreed immediately.

Zhou Ming, who was next to him, didn't expect that Lu Chen had saved him. He couldn't help but be ecstatic, took a few steps forward, and said excitedly: "Thank you, Director Lin, thank you, Director Lu."

Now his income in this position is not low, and his future development prospects are also very high, so now he naturally wants to stay in the group.

Lu Chen gave him a chance.

He now secretly vowed in his heart that he must perfect the processing and manufacturing of auto parts in order to repay Lu Chen's love for him.

"Okay, you go down first."

Lin Qinghan waved his hand and ordered Zhou Ming to retreat.

Zhou Ming nodded, then bowed slightly to Lu Chen, and then left Lin Qinghan's office.

After he left, Lin Qinghan narrowed his eyes and looked at Lu Chen and said, "How sure are you?"

"Not sure."

Lu Chen replied.

Lin Qinghan was instantly angry again. This guy didn't have the slightest confidence, and he actually dared to come and issue a military order to her.

"Do you want to die?" Lin Qing said coldly.

"Honey, don't be angry. Only things that I'm not sure about are challenging for me. If I'm sure, then the challenge is too weak. Don't worry, in order to let you be manipulated by me, I will definitely deal with Sheng Sheng. It's from Yuan Technology." Lu Chen said very confidently.

"Hmph, just blow it."

Lin Qinghan rolled his eyes.

At this time, Lu Chen became suspicious and said, "Honey, I haven't seen you for so long. Do you miss me very much? Do you want a hug?"

While talking, Lu Chen actually hugged Lin Qinghan.

Lin Qinghan's eyes shot out a cold light, and then he held a mouse in his hand.

"No, murder your husband."

Seeing that something was wrong, Lu Chen quickly ran out, and the mouse hit the back of the door again.

Everything is as before, without any change.

"That bastard."

After Lin Qinghan smashed Lu Chen's mouse, a smile couldn't help but appear on her lips. This time, the smile on her lips was different from before.

In the past, her smile was revealed inadvertently, and even she couldn't feel it herself, but this time, she really felt it.

In fact, Lu Chen had been away from Guiyuan City for almost 20 days this time. During these 20 days, she found that she actually felt uneasy in her heart.

But as Lu Chen came out just now, this uneasy feeling gradually disappeared.

She found that she really couldn't live without this guy.

Of course, she didn't know that just now Lu Chen came back and deliberately teased her, which actually somewhat relieved her mood, because Lu Chen could feel that Lin Qinghan was under a lot of pressure recently.

After leaving Lin Qinghan's office, Lu Chen looked into the darkness and suddenly said: "Ya Fei, come to my office."

Soon, Yafei appeared in Lu Chen's office. She looked at Lu Chen, her eyes full of admiration and enthusiasm.

However, now she and Lu Chen have a master-disciple relationship, so she can only restrain her feelings for Lu Chen.

"Master, are you looking for me to ask about Sister Qinghan?"

The generational relationship between them is a bit confusing. Lu Chen and Lin Qinghan are clearly in a husband-and-wife relationship, but now Yafei calls Lu Chen master and Lin Qinghan sister.

"Well, are there any strangers relying on her during this time?"

Lu Chen nodded slightly and asked.

"There are no strangers approaching her, but I have some good news for you, Master. During your absence, Sister Qinghan would occasionally be in a trance. This trance state is very similar to the state I am in when I am thinking about you."

Yafei's words were a double entendre. On the one hand, she expressed that Lin Qinghan was thinking about Lu Chen, and at the same time, she also expressed that she was thinking about him too.

"is it?"

An unprecedented smile appeared on the corners of Lu Chen's lips. This smile was very satisfying.

The concubine Ya next to her was dumbfounded.

A man's smile can be so handsome and charming. She was deeply fascinated, but when she thought that this smile was Lu Chen's for Lin Qinghan, she frowned slightly and pursed her mouth, looking a little unhappy.

"Huh, you only have Sister Qinghan in your heart."

Yafei snorted coldly.

Lu Chen was in a good mood and said with a smile: "Haha, even though I feel cold in my heart, I still have you in my heart. After all, you are also my good disciple."

(End of this chapter)

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