My cold CEO wife

Chapter 931 Distrust

Chapter 931 Distrust

"real or fake?"

Xiaohua didn't believe Lu Chen's words. After all, Lu Chen was so young, how could he be the best doctor?

"Of course it's true, but I can't help these disabled people, but their other diseases are completely fine." Lu Chen said confidently.

"I do not believe."

Xiaohua shook her head.

"If you don't believe me, then arrange for everyone to come over and let me treat him." Lu Chen replied.

When Xiaohua heard what Lu Chen said, she immediately agreed and said, "Okay!"

Anyway, there is no way to treat these people's diseases now, and there are many diseases on their bodies. Since Lu Chen wants to try, he might as well ask Lu Chen to give it a try.

"Grandpa Zheng, come on, be the first to try. Brother Chen said he can cure your problems, but I don't believe it." Xiaohua called Grandpa Zheng over.

Grandpa Zheng smiled and said, "Okay, I'll be the guinea pig."

Obviously, he didn't believe in Lu Chen's medical skills and was worried that Lu Chen had cured something wrong with his body, but now he was willing to be the guinea pig.

Anyway, he is old enough and won't live much longer. Living now is also increasing Xiaohua's burden. If suicide hadn't made Xiaohua unhappy in the future, he might have committed suicide directly.

Soon, Grandpa Zheng was brought in front of Lu Chen. Xiaohua asked: "Brother Chen, after you give Grandpa Zheng a physical examination, tell me what's wrong with his body. If your examination is not accurate, Then you are not allowed to treat Grandpa Zheng."

Obviously, Xiaohua is still a little worried about Lu Chen, and he is not willing to have Grandpa Zheng as the guinea pig.

"Ha ha."

Lu Chen scanned Grandpa Zheng and said with a smile: "There is no need to check him. I have already seen his disease. He has been malnourished for these years and has serious stomach problems. It belongs to gastric cancer. Am I right?" "

When they heard it was stomach cancer, both Xiaohua and Grandpa Zheng's expressions changed, as did the expressions of other people around them.

Because Grandpa Zheng is the most respected person here, no one wants anything to happen to him.

Although they did not take Grandpa Zheng to the hospital for examination, they knew that Grandpa Zheng had been having stomach problems.

Now that I think about it, it is possible that Grandpa Zheng really has cancer in his stomach.

"Brother Chen, you are not lying to me, are you? How could Grandpa Zheng get stomach cancer?" Xiaohua pulled Lu Chen and was frightened by his words.

Lu Chen rolled his eyes and said, "Why am I lying to you when I have nothing to do? Ask your Grandpa Zheng if he is in so much pain every night that even blood flows from his mouth. Is that true?"

"Grandpa Zheng, is what Brother Chen said true?"

Because everyone didn't sleep together at night, Xiaohua didn't know what Grandpa Zheng's night was like, so after Lu Chen said it, he looked directly at Grandpa Zheng.

Grandpa Zheng didn't want to admit it at first, but now that Lu Chen has made it clear, he nodded and said to Xiaohua, "I was indeed woken up by the pain in the middle of the night, and there was indeed blood coming out from the corner of my mouth, I dare not tell You, I'm afraid that if you find out, you will try every means to take me to the hospital for medical treatment. It's hard enough for you to take care of everyone, and I don't want to hold you back anymore."

"Grandpa Zheng, why didn't you tell me earlier? You should know that I don't want anything to happen to you. If something happens to any of you, I will be very sad."

Xiaohua almost cried when she heard this.

Once Grandpa Zheng gets cancer, it means that he will not live long.

Xiaohua was picked up by Grandpa Zheng. Grandpa Zheng treats Xiaohua like his own son, and Xiaohua has the same feelings for Grandpa Zheng as his own grandfather.

So, why would he want something to happen to Grandpa Zheng now?

"What's the matter? I originally wanted to die quietly like this, but you had to find a doctor for me, but the doctor noticed my condition."

Grandpa Zheng sighed, and then educated him: "After I die, remember not to be sad and work harder to help everyone. Of course, you should also take care of yourself and save some money. You will have some money in the future. You have done it." Small business, when you start your business, everyone will be able to have enough to eat, understand?"

"Grandpa Zheng, I don't allow you to talk about death." Xiaohua's eyes immediately turned red again.

As if they were really about to say goodbye, the two hugged each other and cried together.

Lu Chen watched beside him and was speechless for a while.

"I'm talking to you two, do you think that I, a doctor, is nothing? Did I say that Grandpa Zheng's disease is incurable?" Lu Chen finally couldn't help but interrupt the two of them.

The two of them immediately focused their attention on Lu Chen. Grandpa Zheng was the first to speak: "Lu Chen, I have cancer. Can you really cure it?"

Xiao Hua next to her also looked at Lu Chen with anxiety.

Obviously, the two of them had some doubts about Lu Chen's medical skills.

Lu Chen smiled and said, "I can tell your illness at a glance, so do you think it's possible for me to cure your illness with just one shot?"

At this time, the two of them remembered that Lu Chen had just told Grandpa Zheng's illness without even checking Grandpa Zheng's pulse.

Only then did everyone realize that it was possible that Lu Chen was really a master in medicine.

Thinking of this, Grandpa Zheng gritted his teeth and said, "Mr. Lu, since you said you are absolutely sure, then my life will be in your hands."

As he spoke, he took a step forward and cooperated with Lu Chen, wanting to see how Lu Chen was going to deal with it further.

"Grandpa Zheng, you'd better take your life into your own hands. Just lie down and I'm going to insert a silver needle directly from your back into your stomach." Lu Chen warned Grandpa Zheng.

Grandpa Zheng immediately lay down on the long and wide stone bench next to him. Lu Chen took out the silver needle and began to acupuncture Grandpa Zheng.

As Lu Chen's strength has improved now, he appears to be more tolerant when applying acupuncture.

When Lu Chen pierced Grandpa Zheng's stomach with a silver needle, Grandpa Zheng actually vomited white powder. Everyone was frightened when they saw this.

However, after Grandpa Zheng vomited a few times, everyone found that Grandpa Zheng was much more energetic now than before.

In other words, Grandpa Zheng is curative.

Everyone was amazed.

Lu Chen used silver needles to burn out all the necrotic cancer cells in Grandpa Zheng's stomach. The remaining cells were all cancer-free.

This means that the cancer in Grandpa Zheng's body has been cured.

This is the same as when a person has cancer and needs chemotherapy.

During chemotherapy, there is no way to target only cancerous cells, but all cells. Therefore, during chemotherapy, a person's normal cells are also killed, and the person will look very haggard.

Lu Chen had just cured Grandpa Zheng's illness, and Grandpa Zheng was in good spirits now. He stood up directly, bowed slightly to Lu Chen with a red face, and said, "Thank you, little brother Lu, for your help. "

The body is his, and he knows in his heart whether the gastric cancer has been cured or not.

Now, he is extremely relaxed. Stomach cancer has always been his strongest weakness. Now that this weakness has been solved by Lu Chen, he can really enjoy life happily.

(End of this chapter)

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