My cold CEO wife

Chapter 933 Give you a son and a father

Chapter 933 Give you a son and a father
The patent rights of Angel parts are not only related to its patent rights, but also to the development of the entire Sino-Ocean Group.

No wonder Zhao Fugui wanted to ask Lu Chen who sent him.

Only competitors can do this kind of thing.

"I won't answer your question. I can guarantee to cure your father's illness. In addition, in addition to giving you a father, I can also give you a son. 14 years ago, I thought you should have a son. Your father had no choice but to give up. His biggest illness now is heart disease, right?" Lu Chen said without any surprise.

Zhao Fugui glared at Lu Chen fiercely, and asked urgently: "Who are you?"

Lu Chen actually knew so much about the history of their Zhao family.

"I said, I won't answer your question. You can decide for yourself whether you want a father and a son. If you want, then agree to my conditions. If not, then I will turn around and leave. I will only give you three seconds. Thinking time, three, two..."

Lu Chen said calmly.

"Okay, I promise you."

Zhao Fugui only hesitated for a moment before agreeing.

If the patent rights for angel parts are given to Lu Chen, then it is very likely that Sino-Ocean Group will escape from his control. This is not what he wants to see, but if his father is going to die because of this, it is not what he wants to see.

Besides, he also wanted to know where his lost son was.

"Haha, the head of the Zhao family is indeed a filial son."

Hearing Zhao Fugui's words, Lu Chen immediately laughed and said, "Don't worry, I don't mean any harm to you. I just want to use your patent to deal with an annoying person. When I deal with him, I will deal with you." Return the patent rights to you."

Zhao Fugui immediately breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, he was a little curious about who Lu Chen was going to use this patent against.

"Sir, don't you know your surname?"

At this time, Zhao Fugui asked for advice.

"My surname is Lu, and my last name is Chen."

Lu Chen pursed his lips and ordered: "Lead the way and let me treat your father."

"Okay, Mr. Lu, please come this way."

Seeing that Lu Chen was so confident and wanted to negotiate terms with him, it showed that the other party was really capable, so Zhao Fugui had special respect for Lu Chen.

Soon, Zhao Fugui and Lu Chen appeared in front of Zhao Changgong.

"Master Zhao, can you lend me a moment to speak?"

At this time, Director Liu next to him spoke.

Hearing this, Zhao Fugui hesitated, but finally took a step forward and asked, "Is there something wrong with Director Liu?"

"Master Zhao, it's like this. I have to explain something to you. Your father is on his deathbed now. If he just uses nutrient solution to maintain his body, he can probably live for seven to fifteen days. But If anyone else does anything to him, I'm afraid your Zhao family will have a funeral soon." Director Liu said to Zhao Fugui.

When Zhao Fugui heard this, his eyes almost popped out.

Then he said in a deep voice: "What, Director Liu, don't you want my dad to be well?"

Director Liu was frightened, but he still said confidently: "Master Zhao, what are you talking about? How could I not want your father to be well? The main reason is that your father's body is in this condition now, and it is impossible for anyone to cure him. Okay, and in Chinese medicine, the older you get, the better your medical skills become. Here is a young man, how good do you think his medical skills can be?"

"Do you think it's possible that he was sent by a competitor to kill your dad in this way?"

"When your father is killed, you will no longer have the mind to care about Sino-Ocean Group's affairs. At this time, competitors can take the opportunity to seize the market."

Director Liu's medical skills in Western medicine are still very good, and Director Liu's analysis makes some sense. Now that he heard what he said, Zhao Fugui next to him immediately seemed a little hesitant.

Although the two of them were talking in a low voice, Lu Chen's hearing was so good that he heard what they said at once. Lu Chen said calmly: "Master Zhao, your heart is not very good, right? To be more precise, it should be the heart rate. No, I often feel out of breath after strenuous exercise, am I right?"


When Zhao Fugui heard this, he was immediately stunned.

No one knew about his irregular heartbeat except his family doctor. Now that Lu Chen actually knew about his physical condition, Zhao Fugui couldn't help but look at Lu Chen more. He asked: "Are you? How do you know?"

"The four techniques of traditional Chinese medicine, looking, smelling and asking. I can now see the patient's disease through the way of 'watching' Qi, and I can also cure your disease quickly. When I cure you, you will know Did I lie to you? Then you can consider whether you want me to treat your father." Lu Chen thought for a while and said.

"Okay, then I'll give it to Divine Doctor Lu."

After hearing Lu Chen's words, Zhao Fugui became interested for a moment.

"Master Zhao, no."

Director Liu was taken aback when he heard Zhao Fugui's words, and said, "Patriarch Zhao, aren't you afraid that he will have ill intentions for you, and just want to take the opportunity to kill you?"

Zhao Fugui hesitated again.

Lu Chen glanced at Director Liu next to him. This guy is always talking here.

"Patriarch Zhao, since you are so dishonest, then I don't have to stay here anymore."

Lu Chen pulled Xiao Hua beside him and said, "Xiao Hua, it seems like your dad doesn't quite believe me."

"Humph, Brother Chen, since he doesn't believe you, then I won't recognize him as my father." Xiaohua echoed from the side.

He had no feelings for Zhao Fugui in the first place, but now he had special trust in Lu Chen. The other party didn't want to believe Lu Chen, so he didn't bother to pay attention to him.

"Wait, said I am your father?"

At this time, Zhao Fugui became excited.

To be honest, the loss of his son is not only his father's heart disease, but also his and his wife's heart disease.

At first, out of necessity, his father had to put his son in the trash can. When it was safe, he went back to look for the child, only to find that the child was missing.

He had been looking for this son for years.

"Hmph, you are not my dad."

Xiaohua snorted coldly and pulled Lu Chen outside.

"Mr. Lu, please wait, I will listen to you."

Seeing Lu Chen about to leave, Zhao Fugui stopped Lu Chen and said at the same time: "I know you are here to help me, so I will drive Director Liu away right now. You can do whatever you want later, by the way. Is he really my son?"

"You can tell by taking off his pants and looking at his ass."

Lu Chen said very confidently.

"Good good."

There are three moles on his son's buttocks, and only the half-old child has three characters on his buttocks, which means he is his son. He looked at Xiaohua next to him and said, "Little guy, take off your pants quickly. Let me see."

"Hmph, I won't take off my clothes for you to see. I'm not your son." Xiaohua didn't want to talk to Zhao Fugui at all.

Zhao Fugui looked at Lu Chen awkwardly for a moment.

Lu Chen then ordered: "Xiaohua, take off your pants and show him. If that doesn't work, you two can do a DNA test."

(End of this chapter)

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