My cold CEO wife

Chapter 939 The Painter

Chapter 939 The Painter
"Go away."

Originally, Scar should have fallen drunk under Red Scorpion's pomegranate skirt, but now Scar didn't give her any face, and slapped her directly in the face, sending her flying away, "What a stinky bitch" Son, it’s all your fault.”

Scar is a bit ruthless, and many brothers are willing to follow him. This is mainly due to Zhou Can's willingness to protect him. Because Zhou Can is here, he often spends money lavishly, and Zhou Can can pay the bill.

Once Zhou Can doesn't pay the bill, he is nothing.

It can be said that Zhou Can is his bread and butter.

The person in front of him was someone Zhou Can didn't dare to offend at all. If he didn't admit his mistake, he probably wouldn't be able to hang out here anymore.

"Sir, I'm sorry. I was blind. Please forgive me."

Scar said to Lu Chen again.

Lu Chen said lightly, "If you cut off a finger, it's a lesson for you."

It's impossible for him to let someone like Scar just let go, otherwise, Scar won't be able to remember the lesson from this time.


Scar hesitated.

"What, you don't want to?" Lu Chen's voice was a little heavier.

"Yes, Mr. Lu, Scar is absolutely willing. I will chop off this finger for him."

Hearing that Lu Chen was a little angry, Zhou Can who was next to him suddenly came over and took over the words.

He was afraid that Scar would say the wrong thing and make Lu Chen unhappy.

He understood that whether he could stay in this position was actually a matter of Lu Chen's words, and whether he could climb the big tree like Lu Chen was also a matter of his words.

While speaking, a small knife appeared in his hand, and he stabbed Scar with one blow.

Scar is also a ruthless person. After being stabbed by Zhou Can like this, he didn't even let out a muffled groan.

"Mr. Lu, is this okay now?" Zhou Can asked cautiously and expectantly.

"So be it."

Lu Chen stood up boredly and walked outside.

Originally, he planned to inquire about Ding here tonight, but now that he has become a public figure here, it is obviously impossible to inquire about it quietly.

Seeing Lu Chen leave here, Zhou Can was quite panicked. He personally walked Lu Chen to the door and asked, "Mr. Lu, did I not treat you well? If you have any dissatisfaction with me, Zhou Can, Just ask."

Obviously, he thought Lu Chen was angry.

"Okay, that's it. This matter has nothing to do with you, and I won't vent my anger on you."

Lu Chen naturally knew what Zhou Can was worried about, so he said calmly: "Just don't follow me."


Zhou Can respectfully responded, and at the same time took out a gold silk business card, and said, "Mr. Lu, this is my personal business card. If you want to come here to play in the future, you can call me anytime."


Lu Chen accepted the business card. He knew that if he didn't accept the business card, Zhou Can might not be able to sleep well for three days and three nights, and he wasn't going to tease him anymore.

As he said, Zhou Can had nothing to do with this matter.

"Thank you Mr. Lu for the compliment."

Seeing Lu Chen accept the business card, Zhou Can smiled and quickly backed away.

"Hey, Lao Zhou, isn't that guy angry anymore?"

Zhou Can returned to his office. At this time, Scar was also in his office, but one of Scar's hands was wrapped in gauze.

It was obvious that someone had bandaged him.

"It's okay. He shouldn't be angry. A big shot like him shouldn't care about us. From now on, you'd better keep a low profile. Otherwise, you don't know who you will offend next time. I can’t even cover him up anymore.” Zhou Can warned Scar next to him.

Scar nodded.

Besides, Lu Chen, as soon as he left the Wanwan International Entertainment Club, a girl like an elf jumped out beside him.

"Hey, where are you going?"

However, this girl did not scare Lu Chen, because Lu Chen had already sensed her existence.

This girl is the one who persuaded Lu Chen to leave just now. She has a kind heart, but she is still afraid that something will happen to Lu Chen.

"I'm going to find a tripod. Have you seen this tripod?"

Lu Chen found that the girl was the only one here, so he couldn't help but said, and at the same time showed the girl the piece of paper he had drawn.

He didn't have high hopes. After all, the girl was so young. It was normal for him to have never seen this tripod. He just wanted to tease the girl out of fun.

"Wow, this tripod looks like a tripod I've seen."

Seeing Lu Chen sacrifice the tripod, the girl couldn't help but scream.

"Have you seen this tripod? Where did you see it?"

Lu Chen seemed a little excited and grabbed the girl's hand.

"You hurt people."

The girl frowned slightly, and Lu Chen finally reacted and said, "Sorry, I'm a little excited."

"It's okay. I've seen this tripod in a painting."

The girl replied at this time: "This painting was made by a painter named Zhu Qi."

"I'm not very familiar with Zhu Qi. The main reason is that I attended an art exhibition held by him, and I also saw the appearance of this tripod at that art exhibition."

"Can you take me to that painter?" Lu Chen continued to ask.


The girl was still a little worried, after all, it was getting late tonight.

"Tomorrow!" Lu Chen thought for a while and couldn't help but reply.

"Okay, then I will take you to find him tomorrow. But this painter is very proud, and most people will not pay attention to him at all." The girl said again.

"Thank you."

Lu Chen smiled, showing his white teeth.

"Just a simple thank you isn't enough. Shouldn't there be something deeper?" the girl asked provocatively.

"Oh, something deep?"

Lu Chen asked with raised eyebrows.

"For example, tell me who you are and why Zhou Can is as afraid of you as a mouse seeing a cat. Even the scar is so afraid of you," the girl said.

"Can I not say it?" Lu Chen asked calmly.

"Huh, don't talk about this, but the second one is, how old are you this year and do you have a girlfriend?" Seeing that Lu Chen was unwilling to cooperate, the girl asked another question.

"I have lived for who knows how many thousands of years. I don't have a girlfriend, but I do have a wife." Lu Chen said with a smile.

He was really right.

Because it is very simple to wish. He has really lived for countless thousands of years. He gave up his position as the Immortal Emperor, otherwise he would not be here now.

However, if he could find Lin Qinghan, he would be happy even if his immortal emperor body was destroyed.

"Bragging, not willing to let it go."

Seeing that Lu Chen didn't want to say anything or talk to him, the girl stretched out her slender fingers and said, "Here, give me your phone."


Lu Chen asked suspiciously, but still handed over the phone.

The girl took the phone, entered a long series of numbers, and then broadcast her phone number, then she put the phone back into Lu Chen's hand, and said at the same time: "The phone number just now is mine, Save it for yourself later, and I will call you tomorrow when I sleep well."

(End of this chapter)

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