My cold CEO wife

Chapter 947 Making a Deal

Chapter 947 Making a Deal
A few years ago, Wang Yuanyang did get Yu Ding, but his status was special.

In fact, he is the person in charge of the people on the mountain stationed at the foot of the mountain.

The people on the mountain cannot be completely isolated from the world. They still need to have some communication with the ordinary world, and they need to understand the changes in this ordinary world.

Once there are changes in the ordinary world, it is best for Shanshan to make corresponding policies.

And Wang Yuanyang is equivalent to the eyes of some people on the mountain in the mortal world.

As for Yuding, he had already handed it over to the people on the mountain.

He heard this middle-aged man mention that anyone who knew Yuding was not an ordinary person.

So today when Lu Chen was inquiring about Yu Ding, he gritted his teeth and refused to tell Lu Chen about the relevant information about Yu Ding because he didn't know the other party's identity.

"This is his relevant information, please take a look."

At this time, Wang Yuanyang presented to the middle-aged man the relevant information about Lu Chen that he had investigated temporarily.

The middle-aged man took Lu Chen's information and read it carefully.

After he finished reading, a smile appeared on his lips, and he said at the same time: "This young man is interesting, I want it."

Wang Yuanyang has abilities that ordinary people don't have. He actually found out that Lu Chen's strength had reached the level of martial arts, and even people like Zhong Dongyang were accepted by him as his subordinates.

The middle-aged man is naturally interested in such a young man who has just glimpsed martial arts, and he naturally wants to keep such a character in his possession.

He believed that Lu Chen could bring him a huge surprise in the future.

"Haha, since the envoy is interested in this young man, do you want me to capture him and hand him over to the envoy?" Wang Yuanyang said to the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man shook his head and said: "You are old. If you attack him, you may not be able to defeat him. Let the envoy take action himself."

While speaking, he stood up and walked outside.

"I wish you success."

Seeing the middle-aged man leaving, Wang Yuanyang saw him off respectfully.


Lu Chen didn't know that he was being targeted.

He felt that there was something wrong with Wang Yuanyang, so he was ready to take action against Wang Yuanyang.

At night, he appeared outside Wang Yuanyang's antique shop.

However, when he arrived outside, he discovered something interesting.

That means someone is following you and you are being followed.

"Hey, it's interesting!"

Lu Chen smiled and pretended to stand calmly in front of the antique shop.

It was already dark now, and no one was walking around here. This was the time Lu Chen chose to deal with Wang Yuanyang, but he didn't expect that someone else would be interested in him now.

"Since your friend is here, you might as well show up."

At this time, Lu Chen said calmly.

Hearing Lu Chen's words, the middle-aged man hiding in the dark was a little surprised.

He didn't expect that Lu Chen would actually sense his presence.

He walked out of the darkness unhurriedly, then clapped his palms, and praised at the same time: "As expected of a person who has entered the realm of martial arts at such a young age, he actually sensed my existence."

This middle-aged man was the one Wang Yuanyang called his envoy during the day.

Lu Chen looked at the middle-aged man, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he waited for the middle-aged man to continue speaking.

The middle-aged man stood not far from Lu Chen and introduced himself: "Let me introduce myself first. My surname is Nie, my name is Nie Rong, and I come from the mountains."

When the middle-aged man said that he came from the mountains, he wanted to see if Lu Chen would have any surprising reaction, but he was disappointed.

Because Lu Chen behaved very calmly from beginning to end.

"It seems that you don't know what a mountain is?"

The middle-aged man boldly guessed that Lu Chen didn't know what was going on in the mountain. He introduced again: "Let me tell you this, everyone in this world wants to enter the mountain. On the mountain, people like you, The strength can only be considered to be at the bottom."

"In this ordinary place, you are indeed a genius for being able to practice to the first glimpse of martial arts at such a young age. But in the mountains, there are people younger than you who are already masters of the first glimpse of martial arts."

"So, you can imagine how good the practice environment on the mountain is."

"In addition, in fact, the world under the mountain, which is what you call the mortal world, is actually secretly controlled by the people on the mountain."


The middle-aged man began to introduce Lu Chen to the so-called world on the mountain.

When the introduction was almost complete, he said: "How about it, are you very attracted to the mountains?"

"It's really tempting."

Lu Chen nodded.

He was really tempted, not just perfunctory with Nie Rong.

Because he also understands that the current cultivation environment is not good, and it is very difficult for him to break through to a higher level, but if he stays on the mountain, he has a chance to break through to a higher level.

"Since you are tempted, I will give you such a chance."

Nie Rong had no doubt that Lu Chen's answer was tempting, because the mountain was a place that no cultivator could refuse, and there were countless ordinary people who fought to the death before even thinking of entering the mountain.

"Oh, what opportunity?" Lu Chen asked curiously.

"I want you to be my follower and follow my command in the future. As long as you have made enough credit, I can take you to the mountain, how about it?"

Nie Rong said to Lu Chen at this time.

Lu Chen frowned slightly and asked at the same time: "It's not impossible for me to follow you, but I still have a few questions to ask you."

"If you have any questions, just ask."

Nie Rong replied.

"I want to know, how do you know me?" Lu Chen asked.

Nie Rong was stunned for a moment, then he replied frankly: "It's very simple, because Wang Yuanyang is my person, and he felt that you are a cultivator, so he conducted a certain investigation on you."

"The investigation revealed that at such a young age, you are already a powerful person who has just glimpsed the martial arts. If a person like you were placed on the mountain, he would definitely be a genius among geniuses."

"I happen to be a person who cherishes talents, so I want to take you for my own use."

"As long as you are willing to follow me, I guarantee that you will be able to break through to the innate realm in this life. I think at this level of innate realm, if you don't rely on me, you will never have a chance."

Nie Rong seduced Lu Chen again.

When Lu Chen heard this, he nodded. He looked up at Nie Rong and said, "Are you making a deal with me? Just in time, I also plan to make a deal with you."

"Oh, what deal do you want to make with me?" Nie Rong asked curiously.

"Since Wang Yuanyang is yours, he should have a cauldron in his hand, right? I think he gave this cauldron to you, right?"

Lu Chen said calmly: "I need this cauldron. If you give this cauldron to me, I promise you that I will help you break through to the innate realm within a year. How about it?"

If it were Lu Chen in his previous life, in order to get the Yuding, he would just grab it without even planning to discuss it with Nie Rong.

However, his character has become a lot more mellow now, and he will not take the initiative to be hostile to others when they are not hostile to him.

(End of this chapter)

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