My cold CEO wife

Chapter 949 Passionate Chen Yiyi

Chapter 949 Passionate Chen Yiyi
Nie Rong's expression immediately changed.

What he originally thought was that Lu Chen would let him go and he would have nothing to do with Lu Chen when he returned to the mountain.

But now Lu Chen obviously wants to control him.

How could he be willing to accept being controlled by Lu Chen?
However, if Lu Chen wasn't controlling him now, he might die here.

Thinking of this, he just stared at Lu Chen without saying a word.

Lu Chen ignored Nie Rong's eyes that wanted to kill him. He stabbed Nie Rong's body with a needle. Nie Rong only felt a sharp pain, and then the pain disappeared quickly.

Lu Chen put his hands back and stood up, and said with a smile: "Okay, from now on you must meet with me once a year, and then I will use the method of rescue for you. If I don't use the method of rescue for you, you will have skin problems." It festers and dies after seven days and seven nights of pain.”

" will die badly."

Nie Rong stared at Lu Chen.

"Haha, I do not deserve a good death, but if I die, then you will not have a good death, so you should find a way to protect me."

Lu Chen showed his white teeth and looked harmless, and said at the same time: "By the way, you have to help me get the Yuding within a year. If I can't get the Yuding within a year, then after one year, you will just I can wait to die."

"I... I will work hard."

Nie Rong gritted his teeth for a while, but now that he was a fishnet and Lu Chen was a Dao Zu, he had no choice but to compromise.

"Come on, I'm optimistic about you."

Lu Chen smiled and said to Nie Rong, while turning around and walking away.

Originally, he thought it would be very difficult for him to get Yu Ding or know the news about Yu Ding, but now he didn't expect that Nie Rong would show up on his own initiative, which solved his troubles, otherwise he would have to go to Wang Yuanyang, and in the end he would have to Find Nie Rong and come here.

"Asshole, Lu Chen, when I find a way to solve my hidden dangers, I will tell our leader and let him kill you."

After Lu Chen left, Nie Rong roared in the night sky, gnashing his teeth.

He was a dignified mountain man, but to be controlled by a mountain man was simply a great shame and humiliation.

Lu Chen didn't know Nie Rong's roar. He finished his work and went home to sleep.


Chen Yiyi called Lu Chen again.

"Lazy pig, get up."

According to Chen Yiyi's speculation, Lu Chen must still be sleeping, so she just called him a lazy pig.

"I got up early."

Lu Chen rolled his eyes.

It wasn't that he had already gotten up, but he didn't sleep at all last night. When he got home, he started meditating.

"Humph, I don't believe you."

Chen Yiyi shook her head, and at the same time she said: "By the way, I found a way to ask Wang Yuanyang to help us find that tripod. You and I will come to our school later."

"Oh, why did you ask him to help us find Ding?"

Lu Chen asked curiously.

To be honest, after he got Nie Rong done, he didn't need Wang Yuanyang at all, but he was still a little curious about what Chen Yiyi said.

"Wang Yuanyang has a precious daughter. This precious daughter and I are schoolmates. As long as we can deal with his daughter and his daughter begs him, he will definitely help us." Chen Yiyi said to Lu Chen.

She didn't agree to help Lu Chen find Ding at first, but later because she lost the bet, she always remembered it.

"No, I've already settled this matter."

Lu Chen shook his head.

Chen Yiyi was obviously stunned and asked: "How did you solve it? Didn't you say you wanted me to help you?"

"I don't need your help now, don't I?"

Lu Chen was speechless for a while, this woman was too immersed in her role.

"That definitely won't work, I haven't helped you yet." Chen Yiyi replied very confidently, and when she finished speaking, she whispered: "Why don't we go find Uncle Li today and ask him to do it for us? Delicious? Or, how about I go to your house and you make me tomatoes and scrambled eggs?"

Chen Yiyi is a typical foodie. After eating the scrambled eggs with tomatoes made by Lu Chen yesterday, she thought it tasted delicious, so now she just wants to eat.

If she only went to see Chef Li, Chef Li might not give her face, but it would be different if she took Lu Chen with her.

Now Chef Li is basically Lu Chen's person.

"No time."

Lu Chen pursed his lips and hung up the phone.

The relationship with Chen Yiyi can only be regarded as a chance encounter, so there is no need for him to get so close to Chen Yiyi.

"Hmph, bastard."

Chen Yiyi was so angry that she stamped her feet.

Lu Chen hung up Chen Yiyi's call, and his cell phone rang again. Lu Chen took the phone and looked at it, and found that the call was from Zhao Fugui.

Lu Chen answered the phone and asked, "Is something wrong?"

Zhao Fugui replied respectfully: "Mr. Lu, the procedures for the transfer of the patent rights of the Angel equipment have almost been completed, and now I need you to come and sign. Do you think you have time now?"

"Yes, of course I have time!"

Lu Chen said with a smile.

This time, he came to Wanwan City just for the patent rights of the angel equipment, and now he is short of this step, and he can't give up halfway.

"Okay, then let's meet at the gate of the Patent Office."

Zhao Fugui replied to Lu Chen.

Lu Chen responded, hung up the phone, and then walked towards the patent office.

The Patent Office is the place where patents are registered and patents are re-certified. For example, Zhao Fugui wants to transfer the patent rights of Angel Equipment to Lu Chen, so he has to come here to the Patent Office.

Zhou Jie is the son of the Zhou Group, a listed company.

Now that his father is getting older, he is planning to arrange for him to be his successor. Today, the company happens to have an important patent that needs to be handled personally, and his father arranged for him to handle this patent right.

However, Zhou Jie is obviously not the kind of person to settle down. Even when he came to the patent office, he brought a beautiful woman with him.

If you don’t play with beautiful women when you have money, it will be your own loss.

"Wait for me here for a while, I'll go in."

After bringing the beauty to the patent office, Zhou Jie gave instructions to the beauty.

The beauty he is playing with now is actually a romantic woman. She wants money, and Zhou Jie wants to relieve his loneliness. It can be said that the two of them hit it off.

When Zhou Jie entered the patent room, the beauty began to sit alone in the waiting area outside.

She was in the waiting area, and her eyes began to move restlessly.

It is said that men are lustful, but in fact women are even lustier than men, especially beautiful women who have experienced romantic situations, and are even more open-minded about the affairs between men and women.

Her eyes were wandering around now, just to see if there were any handsome guys.

Now that she has money, she will certainly not miss the opportunity to play with handsome men.

However, she looked around for a while and shook her head in disappointment.

There are no so-called handsome guys around.

Just when she was about to lower her head, her eyes suddenly caught a glimpse of the door, and a touch of joy and greed flashed in her eyes.

Because, she found a man who looked better than Pan An at the door.

(End of this chapter)

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