Chapter 955
"Since Mr. Lu said he wants [-] million support, fine, then I will give you [-] million support."

Guo Ming only hesitated for a moment before agreeing.

Now that the Lin Group does not carry out this project, for the Lin Group, at most it will be one less project to develop. But if Lu Chen wants to block them, then his Guo Group will be completely finished.

"You're not too stupid."

Lu Chen said lightly, "Okay, you go back and prepare to send us the core parts of the auto parts mold. In addition to giving [-] million free support, you will also give us the cost price of the Lin Group in the future. Understand. ?"

"Yes, Mr. Lu, I will do as you say."

Guo Ming was extremely reluctant, but he had no way to offend Lu Chen now, so he could only grit his teeth and agree.

"Okay, you can take your deputy and get out."

After Guo Ming left, Lu Chen waved to Guo Ming impatiently. Guo Ming quickly woke up his deputy and then left in embarrassment.

When the two left, Liu Qian looked at Lu Chen with bright eyes.

She knew that Lu Chen could solve this problem perfectly. Lu Chen is really excellent, but unfortunately he is already Lin Qinghan's husband.

When Liu Qian thought of this, her eyes dimmed again, and then she slowly exited the office, leaving space for Lu Chen and Lin Qinghan.

"how did you do it?"

Lin Qinghan looked at Lu Chen as if he were looking at a monster.

Thinking back to when she communicated with Guo Ming, she almost begged her father to sue her grandmother and was willing to pay a heavy price, but in the end, Guo Ming didn't give her any face.

Lu Chen just went out for a trip, but now Guo Ming begged her to cooperate and also sent [-] million raw materials for the core parts of the auto parts mold for free.

"It doesn't matter how I did it. I'm just asking you, does what you said still count?" Lu Chen looked at Lin Qinghan with some enthusiasm at this time.

He felt excited when he thought that this overbearing president would soon be conquered by him.

"Did I say anything to you?"

Lin Qinghan pretended not to know anything at this time and asked.

"You said that as long as Guo Ming takes the initiative to apologize, you will be at my disposal. In addition, Guo Ming comes to beg you, but you have to cook me a meal." Lu Chen emphasized again, in order to Bring back memories of Lin Qinghan.

However, Lin Qinghan was obviously pretending to be stupid here and said, "I really don't know what you are talking about, and I didn't promise you anything."

"Lin Qinghan, how can you keep your words?"

Lu Chen looked at Lin Qinghan coldly, his eyes almost gushing blood.

"The key is that I didn't say anything, so what counts? Do you have any evidence to prove what I said?" Lin Qinghan asked back.

"Forget it, you just don't want to, Lin Qinghan, let's see you again."

When Lu Chen heard Lin Qinghan's words, he was completely disappointed and walked outside.

Seeing Lu Chen leaving like this, Lin Qinghan panicked a little. She felt as if she had lost the most important thing in the world.

Sometimes, when a person or a relationship exists, you don't know how to cherish it.

However, when this person is about to be lost, all the memories about this person come back, and at this time you will discover the importance of this person.

Now, Lin Qinghan realized the importance of Lu Chen.

"I won't really hurt him, will I?"

In fact, Lin Qinghan has never paid attention to the relationship with Lu Chen, because Lu Chen has always been the one to pay for it, and she has not paid, so she cannot feel the relationship.

She only felt that Lu Chen belonged to her, and never thought that Lu Chen would leave, so she was a little unscrupulous.

Now that Lu Chen left in anger, she began to gradually realize her mistake.

During her interactions with Lu Chen, she never looked directly at him.

"Did I really do something wrong?"

Lin Qinghan murmured to himself and sat in his seat.

Even though she received [-] million free raw materials from the Guo Group today, she found that she couldn't be happy.

Lu Chen did leave this time.

He did not return to Jiangting Villa.

Originally, he was a master of love, and when it came to women, he was absolutely courteous, but he didn't bother to use tricks on Lin Qinghan.

However, he found that his deep affection could not move Lin Qinghan at all.

If this is the case, he might as well retreat to advance, or play hard to get, to let Lin Qinghan realize his importance, so she will cherish herself.

Lu Chen left the Lin Group and went to the most exclusive bar in Guiyuan City.

In fact, he can drink a thousand cups without getting drunk, but today he wants to get drunk.

Sometimes it's painful to be too clear.

Lu Chen's ambition is actually very firm. He has the ambition of the Immortal Emperor and has never wavered.

However, when it came to Lin Qinghan's matter, he was unable to strengthen his resolve.

If he is willing to give up his body as the Immortal Emperor and find Lin Qinghan again, then he can know how much he loves her.

"In my last life, I didn't care about you. In this life, it's fair that you don't care about me."

Lu Chen sat in the bar and ordered the strongest wine here. He blew a bottle and muttered to himself.

Lu Chen was originally very handsome, and coupled with his current feeling of decadence, he had a fatal attraction for women.

Li Yue is very famous in Guiyuan City and is known as the queen of the night scene.

She could easily stand in front of any man who came to the nightclub, and even after obediently letting the man pay, he wouldn't be able to touch her with a finger.

This is her ability and charm.

Although she is in the nightclub, she has never been a prostitute but not a prostitute.

Moreover, no one could catch her eye, and she looked down upon any man who came to the nightclub.

However, when she saw Lu Chen, there were fluctuations in her eyes.

Lu Chen was very handsome. She gave him a hundred points for his appearance. In addition, Lu Chen was deliberately getting drunk. The feeling of decadence aroused her curiosity and sympathy as a woman.

This is a wounded man, and she couldn't help but want to comfort him.

"Handsome man, are you drinking here alone? Do you want to find someone to accompany you?"

Li Yueqiao came to Lu Chen's side with a sweet smile and asked.

Lu Chen raised his drooping eyelids, glanced at Li Yue, then shook his head and said, "Thank you, I don't need your company."

"I don't mean to accompany you. It just so happens that there are no extra tables nearby. I just want to share a table with the handsome guy. The handsome guy won't drive me away, right?" Li Yue replied.

"Since you like it here, you can sit here."

Lu Chen pursed his lips and continued to drink.

Li Yue frowned slightly.

She was still very confident about her beauty, but now Lu Chen didn't have any interest in her, which made her feel a little frustrated.

"Handsome guy, let me meet you. My name is Li Yue."

Li Yue gritted her teeth, and finally mustered up the courage to get to know Lu Chen again.

(End of this chapter)

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