Chapter 959
"I should be able to get him."

Lu Chen suppressed the joy in his heart, pretending to say it was possible.

In fact, he has already taken care of Li Dazui.

The Li Dazui in Lin Qinghan's mouth is actually Chef Li. He has made an agreement with Chef Li that the other party will serve him for the rest of his life.

However, Lu Chen didn't show any certainty just to dig a hole for Lin Qinghan.

The last time he made a bet, he didn't learn his lesson and didn't establish evidence, so Lin Qinghan cheated. This time he had to let Lin Qinghan write clearly in black and white. If he lost, he would have to be at his mercy.

"Can you handle him?"

Lin Qinghan was obviously skeptical of Lu Chen's words.

"I'm not particularly sure, but if you want me to get him, you can make a bet with me. As long as you make a bet, I will definitely go all out to get him." Lu Chen said calmly.

Lin Qinghan saw the conspiracy in Lu Chen's eyes. She felt that Lu Chen was digging a hole for her, but she thought about it and realized that Chef Li had gone into seclusion long ago. No one could find out where he was. Of course Chen couldn't find it either.

Putting aside whether Lu Chen could find this person, even if he did, Chef Li would not be willing to come out again.

Therefore, she guessed that Lu Chen couldn't handle Chef Li.

Lu Chen was digging a hole for her, so why wasn't she ready to dig a hole for Lu Chen?

"Okay, if that's the case, then I'll make a bet with you. You're responsible for inviting her over. I'm willing to give him shares, but the shares cannot exceed 50.00%."

Lin Qinghan said to Lu Chen: "If you can deal with him, then I will really be at your mercy from now on, but if you can't deal with him, then you will have to be at my mercy from now on. Also, the deadline for dealing with him, It’s only one week, do you dare to accept the offer?”

Lu Chen is actually very good. Lin Qinghan wants to keep him by her side, but her arrogance does not allow her to say it directly, so now she wants to use this method to keep Lu Chen by her side and at her mercy.

It was impossible for Lu Chen to defeat Chef Li in a week.

This time, she wanted Lu Chen to listen to her in everything.

"Okay, I made a bet with you, and seven days is too long. I only need three days. In order to prevent the last bet where someone lost and refused to admit it from happening again, I have to make a bet between us. The two of you must sign the bet and place a bet on it. Do you dare to accept it?" Lu Chen said calmly.

His words were actually what Lin Qinghan wanted to say. Lin Qinghan didn't expect that Lu Chen would shorten the time to three days, so he would definitely win.

She had no reason not to accept such advantageous conditions.

"Okay, I'll sign and pledge it as you said." Lin Qinghan agreed immediately.

The two of them almost hit it off and are scheming against each other.

"Wait, I'll get some paper and pen."

After Lin Qinghan agreed, Lu Chen was very excited, and then he quickly ran to the study to get paper and pen, and drafted the bet there.

After the bet was written, he and Lin Qinghan both signed and fingerprinted it, and then each of them held a copy.

After getting the bet, both of them returned to their rooms with satisfaction.

After returning to the room, Lu Chen took out his cell phone and dialed Chef Li's number.

"Mr. Lu, I'm calling Da Zui so late. Do you have anything to tell me?" Chef Li looked very polite after answering Lu Chen's call.

Lu Chen's kindness to him was like reincarnation, so he was grateful to Lu Chen from the bottom of his heart.

"You are traveling all night tonight to come to Guiyuan City and come to see me at Lin's Group tomorrow. Our Lin's Group is preparing to do catering, so we need your participation." Lu Chen thought for a while and said to Chef Li.

"Yes, Mr. Lu, I'll rush over right away."

Chef Li did not object to Lu Chen's request at all. He was a man of his word. Since he had already made an agreement with Lu Chen before, he would not go back on his word.

Now he is Lu Chen's person.


After Lu Chen finished speaking, he hung up the phone.


Lu Chen still acted as the driver and took Lin Qinghan to Lin's Building.

After sending Lin Qinghan to her office, Lu Chen simply sat down in her office and started eating the melon seeds next to her.

Seeing Lu Chen's appearance, Lin Qing lost his temper and said, "Are you still in the mood to eat melon seeds here? Do you know that your bet with me only lasts for three days, and you already went to one last night?" It’s night, aren’t you in a hurry now?”

"I know that the bet with you is only for three days, but I should not use it for three days."

Lu Chen raised his lowered eyelids and said, "If nothing else happens, Chef Li will come to your place to report later."

"Ha ha."

Lin Qinghan was amused by Lu Chen's words and said, "I have seen people who lie, but I have never seen people who can tell lies like you. You are really talking nonsense now. This is really disgusting."

"Honey, I'm telling the truth. I contacted Chef Li through my own method when I returned to my room last night," Lu Chen said seriously.

"Well, anyway, you made a bet with me. If you can't complete the task, then you will be at my mercy, and I don't bother to care about you."

When Lin Qinghan heard Lu Chen's words, he gritted his teeth and said angrily.

She has given up on Lu Chen now and just wants to manipulate this guy for the rest of her life.

Lu Chen smiled and didn't speak. Instead, he took out his mobile phone and licked melon seeds while scrolling Tik Tok, looking particularly comfortable.

Lin Qinghan felt a little displeased with Lu Chen when he thought that he was working so hard every day and Lu Chen was so leisurely here.

She had the urge to ask Lu Chen out.

"Boom boom boom!"

When she was about to invite Lu Chen out, there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Come in!"

Lin Qinghan ordered.

Then, Liu Qian pushed the door open and said, "Director Lin, Director Lu, there is someone outside looking for you. He claims to be Li Dazui and said he came to the Lin Group to wait for you to open a restaurant."

When Lin Qinghan heard this, his delicate body trembled, he looked at Lu Chen next to him, and then asked: "You didn't just find someone to deal with me, did you? I can tell you, if I find out that this person is If it’s fake, then you lose.”

"Don't worry, it's real material and I'll accept your inspection."

Lu Chen replied confidently.


Lin Qinghan snorted and told Liu Qian: "Okay, go and invite him in."

"Yes, Director Lin."

Liu Qian responded and walked outside.

After a while, she brought an old man here again, and beside this old man, there was another old man.

The other old man is exactly the follower of this first old man, Uncle Fu.

The first old man is naturally Chef Li.

"I met Mr. Lu."

After Chef Li came in, he first saluted Lu Chen, then turned to Lin Qinghan next to him, and asked tentatively: "This must be Mr. Lu's wife and the big boss of the Lin Group, Lin Qinghan, Director Lin. Alright?"

(End of this chapter)

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