My cold CEO wife

Chapter 964 Let Him Beg Me

Chapter 964 Let Him Beg Me

"In the afternoon, I visited several places suitable for opening a restaurant. One of them was a top choice. However, I talked with the boss there and he wanted to increase the rent to twice the rent. I neither agreed nor vetoed it. , I want to ask for your opinion." Liu Qian replied to Lin Qinghan on the phone.

Lin Qinghan frowned slightly, and then she asked: "Where are the other places?"

"Actually, several places are not as good as this location. This location is at the corner of the most central area of ​​our city. I suggest that we open our first restaurant in this place, because only by opening a restaurant in this place will our reputation It's the easiest to get out." Liu Qian replied to Lin Qinghan.

Lin Qinghan agreed with Liu Qian's point of view. After all, with a person like Chef Li in charge, their restaurant would naturally take the mid-to-high-end route. For the mid-to-high-end route, they would definitely have to rent the most prosperous place to open the restaurant.

Besides, this restaurant will become the headquarters of a catering chain company in the future, so it will naturally have to be upgraded. Otherwise, how can we open a chain restaurant?

"Is this person unwilling to lower the price?" Lin Qinghan asked to confirm.

"If you don't want to, you won't give in even a cent."

Liu Qian opened her mouth and replied: "I've inquired about it, and the last tenant rented that store was [-] yuan per square meter a month, but now we go to rent it, and he directly raised it to [-] yuan, this must be on purpose. "

"If we spend a thousand and a month, based on the total three floors there, which is close to 100 square meters, the rent will be 50 million a month, and we have to give him an extra 600 in rent every month. That's a year. [-] million, although this amount of money is not much money to our Lin Group, we are not taken advantage of either."

"I suspect that he just heard that we are from the Lin Group, so he deliberately raised our prices like this."

Liu Qian quickly told Lin Qinghan his analysis.

Hearing this, Lin Qinghan frowned slightly.

The Lin Group does not lack the millions of dollars a year, but it is impossible for her to really let others give them as much as they ask for. She is not taken advantage of.

Thinking of this, she suddenly looked at Lu Chen next to her, and then said to Liu Qian: "You just call your direct leader and let him handle it."

She didn't want Lu Chen to relax. This guy was very good at handling this kind of thing.

"Okay, then I'll call Director Jiang."

After saying that, Liu Qian hung up the phone and started calling Lu Chen.

Lu Chen didn't hear the conversation between Lin Qinghan and Liu Qian just now. He immediately answered Liu Qian's call. Then Liu Qian told Lu Chen about the conversation with Lin Qinghan. When Lu Chen heard this, He couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and said, "You make an appointment with the landlord tomorrow, and I'll talk to him."

"it is good!"

Liu Qian agreed immediately.

After hanging up the phone, it was getting very late. Lu Chen came to Lin Qinghan's side again, and then said to Lin Qinghan next to him: "Honey, is it time to go home?"

Lin Qinghan glared at Lu Chen fiercely and snorted: "What do you want to do?"

"Hey, go home and sleep?" Lu Chen grinned.

"What, you want to sleep with me?"

Lin Qinghan asked with his eyes squinting.

Lu Chen rubbed his hands, hehe said: "If you want to let me sleep, I don't mind."

"Go to hell."

Lin Qinghan threw the mouse out again. Lu Chen quickly dodged it and disappeared into Lin Qinghan's office.

"That bastard!"

Lin Qinghan cursed lowly, and when she finished cursing, she couldn't help but laugh.

The next day!

Lu Chen continued to be Lin Qinghan's driver. After he sent Lin Qinghan to the group, he found Liu Qian and asked, "Have you made an appointment with her?"

"We made an appointment. He said he would be available at any time, but we need to go to his villa to chat." Liu Qian said to Lu Chen.

"Okay, okay, you lead the way and we both go there together." Lu Chen pursed his lips and said.

Hearing this, Liu Qian next to her felt a little happy, and then she quickly replied: "Yeah, then I'll drive?"

In fact, she had always wanted to stay alone with Lu Chen, but she never had time, and now the opportunity finally came.

"Let's go, I'm going to drive. Where can I let girls drive?"

Lu Chen smiled and walked towards the elevator first, with Liu Qian following closely behind.

Soon after, the two sat in the car.

Liu Qian looked at Lu Chen next to him and whispered, "Brother Chen, congratulations on finally capturing the heart of our Director Lin."

"What do you mean?" Lu Chen asked confused.

Liu Qian explained: "Dr. Lin is a very proud woman. She never pretends to be nice to any man. Even if you are married to her, I can see that she has always been a little indifferent to you, but yesterday I was very surprised, I didn’t expect that our Director Lin would take the initiative to be in your arms, which shows that she has accepted you deep down in her heart, otherwise, she would not have been able to let you hold her."

"real or fake?"

Lu Chen didn't believe it. He felt that there was still a long distance between him and Lin Qinghan, and the two of them still couldn't get together.

Now Liu Qian didn't think that Lin Qinghan would accept her when she told him, this was beyond Lu Chen's imagination.

"Why did I lie to you when I had nothing to do?" Liu Qian rolled her eyes.

"Then who knows?" Lu Chen pouted.

While the two were talking, they had already arrived at the landlord's villa.

Lu Chen looked towards the landlord's villa and found that the villa was majestic, but despite the majesty, there seemed to be some darkness.

He looked at the villa with a faint smile on his lips. He already knew how to deal with this landlord.

"Brother Chen, what are you laughing at?"

Seeing Lu Chen smiling, Liu Qian couldn't help but ask.

"It's okay!" Lu Chen shook his head, then he looked at the door next to him, went over and knocked on the door.


Soon, a man dressed as a butler came to them and asked.

"Hello, my name is Liu Qian. Mr. Zhang Kezhang asked me to come here." Liu Qian interrupted at this time.

While she was speaking, the manager next to her was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Ms. Liu, please come inside."

Liu Qian nodded and led Lu Chen inside.

However, after taking just a few steps, Lu Chen was stopped, and then the housekeeper said, "I'm sorry, my section chief only agreed to let Ms. Liu Qian in, and you are not within his welcome range."

Lu Chen stood there without speaking, just squinting his eyes slightly. No one except himself knew what he was thinking now.

"Brother, he came with me. He is my boss. Just let him come with you."

At this time, Liu Qian next to him interrupted.

However, the butler shook his head firmly and said, "No matter who he is, since he is not within the scope of the invitation, he cannot step inside."

"Liu Qian, you can go in alone. Tell this section chief that if he doesn't want to die unexpectedly within three days, let him beg me."

Lu Chen raised his lowered eyelids, then turned and left.

(End of this chapter)

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