My cold CEO wife

Chapter 973 Cause and Effect

Chapter 973 Cause and Effect
"It's you!"

Zhang Shou next to him also lost his voice and said.

Obviously, he knew this red figure.

"It's me, Zhang Shou. After all these years, I still haven't avenged my past. Because of you, my family was ruined. I'm here to seek revenge from you." The red figure said in a sharp voice, and then she pounced on Zhang Shou. Come over.

Now with the blessing of yellow paper, the red figure can appear, and her strength is stronger under the blessing of yellow paper, as if it is becoming substantial.

I believe that the smell of yellow paper and underworld is very suitable for ghosts to survive.

Lu Chen could actually see the red figure, and he could have directly suppressed the red figure, but he didn't.

This is the reason for his personality transformation. If he followed his personality in his previous life, he would have directly suppressed these evil things.

But in this life, he was refining his love, and there were spirits in the world. He still wanted these ghosts to enter reincarnation willingly.

He burned the yellow paper tonight because he knew that if he burned the yellow paper, the red figure would appear, because this was her only chance to kill Zhang Shou.

Otherwise, she is not powerful enough.

Because Zhang Shou was actually blessed by kind thoughts.

Lu Chen was here, and this red figure couldn't kill Zhang Shou.

"Mr. Lu, help me."

When Zhang Shou approached the red figure, there was a trace of panic in his eyes, which was a kind of fear of death itself.

"I advise you to stay still."

At this time, Lu Chen released a powerful aura, pointing directly at the red figure. After the red figure felt the aura on Lu Chen's body, she trembled all over.

The yang energy in Lu Chen's body was so heavy that she simply couldn't resist it. Moreover, under this yang energy, she felt that her soul might dissipate at any time.

"Everything in this world has cause and effect. Your family suffered this calamity only because your family did something wrong. How can you force this kind of cause and effect on Zhang Shou?"

"You have been trying to kill Zhang Shou for so many years, but do you know why you have been unable to do so? Because it was destined from the beginning that you would not be able to kill him."

"He doesn't owe you his life, it's just that he took your family's life for someone else."

"So, rest in peace and be happy in your afterlife. I can give you the power of thought. With this power of thought, when you are reincarnated, you can remember the memories of this life. If you have a chance to find your reincarnated child, you can consider it yourself. consider."

Lu Chen spoke calmly, but his words shocked everyone present.

Reincarnation really exists in this world, and reincarnation is really possible.

Moreover, Lu Chen actually had a way to make others remember the memories of his past life. How perverted is this?
"Why do you say that you can say that I can remember the memories of this life?"

Hongying was a little moved and said, "You have to know that once you get to Mengpo Bridge, you have to drink Mengpo soup. Once you drink Mengpo soup, everything will be forgotten."

"Because I have a way to make the Meng Po soup not take effect. You have only two choices now. Either you can choose to be forcibly suppressed by me and your soul will be lost, or you can be reincarnated. There is no third way." Lu Chen didn't give Hongying any thought. Any thoughts, he spoke.

Hongying knew that Lu Chen was very powerful because he felt the pressure from the other party, and that pressure made her afraid.

In the end, she had no choice but to believe Lu Chen and asked, "If I want to retain the memory of my past life, what should I do?"

"This is a soul-locking needle. I lock your memory of this life into one soul. When you grow to 20 years old in your next life, you will naturally open the memory of this life. However, I do not recommend that you open the memory, because everything It’s all over, and your child has a new life.”

Lu Chen said calmly: "The best way is to forget about him directly, otherwise it will increase your troubles and increase his troubles."

"Yes, this is adding trouble to me, and it is also adding trouble to him." Hongying murmured to himself, and said: "You are right, there is a cause and effect. In the early years, my husband and I had funerals. It’s a conscientious thing and I deserve it, that’s it, I’ll just go to reincarnation like this.”

As she spoke, Hong Ying's thoughts began to dissipate. As her thoughts dissipated, gradually, the firelight of the yellow paper gradually disappeared.

When the fire disappeared and the entire villa became extremely cool, Zhang Shou and Zhang Ke felt that their bodies felt a lot more relaxed.

"Thank you Mr. Lu."

At this time, Zhang Shou came to Lu Chen and bowed deeply.

The scene just now shocked them. Only now did they believe that Lu Chen was a man with magical powers.

Especially Zhang Ke was afraid for a while. He had offended Lu Chen. If Lu Chen wanted to deal with him, it would be easy.

In fact, Lu Chen could prevent Zhang Shou and his son from seeing the red shadow, but he was still prepared to let them see it. Only by letting them see it would they be in awe of him.

In this way, he can take the initiative in the future cooperation process.

"Okay, that's it. You come to Lin Group tomorrow afternoon, and my wife will talk to you personally about renting your property." Lu Chen said to Zhang Ke.

"Okay, okay."

Zhang Shou was now extremely convinced by Lu Chen and quickly agreed.

Now he has more money than he can use up, so there is no difference between a little more and a little less. Even if some of the money needs to be donated now, he will not live with guilt for the rest of his life.

After solving Hong Ying's matter today, the guilt in his heart disappeared instantly, so much so that he felt his heart was released.

This is something that has never happened before.

"Honey, have you got off work?"

After Lu Chen finished explaining to Zhang Ke, he left Zhang Ke's villa, and then he called Lin Qinghan.

It's eight o'clock in the evening, and Lin Qinghan is usually working overtime at the company.

"I'm still at the company. You don't have to pick me up. I'll go back with Yafei right away. You can cook me some food at home. By the way, has the location of the catering company's headquarters been confirmed?" Lin Qinghan asked Lu Chen.

"It's done. The store is the most luxurious location in the center of our city, and it is also the most conspicuous location." Lu Chen replied with a grin.

It was a good thing that Lin Qinghan took the initiative to ask him to cook. It meant that his status in Lin Qinghan's heart was getting more and more important.

"Oh, I heard Liu Qian said that the rent there is very high, and the landlord's rent is doubled. This is unacceptable to me. I think you should also know that you will not pay the other half of the rent out of your own pocket now. Have you made up for it?" Lin Qinghan asked doubtfully.

"Honey, don't worry, not only will I not pay the rent, but other rents will also be permanently waived." Lu Chen chuckled.

(End of this chapter)

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