My cold CEO wife

Chapter 975: 3 houses in 1 days

Chapter 975: Ten Thousand Houses in Three Days
"I think your idea is very good, and this is indeed a trend."

Lu Chen said: "After all, our country has already aged, and the birth rate is also declining sharply. In the future, buying a house will no longer be a rigid necessity. Many people move around in major cities and will consider renting like in Country M. Instead of buying a house.”

Lu Chen admired Lin Qinghan's sense of the general environment very much. He believed that the rental industry would definitely be a big market in the future.

The reason why she knew that Lin Qinghan planned to enter this area was not because Lin Qinghan told him, but because Liu Qian saw some development documents drafted by Lin Qinghan and mentioned it to Lu Chen.

This was the first time Lin Qinghan mentioned this matter to Lu Chen, but Lu Chen had already prepared the house, which Lin Qinghan didn't know.

Lin Qinghan didn't recognize the bet just now, but how could Lu Chen let Lin Qinghan slip away like that.

No one in this world can take advantage of him, not even Lin Qinghan.

Of course, except when he was willing to let Lin Qinghan take advantage.

"That's what I mean, so I'm planning to enter this market. However, as the president of the group, I can't do it myself. After all, the group is so big now, and I have a lot of things to deal with."

"I don't have enough talents on hand right now. I think you are quite talented. How about you pick up this market?"

Lin Qinghan began to have his mind set on Lu Chen.

Lu Chen can actually take over this matter right now. After all, he has already taken care of Zhang Shou. Zhang Shou is completely the king of renting in Guiyuan City. He doesn’t know how many houses he has in his hands. These houses will soon become His house.

If it's too easy, then Lin Qinghan will definitely not take the bait if he bets again.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen said in embarrassment: "Honey, you are really using women as men, men as supermen, and superhumans like me as human beings."

"I have served as the general manager of several of your branches, and now you are installing another one for me. How can I be busy?"

"Really? You are too busy. I see you are having fun every day. Each of my branches has assigned you a vice president. Usually these vice presidents are the ones talking about the company's affairs. Tell me how busy you can be. ?”

Lin Qinghan immediately said unhappily: "If I didn't think you still have some social skills, I wouldn't want to give you this position."

"You are telling me that you are busy now. If you are busy, then you don't have to worry about the affairs of the group from now on. I will let you relax. Is that okay?"

Lu Chen knew that Lin Qinghan was angry, and he said hehely: "Wife, since you have arranged work, then I will take the next step. Hey, who makes me feel sorry for my wife."

"Don't talk nonsense here. You can't just take over this piece. You either don't take it, or you have to do it well."

Lin Qinghan said: "I want you to buy at least [-] houses within three days, and turn these houses into apartments or B&Bs. If you can't do it, I have to make you look good."

When Lu Chen heard this, he instantly became happy.

Zhang Shou, the landlord, has no less than [-] houses, and half of the [-] houses are for rent. At least he can get [-] houses.

Before Lin Qinghan assigned the task, Lu Chen had already completed it ahead of schedule.

However, it is definitely impossible to think that he could give the credit to Lin Qinghan so easily.

So he said: "Honey, are you kidding me if I can buy [-] houses in three days? How can I buy [-] houses in one day? Even if you ask me to look at [-] houses in one day, I probably can’t even see it.”

"A man can't say he's not good enough."

Lin Qinghan ignored Lu Chen's reluctance to accept the offer and said, "Let me tell you, if you get three thousand houses in three days, I will have a mysterious reward."

"What reward?"

Lu Chen's eyes suddenly lit up.

"I told you it was a mysterious reward, but I definitely can't tell you now." Lin Qinghan shook his head and said.

Lu Chen immediately became unhappy and said, "If that's the case, then I won't take this trick. You didn't tell me what kind of mysterious gift it was. If you give me something casually then, it won't be right." Are you insulting my efforts over the past three days?"

"Okay, tell me, what reward do you want?" Lin Qinghan put the initiative in Lu Chen's hands this time.

If you want a horse to run, you have to give it good grass. As long as Lu Chen can get three thousand apartments in three days, she doesn't mind giving Lu Chen a little sweetness.

"I want you to wear sexy clothes in front of me." Lu Chen made this request again.

Lin Qinghan refused to accept the bet just now, so she had to accept it this time. Later, he and Lin Qinghan must write down all the agreements in black and white.

"Hehe, yes!"

Lin Qinghan said calmly: "If you can get three thousand apartments in three days, I will wear sexy clothes, but I will choose the sexy clothes myself."

"What if I can get [-] houses in three days?"

Lu Chen's eyes lit up and he asked again.

"If you want to buy [-] apartments in three days, how about I show you two sexy outfits?" Lin Qinghan said seductively.

She believed that it was impossible for Lu Chen to reach this amount within three days, but she set a higher goal for her efforts, so even if Lu Chen did not reach the goal in the end, she still did a lot better than ordinary people.

"Hey, that's a good relationship."

Lu Chen rubbed his hands, and began to think about which two sexy outfits he wanted Lin Qinghan to wear.

Nurse outfit, pirate outfit, stewardess outfit?

In short, it would be enjoyable to wear all these uniforms on Lin Qinghan.

Of course, it would be more interesting if you could wear more revealing beachwear.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen's heart felt hot, and he said at the same time: "Honey, what if I buy [-] apartments in three days? Can I decide what sexy clothes to wear?"

"Okay, no problem."

When Lin Qinghan heard this, she immediately agreed. She now understood Lu Chen's character. He always wanted to take advantage of her. However, this time the goal was not so easy to achieve.


Lin Qinghan agreed so readily, but Lu Chen was a little at a loss. This seemed a little different from the Lin Qinghan he knew.

But at this moment, Lin Qinghan added: "By the way, if you can't get [-] houses in three days... no, you can't get [-] houses, what should you do?"

She felt that she had overestimated Lu Chen with [-] houses. Lu Chen was very good at handling [-] houses.

"Haha, I can't get [-] houses in three days? You're looking down on me." Lu Chen pursed his lips and replied.

(End of this chapter)

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