Chapter 979

at the same time.

Lin Qinghan had a whim and wanted to eat the dishes cooked by Chef Li.

Although she eats the scrambled eggs with tomatoes made by Lu Chen every day, people still have taste fatigue, so while eating the scrambled eggs with tomatoes, she still misses the dishes cooked by Chef Li.

Although Chef Li's scrambled eggs with tomatoes are not as delicious as Lu Chen's, as far as other dishes are concerned, his cooking skills are really much better than Lu Chen's.

Therefore, Lin Qinghan took advantage of her free time at noon today and asked Lu Chen to drive her straight to Lin's chain restaurant.

With Lu Chen here, she thought that Chef Li would definitely make an exception and cook for her alone.

However, after arriving at Lin's chain restaurant, Lin Qinghan heard that Chef Li was sick and did not come to the restaurant today.

"How about we go see him?"

Lin Qinghan suggested to Lu Chen next to him.

As far as catering is concerned, Chef Li is simply the golden signature of Lin's chain restaurant, so nothing can happen to him. As the boss, Lin Qinghan should still give enough care to Chef Li when he is sick.

"Since my wife has spoken, I naturally have no choice but to follow." Lu Chen was very happy to accompany Lin Qinghan for a walk outside.

In the past, Lin Qinghan would sit aloof in the office every day, doing nothing but working. Now that she has undergone certain changes, Lu Chen's heart is still happy.

After all, there is still a lot of fun in this world.

"Less poor!"

Lin Qinghan gave Lu Chen an angry look. The myriad of charms outshone the blooming flowers around him.

Chef Li didn't know that a bunch of people came to see him. He did feel a little unwell today. He guessed that he had been staying in the kitchen yesterday. Then the kitchen air conditioning system failed and he sweated. When he finally cooled down, Caused by the cold.

Originally, he wanted to go to Lu Chen to see a doctor for him, but considering that he had such a minor illness, he was not ready to bother Lu Chen, so he just took some cold medicine and thought that he would be fine if he rested at home for a day.

Chef Li lives in the suburbs, this is his old residence in Guiyuan City.

He is older, and when he lived in the suburbs, it was quieter, making it easier for him to relax physically and mentally.

As for Uncle Lu who has been following him, his full name is Lu Yuan. Lu Yuan has an enemy and was saved by Chef Li before. In addition, he avoided his enemies, so he finally stayed by Chef Li's side.

And the food cooked by Chef Li is indeed delicious. After taking so much, he has become accustomed to life here.

When Wan Yuanhao appeared here with Zhou Wei, he was stopped directly by Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan looked at the two of them and asked, "Who are you?"

"Is this Mr. Lu next to Chef Li?" Zhou Wei cupped his hands towards Lu Yuan and asked.

Since he is here now, he has already inquired about Chef Li's related matters clearly. He knows that Lu Yuan is Chef Li's bodyguard and can be regarded as Chef Li's follower.

"You are?"

Lu Yuan looked a little surprised when Zhou Wei actually called out his name.

"Hello, Mr. Lu, my name is Zhou Wei, and this is our chairman Wan Shihao. We are from Wan Yuan Restaurant. We are here this time to visit Chef Li, Senior Li!"

Zhou Wei knew that people like Chef Li could only ask for each other properly, so when he came, he suggested that Wan Shihao keep his posture very low.

"My husband is feeling a little unwell. Please come back here." Lu Yuan frowned slightly and said to Zhou Wei.

Zhou Wei seemed to have expected what Lu Yuan would say, and he said, "Our chairman also heard that Chef Li was sick, and brought a miracle doctor here to treat Chef Li."

While they were talking, an old man with a gray beard appeared here. Next to them, stood a man dressed as a child of thirteen or fourteen years old. The half-year-old child carried a medicine box on his shoulders.

This old man with a gray beard was none other than the Doctor Chu they went to ask for.

When Lu Yuan saw that they had brought a miracle doctor over, he raised his eyebrows and said, "My husband has nothing important to do, so I won't bother you two. Please come back."

Lu Yuan is not a fool. Both of them have invited doctors, which means that they are well prepared, and the other party also owns a restaurant. I am afraid he wants Chef Li to do something for their restaurant.

Now Lu Yuan doesn't have a good impression of anyone except Lu Chen. As for Lu Chen, it was because he saved Chef Li.

"Mr. Lu, don't refuse in such a hurry. Our chairman and I are here this time. In addition to visiting Chef Li, there is actually another important thing we want to discuss with Chef Li. Our Wan Yuan Restaurant has always been the Guiyuan Restaurant. The largest restaurant in the city, I think if Chef Li comes to our restaurant, it will be a strong alliance."

"I can satisfy whatever conditions he wants to come here, as long as he is willing to leave Lin's chain restaurant and come to our restaurant."

At this time, Wan Shihao spoke.

He knew that if he didn't speak, he might not have a chance, and Lu Yuan would chase them away.

"Are you here to poach someone?"

Lu Yuan was stunned for a moment, then opened his mouth to confirm.

"Mr. Lu, don't say it so harshly. We are not here to poach anyone, but we feel that you and Mr. Li are both highly respected people and should be treated as they should be. We, Wan Yuan Restaurant, can give you what you want." I want it." Zhou Wei explained from the side.

"Okay, you can go back. Apart from Lin's chain restaurant, my husband will not consider other restaurants." Lu Yuan rejected Wan Shihao.

Wan Shihao's face immediately turned ugly. He didn't expect that he would be rejected so completely. He was originally a rich second generation with a quick temper, so after being rejected by Lu Yuan, he was immediately ready to say harsh words, but was interrupted by someone next to him. Zhou Wei was held back.

Zhou Wei looked at Lu Yuan and said: "Mr. Lu, this is a little bit of my heart. It contains some top-quality cordyceps. Could you please be accommodating and let us meet Chef Li?"

Zhou Wei usually manages the company, so he is much more experienced in dealing with people than Wan Shihao. For example, now, Zhou Wei knows how to bring gifts to Lu Yuan.

"It's useless if you bring gifts. You can go back."

When Lu Yuan saw that Zhou Wei had brought gifts, his expression softened slightly, but he still waved to a few people.

"Smelly old man, don't give me any shame. Let me tell you, our Wan family is also a prominent figure in Guiyuan City. If you don't give me any face, don't blame me for being rude to you." Wan Shihao Seeing this, he finally couldn't help but roar, revealing the thoughts of a rich second generation.

"Do you have the guts to repeat what you just said?"

Lu Yuan's face turned cold, and there was even murderous intent in his eyes.

"What are you arguing about outside?"

At this moment, a voice rang out, and then a figure walked out of it unhurriedly.


After this person came out, Lu Yuan was the first to shout.

(End of this chapter)

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