Chapter 993
"Okay, that's no problem."

Guo Dazhuang also agreed.

Afterwards, the two talked for a while and listed the rights and requirements of both parties. Then Guo Dazhuang directly pressed his fingerprint and stamped it.

As for Lu Chen, because they arrived suddenly and did not bring the relevant seal of Lin's restaurant chain, they had to take the contract back and have it stamped before they could send it over.

However, both parties talked very happily.

After the negotiation was settled, Guo Dazhuang got busy.

Because Lin's chain restaurant happens to be short of vegetables right now, the vegetables must be delivered to the restaurant immediately.

Even Guo Xiaomei started to help his father.

After solving the vegetable matter, Liu Qian felt relieved.


Let’s talk about He Ming.

It has to be said that he still has some strength. He quickly investigated the reason why Lin's chain restaurant did not cooperate with him.

That's because Lin's Restaurant Chain has negotiated a cooperation with the Guo family on greenhouse vegetables, so they gave up on their side.


He Ming slapped his hand on his desk, looking a little angry.

Everything was clearly under his control, but Lin's restaurant chain suddenly escaped his control. There was a reason for this.

It turned out that when they were competing with Lin's chain restaurant, the Guo family took advantage of the loophole and formed a cooperation with Lin's chain group.

In fact, He Ming knows Guo Dazhuang, and he also agrees with Guo Dazhuang's ideas. Guo Dazhuang's ideas are very good. Natural pollution-free vegetables are also a trend in the future.

But he knows that in the current society, it is impossible for many people to accept this natural and pollution-free vegetable, because the cost of growing it is much higher than that of ordinary greenhouse vegetables, so the selling price is naturally much higher. .

In this way, everyone is willing to eat cheap vegetables.

However, Lin's restaurant chain doesn't care about these, what Lin's restaurant chain wants is quality, not price.

With the cooking skills of Chef Li and his group of apprentices, there is no problem in making a dish and selling it for a sky-high price. They don't care about the cost of the dish. If the quality of the dish is high enough, the value of the dish they cook will be higher.

He Ming smoked a cigarette, then lay on his boss's chair, and began to think about how to deal with it.

To be honest, it would definitely be impossible for him to give up the fat piece of Lin's Chain Group.

But now that Lin's Chain Group and Guo Dazhuang have reached a cooperation, it may be difficult for him to get involved in the two.

He must now re-establish contact with the Lin Chain Group.

It's definitely not possible to forcefully go against the Lin Group now. In that case, he won't be able to raise prices on the ground.

"It seems that the only way is to destroy Guo Dazhuang's greenhouse vegetables. Once something goes wrong with Guo Dazhuang's vegetables, Lin's chain restaurant will definitely give up the cooperation with Guo Dazhuang. By then, there will be no suitable suitable ones in Lin's chain group. When the vegetables are supplied, they will come to him again, and then he will be able to sit down and raise prices.

Thinking of this, he tapped his fingers gently and called Xiao Zhang in from outside.

"Mr. He, what are your orders?"

He Ming told Xiao Zhang: "Call Zhao Si and ask him to come see me."

"Okay, Mr. He."

Xiao Zhang responded, then walked out and called Zhao Si. Soon Zhao Si appeared in He Ming's office.

"Mr. He, what do you want from me?"

When Zhao Si came to He Ming, he looked very humble, because he was very clear about his identity. He himself was a thief in society, and he was the most looked down upon.

However, he once stole money from He Ming and was caught by He Ming. Not only did He Ming not blame him, he even gave him some money and asked him to follow him in the future.

From then on, Zhao Si became He Ming's younger brother.

Zhao Si is simply obedient to He Ming now.

"I asked you to do something tonight. Once you do it well, I will give you a villa and a Porsche." He Ming said to Zhao Si.

When Zhao Si heard this, his eyes lit up and he said: "Mr. He, is there any danger to my life? As long as there is no danger to my life, I will do this."

He didn't care whether he was committing a crime or not. That wasn't something he considered. Anyway, he had done a lot of illegal things before. As long as he didn't get into trouble and had the life to spend the money, that would be fine.

"Don't worry, your life is definitely not in danger. You are still doing what you do. You are very good at it." He Ming smiled and said.

Regarding He Ming, Zhao Si was very relieved. Since he said there was no risk, there must be no risk.

"Mr. He, what's the matter?" Zhao Si asked in a low voice.

"I want you to put some poison in Guo Dazhuang's greenhouse vegetables. This is easy." A trace of cruelty flashed in He Ming's eyes.

"Simple, simple."

Zhao Si nodded and said: "It's perfect for me to do this, but Mr. He, there is one thing I don't know. Is Guo Dazhuang's greenhouse vegetables a threat to you at all? There is no need for you to deal with him. .”

“Sometimes knowing too much doesn’t do you any good.”

Seeing Zhao Si asking, He Ming's face immediately darkened.

Zhao Si said instantly: "Okay, Mr. He, I understand."


It was night, as cool as water.

Lu Chen appeared at Guo Dazhuang's farm.

He felt the existence of a faint spiritual energy here during the day, but because Guo Dazhuang and the others were there during the day, it was not particularly convenient, so he planned to come here at night to investigate.

With this trace of spiritual power, he is certain that he can make a strong man who has just glimpsed the peak of martial arts break through to the innate realm.

After all, there is really too little spiritual power in this world.

"The source of the spiritual power should be in the southeast."

Lu Chen muttered and relied on his senses to walk toward the southeast.

He fully opened up his soul power, even though he avoided everything around him.

This farm is monitored, but these monitors do not cover 360 degrees without blind spots, so Lu Chen can easily avoid the monitors here now.

Zhao Si was also in the farm at this time.

After receiving He Ming's order during the day, he couldn't wait to destroy Guo Dazhuang's farm.

After all, once things work out, he will be able to get a villa and a Porsche, which is the ultimate tool for picking up girls.

Zhao Si was a thief in the past, and with some kung fu in his hands and feet, especially when walking at night, he could hardly make any noise.

Moreover, he was able to see all directions and listen to all directions, and if there was something wrong, he could run away quickly.

After Zhao Si appeared at Guo Dazhuang's farm, he began to slowly throw some colorless liquid on the crops.

The thing he threw was poison that He Ming specially found. This poison can kill people quickly and is very toxic. Generally, even if you wash it with water several times, there is no way to wash away the poison. .

He is the best candidate to put the poison now.

(End of this chapter)

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