My cold CEO wife

Chapter 995 The existence that cannot be offended

Chapter 995 The existence that cannot be offended
"Here, here, and there."

Zhao Si quickly pointed out a few places to Lu Chen.

Lu Chen wrote these things down and asked Zhao Si, "Is there anything else? You'd better not lie to me."

"No more, no more, just the few places I just mentioned." Zhao Si shook his head like a rattle.

Lu Chen nodded immediately and dialed Guo Dazhuang's number.

During the day, because they had to sign an agreement with Guo Dazhuang, the two parties left each other's contact information.

Soon, Guo Dazhuang arrived at the scene and asked in surprise: "Mr. Lu, why are you still here in the middle of the night?"

"This person belongs to He Ming. He arranged for this person to come to your farm and poison him. That area, that area, and this area were all poisoned. You immediately arrange for people to work overtime to poison this area. Let's deal with it, otherwise I'm worried that the poison will spread out tomorrow and affect other vegetables." Lu Chen said to Guo Dazhuang.

"What? He was poisoned. He belongs to He Ming? He Ming really has a deep plan."

When Guo Dazhuang heard this, his eyes almost bulged out, and his eyes were red and he said: "This He Ming is really not a thing. He must know that you and I have signed an agreement, and he wants to corrupt the agreement between us. .”

"If he used legitimate means to corrupt the agreement between you and me, I think that's his skill, but he actually used poisoning. This carelessness will cause death."

"Mr. Lu, please leave this person to me. I'm going to find trouble for He Ming."

Guo Dazhuang was a little angry, and then said to Lu Chen.

Lu Chen rolled his eyes and asked, "You are He Ming's opponent. How many people can you call and he will give you an explanation?"

"This..." Guo Dazhuang was instantly stopped by the question.

Lu Chen ordered: "Uncle Guo, you should arrange for someone to take care of this place. If you want to find He Ming, leave it to me. I know what to do."

After Lu Chen said this, Guo Dazhuang stopped insisting, but he still went to the side and kicked Zhao Si twice, looking very angry.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Guo Dazhuang agreed immediately.

As for Lu Chen, he ordered: "Zhao Si, lead the way and take me to find He Ming."

Zhao Ming had long been frightened by Lu Chen's methods, so now he simply obeyed Lu Chen and did whatever Lu Chen asked him to do.


Inside He Ming's villa.

He Ming was sitting on the sofa, with a glass of wine in front of him, and countless gold bars on his table.

He is actually a very greedy person. He likes to convert the money he gets into gold bars directly.

The gold bars piled on his desk are actually worth over [-] million, but he is not satisfied and wants to make more money.

This cooperation with Lin's restaurant chain will definitely take his career to the next level.

He was sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed, looking particularly comfortable.


While he was having sex comfortably in the future, suddenly, two figures came in.

When He Ming saw a figure, his face immediately showed joy, because this figure was none other than the figure he arranged to poison, Zhao Si.

As for the other figure, it was Lu Chen.

Although there was a certain cooperation between He Ming and Lin's chain restaurant, Lu Chen often didn't appear in the restaurant, so he didn't know him. Now he just regarded Lu Chen as Zhao Si's little follower.

"Zhao Si, are everything done?"

He Ming asked impatiently.

What he was looking for was a professional thief who specialized in stealing things, so He Ming still had some confidence in Zhao Si.

"Mr. He, I'm sorry, things didn't go well. You may be in bad luck today."

However, Zhao Si's words made He Ming's heart seem to sink. He asked anxiously: "Zhao Si, why did you come back if you didn't finish the damn thing? Besides, where did you get the courage? Curse me to be in bad luck?"

When Zhao Si heard this, he sneered and said, "Let me introduce to you, he is the husband of the president of our city's Lin Group. He discovered the poison, so now he is here to trouble you."

"I suggest you be lenient if you confess, otherwise you will be lenient if you resist."

It was only then that He Ming began to pay attention to Lu Chen.

"Brother, do you want to cooperate with me?" After a moment, He Ming asked Lu Chen.

Lu Chen shook his head and said: "I'm not here to cooperate with you, I'm here to cause trouble for you. You actually dare to let people poison the vegetables you are about to purchase. You don't regard human life as human life at all. Today I will do it for you." Tian Xingdao, people like you are just wasting your breath by staying here."

While talking, Lu Chen approached He Ming.

He Ming felt that Lu Chen really wanted to kill him, so he took two steps back, but because he was sitting on the sofa, he couldn't retreat.

When Lu Chen approached, he was so frightened that he rolled over from the sofa.

He Ming got up from the ground at this time and shouted: "Come here, come here."

There are servants and security guards in his villa, but now he has no choice but to ask the security guards to come in.

"Mr. He, you don't need to call the security guard and others. They were all solved by Mr. Lu. Mr. Lu is someone you can't afford to mess with."

At this time, Zhao Si said to He Ming.

When he followed Lu Chen just now, he found that Lu Chen disappeared for a while. When Lu Chen appeared in front of him again, the security guards and other people around him fell to the ground.

How terrifying is this?

He was glad that he was not the mastermind, otherwise Lu Chen might have killed him directly.

He Ming obviously didn't believe what Zhao Si said. He continued to call for people, but after calling for a while, he found that no one came in.

He Ming understood that everyone outside him had been dealt with.

Those security guards were stronger than him, and these security guards were all solved by Lu Chen silently, which meant that Lu Chen's strength was very strong.

He was no match for Lu Chen.

At this time, He Ming's eyes fell on Zhao Si next to him and said: "Zhao Si, hurry up, help me kill him. As long as you help me kill him, I will give you 1000 million."

1000 million is definitely an astronomical figure for Zhao Si, and he believes that it will definitely attract Zhao Si.

His words did attract Zhao Si, but Zhao Si understood one thing, that is, as long as he was an enemy of Lu Chen, he would die.

"He Ming, don't you understand? Since Mr. Lu showed up today, he is going to take your life. I think in order to prevent your nerves from being tortured, you might as well choose to commit suicide." Zhao Si advised from the side. road.

The richer you are, the more you fear death. How could He Ming really die now?

"No, I can't die, I don't want to die."

He Ming kept shaking his head. He felt that Lu Chen was approaching him again, and the pressure deep in his heart became even greater.

He suddenly said to Lu Chen: "Mr. Lu, I beg you to let me go. I promise you that I will never do anything unconscionable again in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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