My cold CEO wife

Chapter 997 Preparing to build a villa

Chapter 997 Preparing to build a villa

After the white snake ate the Peiyuan Pill, its body began to change, and it actually began to shed its skin.

Every time a snake sheds its skin, it represents a sharp change, which shows that the white snake's current strength has improved.

The energy in his body now has actually reached the state of first glimpse into the perfection of martial arts. However, this state is not enough. The energy in his body is not solid yet.

Just like cotton, it looks bulky but doesn't weigh enough.

This time, it paid off quite a bit.

Of course, this was not over yet. When the white snake shed its skin, Lu Chen pointed his finger at the center of the white snake's eyebrows and said at the same time: "This is a set of cultivation methods for demon cultivators. You should remember them and practice them every day. Cultivation can obtain unimaginable benefits."

Lu Chen has lived for countless years and has dealt with countless species, including monsters and monsters. He also has some very advanced methods of cultivating monsters.

What is given to the White Snake now is the top-notch method of demon cultivation.


After White Snake realized this evil cultivation method, it became excited.

Although it doesn't understand the power of this demon cultivation method, it feels like it has opened a new world for it as it has just started.

It feels that if it continues to practice, it will definitely gain a lot.

"Okay, practice hard and take care of this thing for me. It will be of great use to me in the future." Lu Chen ordered the white snake next to him. The white snake nodded obediently and no longer had the initial ferocity. A violent look.

With the White Snake guarding here, Lu Chen was not worried about being discovered here. Even if he was discovered, ordinary people would not be able to capture it under the White Snake's protection.

However, he still plans to build a villa here. In the future, he plans to let Lin Qinghan move here. He will then use a special method to drain spiritual power into Lin Qinghan's room. From now on, under the nourishment of spiritual power, Lin Qinghan will The body will be healthier, and people will become more beautiful and younger.

I wonder which woman in this world can resist the temptation of a beautiful and young body, even Lin Qinghan is no exception.

Lu Chen must have tried every means to let Lin Qinghan practice cultivation and achieve the effect of immortality. If Lin Qinghan could only rush for a few decades and then leave him alone in this world, it would be very cruel to him. of.

Now that he has met Lin Qinghan again, he will stay with Lin Qinghan forever.

Lu Chen took advantage of the night to leave Guo Dazhuang's farm.

The next day, he appeared at the farm again, and Guo Xiaomei also appeared.

"Brother Lu Chen, are you here to see me?"

Seeing Lu Chen appear here, Guo Xiaomei came up to him again and asked.

She liked the feeling of being with Lu Chen very much. Lu Chen made her feel close to her, as if she were at home.

She didn't know that because she had lived here since she was a child, her body had actually been washed by spiritual power, so her body was closer to the innate state. However, Lu Chen's body was sanctified, which happened to be the innate state, so he was very fond of Lu Chen. closeness.

In fact, Lu Chen also likes Guo Xiaomei, but this kind of love is not between a man and a woman, but because he feels that Guo Xiaomei is very lively, and he treats her as the sister next door.

"Xiaomei, do you want me to be your neighbor?"

Lu Chen suddenly asked.

When she heard that she was a neighbor, Xiaomei's eyes immediately lit up, and then she nodded her head as if pecking at shrimps. She clapped her little hands excitedly and said, "Okay, okay."

"I'm interested in a piece of land here and want to build a villa there. Why don't you give me a price and sell this land to me?" Lu Chen said calmly.

Hearing his words, Guo Xiaomei felt a little embarrassed and said: "It seems that the land in our family is not my own. My dad just rented it. If you want to buy this land, you have to ask the owner of the land. I want to ask my dad about this."

"That's it."

Lu Chen frowned slightly. He originally thought that this land belonged to Guo Dazhuang's own family, but now it seems that it belongs to someone else.

However, there is a small five-element grass in that area, and he is determined to get this small five-element grass.

Thinking of this, he said to Guo Xiaomei next to him: "That's it, you take me to see your dad."


Guo Xiaomei was naturally excited that Lu Chen wanted to move here, and she was as close to Lu Chen as her own brother.

She just hugged Lu Chen's arm and took him to meet her father.

When Guo Dazhuang saw Guo Xiaomei holding Lu Chen's arm, there was an inexplicable smile in his eyes.

To be honest, he was very grateful to Lu Chen. At the same time, he also felt that Lu Chen was young and promising. Such a person was more than enough for his daughter.

Of course, the most important thing is that his daughter likes Lu Chen.

Therefore, he deliberately wanted to bring the two of them together.

But this was because he didn't know that Lu Chen and Lin Qinghan were married. If he had known, he would have given up the idea directly.

"Mr. Lu, are you here?"

When Guo Dazhuang saw Lu Chen, he rubbed his hands with a smile.

For Lu Chen, he was grateful from the bottom of his heart, because if it weren't for Lu Chen, his farm might have gone bankrupt. Lu Chen gave him hope, and at the same time, his agricultural model seemed to have a market.


Lu Chen nodded slightly and asked for advice: "Uncle Guo, I heard that your farm is rented from someone else. Aren't you afraid that the other party will raise the price by taking advantage of the land?"

"It's okay, I signed a 20-year contract with the other party, and it's only the fifth year now." Guo Dazhuang said with a smile, his voice seemed particularly cheerful.

"That's it. Do you know the owner of this land? I want to buy a piece of land and build a villa here. The mountains and rivers here are beautiful. Living here will make people feel relaxed and happy." Lu Chen smiled and told a lie.

Of course, this is not a lie. After all, his words still have a certain degree of truth.

"You want to move here, that's okay. Then, I'll contact the owner of this land for you." Guo Dazhuang's eyes lit up when he heard this.

Those who live near water and towers get the moon first. As long as Lu Chen lives close to them, his daughter will have a good chance.

Lu Chen didn't know what Guo Dazhuang was thinking. He was a little grateful when he saw that Guo Dazhuang was almost sparing no effort to help him build a villa here.

Guo Dazhuang took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of the land owner here.

The land owner here is a middle-aged man.

However, the other party’s investment failed due to the real estate bubble, and the only thing left was this piece of land.

At first, this piece of land was industrial land, and it was a bit remote, so he couldn't sell the land here at all.

Later, I met Guo Dazhuang. He asked Guo Dazhuang to rent this place in a deceptive manner, and he collected the rent here every year.

The rent here is not expensive. It is a large farm and the rent is only [-] yuan a year.

(End of this chapter)

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