Fantasy Westward Journey: Super Clone

Chapter 291 Soy sauce is small, a fierce duel

Chapter 291 Soy sauce is small, a fierce duel

The 89 battle in the second game is very important for the Shinhwa family, because as long as they win this game again, there are still three games left to win the next game, which is basically stable.


This second game is also very important for the Dragon Slayer family, because if they lose again, it will be really difficult later on.

Not much to say.

During the battle, the countdown for the first round ended.

The transformation sets and invisibility of both sides are triggered first.


The speed of all characters is very important.

But unfortunately, it was the opposite Daughter's Village who took the lead. The Daughter's Village itself was relatively fast, and the opposite Daughter's Village had a great start, so this speed was stable in the opponent's hands.

I saw the Daughter Village on the opposite side taking the lead and directly sealing the spectators, the Shinhwa Family, who was standing at the speed of the Dragon Formation.


The entire field was on second speed, and Fang Fangcun was fined to stand while watching the game.

The whole court moved at three speeds. Fang Tiangong, who was watching the battle, took action and directly blocked the opposite daughter's village. Chaos was also hit!

"is acceptable."

Yang Le nodded.

I saw that the four speeds in the field were still on the side of the spectators. The monk on the spectators side took action and added a Vajra Protector to the spectators, Shituo.

Five speeds across the board.

This is the underworld on the opposite side. When the underworld on the opposite side takes action, it throws the little death directly onto its own lion camel.

Not hung up! ! !
  "On the opposite side, there is a Tiger Formation plus two small grams, the Tang Dynasty and the Dragon Palace. If this is set up, it will basically lie on the ground, which will be a disadvantage at the beginning. Fortunately, the opposite side is in the water!"

Yang Le's eyes lit up.

All I saw was six speeds.

Datang, who was facing the tiger position, took action.


The opponent has both sealing first speed and output first speed. This is the opponent's advantage.

Datang, the head tiger on the opposite side, took action. Instead of sweeping, he first used the anger of the opening to hit Fang Shituo directly with a blood-breaking attack.

Add 30% of the tiger head position and 5% of the small gram, which equals 35%.

Opposite is either a windsurfing board or a swimming pool.

I can’t tell if the tiger-headed Tang Dynasty holds a levelless one. There is no King Kong or beast. It just breaks the blood and the output is as follows:
  "It's over. Three thousand blood is gone."

Seven speeds throughout.

Fang Shituo, who was watching the battle, shot with half health, and he got himself a beast first.

Eight speeds across the board.

Another Tang Dynasty on the opposite side took action, and the opponent was also very confident that its output was sufficient. This Tang Dynasty did not break the blood, but was broken.
  This is a bit broken. Even if Fang Shituo still has blue when watching the game, it's not much.

Now, the health bar of the Mythical Family Lion Camel who is watching the battle is only one-third, can it withstand the defeat?

Nine speeds across the board.

The opponent Ryugu took action and used the anger of the opening to throw a three-fold Qinyin.
  481 (Ligue [-])
  "Okay! There are French magic weapons at level 89, including the demon-suppressing cloak. The lion camel's resistance is also good. It still has a few hundred health points. It should be 163. Can it resist it?"

Yang Le was looking forward to it, and so were all the members of the Shinhwa Family who were watching the game, only to see Zhu Yiqun's live broadcast.

Ten speeds across the board.

The demon king who was watching the battle started to show his strength again.

All right.

In the first round, the opponent wanted to charge directly. They thought that the three attacks were enough and they were not in a state like beast. However, the spectators wanted to be steady and take their time. The lion camel attacked the beast first, and the devil also attacked first. It's so exciting.

Babies on both sides shot.

On the opposite side, I saw two of the Shenma horses from the Daughter's Village present, and only the other three babies took action.

Needless to say, these three babies all watched the battle with Fang Shitu.

The first one had low output and was blocked by the golden armor.

The second one followed up and hit 163.

The third one rushed up, but it still couldn't hold on!
  "The resistance of this lion camel is quite good. It survived so many outputs before it collapsed. The little death was not involved, so it's not a big problem."

Watching the battle, Fang Baobao takes action.

The spectators also had one pacer, and the output was four. I saw that these four sentient horses were all invisible horses from the opposite Daughter Village that concentrated fire.

The other Daughter Village character who did it directly without feeling it should be a powerful one, but Baobui directly fucked the opposite Daughter Village to half health!

The first round is over.

The Daughter Village on the opposite side is blocked and has half health, Shenma has only half health, and the other four characters and four baby units are all at full health and are fine.

Watching the battle, Fang Shituo was on the ground, Fang Cun was blocked, and the rest was fine.

second round.

It’s also a bit weird.

Listening to the voices of the five people on Zhu Yiqun's side of the live broadcast room, the Shinhwa Family suddenly changed their conductor to Zhu Yiqun.

"Speed ​​up to Fang Cun. Your baby is the slowest in the Lion Camel. Pull it by yourself. Fang Cun gets up and concentrates. The Heavenly Palace seals the underworld on the opposite side. The monk pushes to protect the body. The Lion Hunchback gets up and lights the girl village on the opposite side to fly. The devil clicks on the girl village group on the opposite side. The rest of the babies Continue to focus on the Daughter Village Shenma on the opposite side."

"Concentration requires skill 100, but I don't have it."

"Dear, skill 89 is not 99? Didn't you get the runestone combination?"


"Then seal the underworld on the other side together!"



Zhu Yiqun's command is okay, but he didn't get the concentration skill to 100 in Fang Cun. It's okay to say that he didn't get the rune stone combination in the transition and didn't get to 89. You stopped at level [-] and didn't get it. This is really my fault.

Many people started to complain about the barrage in the live broadcast room.

Yang Le was also speechless.

But it's okay. If they seal the opposite underworld together, they should be successful, right?
  It is right to command the two to seal the opposite hell together.

Because this one has output on the other side, I will probably continue to use it.

The countdown ends.

I saw that the Daughter Village opposite was blocked, and she opened the character first.

Then Fang Fangcun, who was watching the match, also opened Fang Cun’s pace first.

Then the daughter village on the opposite side took action and continued to seal the monk watching the battle.

As a result, this one missed.

All the characters in the field were on second speed, watching the battle Fang Fang Cun took action and sealed the underworld on the opposite side.

No hit either!
  The whole court moved at three speeds, watching Fang Tiangong take action, causing chaos on the opposite side of the underworld.


"The seal of this Tiangong has a good hit rate!"

Yang Le secretly praised.

At the same time, I feel that the Shinhwa family who is watching the battle may be another one to make soy sauce. I hope it will not be too strong.

Four speeds across the board.

The Buddhist monk watching the battle pushed out the Vajra Protector.

Five speeds across the board.

The opposite side was punished by the underworld, and he really wanted to continue to kill, but luckily he was successful.

"This is how difficult it is for Little Death to come out when faced with a double-blocking lineup. It is easy to get caught. Either he is accused of not being able to keep up with his output, or he is accused of being unable to come out of Little Death!"

Six speeds throughout.

The head tiger on the opposite side, Datang, made a move, and with a sweeping sweep, he directly hit Monk, the captain of the spectators.

Good guy.

This one is aimed at watching the battle with the Monk.

The monk himself has a strong defense, and he just pushed the Vajra Body Protector, and here’s what he saw:-
  236(Golden Armor)-
  "Tiger head position has no level?"


Our own lion and camel are on the ground.

Eight speeds across the board.

Another Tang Dynasty on the opposite side took action and still swept over him, as follows:
  220(Golden Armor)-
  The monk watching the battle still had half of his health left, and Yang Le could also see it. The monk watching the battle had a defense that was not low but not particularly high, but he had a lot of blood.

The blood is at least 8000+!
  Nine speeds across the board.

The dragon palace on the opposite side took action, and a dragon soared over as follows:-
  Unexploded output.

Very fierce!

The monk watching the battle still has at least two thousand blood!

Ten speeds across the board.

The Demon King who was watching the battle took action and flew out like sand and rocks.

I saw that this Demon King combined rune stones to reach 100 skills, because the speed of flying sand and moving rocks is five seconds, and the speed of the two opponents is invisible.

It happened to reach the five characters on the opposite side in seconds.

The data is not low.

The lowest data beat the opponent by 1500+ seconds, the highest number was 2000, and one of them even beat the opponent's underworld by about 3000!

Very handsome.

This is the growth rate of Long 3, even if Xiao Ke leads Niu Jin, it is still fierce!
  Babies on both sides shot.

The other pacer on the opposite side is the one who has a big gold for the Daughter Village on the opposite side, and all the remaining three output babies on the opposite side are following the Monk.

Needless to say.

The opponent's tiger head was only cleared at all levels regardless of level, and the monk who still had more than [-] health was crippled by the opponent's three-output baby, but he was not killed.

Four babies on our side took action, three babies took action, and the Daughter Village Shenma on the opposite side opened the seal of her Daughter Village without defense. As a result, Gao Shen was triggered, but was disabled again.

The slowest lion camel baby picked up the character by himself, and then the character took the Dragon 5 bit and the beast and King Kong boosts, and flew out in one plane.

Eagle hits five targets.

The average data of each target is close to 1800, and the opponent's hardness is also good. After all, it is Dragon 5 + Beast + King Kong, so this data is not high.

Among them, the opposite underworld triggered the golden armor.

The second round is over.

Opposite: Daughter's Village has residual blood, Hell's Sealed Qi still has more than half of its blood, both Tang Dynasties have less than half of its health, and Dragon Palace has half of its health. The five babies are still fine, and the Shenma among them still has residual health.

Our side: Only the monk has residual health, the lion and camel have residual health, and the babies of other characters are fine.

The battle enters the third round.

It is clear. In the previous two rounds, the opposing Dragon Slayer family was a bit injured. The two beasts of the Tang Dynasty did not rise, so I wanted to directly charge with a small death.

As a result, Little Death missed in the first round. In the second round, the underworld was blocked and Little Death did not come out. Now in the third round, the two Tang Dynasties have to rest again.

It's like saying.

It is impossible for the opponent to hit this weapon in the third round because it has no output. In the first three rounds, the opponent is equivalent to being dead without hitting it.

of course.

The lion camel fell to the ground, and now he is injured when he gets up. The opponent's game is not in vain, and the monk watching the battle is also weak.

After the two rounds so far, Yang Le feels that the Shinhwa Family is doing okay, and they are not forcing themselves just because of the strength of the opponent's hardware. The 212 double-block lineup of the Shinhwa Family who is watching the game really has a chance!

Third round.

Zhu Yiqun's voice was high and powerful, and he commanded: "Come on, Fang Cun Feng is opposite the Daughter Village, and Tiangong Feng is opposite the Dragon Palace. The pace will be given to the monk first. The monk will activate the blood of the lion camel, and the lion camel and eagle will attack to rest and defend. The devil will continue for seconds and return. There are four babies, two of them will continue to follow the opponent's magic horse, and the other two will continue to support the monk."


The four teammates responded one after another. They had resisted in the first two rounds, no, it should be said that they had resisted in the first three rounds. The morale of the spectators was good.

Just keep going like this, and I feel like I can win!
  The third round countdown is over.

I saw the God of the Daughter Village on the other side taking the initiative to give a big gold to the figures in the Daughter Village.


An Arhat was thrown out of Daughter Village.

"There's no way around it. You can't control it at once, but with two sealing belts, monks, and three sealing assistants, you should be able to find the operation of laughing in advance. It would be great if the square-inch water seal on the upper hand was replaced with laughing in advance. The opposite hell belt The anger in the opening scene seems to be big enough?"

Yang Le looked calm and continued to read.

Watching the battle, Fang Fangcun paces a big gold to top his own monk.


Everyone in the audience quickly watched the battle and blocked Fang Fangcun, the opposite daughter village, but the result was blocked again?

"Fuck, are you really here to make soy sauce?"

The live broadcast room exploded.

Yang Le was also speechless.

But fortunately, the problem is still not big at present.

All characters have three speeds.

Watching the battle, Fang Tiangong was confused and the opposite Dragon Palace was hit!

Oh shit.

There is no harm without comparison. So far, the Heavenly Palace has never been sealed by water!

All characters have four speeds.

The monk who was watching the battle gave his own lion camel a blow with a vitality, and the blow exploded. He revived more than [-] qi and blood, not bad, not bad!
  All characters in the game have five speeds.

When the underworld on the opposite side takes action, only one Jingqing is seen. Not to mention that the entire opposite side recovers a certain amount of energy and blood, all seals are released! ! !

This word was shouted by Zhu Yiqun, and now he felt a little uncomfortable.

Six-speed for all characters.

On the opposite side, Datang takes a rest in the tiger's head position.

All characters are seven speed.

Watching the battle, Fang Shituo rested.

All characters are on eight speed.

Another Tang Dynasty is resting opposite.

All characters are in nine speed.

A tornado came out from the Dragon Palace on the opposite side. The tornado struck in 5 seconds. It reached the fast-paced baby watching the battle in seconds. Among the four characters, the slowest Demon King was not hit in seconds. The average output per target was 1500+!

"The Dragon Palace opposite has a lot of damage!"

All the characters in the game are moving at ten speeds.

The Demon King on the side watching the battle made another flying move, and there was an Arhat on the opposite side. The average output of each target was less than a thousand, which was almost equal to the amount of Qi and blood restored by the Jingqing on the opposite side in seconds.

Babies on both sides shot.

The babies on the opposite side are all bleeding.

The four babies on the side of the spectators took action, two of them went out with the sentient one, the Shenma Fei from the Daughter Village on the opposite side, and the other two continued to give the monk blood, and the monk was basically full of blood.

This third round is over.

I saw the health status of both sides on the battlefield as follows:
  Opposite: There is Arhat, half-blood of Daughter Village, and the other four characters are all half-blood. The baby is missing the magic horse of Daughter Village, and the other four are fine.

Observer: The monk is almost at full health, the lion and camel are still at full health, the other three characters are still at half health, and the five babies are fine.

It feels like at the end of the third round, the two sides have returned to the same starting line, and both sides are in about the same condition, energy, and blood.

And in this fourth round, the opponent's point kill is coming again.

Zhu Yiqun directed: "A square-inch pace gives the lion and camel a big head, a square-inch figure seals the tiger's head on the opposite side of the Tang Dynasty, and the heavenly palace seals the underworld on the opposite side. The monk continues to inject the lion and camel, the lion camel flies a plane, the devil opens a group of seconds, even if there are Arhats, , the four babies gathered fire on the characters in the Daughter Village opposite, charge!"

  After hearing this command, Yang Le hurriedly put down his mobile phone and used the large phone to privately chat with Dinosaur Anti-Wolf: "Let the conductor arrange for the monk to play, the monk must have enough!"

Dinosaurs versus wolves: "1"

In the live game screen.

Dinosaur Kanglan said: "Deputy Gang Leader, the Gang Leader asked you to arrange for Monk Qiluo."

Zhu Yiqun said: "Don't worry, let's stabilize the lion camel first."

Fuck it.

This is very confident that the two feudal systems can control the opponent, which is okay, but if there are people from the Dragon Slaying Family in the live broadcast room.

Then the other party must have received the news and decided to laugh at the monk, right?
  "Well, only the girl village on the opposite side is faster than the girl village on the other side. As long as we defeat the girl village on the opposite side, the other side won't be able to laugh anymore. Oh my god!"

Yang Lezheng was thinking of this.

I saw the live game screen.

The fourth round countdown ends.

There was no baby in the Daughter Village opposite, but they didn't give birth to the baby first, nor did they seal people off. Instead, they just laughed at the monk who was watching the battle first.

have to.

The anger is gone.

The daughter on the opposite side, Murakami, played a hand full of 150 angry rhythms. She let it go and was beaten for a few seconds. This was enough to make her laugh.

There is indeed a Wrath Belt that only costs 32 points of Wrath.

Watching Fang Fang Cun's pace, a big gold was given to Shitu.

Then the character has second speed.

Fang Cunfeng faced Tang Dynasty with the head of a tiger, but he stepped on his horse and blocked him with water again!
  Good guy.

A little too much!

Everyone in the audience moved to three speeds to watch Fang Tiangong seal the opposite hell, and the result was...
  It’s also water sealed!


A bad premonition is coming.

All characters have four speeds.

The monk watching the battle continued to give the lion camel a boost of blood. Now the injuries on the lion camel were almost gone, and most of its energy and blood had recovered.

All characters in the game have five speeds.

On the opposite side, the underworld took action, and a small death was thrown out.

Cow batch!

He actually continued to want to kill Monk Fang who was watching the battle.

And this one.

Little Death is in! ! !
  "Half of your blood, can you resist?"

Yang Le held his breath.

Many people in the live broadcast room also widened their eyes.

Six-speed for all characters.

The tiger-headed Tang Dynasty on the opposite side took action and rushed over with a sweeping sweep, as follows:
  2201 (violent must)-
  You have to be tough, 4500 blood will be gone in this moment!

"There are still more than [-] qi and blood. Our Lion Camel plane is in front, and the other Tang Dynasty's qi and blood cannot be swept out. Is it possible?"

Yang Le couldn't take his eyes off it.

I see.

Everyone in the field moved at seven speeds, and our own lion camel flew out!

The five characters on the opposite side suffered damage, which is similar to the previous aircraft data, but what is tragic is that another Tang Dynasty on the opposite side triggered the golden armor!
  Fuck it!

Without triggering the Golden Armor, the Qi and Blood Cliff will not be enough to sweep through, and the two Tang Dynasties on the opposite side are not full of health themselves!
  All characters are on eight speed.

Another Tang Dynasty came from the opposite side. This Tang Dynasty was not as violent as the tiger-headed Tang Dynasty opposite, but with these three blows, the health bars of our monks were all white!

All characters are in nine speed.

There was a Soaring Dragon in the Dragon Palace on the opposite side, which also triggered the passive rhythm of the Dragon Palace sect, and followed the passive of the Tornado Rain. This Soaring Dragon came out in 2200 seconds, and the watching monk lay down with a little death! ! !
  "Mud girl's!"

In the entire district, the people of the Dragon Slayer family were excited at this moment, but the people of the Shinhwa family felt bad.

The same goes for Yang Le.

All the characters in the game are moving at ten speeds.

The demon king of our own side attacked again with flying sand and rocks, but there was an Arhat on the opposite side. However, coupled with the lion camel's plane just now, it can be regarded as causing a lot of facial damage to the opposite side.

The Daughter Village opposite should be unable to stand.

Babies on both sides shot.

In addition to the small pace of the spectators, the four babies all focused on the opposite girl's village. Even if there was another pace on the opposite side that gave the opposite girl's village a big boost, the opposite girl's village was also lying down.

But the monk watching the battle died and lay on the ground.

The Daughter Village opposite is lying on the ground normally.

The other side got the advantage!
  The three DPS babies on the opposite side took action, and all of them were very angry at Fang Fang Cun's pace baby. Bao Bi, who was watching Fang Fang Cun's pace, even flew away!


The fourth round is over.

This one is a bit brutal.

I saw the opposite side: the girl's village was lying on the ground, the other four characters were basically at two-fifths of their health, the four babies were fine, and still only the baby from the girl's village was missing.

As for the spectators: the little monk lay dead on the ground, the other four characters were mostly half-healthy, and there were only four babies, and they lost their pace.

Round five.

Opposite Luohan still has this round.

This opponent has no killing output, but the same spectating side Shitu also needs to rest. With the opponent's health status, can the spectating side wait until the monk wakes up?

(End of this chapter)

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