Chapter 109 Becoming Famous Before You Play

Make an appointment with EDG for a training match.

Qin Hao raised his hand and reported: "I apply to play Czar."

One face is shocked, two faces are shocked, and three faces are shocked.

What, Tsar?

To prepare for the World Championships, we will not continue to refine the fixed lineups of the club, but also add new coordination.

IMP muttered that there are endless bans for heroes. MaRin listened to the translator and encouraged him: "As long as you want to play, we will practice with you."

Listening to what MaRin said, IMP muttered: "That Jhin doesn't know how to practice."

IMP is indeed not very confident about his Jhin.

He won't consider this in a game that must be useful.

The playoffs were able to play like that only because he felt that it was not difficult for Jhin to get started, especially when his teammates could keep up, so he made a big move to keep people, and then prepared to take over the endgame.

To be honest, IMP thinks that if Jin Kaida can't force out key skills, then this hero is really average.

Although its output environment is good, its output threshold is really low.

One reload will set the upper limit of operation.

For MaRin, he feels that the performance of the mid lane is crucial and represents how far their team can go.He knew from the day of the trial training that Qin Hao would be comfortable on the wing.

Since Qin Hao has the heart to continue to expand the hero pool, it doesn't matter whether he can get out of the World Championship or not, he should be encouraged or encouraged.

Sometimes when I see him being so enterprising and hiding such unwillingness, he always sees the shadow of his past.I will recall that after the Gnar game at MSI, I practiced Gnar until I felt like vomiting despite the insults and curses from the Korean Open.

This kind of venting can't actually undo the results at that time.

But if you don’t do that, you won’t be able to pass the test in your heart.Perhaps this is a form of self-punishment.If you are punished, you will feel better.

No one thought they were going to lose at the time.

They don't believe it themselves.

But if you lose, you lose. On the contrary, it made Koro1 and Meiko successful, and helped EDG's top assistant become famous.

2 hours later.

Watching the opponent's creeps advance, they quit the game.

Qin Hao apologized and said: "I feel that if I play the line, I can accept a little pressure. But in the mid-term...we seem to have no rhythm. And my Czar enters the field is also smelly, and he was dodged after 3 pushes."

Eimy said: "Oh my god, I didn't do a good job of ganking in the first two waves, and the bottom lane was a bit bad."

"It's okay, don't think too much." PYL thinks it's normal: "The laning thinking of the czar and the rock sparrow is different. If you don't cooperate well, you need to practice more. If you come up, you can cooperate well. PP, your wave of shouting can Looking at the back row, I didn’t realize it. I’m used to you standing next to AD, and I subconsciously thought you were behind me, but I didn’t expect you to float in and push me up.”

Herat saw the team members discussing.

But in his heart he was rating Qin Hao's czar.He has seen a lot of czars who played well, and the performance of the czars in this training match can get... four points.

Just as Qin Hao said.

There was no problem with the rock sparrow who played Scout in the lane, and there were only a few rounds of eating the line, and the control of the sand soldiers did not grasp the speed of the remaining blood, and missed the knife.

But when it came to team battles, the organization level dropped a lot, the skills were connected too slowly, or they just didn't keep up, and the fight was too chaotic.

the other end.

Easily crushed Xiaguan LGD, and the EDG players were also dizzy.

This was not the level shown in the semi-finals at that time!


PawN felt discomfort in his waist after playing that day and went to see a doctor. In the past week, they have been training with Scout.

However, the coaching staff feels that Scout is very useful in the laning phase, but his cooperation with teammates in the mid-term is average and he does not consider the needs of his teammates. Therefore, he seems to be too greedy in the lane in some rounds and has a strong ranking mentality.

For this kind of thing, the parties generally have a feeling that they are only in this mountain.

For example, when the buff is refreshed, I will consciously look at the jungler from the side, but if I don’t have this idea, it is easy to forget even if I tell you in advance.Because the usual game rhythm is not like this.

From time to time, people will instinctively seek familiar patterns.

Then it was delivered.

It's not that he wanted to give it away, but he was lucky, or simply felt that there was no risk and he could operate it.

Scout is like this in the eyes of the coaching staff. He is a first-year player who plays games on a different level than his teammates.Another issue is communication.

Meiko complained from the side: "LGD doesn't want to train hard. Their mid laner, the Tsar, is so-so, and he didn't find the right position in the team battle. It's far from the position of his ice girl and rock sparrow."

"Maybe they want to practice Tsar. I haven't heard that Penicillin relies on Tsar to get points."

When teammates chat.

Scout opened the Hanbok, clicked on Penicillin's account, and looked at it. There were several pages of Tsar, and there were only one or two other heroes to fill in.

"He's practicing."

Scout said something, and Deft came over.

His actions attracted the director, Meiko, and Aguang to poke their heads over.

"Is he really practicing?" The factory director's first thought was that he thought it was strange.

And the LGD coaching staff didn't stop it.

It’s okay if you want to practice Tsar, you can practice whatever you usually do, but this is the World Championship soon.

In addition, the rock bird is the son of the version. Recently, the Korean server is all rock bird, and everyone is practicing.

In the opinion of the factory director, if he were the LGD coaching staff, he would definitely let Penicillin continue to strengthen Yanjai.

He thinks that Penicillin has a good sense of support, but the operation is not so amazing.

The rock bird lifts three times.

That's why they are not familiar with the rock sparrow's style of play.

Many positions do not specifically mark the W of the Chaffinch.

Up to now, they have settled around the little dragon, and they know the spots where the rock sparrow likes to hide most.Pay more attention when playing in a group, and the probability of being consumed by the group will be reduced.

By the second day.

Qin Hao did not ask to play Tsar in the training matches.

In this regard, his thoughts are: "I practice more in qualifying, and I feel that playing like this, the effect of joint training is too general."

Everyone still had no objection.

Qin Hao wanted to try it yesterday, and also wanted to know what it would be like for the tsar who was halfway to the fourth level progress bar.

Now it seems that if you want to use Czar in the game, you need a much higher proficiency level than Rock Bird and Ice Girl.

He realized how to fight several waves yesterday, but he just couldn't play the operation he wanted in his mind.

With the same proficiency, he believed that playing Ice Girl was definitely not the case.

of course.

I didn’t practice much today.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, they assembled and went to the venue.In the evening there will be an expedition ceremony, and there will also be a fifth anniversary celebration. I heard that Jay Chou and other celebrities will be invited.

When we were in the car, Team Ping complained that every time a celebration was held, it had to be delayed until after 10 o'clock.

According to his previous experience in participating in events, sitting backstage and waiting can be very boring.

The staff came in and out, even if they wanted to play with their mobile phones with peace of mind.

However, this was the first time that Qin Hao had the possibility to see celebrities up close. He was quite looking forward to it, but was extinguished by Ping Team's words: "They are playing on the stage and they don't have assistants with them. It doesn't mean that there are no assistants backstage. People stopped you before you even got close. You signed and took photos, come on, why not buy a ticket and go to the concert, maybe you have a better chance."

"That's it." Qin Hao was a little disappointed.He quite likes listening to Jay Chou's songs.

When I was in high school, every time I had lunch, the radio would always play "Sunny Day"——

It's a windy day
i tried to hold your hand
but it happens

rain gradually

So big that I can't see you.

Qin Hao hummed the most familiar part and looked at the street scene.When we arrived at the venue, as Team Ping said, the atmosphere today was much more serious.There is an unmistakable smell in the air.

"There's a lot of cards." Eimy said with emotion.

Qin Hao also thinks so.

He had never seen the directing team talk so much. From a distance, he could hear the director being so impatient that he was cursing all kinds of things.

But it has nothing to do with them.

Their only task today is to have an expedition ceremony after the event, and they will put on their team uniforms and go up.

When rehearsing, I only did it twice.The most communicated is the queue and the station.

Find a soft chair in the backstage lounge.

Eimy is still wondering if the No. [-] seed could be upset.The Ping team seemed to have heard a joke: "Impossible, absolutely impossible. What will WE use to win EDG. They will give it to Nakano."


Eimy talked about what happened yesterday again: "With so many days off, why don't you find a Saturday and Sunday to play the game first?"

"Who knows how it was arranged."

As players, everyone was very puzzled by yesterday's BO10 competition system.

Logically speaking, there is plenty of time.

Why do you have to finish the bubbling match in 2 days?

"Look at the picture posted on SS's official Weibo. The giant horse is terrifying. It is said that after the crystal injection, he was immediately bled and sent to the hospital."

"He originally had a problem with his wrist. Isn't it because of the discomfort in his hand that he was rotated in the summer season?"

"The more points you play on the AD floor, the pain will come quickly."

"Hey..." Eimy sighed as he spoke.

Qin Hao also knew about this.

It’s hard not to know, everyone I know is talking about it.

Obviously the semi-finals were over, and the finals were almost 2 weeks off.Then why not just let it go for a week, play the finals first, then play bubbling in a few days, and then just wait for the celebration to start and make a show.

Some people analyze that it is clustered together to save trouble and attract attention.If the number of viewers of the celebrity celebration is not as high, it would be better to have a semi-final.

Qin Hao didn't know if this statement was correct.

He just felt that Banana was hosting the competition and didn't think much of the players like them.

There are two BO2 games in one day, so there is still concentration.

SS hit the second BO5, and the operation was seriously deformed.There is no difference between playing and ranking at the end, and the organization level of a professional team cannot be seen.

so what.

Apart from cursing and cursing, there was no sound elsewhere.

Just like now, when they talk about this matter, they seem to be unable to do anything except sigh a few words.

When things hurt their kind, Qiuming is also sad.

Qin Hao found that if something similar happened to him, he seemed to have no choice.He won't quit the game.

So the Snakes ended up just because they got picked.

Go with this.

Team Ping said an insight: "At times like this, you have to fight for the relationship with the club. Isn't that the factory director's birthday?

Did you see the staff urging you?
What's the use of making a fuss like this.People don't care about you. "

"So, big clubs are more secure, and these things can be communicated.

PP, believe it or not, if EDG is not bubbling at a high level, even if it has to play 2 BO5s a day, it can rest for three or four hours in between, eat and digest before playing. "

"The worst we can do is evacuate the audience. Night owls like us are most energetic in the early morning, and maybe we can still play high-quality games."

Eimy nodded: "It's the same in the secondary league. How can the Internet cafe team compare with the regular second team? I used to know someone who didn't get his salary for three months. In the end, the team was disbanded and he was given more than 2000 yuan in compensation."

"and then?"

"I haven't contacted you anymore. The first time I contacted you was to ask me to borrow money. How can I borrow money like this? I won't pay it back at first sight."

"You know, you know, you definitely can't borrow this kind of money."

Chatting and chatting off topic again.


The two talked about borrowing money, their girlfriends, and from their girlfriends to family members' opinions.

Qin Hao listened with interest and occasionally interrupted.

As a result, we chatted for more than three hours.

My mouth is dry.

The celebrity celebration is still getting underway.

"Can you please introduce host B quickly? B talks a lot."

"I only know Jaylen from the star team."

"Did you not read the love apartment?"

"Oh, I seem to have a little impression, he played Lu Ziqiao?" Eimy slapped his head.

PYL, Qin Hao:......

Another hour and a half passed.

IMP was lying half-lying playing with his mobile phone until his shoulders were sore. The staff finally came over to remind him: "Get ready, it's time to go on stage. Go and gather in front."

"Grass, it's finally done."

C Bo cursed and straightened his team uniform.

Arrive at the front to assemble.

Qin Hao saw Xiaohu at first sight and waved hello.


They were standing in the middle of the stage. There were no lights on at this time, and the audience could only vaguely see someone on the stage.

"Wild King, please make more appointments for training matches when the time comes."

Xiangguo was talking secretly, clearly violating the reminder of the staff during the rehearsal: no whispering, and be careful about your image!

"Young man, this matter is not my business. What's the point of agreeing to it?"



A light came down.

The conquest slowly descends from the sky!

Seeing this scene, Xiang Guo fainted. We didn't rehearse this in the rehearsal, we just rehearsed how to stand.

"I'm sorry, who planned this? You're stupid enough to criticize it."

Hearing what Xiangguo said, everyone present gave their thumbs up.However, due to the camera facing him, Qin Hao did not dare to make any other moves.

Waited for 1 minutes.

The clothes are down.

When Qin Hao put it on outside, the host was still shouting: "...he is a hero, what can he do with a horizontal sword?"

Can't hear clearly.

Because Xiangguo kept scolding: "How can this dress be so ugly? It didn't look very good last year, why did it change this year?"

Golden dragons are embroidered on both shoulders.

The overall color scheme is very strange.

Xiangguo's voice was quite loud: "Why do they look like scrambled eggs with tomatoes?"

C Bo was even more fierce: "Change the color to black, isn't this a shroud from heaven?"

Everyone present: ...


"Which ghost designed the expedition shirt, did he get a kickback?"

"It has an earthy smell, and it looks better than the one I bought for dozens of dollars."

“The material is pretty good.”

"Okay, everyone, be a little more serious." The factory director reminded.

Players face the camera to restore color.

The barrage was boiling.


“Design can be grounded, but it cannot lead to the underworld.”

"The golden dragon is quite handsome, and the color change is actually okay."

"It doesn't matter what a piece of clothing is, the world championship record is ugly."

"The LPL is a fourth-tier division. Who can we beat? Even European and American teams can't beat them."

"It's really like stepping into the underworld, and the lighting is not that good."

The on-site host is still reading the "Battle Hymn":
"Heroes shoulder to shoulder, overcome obstacles and advance bravely."

"Heroes join hands to cleanse the world and win first."



Under the camera, almost all the players had six words written on their faces:

When will it end?

When a large cloud of white smoke was sprayed around the stage.

After that, Qin Hao followed everyone to the banquet.

I saw a few official commentators who followed the expedition.

Went to the hotel and slept.

Qin Hao returned to the base and couldn't wait to start training.

When it was almost time to have dinner, Brother Chen handed over a stack of photos taken during the expedition, "Come on, let's divide the tasks. There are [-] of them here, and they must all be signed before next Friday."

"Brother Chen, can you sign for me?"

"This task also needs to be done. You spend two to three ten minutes every day. Three or four days is definitely enough."

At night.

Eimy asked Qin Hao: "Aren't you going to sign?"

"I can sign it while I'm waiting for the rankings."

Eimy scratched her head, but didn't understand why Qin Hao was saving so much time.

And in Qin Hao's heart.

This expedition wasted two days of his time, which disrupted the plan a bit.

In these exigencies.

On the evening of September 9, many viewers around the world were paying close attention to the S11 World Championship, and many of them stayed in front of the screen.

Today is the drawing ceremony.

Qin Hao and the others also stayed in the live broadcast room.

"Brother, we are assigned to Group C."

"Let's practice with some weak teams, and let the guests draw some good draws."

"last year……"

Eimy talked about what happened last year, and C Bo was suddenly unhappy.

In such a complicated and unbearable mood.

C Bo began to change his face, and the more he thought about it, the happier he became.

"Okay, H2K come to our group!"

"This lottery guest is god, AHQ was drawn by him. I'm Zhuo, and I'm sure."

When it came to the last draw, C Bo’s pupils were shaken.

"Hahaha." C Bo couldn't hold back his smile any longer: "INTZ is here too, and he's not the first to qualify."

One of the weakest teams among the three tiers was drawn into Group C. What kind of luck is that.

"Eat!" C Bo shouted this sentence.

Qin Hao felt much more relaxed.

As everyone is feeling at this moment, it is definitely a good sign.

The drawing of lots is over and the groups are as follows——

Group A: Rox, G2, CLG, ANX (wild card)
Group B: FW, SKT, EDG, C9
Group C: LGD, H2K, AHQ, INTZ (wild card)
Along with the lottery ceremony, the outside world was equally lively.

"No, why is LGD signing luck so good."

"EDG has been assigned to the death group, SKT and C9 are there."

"Is the group of death not group D?!"

"Come on LGD, we must win the quarterfinals. We can't kneel down in the group stage this time."

"It's hard to say. LGD is a team that has its own negative buffs. If it wins the Summer Championship, I have no confidence at all."

"Hey, we're going to be stepped on by the North American team again. The North American team can't beat it, so don't try to defeat the Korean team. Let's take back the second division first."

"What I'm saying is that the draw didn't go well either. Except for LGD."

The outside world is more pessimistic.

Because last year's marketing was too much, the result was a disastrous failure.

This year is the No. [-] seed of LGD again, which reminds many people of the experience of watching the game last year, so the anti-bar and other places are not so optimistic.

On the contrary, I really like to introduce how strong the Korean team is.

For example, SSG bubbled out of the siege, such as SKT, and No. [-] seed Rox.

But these have nothing to do with Qin Hao.

He has no influence on outside opinions.

After 2 days.

9 month 13 number.

LGD took a flight to San Francisco.

It was his first time traveling so far away. Qin Hao took a picture at the airport and captioned it:

Let's go, see you in the S game.A bunch of people commented below.

"Come on, fight hard."

"Don't be impatient if you are at a disadvantage. The more impatient you are, the easier it is to lose."

"You are the No. [-] seed in the division. Don't be like last year. Besides, the draw was so good. It would be a waste not to make it to the group stage."


Qin Hao did not appear in the comment area.

After buckling his seat belt, he turned off his phone.

"PP, this is your first time going abroad." Ping Dui sat next to him and put his arm on his shoulder affectionately.


"However, the law and order in foreign countries is not good. When we went there, it was training and taking a car to the venue. We were not allowed to act alone."

"So fine."

Ping Dui was about to say it was a pity and a bit boring.

Seeing Qin Hao like this, he suddenly felt stupid.


Even if PP is in China, he doesn't like to go out to play.Really riding a horse is an iron man.This topic cannot be discussed with him.

C Bo immediately switched: "When it will rise, the ears may feel a little uncomfortable. According to the flight attendant, you can relieve it by opening your mouth wide and pretending to shout."

"it is good."

As Ping team said.

When I pull it up, I can clearly feel that something is hitting my ears again.

Open your mouth and shout in your heart, the level will be reduced a lot.

"The 6.18 version has been decided for this World Championship. It feels similar to the playoffs, except for cutting out a few popular heroes."

"Fortunately, the damage of the rock sparrow E panel has been reduced a little, and the cooling of the ice W has been increased a little. It feels like there is no major change."


PYL watched Qin Hao practice hard and actually wanted to comfort him more.The words came to my lips, but I didn’t know what to say.All we can do is talk nonsense tacitly.

After leaving the airport, the reception staff helped to bring it to the hotel where I stayed.

Seeing Qin Hao stretching and walking towards the room with the computer, PYL asked, "Why don't you take a break?"

"Slept on the plane."

Qin Hao waved his hand to indicate that he was fine.

He is indeed fine, the simulated space can guarantee the quality of sleep.Before going abroad, he searched for jet lag, but Qin Hao didn't feel much.

He does.

Several teammates looked at each other with mixed feelings in their hearts.

"Forget it, he's an iron man, I'm going to rest. Giant horse tired."

in the next few days.

Only then did C Bo and others recover.

And in the US server.

The high-end game has a strong player.

At this time, Qin Hao's Czar proficiency has reached level five. He is facing a non-professional mid laner and has a line on the handle.The key is that Qin Hao's czar style of play is somewhat different from the mainstream.

He, the Tsar, liked to look at the river.

The US server actually doesn’t like big fights, but river battles are definitely indispensable.

Therefore, the locals in the US server can only watch this fierce man whose ID is Penicillin score points.If you get him in line, that's fine. If you line up opposite, you can only hope that your teammates won't be inferior so quickly.

Wait a few more days.

Local players on the US server were shocked.

They discovered that this tsar had a lot of rank and was encountered too frequently.

Some people couldn't stand it and went to Twitter to complain: This mid laner named Penicillin is a robot.I met him three times last night, and he was eaten three times. I stayed up all night until 9 a.m., and I was still able to wait for him.

Is he like me, not going to sleep today?
Someone replied: He is a Korean player.

"He is the mid laner of LGD."

"Isn't LGD Godv, Verus shot back?"

"Godv stopped playing after the Spring Split, and this is his replacement. I saw someone saying that he is the rookie king of the mid laner in this year's LPL. He has a very domineering nickname."


"King of life."


The word Qingdi was shouted.

This ID also began to appear frequently in the battles of some North American LOL anchors.

Everyone who met him praised his support and it was great to have him as a teammate.

Opposite him, they complained that this person didn't play laning at all and was not an excellent mid laner.

But no matter what.

Qingdi's terrifying amount of training quickly attracted the attention of some people on Twitter.

to the back.

Not limited to the Czar, from Rock Bird, Ice Girl to Lulu, Card and other heroes, his performance always controls the direction of the game.



Training room.

Qin Hao has been doing this for 2 weeks, making Eimy feel guilty every day.He felt he wasn't the only one who thought so.

However, Qin Hao's practice state was indeed as he said, unaffected.

But he can't.

After staying with her for 2 days, the quality of training dropped significantly, which made Eimy understand: Even if it is just training, there are people in the world who can be more focused and achieve better results.

"Hao Zi."


While waiting, Qin Hao turned his head and glanced at it. He felt that it was all right, and stared at the screen again.

Eimy opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

These days.

They watched Qin Hao train the Tsar with their own eyes.From that day in a training match where EDG lost [-]-[-], to now playing against PawN's enchantress, he has made great progress.

So every time he left the room at night and went to sleep next door, looking at the training room where he was the only one left, Eimy always felt that Qin Hao was in the stomach of a monster.

Seeing his back, I felt a little frightened.

I am afraid that if he burns like this, he will burn out his life sooner or later.

I still remember the BO10 of Chat Snakes that day, he was silent.

But now Eimy feels that the reason why he is silent is not because of Crystal's body or his bleak career, but because he will fight on if something like that happens.

Eimy didn't know if Qin Hao thought that way, but he just thought he would do this.

He still knew from C Bo's mouth that Qin Hao woke up the next day after winning the championship and went to play solo queue.In view of the fact that I went to bed early that day, it is reasonable to deduce that I went downstairs at 10 o'clock in the morning.

He also knows 500 ranks.

When Eimy heard this number, she felt uncomfortable and repelled.He has never seen anyone who makes plans like this and calculates time so carefully.

You know, they have to play two training games at 06:30 in the evening, and they basically left at 2 and 11 o'clock.It will take some time to consolidate the parts that were not played so well in the scrims.

In other words, there are 24 hours in a day, and excluding training matches, there are only 18 hours left.

500 ranks.

As a result, Qin Hao is now waiting for a break to do some trivial things.For example, go to the bathroom to drain water.Don't even want to waste this time.

The crazy amount of training makes MaRin, a person who has suffered so much, not know what to say. MaRin is just sure that Bang can't do this.

Eimy was in a daze for a few minutes.

Qin Hao suddenly asked: "Brother Dan, is Nightmare okay?"

"I will drive whoever you ask me to drive. It is indeed relatively simple."

These days, in addition to simulating heroes, Qin Hao is also using EDG to simulate the overall situation.He increasingly felt that the best part of their game was mid-range teamfights.

And before he played Yanque, he always felt that Brother Dan didn't have any good heroes to combine with him.

Like the kind of jungler with a lottery control, it is easy to become too much AP attribute.

Transform to, transform to go.

He fell in love with Nightmare and Vi.

Among them, Nightmare can effectively make up for the problem that the dragon group's vision is not as good as the opposite.

If the opponent is in position first, midfielders such as Nightmare and Rock Bird, or Nightmare and Ryze, can cause confusion in the first line and allow the back row to fall into the river calmly.

Including when he plays Tsar, Nightmare rushes in and sells, which can also play a role in covering the formation.The only shortcoming of this hero is that it is too easy to melt. If his teammates follow him a little slower, the nightmare will be lost.

Or if you keep up, the opponent will lose its troops faster, but you still can't beat it.

But the good thing is that you don't have to fight for those dangerous areas in advance.For example, the first four 50 seconds and half a minute of resource refresh.

When trying to grab the field of view, it is easy to be forced into a state by the opponent.

It was also through the review after the global simulation that Qin Hao realized that the only two options for positioning later were giving up resources and slowly squeezing out.

When he watched the LCK playoffs, he felt that Han Bing was a similar hero. He used E to explore the field of vision and find the weak points of the formation.

It's just that the ability of ice to create chaos is not as strong as that of nightmare.

Qin Hao felt that they still needed this method of forcibly settling in.

And Eimy totally agreed with Qin Hao's idea.

In his heart, he must feel that Nightmare is just a tool hero. Whether he can beat him or not is beyond the control of Nightmare.

The only question is whether it can be used, then the nightmare has no threshold. If there is a target, it is really foolish to use a big move and then lock it.

In his heart, he calls this kind of hero a fool hero.

Most professional junglers don't like idiot heroes either. What level of operation can you show by playing a nightmare?
But if it feels right, then practice.


"Penicillin is about to reach the top. He has played more than 300 hands."

"He's not as good as Faker, but he just practiced too much. He can score points naturally."

Qin Hao doesn't care about his ranking.

After these days of training matches, they need to exchange ideas every day.

By this time, there were no more appointments with the Korean team.

Heart said there is no way, because the World Championship version seems to be just fine-tuning, but no one knows what heroes will emerge after these fine-tuning.

Just like last year, SKT didn't really play Captain or Tetsuo, but they still won the championship.

The so-called BP rate is sometimes just a reference.

Not to mention the North American TSM who were killing randomly in training matches. They seemed to be even stronger than last year. I have communicated with RNG and they found that TSM won more than RNG and lost less.

"Man, this has been my best year ever."

"It's definitely no problem to get out of the group stage, we can't be too proud."

“I think it’s time for a North American team to be represented in the finals.”


Hauntzer patted Doublelift on the shoulder and laughed.


Twitter once again discussed Qingdi.

This time, the discussion was much higher than last time.

the reason is.

After Penicillin reached the top spot, his ranking remained undiminished.This makes many people question.

They used to think that such a professional player might just have too much vanity if he didn't play hard in training matches (actually outside of training matches) and instead competed for such unnecessary rankings.

As a result, after reaching the top of the US server, this ID is still active in the high-scoring rankings.

Leading to Twitter's rhetoric began to reflect.

They feel that players in the Chinese and Korean divisions have a high probability of achieving results precisely because of their hard work, while no North American players have worked so hard, so they have not achieved particularly commendable results since S1.

There are many comments like this:

"This player is amazing, and he deserves his results."

“It’s really time for those players with dollars and big contracts to come and see how they treat this job. Our players have too much entertainment life, and no one cares so much about league games. "

"But buddy, we have the best mid laner. I think talent is more important than hard work. Every World Championship, we can play in the mid lane, but not in other positions."

"I have to admit that hard work is not that meaningful in the face of talent."

"Doesn't Penicillin have talent? Without talent, how did he lead the team to win the summer championship. If you have talent and work hard, isn't it better to realize your talent?"

"LGD is not all bottom lane c. I remember that IMP has a high output ratio. Oh, and there is also top lane. In our division, there are too few top laners who play well, and they will only get beaten."

"LGD's top laner is MaRin, who was last year's FMVP. It would be unreasonable not to enter the World Championship."

"I just think that our competition area is still too comfortable."

"That's right. They always like to say that the American server doesn't have a good training environment, but they don't play much in the Korean server. As far as I know, Penicillin is also very active in the Korean server."

these arguments.

Gradually, it was passed back to the country.

Some international students can hardly hold back their curiosity when they see Twitter discussing a Chinese player like this.

When this part of the comment collection was translated back to China, it quickly attracted the attention of the anti-bar.

"Guigui, Penicillin is working so hard? He has almost played 350 ranked games, averaging about 15 games a day."

"This LGD seems to be different. The new mid laner doesn't choose skins."

"Don't forget that Penicillin likes to post on Weibo. It's not like he doesn't like to show off."

"But he has indeed played so many ranked games. You can't say that the training is also wrong. Right? I found that some of my teammates are very prejudiced against Penicillin and always think that he is not good enough."

"He's really not c enough, and he didn't talk nonsense."

"But LGD is Xia Guan."

"The Summer Championship doesn't mean there are no shortcomings. Our best result in the LPL in the past few years was the runner-up of the Royal Family. Before we had results, it was useless to say that. If he ranked first in the US server, he would automatically win the cup?"

Say so.

Kangba's attack on LGD was obviously weakened.

Just as most people think in their minds, if you work hard for a goal, it doesn’t matter whether you can achieve it or not, but at least the attitude of working hard can’t find fault.

Even if LGD fails to achieve good results, they will not have the same public opinion environment as last year.

Resisting it is not all neuropathy.

There is a big difference between not being able to defeat him and not being able to practice expansion well, so being unable to defeat him.

The former is just inferior in skills, while the latter is a horse-riding person who even has attitude problems.

A single arrow in the opposite direction will not change the result.

But what was revealed with an arrow in the opposite direction was playing Sky Sword before the game and choosing skins during the live broadcast.

Before the fight, everyone held it in and didn't want to put so much pressure on them.

After finishing the fight, it really didn't work, so it was time for the green garlic session.

There is a cause and an effect.

In this kind of attention.

Some international students began to follow Penicillin's US server account and update their ranking results in real time every day.

It's February 9th.

Penicillin played 503 ranked.

The heroes used are no longer limited to the Tsar.

No one will ever say shit about Penicillin not being enough.

Perhaps such thoughts still exist, but in today's anti-bar public opinion, not many people dare to say such things.

No one cares how good the signing of Group C is.

Qin Hao inexplicably became a benchmark among some people due to his rank.

Putting aside whether Penicillin is strong or not, his training attitude is absolutely amazing.

If every player looks up to him, even if LPL is the third division, sooner or later it will become the first division.This is a new argument from the anti-bar.

Resist it.

People who follow Penicillin's Weibo are going crazy.

They knew that Penicillin was known for his hard work in the past, but they really didn't expect to achieve this level.

According to some boring people on twitter, the US server super account rank statistics are tracked.

Among them, about half of the super accounts have only been played for about 300 times.

The South Korean team has always been known for its discipline, and Bang, who has the most rank, only played 465 games, which is still a long way from the number of 503.


really crazy.

The big teams are talking about Penicillin.

However, many coaches have come to the conclusion that this kind of practice is actually not effective.

The body will be very tired.

And persisting like this for a long time is more like an obsession.

They all felt that Penicillin might have a mental problem and was too afraid of being embarrassed in the World Championships, so he tortured himself like this.

After all, a grassroots team like the LPL probably wouldn't care about the psychological problems of the players.

Let's talk about this.

Some Korean players even had some sympathy for Penicillin.

They have also been pressured by public opinion and know the environment in which similar obsessions are most likely to arise.

In addition, LGD was the No. [-] seed last year, and its performance was indeed abstract.

“As long as the training volume is stable every day, it’s good.”

"It should be easy for LGD to qualify. With this attitude, they shouldn't make the same mistakes as last year."

"Well, as long as they don't underestimate the enemy and don't be impatient, the lot they drew was too good and they avoided us."

"Hahaha, indeed."

The Korean coaching staff, who only play against each other, have a similar mentality.

They didn't take other teams seriously.

They have already dominated the game, and communicating with other regions, not only can't improve, they can only leak tactics.

The day before the group stage.

Watching Qin Hao finally stop qualifying and go to bed three hours earlier, Bo C finally breathed a sigh of relief.

These days, he feels that he has also worked hard.

Last year, he probably only practiced half as much as he did this year.

The problem is that there is such a person who wakes up early and goes to bed late. Whenever he goes to the training room, he can be seen sitting in a row in a row. It would be false to say that he does not feel guilty.

Listen to Qin Hao's quick and gentle breathing.

C Bo walked out of the bedroom lightly.

"he has slept?"


Eimy was silent for a while.There was a lot to say a second ago, but this time I don't know what to say.

The two stood outside the door for a while before saying good night to each other.

The tainted milk list has long been released.

LGD only has two players on the list, namely IMP at No. 2 and MaRin at No. 9.

Put it in Twitter terms.

LGD just adapted quickly to the playoff version, but the configuration is actually not good.Now, the bonus is over.

in sleep.

Qin Hao's consciousness came to the simulation space.

Looking at Clockwork, Tsar, Jace, and Ryze who had reached level six, he felt very peaceful——

This is all I can do.

No time wasted.

All the heroes in the meeting are at level six, including Rock Bird, who is about to reach level seven.

The price is just that most of the simulation points are spent.

It's July 9th.

Qin Hao felt refreshed and went downstairs to meet the coach and said hello, "Good morning, coach."

Seeing Qin Hao like this, Heart's eyes showed complexity.

The fatigue didn't seem to linger on him.

But Heart has been a professional player, and he knows how tiring training like this can be.

During the training camp.

More than once, he asked Qin Hao to rest early and take a few days of rest, but...

He now regrets that he didn't realize that he was a stubborn player in some aspects the day he joined the team.He is prouder than anyone else in his heart.

 I don't have time to modify it, sorry, I will publish it first and then polish it.Gone today.Embarrassed.

(End of this chapter)

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