Chapter 143 The Heat
Sitting in the waiting room, MaRin looked back.Obviously I can't see anything, but I have a similar feeling.

Beside him, IMP was playing with his mobile phone very immersedly.

Thinking about the future, he actually felt a little melancholy.He could have said nothing. Maybe after a few weeks, the matter would fade away.

But he didn't want to hide it from Qin Hao.

He told no one except Qin Hao about this matter.Maybe the team leader can know a little bit about his attitude...

Not to mention.

He didn't think that continuing to be teammates with Qin Hao would be a good thing for him and Qin Hao.

I remember watching Qin Hao practicing for several days in a row one day, holding back his energy and waiting for Qin Hao to leave the training room first.That time he endured it so hard that it took him several days to recover.He actually knows that he has lost the qualification to show off, but sometimes he just doesn't want to admit it.

But what if you don’t admit it?

He is 26 years old!

How does the physical function and energy of a 26-year-old compare to that of a 17-year-old?How much more ability can I have?
Listen to the voice announcement of flight information.

MaRin is actually very scared. He is afraid that after a long vacation, it will take him a lot of time to get into the state.Even if you find the state, you can't go back to the past.He was afraid that he would change his mind and see Qin Hao's comforting eyes.

He will never forget the days of the summer split.

He watched that after Qin Hao joined, the team atmosphere gradually improved and became more energetic.He felt that it was very comfortable to be a teammate with Qin Hao.

It's just...

The flight was arriving, more than 40 minutes late.

MaRin patted IMP on the shoulder, stood up and looked back again.Only in this way can we not be teammates anymore.He didn't want to show his powerless side to Qin Hao or to people he knew well.

When he first came into contact with LOL, he always despised the "hard-talking" people.When I see teammates passing the blame, I will ask myself: Is it so difficult to admit that my skills are inferior to others?

Only after I became a professional did I realize that it is really difficult to admit that my skills are not as good as others.

In a sense, it is better to praise your opponent for playing well than to say that you are poor.

Just think of me as a selfish person.

It bothers friends and teammates.

But he couldn't imagine how he would face those appraising eyes when such a day came.

I'm a little tired from thinking about it.

MaRin asked the flight attendant for a blanket and took out an eye mask.

He was going to a team with no acquaintances.

Only in this way can his selfishness and calculation support him to play shamelessly for another one or two seasons.

Reviewed the plan again.

He put on the blindfold with satisfaction and breathed calmly.

They will still be in contact and see each other, but they will not be teammates.

This is what he expected.


"How can this person be so embarrassed and say that I have no effect?"

"Fuck, why is this comment like this?"

After getting off the plane, get ready to pick up your luggage.On the way, C Bo couldn’t wait to check his cell phone.He spent the whole night writing comments, but it wasn't enough.He just wants to see netizens praise them.

Eimy leaned over to take a look, and the comments were hilarious——

"I became a fan of PYL in S4. At that time, I just thought he had good skills. In S5, Huo Man Ironmaking was ridiculed by the entire Internet. I didn't dare to speak out, but I also looked forward to the day when he would get back on his feet. When I beat SSG and entered the finals , I was so excited that I stayed up all night and continued to wait in the live broadcast room the next day to wait for his presence...

Finally, let me make a grand introduction. PYL, real name C Bo, captain of LGD, the second most handsome person in the team after Penicillin!Please keep up the good work in the new season! "

"Haha." Eimy was amused.

However, there are many comments about such a wonderful turn of events.

Eimy once praised him for playing Nightmare well, and finally said, "Come on, Penicillin."It’s very engaging.

When picking up the luggage, Brother Chen was already contacting the car.

After a while, the bus came.

Qin Hao saw the car door open and Sister Pan walking out.

"Welcome our hero."

Qin Hao was stunned for a moment. He felt that Sister Pan was not that happy.It was said to be a welcome, but the smile seemed to be forced out.


"Haha, No. [-] in hot searches and No. [-] in discontinuous searches."

"It's also because nothing major happened in the entertainment industry in the past two days."


The executives of the LOL sector are in a good mood.

It is definitely a surprise that LGD can win the championship. You must know that the intention contract they signed with LGD seems to stipulate the conditions for promotion if they win the championship, but LGD themselves have no idea and are not willing to speak out.

Compared with the previous rounds of grinding, this intention went very smoothly.

Thinking of Pan Jie's fussy face and seeing how enthusiastic the LPL audience was for their first championship, he wanted to laugh.

It's a small thing to add some money, but he feels comfortable when he can see Pan Jie deflated.

Especially yesterday, LGD also wanted to put forward conditions for the promotion of the entry. Using this method to test it made him want to laugh even more.Is there anyone who cares more about Hu Ya than them?

"Teng Jing was scolded over there."

The subordinate joked: "It seems that the winning copywriter came out late and was scolded for not caring about the finals."


The executives of the LOL sector laughed twice and thought of business: "Are they coming back today?"

"Yes, LGD went to pick it up."

"That's okay, let's go there sometime."

Thinking about the traffic and popularity that the champion players might bring, I feel more and more that I made the right move.


“Didn’t the budget request pass? Why wasn’t the negotiation completed?!”

I heard my boss lose his temper.

The two people who went to the LGD office to block the door that day felt uncomfortable.Why can't we negotiate? Why don't we have any idea?If the other side adds some conditions, they have no decision-making power at all.

When the reports were made repeatedly, Huya had already settled down.

If the process is not flexible enough and rigid, how can we compete with Huya for time?

Complaints are complaints, and it is business to be disciplined.

"Forget it, winning the championship will only happen for a while. They can only stabilize their live broadcast during this period. When the spring split begins, they won't have much time to live broadcast."

Wait for someone to leave the office.

The deputy executive of the live broadcast segment called his old friend and alumnus of Tengjing alone, "What are the regulations there?"

"In the event of a big dispute, we should still provide benefits as normal."

"What do you mean?" the deputy executive was curious.

"DAUs have been rising during this period, and we are almost approaching MSI in 15. This is the first championship, and LGD is willing to cooperate with us. Now we are mainly discussing how long the promotional page will last. What I mean is that the homepage client will be broadcast for three months. Then go to the sub-page. The event rewards can be more generous, and we can make a big splash in conjunction with the unlimited firepower on November 11th."

"Does it need to be so grand?"

The other person said amusingly: "My proposal is considered to be mid-range at best. Some people even think that all skins will be discounted and the championship celebration date will last for a month. The skins are free for this month. You can get the skins by playing matching or ranking." . Then we have to make a championship documentary for LGD and bundle it to promote the return gift."

"Returning gift?"

"Yes, as long as you log in to your old account from 16 years ago, you will get a gift package."


He heard from an old friend that the daily activity of LOL has been declining significantly in the past two years, and the enthusiasm for live broadcasts has also declined.The reason is still the lack of achievements and stars.The second problem is the decline in gameplay.

hang up the phone.

He regretted it a little again.

If you want to attract old users to return, you can’t do it without some efforts.And he feels that Tengjing seems to want to build Penicillin into a facade like Uzi and Mingkai.Such publicity resources save their live broadcast platforms a lot of trouble.

After all, the most they can do is write some copywriting and invest more money to build momentum, but Tengjing can contact the official media and use the event schedule to warm up the players.

What a pity...

"Fuck, you idiot Fujii, your winning copywriting is so slow. Did you write 2-3 first?"

"I also suspect that the editor is planning for LGD to lose."

"There is no sincerity. LGD's reaction to winning the championship is smaller than EDG's winning the MSI championship. It's ugly to take advantage of others."

"Don't worry, it's only the second day, it can't go so fast."

"I don't know if it will be fast or not, but Fujii is very vigorous in promoting the new skin. Many of the video UP owners I follow are helping to promote it."


From yesterday afternoon to nearly noon, the top two hot search tags were "LGD" and "Champion".

The third, fifth, eighth and eleventh entries are still related to the final——

[The new king of S game ascends the throne]

[Faker looks back with unwilling eyes]

[Faker’s hands are shaking, Penicillin’s rock bird]

[RNG regrets it too late, Bai Xing personally talks with the three young managers to resign]


In addition to hot searches, content related to the finals is even more bloody.

Related posts surged.

On Zhihu, there is a big player who is active in league topics all year round. He even wrote a [-]-word article, saying that LGD’s mid-to-long-distance teamfighting is worth learning from all teams——

"Before this, we learned more about the LCK's play style and their operational methods, including how to accumulate advantages, how to divide the lanes to reduce the number of soldiers being burned, how to arrange the vision, and position for team battles. We also know how to occupy the center It’s very important, but most teams can’t actually play such an important method.”

"LGD is different. All their tactical ideas are based on the midline. Moreover, the lineup they chose and the way to start a team are quite flexible. Looking at the BO5 in the finals, you will find that when SKT tries to play one-three-one development, LGD can give a lot of opportunities oppression.

In the past, we always panicked when we saw LPL teams lagging behind in economy.Why?Because SKT can win the game without teamwork in the mid-term, we lack relatively stable means to crack this set of defensive counterattacks...

I will focus on the third game. This game can be regarded as the best game in which LGD occupied the center and played the king.Compared with the third game, the back-up team in the fifth game is the key. If we don't play well, we will lose..."

When Qin Hao took the bus back to the LGD club, Kangba was even more amusing with his memes.

The classic Death Scythe returns.

In the original painting of Yanqiao, the team logo that was knocked away by Yantu included SKT.

There is also a cover with Penicillin on the left looking back, and Faker on the right looking back lonely...

"LPL's first S-game champion! LGD is awesome."

"I've seen Faker's expression dozens of times, and the more I look at it, the happier I am."

"Penicillin's eyes are so expressive. He is looking for people in the audience to help cheer him up."

"Brothers, what skin should I choose?"

"IMP Policewoman, PYL Bull Head, Eimy Wei, Penicillin Cards, and if it's MaRin, Kenan and Gnar are all fine."

"Not a rock bird? Not a rock bird? Not a rock bird?"

"I think Ryze is good. Why is no one talking about Ryze? Penicillin was the first to play the new version of Ryze. There is one saying that Faker's Ryze combo is fine, but his ultimate move doesn't feel right."

"Indeed, Penicillin seems to have a theory for using such a mobile ultimate move."

"Qingdi is so good at catching the rhythm, it's just one or two beats."

"That's awesome Ryze!"

"No, Ryze has already been labeled as Faker. It feels weird to choose another skin. And when Penicillin was interviewing, didn't he say that a fan wanted to see him play cards in the World Championship? Just cards! I'm here The 2-day card uses artillery, and the higher the rank, the more powerful this routine will be."

"Uh-huh, don't talk about this. I'm in the golden tier and my teammates are not cooperating with me to focus fire. I want to wait for the CD to pull, but they have already sent me away. If I lose, they still scold me for why I didn't follow. I'll just follow you. Eight, how can you sell it if you don’t have a golden body?"

"Below the diamond, you should be a good lich, at least it is a threat to Crispy."

"No, no, no, I really have to choose the rock bird."

Another argument started below.

"It is best to design the animation of the return to the city so that several shadows float next to the rock bird, and then a stone block appears under the rock bird to lift it up. When the rock bird takes off, all these shadows are shattered."

"Then how about adding a string of letters under the special effects. How about writing King of life?"

"Good good!"

"That's great. Several champion skins in the past were designed like this. At most, they have a little bit of personal elements."

"Don't worry, if there is such a skin, I will buy it immediately."

Obviously there is no result.

These viewers who have watched the live broadcast of the finals love to waste their time arguing.

There are ones that support cards, rockbirds, Ryze, and even czars.

No one can convince anyone, everyone has a hero they prefer.

Various analyzes are incompatible with each other.

Bo C put down his luggage, endured his exhaustion and was curious: "PP, what do you want to choose the most?" Eimy next to her pricked up her ears and interjected: "The day before yesterday, I called you Brother Hao, but today I am PP. Humph."

Not sure what he was mumbling, C Bo replied: "You know it. Labor and management didn't ask you."

"Why, I can't stand it."

When bickering.

Qin Hao sat by the bed and thought a lot.Who should you choose as your hero?

he does not know.

If he had to respect his heart, he thought it was Yanque.From the semi-finals to the finals, Yanjai was the hero that SSG and SKT feared.

But the card was the first choice he felt confident in, and it was also the hero that helped him the most.

He was also confused about what to do.

"Didn't you say you would keep in touch with us in March?" Maybe by March, he would know.

C Bo said to himself: "I will definitely choose Bronn, the security door is so handsome. Danzi, what about you?"


Eimy was equally confused.He had never thought about this matter, nor did he think that the Wei some people discussed was his favorite hero.He can tell the audience that he doesn't like heroes like Wei at all.

But when he hit the back, he could only take out Nightmare and Wei.Before the fourth game, his teammates asked him if he wanted to play with a male gun, but he hesitated.After all, male guns are too easy to OB, and they have no sense of presence in team battles.

"do not know."

"You don't know either? Why don't you just choose a skin? You haven't thought about it before?" C Bo was shocked.He wanted to choose Bronn or Bullhead last year.

Eimy wanted to complain.Not everyone has achieved results since their debut, so they dare to dream about what skin to choose.

"I'll watch it again, there's no rush. By the way, when are you leaving C Bo?"

"I will return to Chaozhou the day after tomorrow."

"I just got a ticket tomorrow. Where is Brother Hao?"

"I always feel weird when you call me this." Qin Hao still didn't respond, "I'll wait and see."

"Okay, let's meet again when we have the chance." Eimy said with a smirk, "I may come to play with you in a week or two."

Qin Hao's hometown is in a small county in the south-central part of Hunan Province.

According to Qin Hao himself, there are many left-behind children and elderly people in his hometown.

"Welcome. But I don't have anything to entertain you there." Qin Hao explained in advance: "There is no place to play."

"If that doesn't work, just go to the Internet cafe."

"There are Internet cafes."

There is still a lot of this.


(End of this chapter)

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