Survival for All: I Can Extract the Essence of All Things.

Chapter 200: The army is suppressed and the beheading plan is planned!

Chapter 200: The army is suppressed and the beheading plan is planned!

Amidst the sound of horse hooves, Batu roared angrily, led nearly a hundred Iron Wildebeest cavalry, and stampeded towards a group of goblins.

Facing the collective charge of the Iron Wild Horse cavalry, the originally menacing group of goblins collapsed and disintegrated in an instant, fleeing in all directions.

It's just that their movements are still a little slower.

As the Iron Wild Horse cavalry rolled past, hundreds of goblin corpses appeared on the ground.

Under Batu's command, the Iron Wildebeest cavalry charged back and forth three times before completely scattering the goblin group.

"Burn the corpses."

There were many gains, and none of the cavalry died, but there was not much joy on Batu's face.

He ordered his men to burn the goblin corpses, and looked at the goblin screams one after another at dusk, his face full of worry.

Their current location is an area about eight kilometers north of their home.

In the morning, only scattered goblins appeared in this area.

But now, there are already several large groups of goblins.

As the goblins approached, the environment in the northern part of their homeland also suffered major damage.

Wild monsters have been driven away, roots of vegetation have been dug up, the air is filled with stench, and flies and mosquitoes carrying diseases are everywhere.
Except for the resource points such as ores that have not been greatly damaged, the entire northern part of the homeland will become a barren land without any grass.

Batu led the Iron Wildebeest cavalry to run around for a day, but they were unable to change the gradually desolate situation in the northern part of their homeland.

And this is just the result of the goblin army not arriving...

The gradually burning firelight reflected Batu's gloomy face, casting a shadow over the hearts of the surrounding men.

"Captain, those goblins who escaped just now seem to be rushing over again!"

A patrolling Iron Wildebeest cavalry loudly reported, bringing Batu, whose thoughts were wandering, back to the battlefield.


Batu ordered everyone to mount their horses.

Because he has a mount, he doesn't worry about being surrounded by goblins.

He led the Iron Horned Horse cavalry and rushed in the direction reported by his men.


Before they even got close, Batu and the others heard noisy cries.

Under dusk, the endless goblins, like the rising tide of the sea, slowly moved southward, seeming to submerge the entire Southern Wilderness Peninsula.

"The Goblin army is moving south!"

Seeing this scene, an idea suddenly appeared in Batu's mind.

He involuntarily reined in the Iron Wildebeest and saw the goblins charging towards him with red eyes from a distance.

Amidst the noisy cries of the goblins, Batu actually felt a sense of horror.

"Retreat! Return to Lingxiao Village!"

Batu immediately issued a retreat order, turned his horse's head, and led his men to retreat to Lingxiao Village.

At the same time, he opened his home screen and sent a message to Liu Hao.
[The Goblin tribe has passed Aoshan and officially moved south! 】

On top of Ao Mountain, Lin Xiaoyi transformed into riding on Ao Quan, standing on the top of the mountain, watching the group of goblins heading south continuously, and sent a message to Lin Xiao.

The goblin's squeaking cries echoed throughout the sky.

The energy contained in it makes the low-level canine monsters in Aoshan restless.

Going straight up the river, I could see as far as the Southern Wilderness Forest that the group of goblins had not been cut off.

It seems that a large number of wild monsters have been discovered in Aoshan. The direction of the goblin group's movement shows signs of tilting towards Aoshan.

Even among the canine monsters in Aoshan, after these few days of surrender, the number has reached seven to eight thousand.

But Ao Quan still felt a huge threat from the countless goblins and kept making heavy breathing sounds.


Ao Quan roared, as if to intimidate the goblins heading south.

Its aura affects the canine monsters in Aoshan.

The dire wolf and the black hellhound took up positions on each side and also howled in warning.

Suddenly, the sky and the earth were filled with howls of dogs, howls of wolves, and cries of goblins, creating a scene that filled the sky with boiling water.


At this moment, several Goblin warriors riding Steppenwolf blew the horns in their hands and corrected the direction of the Goblin group.

The goblins who wanted to rush into Aoshan immediately returned to the queue and headed south.

Not long after, the avatar saw a group of goblins lined up.

Compared with those products of open breeding, these goblins are of a higher level. Most of them hold weapons in their hands, and their eyes are not scarlet.

There are probably more than 2 of them.

Goblin Shaman Liguru was located in the center of the team, surrounded by well-equipped Goblin warriors generally in the second and third levels. He was riding a five-meter-tall, eight-meter-long deformed monster.

"What monster is that?"

Seeing the Goblin Shaman appear, he transformed into an invisible figure, stood up and looked at the strange creature under the Goblin Shaman's crotch.

The sub-account passed the information about the creature to the avatar, allowing him to roughly know some information about the [Blood Beast].

[The number of Goblins is unknown, stretching for several kilometers! 】

[The Goblin Shaman and the normally developed Goblins are located in the center of the team. Among them is a five-meter-tall and eight-meter-long blood beast, which is the creature that hatched from the blood god's egg.

The level is displayed as level four, and its strength is comparable to that of Warcraft, but the prompt message also says that it is not comparable to normal Warcraft.

The aura is chaotic and ferocious, it should be difficult to deal with! 】The avatar continuously sent the information he observed to Lin Xiao using a sub-account.

While looking in his incarnation, Goblin Shaman Liguru was also looking at Aoshan in the distance.

When he saw that Ao Quan had reached the fourth level and was accompanied by two fourth-level beasts, although his expression was cautious, he did not feel any pressure.

In its plan, it waits until it leads an army of goblins to conquer Lingxiao Village and breeds a group of strong goblins.

It is not impossible to eliminate the goblin population in Aoshan.

As for now, it does not want to conflict with the Ao dog population.

On the one hand, there are many second-level and third-level wild monsters in the Aogu population, as well as two fourth-level strange beasts.

If a battle breaks out, although it is sure to wipe out the Ao dog population, it will definitely suffer heavy losses.

On the other hand, Aoshan is too close to Cangcrocodile Lake.

Liguru was worried that making too much noise would wake up the alligator.

Even though the Goblin tribe has a large number of people now, it is still not enough in front of the Crocodile.

Withdrawing his gaze, Ligulu sat on the blood beast and continued to direct the team south.

The blood beast under his crotch also became more and more excited——
"Xiao read that correctly?"

In the Civic Hall, William Freire looked pale and couldn't help but ask Lin Xiao.

Just now, Lin Xiao told Liu Hao and William Freire the information he had observed on Mount Ao.

Hearing Lin Xiao's words, Liu Hao and William Freire's hearts suddenly lifted.

Although Avatar didn't come up with an exact number.

But describing the goblin invasion team as stretching for miles was still too scary to their ears.

Thanks to the efforts of all parties, Lingxiao Village is now as well defended as possible.

They even used all earth-type ability users to dig a deep canal more than ten meters wide outside Lingxiao Village.

Since water flow could not be introduced and there was a lack of fuel, some wood was filled, intending to be ignited when the goblin army arrived to prevent the goblin invasion.

But all this seemed a little powerless in front of the goblin army that stretched for miles.

"The news is probably accurate. Batu and the others have encountered the Goblin vanguard before and are heading back now."

Liu Hao confirmed Lin Xiao's information.

He has now calmed down and no longer thinks about how to save the northern part of his homeland.

After all, compared with the destruction of their homeland, those are no longer important.

After thinking about it, Liu Hao gave his own suggestions.

"There are only fences in the outer city, and it's enough to keep them symbolically. Anyway, there are some wasteland there, so even if we give up, the loss will not be big.

If you retreat to the inner city, you will not only have the city wall as protection, but you will also be able to use the restraining aura to suppress the enemy to the greatest extent.

I suggest that the scope of the protective halo of Lingxiao Village be reduced to the inner city, which can also reduce the consumption of soul coins. "

"I agree!" William Freire quickly calmed down, "Today, regardless of power, authority, or status, everyone must take turns to go up the wall to defend the city.

The law enforcement team is responsible for supervising the army, and the Ministry of Public Affairs is responsible for logistics. As long as you are in Lingxiao Village, you must contribute to the defense of the city. "

Upon hearing the invasion of the Goblin tribe, dozens of people in Lingxiao Village had given up fighting and chose to flee.

Those people were also permanently expelled from Lingxiao Village by Lin Xiao and the others, and the communication halo was banned.

If Lingxiao Village can survive this disaster, those people will not be able to enter Lingxiao Village in this life and can only become wanderers in the wasteland.

"Information about the Goblin tribe must be kept secret. If it spreads, it will easily cause panic. Maybe more people will flee without a fight."

Liu Hao said something, then hesitantly looked at Lin Xiao and said:
"Master of Lingxiao Pavilion, since Xiao has strong hiding ability and has found the location of Goblin Shaman, can we assassinate him?"

After hearing Liu Hao's words, William Freire also looked at Lin Xiao expectantly.

In their opinion, if they could kill the Goblin Shaman, they might be able to dismantle the entire Goblin tribe.

Even if the goblin swarm cannot be retreated, it may be possible to cause the goblin swarm to collapse.

Lin Xiao looked at the two people with hopeful faces and pretended to be thoughtful.

In fact, ever since he learned about the size of the Goblin tribe, he had not pinned his hopes on Lin Xiao Village.

In terms of strength alone, the Ao Quan population is more reliable than Lingxiao Village.

He has only one request for Lingxiao Village now, and that is to rely on the aura of his home to protect itself.

'In the end, it's up to me to solve the Goblin tribe! '

Lin Xiao sighed inwardly.

His initial plan was to deal with the Goblin tribe alone.

The incarnation on Aoshan Mountain was designed for this purpose.

After thinking for a while, Lin Xiao spoke to the two of them:

"It's not enough for Xiao alone. We need Zero's help."

Hearing Lin Xiao's words, Liu Hao and William Freire showed a hint of joy on their faces.

They originally thought that Lin Xiao would reject the proposal.

After all, it is too dangerous to take the life of an enemy leader out of a million troops.

And Ling and Xiao are the right-hand men of the Lord of Lingxiao Pavilion. If they implement this dangerous strategy, it can be said that they have a narrow escape from death.

Now that Lin Xiao showed signs of agreeing, how could the two of them not be surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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