Survival for All: I Can Extract the Essence of All Things.

Chapter 276 The miracle of destiny, Zhang returns home!

Chapter 276 The miracle of destiny, return home!

"Sir Actor, please say something!"

Just when the two sides were quarreling, a true believer noticed Eddie Jones who was silent behind him and immediately called him to take charge of the situation.

Both sides of the argument gradually became quiet amidst the shouts.

As the agent of Destiny, Eddie Jones is the only one who can use divine magic.

The strength is one level higher than the strongest awakened person present.

His attitude should be taken seriously by everyone present.

Because the always-open door to the Kingdom of God was inexplicably closed, the Ring of Destiny lost the window to cast its sights on reality.

At this time, Eddie Jones was being reprimanded by the Ring of Destiny.

Yes, the door to the Kingdom of God that opens in Eddie Jones’s spiritual body is actually controlled by Eddie Jones whether it is closed or closed.

This is the privilege of Eddie Jones’ status as “Father of God.”

However, due to the previous coma, the spirit body automatically closed the door to the Kingdom of God.

In the past, when Eddie Jones woke up, he would immediately open the door to the Kingdom of God so that the Ring of Destiny could watch the present world.

But this time because of Lin Xiao, he did not open it immediately.

This made the Ring of Destiny very dissatisfied. Coupled with the previous frustration when facing Lin Xiao, he couldn't help scolding Eddie Jones.

Lin Xiao's restriction made Eddie Jones unable to refute and could only bear it silently.

And when the true believer shouted to Eddie Jones, the Ring of Destiny focused on the Destiny Valley that was about to split.


With a soft cry, five rings appeared behind Eddie Jones' head, body, lower body and hands respectively.

Sensing the wavering of believers' faith, the Ring of Destiny was finally willing to spend some of the power of faith it had accumulated in the past to perform a miracle in reality.

The appearance of the Ring of Destiny also convinced the true believers and they began to pray.

As for the larger number of false believers, commotion began to occur, and even Geno Bess was unsure.

After all, Lin Xiao had already left at this time.

On the opposite side were Ring of Destiny and Eddie Jones, but on their side they only had the remaining power of Lin Xiao.

However, only Eddie Jones, who was closely connected with the Ring of Destiny, knew how much Lin Xiao's remaining power shocked the Ring of Destiny.

[I am the Lord God of mankind, the God of Destiny. 】

[Those who follow me and believe in me will be tested]

A large amount of information poured into the consciousness of everyone present, but it was the Ring of Destiny that used its own communication halo function to communicate to everyone.

The content is to call on everyone to continue to believe in Him and follow Him.

One of the main reasons why Eddie Jones allowed the Destiny Sect to develop and grow was because of the function of the Home Halo.

The foundation for all people to survive is the core of their homeland.

When the Ring of Destiny was born, many unaware people would inevitably associate the Ring of Destiny with the reason that allowed them to travel to thousands of worlds.

Eddie Jones has said these things many times in the past.

The so-called "God's Trial" is the packaging of itself by the Ring of Destiny.

Further benefits such as "those who act in accordance with God's will, the dead can enter the kingdom of God as heroic spirits, and the living can be named gods under the main god of mankind" can make many people devote themselves to devout faith.

After all, the Kingdom of God does exist, and there are some spirit beings of true believers living there.

But this time, because it was the Ring of Destiny who personally preached the message, and also used a bit of the power of the human main god's priesthood, the effect was outstanding.

This method also makes the people in Destiny Valley feel a little more friendly, and also makes the true believers more determined.

They all began to praise the Ring of Destiny while casting contemptuous looks at the false believers opposite.

As a result, some people who were wavering and whose will was not strong enough began to switch to the Ring of Destiny.

The number of people on Gino Bess’s side gradually dwindled.

But in the face of the Ring of Destiny and Eddie Jones, no one dared to stand up and stop them, and many people even began to waver in their hearts.

Gradually, the people gathered here among the true believers have occupied two-thirds of the entire Destiny Valley.

[As the main god of mankind, I regard you as my descendants and forgive your offenses.

The door of the kingdom of God is open to every one of its children. When you find your way back and sincerely pray to me, the kingdom of God will respond to you.

But if you disrespect me again, I will never tolerate it! 】

As the last piece of information emerged, the Ring of Destiny slowly disappeared from behind Eddie Jones.

At the same time, the wind awakener who took the lead in the fight against Jino Bess and the other two people had a faint white light coming from their chests.

They opened their collars and then saw the symbol of the Ring of Destiny.

And as the light of the Ring of Destiny gradually faded and turned into golden patterns, they also understood the function of this mark.

"It's the Holy Emblem!"

"Our Holy Lord has given us the ability to perform divine magic!"

"Praise my lord!"

The three excitedly showed the holy symbols on their chests to the people around them.

After a moment of brewing, a golden energy sword was generated out of thin air and thrown towards the cliff.


Amid the violent shock, a deep crater was blown out of the cliff, and debris flew all over the sky.

While causing the people below to hide in panic, they also cast envious glances at the person who used the magic.

Such a powerful force can be controlled so easily?

Belief in God of Destiny seems to really pay off

While everyone was having different thoughts, Gino Bess, Basque Holmes and other people who were preparing to move to Lingxiao Village were a little embarrassed at this time.

After the three priests were born, some more people quietly ran into the Destiny Church.

There are only a little over a thousand people who are willing to follow them and join Lingxiao Village.

And those true believers looked at them with some evil intentions.

Turning around, a priest looked at Jino Bess with an arrogant expression and said with a sneer:

"Since they don't want to believe in our Lord, let's expel them from the Valley of Destiny!"

"Destiny Valley is the holy land of the Destiny Sect. You are not suitable to stay here."

"leave here!"

Jino Bess doesn’t want to leave Destiny Valley now.

Although Lin Xiao gave him the route to Lingxiao Village, the journey must be full of dangers.

Therefore, he preferred to stay in Destiny Valley and wait for the response personnel from Lingxiao Village to arrive before leaving with him.

But the persecution of the Destiny Cult made them know that they would no longer have a foothold in the valley.

“Let’s go, it shouldn’t be too much of a problem if you’re careful.

Li Qiangjun and others can reach Lingxiao Village without a map. We not only have a map, but also a response staff.

It should be much easier than them. "

Basque Holmes had a word for Kino Bess.

During this time, the number of people following them was still decreasing.

If they really continue to spend time here, there will definitely be fewer and fewer people following them.

"Well, it's time for us to get out of here, otherwise I'm worried about being brainwashed."

Geno Bess's strength is average.

Although the Ring of Destiny is still very weak, it still used its divine power to influence him just now.

After hearing Basque Holmes's suggestion, he immediately nodded in agreement.

Then let those who are willing to follow him pack their things.

But when they gathered again, the number of people willing to follow them was less than a thousand. boom!

The gate to Destiny Valley is closed.

Basque Holmes and some others looked back, then put away their gaze and led the team to set off with Geno Bess.

Eddie Jones, who didn't say a word the whole time, stood on the city wall and watched Geno Bess and others leave.

As the representative of the Circle of Destiny, he should feel hatred and disgust towards those people.

But for some reason, he didn't hate Gino Bess and the others, and even felt a little envious in his heart.

So he didn't say a word during the quarrel between the two parties.

Because he found that his original intention had become blurred.

【Come and see me! 】

At this moment, the will of the Ring of Destiny was conveyed to Eddie Jones's consciousness.

He looked away, clasped his hands together and closed his eyes, making a prayer gesture.

Then, his perception entered his own spiritual realm, passed through the gate of the Kingdom of God, and entered the Kingdom of God of Destiny.

After Eddie Jones arrived, the five rings on the core of the home began to glow, and the sound of the Ring of Destiny was heard.

“In these two days, let the people in the valley prepare enough food, equipment and medicine.

I felt a faint call, and a great and long trial was about to begin!

After completing the trial, I may be sublimated! "

Eddie Jones felt something was wrong from the words of the Ring of Destiny, and asked tentatively:

“What is the trial the Lord is talking about referring to?”

"A long-distance migration!" Ring of Destiny added, "But instead of going to Lingxiao Village, we continue to the west.

I can feel that someone in the West has chanted my name! "

Migrating west?

Eddie Jones felt a little dizzy.

When Li Qiangjun and others moved eastward, although they did not know the distance, they had clear goals and direction guidance.

But now, because of a vague feeling, the Ring of Destiny is about to recruit more than [-] people to accompany it on a migration with unknown distance, direction, and target, and without any guidance.

This kind of behavior is simply irresponsible for the lives of more than [-] people who follow the Destiny Sect.

If it were Eddie Jones in the past, he would definitely execute it without hesitation.

But now, he doesn't know why, and wants to stop the crazy behavior of the Ring of Destiny.

“This is a serious matter and needs to be considered in the long term.

I think we can definitely develop in Destiny Valley for a while, as the believers here have not yet fully converted to the Lord.

We could preach while exploring the route westward.

When conditions are ripe, we can move west again."

Eddie Jones said his suggestion, but when he saw that the Ring of Destiny was flashing faster and faster, he couldn't help but shut his mouth.

The atmosphere became a little stiff.

After a while, the cold mechanical sound of the Ring of Destiny slowly sounded.

“This is an order, not a request for advice.

God does not need mortals to teach Him what to do!

I hope this situation will never happen again! "

Eddie Jones was stunned when he heard this.

After hesitating for a moment, like a deflated rubber ball, he said yes.

After confirming the approximate time with the Ring of Destiny, he left the Kingdom of God.

"As long as that person can't find me, naturally he can't make demands of me.

When I gain more power, I can prevent him from ever telling those three conditions! "

The Ring of Destiny keeps flashing——

"Sure enough, they rely on racial ability to get along. The construction of this tribe is not even as good as the goblins!"

Ogre tribe.

Lin Xiao walked into a simple wooden house, and soon came out with a livid face.

It didn't matter that he didn't catch anything, but the scene and smell inside gave him a huge impact.

This wooden house is the residence of the leader of a certain clan of the ogre tribe.

There are not many houses like this in the entire tribe, but in every wooden house, there are things left by humans.

Most ogres, relying on their rough skin and thick flesh, can rest almost anywhere they lie down.

After leaving Destiny Valley, Lin Xiao tracked the ogre tribe to see if he could gain anything.

Because almost all adult ogres were killed by Lin Xiao.

There are only some old, weak, sick and disabled people left in the ogre tribe.

Seeing Lin Xiao swaggering after them, the few surviving ogres immediately fled in all directions, howling like ghosts.

Those ogres who stayed in the tribe had no idea

Whatever happened, he ran away.

In such a huge tribe, all the ogres immediately ran away.

Lin Xiao originally thought that the next search process would be easy.

But in each wooden house, his firm will was almost shaken.

The whole process was almost comparable to the time when he walked into the goblin tribe when the goblins were open to breed.

“There are a lot of materials, but there are no good finished products.

As expected, these rough guys only know how to fight and kill, and have no skills at all. "

Lin Xiao complained about the ogre, and then walked towards the wooden house of the two-headed ogre shaman.

As one of the few brained beings in the tribe, the ogre shaman with two heads is much better than his own kind.

Lin Xiao obtained a lot of high-grade materials.

In addition to this, there are several stone slabs.

It seems that because the slate is inedible, the two-headed ogre shaman wrote down some knowledge on it.

Lin Xiao waved his hand and put them all into the space ring.

I just don't know if it will be useful to him.

After all, he didn't understand ogre writing.

Without the aura of his homeland, even if he looked through a large number of ogre memories, it would be difficult for him to learn the ogre language.

"There's really nothing to search for."

After looking at the ogre tribe, Lin Xiao was speechless.

It's not without reason that the ogre has such a strong ability, but can only hang out in the Southern Wilderness Forest.

"After three days out, it's time to return to Lingxiao Village."

After looking at the sky, Lin Xiao was ready to end his outing.

The purpose of his trip was mainly to hunt the Earth Dragon, but he was delayed some time because of the Destiny Cult.

Now that everything is settled, it's time to return home.


Lin Xiao resonated with his life pupil and summoned the leader.

At the same time, he stretched out his hands and created two red pillars of fire, which began to burn the ogre tribe.

It took Lin Xiao more than half an hour to turn this dirty place into ashes together with the corpses of those tragically dead humans.

At the same time, the sky also cast a huge shadow, like clouds covering the sun

(End of this chapter)

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