Healthy basketball, starting from eating the old Lakers F4

Chapter 17 First Round Commitment, Drawing Conference

Chapter 17 First Round Commitment, Drawing Conference

"Dune, we are very satisfied with the results of your trial training.

We are willing to use the first round pick to win you and focus on training you next season.

However, are you willing to stop going to other teams for trial training for us? "

After the trial, Dumas negotiated with Duane in front of Bill Duffy.

After today's trial training, Du En also roughly knows how good he is.

His draft prospect is no longer the end of the first round, but the middle of the first round.

Although rookie potential is also considered in the draft, for the playoff teams in the middle of the first round and at the end of the first round, combat power is more important than potential.

In the previous actual combat singles process, Dunn completely defeated Luke Ridnour, Rhys Gaines, and Dengtai Jones.

Even though Marcus Banks was strong and like a small steel cannon, he lost to Dunn 3-4 in the end.

Marcus Banks was not convinced by Duane and wanted to give it a try, but Dumars did not speak after all, saying that Duane would fight Marcus Banks again.

Now Dumas takes the initiative to receive Duen and allows the staff to contact the rookies participating in other trials. This shows how much Dumas attaches importance to Duen.

Realizing his own value, Duan took the initiative to raise the price and said: "I am also willing to play for the Detroit Pistons, but I hope your team can trade up the draft picks."

“We are willing to pay some price to get you.

If the Memphis Grizzlies don't get the No. [-] pick, we're willing to use this lottery pick to get you.

The premise is that you agree to cooperate with our work. We need you to refuse the trial training of other teams and only participate in our trial training.

After the lottery, we will invite you to come to Detroit once or twice. Are you willing to accept this condition? "

Painting is a skill that every NBA general manager must know, even a moral model like Dumars is no exception.

"Mr. Dumas, I don't mean to disrespect you, but the conditions you raised are not fair to my client.

My client is willing to play for Detroit, but we also need to make some choices during this period.

Whether the shoes fit your feet can only be found out by wearing them.

We won't mind if you continue to try out other rookies, but we also hope that you can respect our freedom to try out other teams. "

As an agent, Bill Duffy noticed that Dumars raised a topic that Dunn could not answer, so he immediately stood up and blocked the gun.

Dumas heard Bill Duffy say this, and didn't force it: "I respect your choice and look forward to seeing you again in a while."

After leaving Detroit, Bill Duffy intended to take Dunn back to New York and wait for the results of the lottery.

However, Duan insisted on participating in the Pacers' trial training, and Bill Duffy followed Duan's wishes, risking his life to accompany Duan to Indianapolis.

The Pacers only have a second-round pick, and now Duane's draft price has risen to the middle of the first round.

Although apart from the Pistons, other teams are not very clear.But through the next trial training, Duane's strength and draft prospects will not become a secret in the end.

In a few days, Bill Duffy even deliberately took Dunn to try out Anthony.

At that time, I will contact several media and disclose the content of the trial training a little bit. Duane's draft market will naturally rise and reach the level of the middle of the first round.

Therefore, Dunn has no need to participate in the Pacers' trial training at all.

Two days were wasted, and the result did not exceed Bill Duffy's expectations. The Pacers were very excited about Duane, but they couldn't immediately make a commitment to the first-round pick.

The Pacers still underestimated Duan's strength. After giving Duan a physical test, they only arranged for Jamal Tinsley to conduct a singles test with Duan.

As a result, Duan's maturity surprised even Larry Bird, the Pacers' vice president.

Jamal Tinsley is also a first-round pick after all, and he has been honing his skills in the NBA for two more years!
Although Duane already has the prospect of the draft at the end of the first round, he is just a yellow shooter who didn't get much playing time in the NCAA and didn't have much ability to hold the ball.

However, Jamal Tinsley played three times against Duane, losing to Duane 18-21, 15-21, 17-21.

Although the score difference is not big, the three games were all in vain, which is very telling.

It was found that the strength shown by Du En far exceeded their expectations.

Pacers general manager Danny Walsh immediately shook people, and then alarmed Reggie Miller and Ron Artest, who were already on vacation.

In the end, it was Artest who went off the field in person and had a fight with Duane before helping the Pacers regain face.

Dunn's immediate combat ability is very good, but he was a shooter before, and he still played too little single-handedly with the ball.

What's more, Artest's body and defense are far stronger than Jamal Tinsley.

6 to 21, in just one game, the Pacers basically measured Duane's true level.

Duan's ball-holding ability is indeed not good, but he is still no problem playing as a substitute for the Pacers.

What's more, Duane has a good physical confrontation, and he is also relatively active in defense. In addition, he has a good three-pointer and can play without the ball without possession.

Such 3D attributes are exactly what pedestrians need.

As Pacers scouts concluded after watching the combine, Duane is an almost perfect successor to Reggie Miller.

Although Duan's quality has yet to be tested in the playoffs, at least he can replace a lot of Reggie Miller's playing time next season, greatly reducing Reggie Miller's work.

After the trial training, Reggie Miller made no secret of his love for Duane, and offered to invite Duane and Bill Duffy to dinner.

But the problem is, this year's Pacers don't have a first-round pick, and Reggie Miller's private efforts to win over Duane won't help.

Maybe Danny Walsh and Bird will figure it out after the fact, but when Duane followed Reggie Miller away, neither mentioned the promise of a first-round pick, or even asked for another tryout. .

Normally, in order to ensure that the right person is selected, the team will invite players to participate in two or three tryouts.

This time Du En came to the Pacers for a trial training, it was undoubtedly wishful thinking.

"It seems that we can only look forward to the Pistons!" After guessing the Pacers' thoughts, Dunn can only look forward to Dumars, according to the previous promise, to sign him with the Grizzlies' pick.

However, will this year's Grizzlies still get the second pick?
Duan is looking forward to this!

May 5, Scroux, New Jersey, lottery meeting.

The prelude to the draft is about to kick off, and the battle for the No. [-] pick between James and Anthony will basically come to an end tonight.

As NBA Vice President Russ Granik officially came to the front desk, followed by notaries, and the general managers of 13 lottery teams also appeared on the stage one after another, the answer to the lottery conference will be revealed.

In fact, the lottery draw has been completed under the witness of a backstage notary. The draw also starts with the No. 12 pick and continues until the first [-] picks are drawn.

However, in order to leave the suspense until the end, Lars Granik took out the envelope and revealed the answer, which started with the 13th pick in the first round.

"Won the 2003 draft, the 13th pick in the first round is the Houston Rockets!"

Lars Granik took out the letter paper from the envelope and announced.

The Rockets general manager at the scene said nothing about this, because they had already traded the draft rights to the Grizzlies.

Next, Lars Granik continued to reveal the answers in other envelopes.

The Sonics got the 12th pick, the Warriors got the 11th pick, the Wizards got the 10th pick, and the Eagles got the 9th pick.

Hearing that the Eagles won the 9th pick, Dunn turned his head and looked aside with interest, staring at Anthony on the TV.

If Duan remembers correctly, the 9th pick in his previous life was the New York Knicks!
"Now, it's interesting!"

(End of this chapter)

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