Chapter 22 Draft, sneaker contract

At 6 am on June 26, New York John F. Kennedy International Airport, Terminal 8.

"Abba, here, here. Second uncle, third uncle!"

"Uncle Zhang, Uncle Li, you guys are here too? Junjie, Guoqiang, Xiao Ming, I haven't grown taller in a few years!"

"Dad, where's mom? Didn't you come together?"

The draft is about to be held, and Duane has also obtained the qualifications to enter the small green room.

Anyway, this is also an opportunity to show his face in front of global and national audiences. Du En is not an orphan, so he will naturally invite his parents from far away across the ocean to accompany him to participate in the draft.

Du En has money to study in high school in the United States, and his family conditions are naturally not too bad.

Du En's hometown is in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. His father is a private enterprise owner who has opened several factories and is worth nearly ten million. His mother is a civil servant.

Although the family's working capital is not much, it is enough to send Du En to study in the United States.

It is also because he does not want to live the simple and boring life of the second generation of rich people that Du En strives to become the second generation of rich people and realize his own life value.

After learning the flight his parents took, Du En brought the staff of BDA Sports Management to pick him up at the airport.

Unexpectedly, there were a lot of people on this trip, not only relatives of Du En's family, but also his father's business partners, and some people Du En didn't recognize. In short, there were at least a dozen NO.20 people.

"Your mother is still at home, aren't you going to be on TV?

There is a TV station coming to interview our family. Once your mother and I made up our minds, we split up.

I brought people to cheer you on, and your mother entertained relatives, neighbors, and journalists at home. "

Although Du En's father was stating the facts, it came across as a bit of a curse.

"By the way, son. Let me introduce you to some big shots. They are all reporters from TV stations."

While they were chatting, Du En's father suddenly changed the subject and introduced the accompanying reporters to Du En.

"Hello Du En, I am Xinhua News Agency reporter Liang Xiyi."

"Hi Du En, I'm Jinhang from Sohu."

"Hello, hello." Du En stepped forward to shake hands with them.

Bill Duffy reminded Duane early on that as a public figure who is about to enter the NBA, it doesn't matter if he doesn't play well, but he must have a good relationship with media reporters.

In this regard, Dunn deeply agrees.

When Liang Xiyi and Jin Hang saw that Du En was so polite and enthusiastic towards them, they felt a little better about Du En.

After a few exchanges of greetings, Du En took out his mobile phone and made a call to Bill Duffy, informing him to send someone to send a car to pick up Du En's relatives and friends from the airport.

The draft will be held in the evening, and Du En will take people to pick up his relatives and friends at a pre-booked hotel to welcome them.

After having lunch and a little celebration, they sent someone to send the two reporters to the hotel officially designated by the NBA to receive reporters.

Time soon came to night, and Dunn, dressed in a suit and leather collar, accompanied by his relatives and friends, arrived at Madison Square Garden in New York, USA.

"Uncle Zhang, Uncle Li, I can only apologize to you all for now.

Please sit in the stands, there are only five seats in the small green room.

We will find a table closer to the stands later, and if I am selected, I will come to shake hands with you.

Our domestic reporters will definitely record this scene, but the ones in the United States are not so clear. "

They are all relatives and friends, and if they can fly all the way from the other side of the ocean to accompany Du En to participate in the draft, Du En will naturally give them face.

However, the small green room has limited space and seating.

Players invited to enter the Little Green Room, including myself, only have five places to enter the Little Green Room.

Among them, the broker also occupies one.

Taking into account the distance between them, Du En, Du En's father, his second uncle, his third uncle, and his manager, the table was full.

For this reason, Du En had to make some explanations to the remaining relatives and friends in advance.

When everyone heard this, they didn't show any displeasure. Instead, they comforted Du En: "The stands are fine."

"Let you worry about it, don't worry about us."

"Come on, leave us alone. Remember, you must give face to us Chinese!"

"Don't worry, I will definitely be selected by an NBA team in the first round." Du En confidently told his relatives and friends.

Duan's confidence is not without reason. The Bucks, Jazz, Lakers, and Pistons, the four teams with first-round picks, have all given first-round pick commitments.

What's more, now he has entered the small green room.

"Duen, there is an interview here. Can you please come out?"

Du En had just entered the small green room with his relatives and found a seat near the stands to sit down. Suddenly, an official NBA staff member came and invited Du En out for an interview.

Because Bill Duffy was in the stands, accompanying the other second-round prospects, and Duane was now accompanied by a BDA executive.

When the other party heard that Du En was going out for an interview, he was used to it and did not stop him.

Du En said a few words to his father and others, and then followed the NBA staff out.

However, when they arrived at a private room, they did not see reporters or interview equipment.

"Duen, I'm sorry, our first meeting will be like this.

Let me introduce myself, I am Phil Knight, Chairman of Nike.

Here, on behalf of Nike, I would like to invite you again.

We sincerely hope you can join the Nike family!
This contract is specially prepared for you!

As long as you are willing, you will receive 3000 million US dollars in the next five years, as well as a signature shoe specially tailored for you. "

Faced with such an exciting and big contract, Du En did not agree immediately.

After all, who knows how many traps are hidden in this attractive big contract?

Even if there is really no problem with the sneaker contract, Duen still needs to consult professionals before signing with Nike.

"Again? As far as I know, we have no previous contact regarding sneaker contracts."

"We approached your agent, Bill Duffy, but he turned him down. So, we had to do this."

After hearing the answer given by Phil Knight, Duan was not very satisfied, so he chose to inquire further.

"What's the reason? I shouldn't be worth 5 million in 3000 years, right?"

You know, not long ago, Jordan personally approached Anthony and asked Anthony to sign a contract with AJ. After all this effort, the sneaker contract was only 6 million for 4000 years.


"We made some mistakes in negotiating a contract extension with Yao Ming.

Perhaps it was because Bill Duffy felt that he made less money and lost his interests, so he refused to cooperate with us.

Your good brother Carmelo Anthony was negotiated after I invited Michael Jordan.

In order to make you feel sincere enough, I personally came here to invite you to join the Nike family. "

Phil Knight told some truths, but he didn't fully confess to Duane.

After listening to Phil Knight's explanation, Du En took a deep breath, and then refused: "Thank you very much for your respect for me.

What you have offered me is a contract that I simply cannot refuse, but the meaning of my life is not just to make money.

Regarding what happened today, I will go back and discuss with my agent and our family.

There may even be a situation similar to that of Yao Ming behind me, and there are some things that I cannot decide on my own.

Of course, I am very grateful for your appreciation. I will seriously consider cooperation with Nike when I go back.

Could you please give me a contact number?If I make a decision in the future..."

"No problem. When you figure it out, you can always send me a text message or phone number."

Phil Knight immediately took out his mobile phone and exchanged contact information with Duan.

It can be seen that Phil Knight obviously has not given up on Duan's idea.

Seeing that the retreat-to-advance method had a good effect, Du En politely chatted with Phil Knight for a few words before returning to the little green room.

As a time traveler, Du En clearly realizes that if you want to catch big fish, you must be patient!

Didn’t you see that the king of the league is the king of Nike?
James' rookie sneaker contract is 7 million for 9300 years, followed closely by Durant for 7 million for 6000 years. This is the origin of Nike's big and small kings.

Looking at the 18 playoffs again, Tatum, a rookie in the tiebreaker in the Eastern Conference finals, was sent off by a black call for 6 fouls in the half.

Durant, who reached the tiebreaker in the Western Conference Finals, averaged 8.7 free throws per game in the series. On the other hand, Warriors leader Curry averaged 2 free throws per game.

Therefore, it is actually clear at a glance whether the Rockets were blackmailed by the Warriors or Nike.

It is worth mentioning that the fake Thanos James took 9.3 free throws in the Eastern Conference Finals and 9.5 in the Finals, but he still could not avoid the fate of having his head shaved.

The real Thanos Zhan and Yu Yuyong had a tiebreaker. If it weren't for the black whistle, it would have almost made Nike's big and small kings unable to step down.

The root cause of all this is that Harden, Adidas' top card, has already won the regular season MVP.

Once Yu Yuyong is defeated in the Western Conference Finals and the Cavaliers are swept away in the finals, they will surely be crowned gods in a complete battle. With the double MVPs of the season and epic records, they will become the veritable No. 1 in the league.

Once the big and small kings of Nike are abandoned by Nike and the prince of Adi, one after another, Nike's top executives will definitely cry and faint in the toilet.

Therefore, in order to prevent the Rockets from winning the championship and Harden becoming a god, the Rockets had to suffer 5-on-8 treatment in the Western Conference Finals.

This is actually the same as the later Jokic. It is obvious that the regular season MVP belongs to Jokic, but in order to prevent Jokic's double MVP from becoming a god, the MVP is to be handed over to Embiid who can't help him.

Du En wanted to win the championship, get honors, and get the fairness and justice he deserved, so in order to avoid being blackmailed as much as possible, he had to join the Nike League.

In order to attract Nike's attention and gain enough respect, Dunn must get himself a big enough contract.

Just like a bank deposit, a loan of 10, if you are afraid of the bank, the bank is your uncle!A loan of 10 billion, the bank is afraid of you, you are the bank boss!
So, no matter what, let's take a long-term view first.

"Set a small goal and earn [-] million first!"

(End of this chapter)

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