Healthy basketball, starting from eating the old Lakers F4

Chapter 454: Get rid of the donkey after it has done its job, rebuild the draft, and a super big yea

Time flies and it is early July. The news of Durant's sky-high contract extension has just passed, and the Bulls immediately dropped another depth bomb.

The Bulls management put two-time championship core Horford, main rotation Rondo, and veterans such as Thabo Sefolosha, Kyle Korver, Shaun Livingston, and Jonas Jerebko, who were traded for premiums with their own potential rookies and future draft picks in the middle of last season, all on the shelf!

For a time, there was a lot of discussion about this both inside and outside the alliance.

Many outside media and fans accused the Bulls management of being too cold-blooded to get rid of the heroes just after winning the championship.

As for the league, most team executives have begun tentatively contacting the Bulls management.

Some teams that want to strengthen their championship team have even made preliminary offers to the Bulls.

Hopefully they can profit before other teams and absorb some of the Bulls' championship heritage.

The Bulls management's attitude is also very clear, which is to clear the space, even if it means changing the air.

However, the Bulls management is not stupid. The veterans put on the shelf still have gas in the tank and they all have relatively high-quality contracts.

Therefore, those teams that simply want to get a bargain, or even treat the Bulls management as non-human, and want to ask for an exorbitant price and take advantage of the situation, are directly excluded from the trading list.

In general, the Bulls' decision to put the heroes who contributed to their championship on the shelf is similar to the previous times when the team made it clear that it was going to rebuild.

On the one hand, it is to clear salary space, and on the other hand, it is to trade for some draft picks to lay some foundation for the Bulls' resurgence.

From the perspective of team operations, the Bulls management's operation is definitely the right choice.

However, overly commercial behavior can also be disheartening.

If the Bulls want to win the championship again, they will still need to recruit players from other teams in the next few years, and they will also need the veterans to give their all.

However, now the Bulls have made it clear that they want to "use people forward, not use people backward."

Clearly, in the finals half a month ago, several veteran players all performed well.

Not to mention that he made great contributions to the Bulls, at least his role in the finals was positive.

Normally, even if they are not taken care of until the end of their contract, at least they will be taken care of for one year due to their merits.

However, business is business!

The NBA is a commercial league. Whether it is the strength of the stars or the team's performance, it all serves the business.

Now anyone with a discerning eye can see what the Bulls’ real intention is!
Money, money, and more money!

The team just wanted to make money, so they directly dismantled the championship-winning team!

In order to make money, it is very necessary to increase revenue and reduce expenditure.

With the Bulls winning championships one after another, their sponsorship and advertising costs for the new season will inevitably increase.

However, the big contracts of Durant, Curry, and Jokic are a bit overwhelming for the management.

Although the team owner Jerry Reinsdorf said on the surface that he would support Durant and Curry and increase investment in the team, secretly, doesn't he envy Durant and Curry's ability to make money?
The salaries of star players are higher than the team's profits. Doesn't this make team owners envious and jealous?

Therefore, under the premise of ensuring that the core lineup remains unchanged and that the team can make money by selling tickets, the Bulls management must reduce the salary expenses of other players in the team through trades and reduce the Bulls' luxury tax for the new season.

Only in this way can the team make more profits and the team owners and shareholders make more money.

To be honest, this is indeed a good time to do so.

The Bulls have won four consecutive championships and created a new dynasty. In the short term, Chicago fans will not be too obsessed with the results of the new season.

Of course, the Bulls management hurriedly sold out core players and main rotation players when the team just won the championship, in order to declare a dynasty. This kind of thing is somewhat difficult to accept for Chicago fans.

Especially Durant fans, they don't want the team to give up and rebuild.

After all, Durant is old and his condition is deteriorating. Seeing that the window for winning the championship is getting smaller and smaller, the Bulls management chose to rebuild at this time.

In fact, normally speaking, although Duane has declined, his peak period can still last for two or three years, and he has All-Star level strength.

Coupled with the Bulls' current lineup, there is hope that they can continue to compete for the championship.

If they don't seize the opportunity to win the championship while Duane can still play in the past few years and waste the opportunity, then in the next few years, even if Curry and Jokic play well, Duane may become a background board for young players and simply get beaten on the court.

If he becomes the biggest burden to the Bulls at that time, it will make Durant fans even more upset.

However, in recent years, the Bulls have won too many championships that they shouldn't have won, and they are hated by many people.

The league has made it clear that it does not want the Bulls to continue winning consecutive championships, and the Bulls' situation for winning the championship is becoming increasingly severe.

So in this situation, it is necessary for the Bulls to choose to rebuild, retreat while the tide is turning, and protect themselves.

As the saying goes, one step back opens up a new world, and the fist is retracted in order to fight back with force. The Bulls need to rebuild for a year or two, and then use the rookie bonus to regain the capital to win the championship.

As for the present, the management has also shown the utmost sincerity - completing the contract renewal with Duane as soon as possible after winning the championship!
Over the past decade, the Bulls' outstanding performance has been brought about by Duane.

The vast majority of Bulls fans have never imagined what the scene would be like if Duane no longer played for the Chicago Bulls.

At the same time, there may be a small number of fans who hope that Duane will opt out of his contract this summer and go to the next team with championship potential.

After all, the league is targeting the Bulls, not Duane.

Duane can definitely go to a new team with enough salary space and enough helpers to win more championships!
This will also allow these fans to feel proud and gain a greater sense of honor and accomplishment, surpassing all the fans of other stars!

But then again, the vast majority of fans still hope that Durant can work hand in hand with the Bulls and have a good start and a good end.

Therefore, the Bulls management's early contract renewal with Durant is a move that is definitely popular.

Even if we take a step back, the Bulls are still able to play in the coming new season.

Look at the league's top player Curry, then look at the all-around center Jokic, not to mention the contemporary Lord of the Rings Dunn!
With super guards, super wings, and super centers, the Bulls' core lineup will definitely be top-notch in the new season.

Although the Bulls management has traded away the substitutes of Curry, Durant, Jokic and others, this does not mean that the Bulls do not have reliable substitutes in the new season.

As the saying goes, out goes the old, in comes the new! NBA is always the NBA for young players.

Although the Bulls have many veterans today, they still have a group of rookies left after trading a group of new players last season.

This group of rookies has good immediate combat effectiveness, but they just don’t have the opportunity to get more playing time and ball possession to test their personal abilities.

To be honest, their playoff experience and finals experience are no worse than the veterans currently on the Bulls' shelf.

In comparison, it is more dynamic and more competitive!
Therefore, the Bulls management traded away veterans at this time and added some new blood. Although there will be some pain for the team, the future will be more comfortable and smoother.

You know, the Bulls have established the Bulls dynasty more than once!

As a ten-year-old fan who has witnessed the rise, fall, and revival of the Bulls dynasty, I naturally understand the terrible aftermath of the dynasty.

Even though Duane brought the Bulls 10 championship trophies, they still needed to constantly trade core players to reduce taxes and rely on rookie bonuses to win the championship.

The current Bulls are completely different from the Bulls in previous years!
The last time the Bulls won four consecutive championships, Duane was also part of the rookie bonus.

But now, Durant is a burden that puts pressure on the Bulls' overall salary.

Simply put, the Bulls' current payroll is too bloated.

This makes it difficult for the team to make trades with other teams and to obtain reinforcements from other teams.

In addition, the players' aging condition and flat mentality also need to be taken seriously.

Therefore, instead of silently waiting for certain players to become cancerous and the sequelae of the dynasty to emerge, it is better for the Bulls management to take the initiative to perform surgery and remove the lesions in advance.

This will also help the Bulls make some preparations in advance to help them rise again and win the championship in the next few years.

Coincidentally, this year is recognized as a great year for talent shows.

It’s just that scouts and executives across the league don’t know that this year has the highest success rate in NBA history, an unprecedented super year!

The Bulls management also hit the jackpot by accident. They made the decision to exchange veterans for rookies, that is, to exchange combat power for the future, just at the critical moment when reconstruction was most needed.

Teams across the league that are aiming to win the championship also know that they must take advantage of the Bulls' rebuilding years and make a full effort to win the championship!
It is inevitable that the Bulls' reconstruction will be successful!

Putting aside the issue of trading draft picks just in time for the draft year, let's just assume that when Durant retires in the future, the Bulls will suddenly have an extra 50 million in space. Can this help Curry and Jokic add a top-ten superstar?

So, the Bulls will make a comeback in two to three years at the shortest, or four to five years at the longest.

In order to achieve the team's goal of winning the championship before the Bulls rise again.

Ambitious teams in the East and West have successively approached the Bulls and voluntarily withdrawn from the competition for rookies in the super draft year.

"Is there such a good thing?"

Far away on the other side of the ocean, Duen, who had just returned to China to prepare for the Men's Basketball World Cup, was also a little bit unbelievable when he heard the news.

It was thought that the Bulls' rebuilding period would be relatively long, and Duane might have to win his next championship as a coach.

Unexpectedly, the Bulls became the biggest butterfly this year, stirring up a thousand ripples and turning the free market and the draft upside down beyond recognition.

"Three first-rounders, three second-rounders? And two first-rounders next year?
Can we trade next year's draft pick for this year's? Can we trade up?
I want a lottery pick, preferably in the top ten!"

Manager Du is online again... (End of this chapter)

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