Healthy basketball, starting from eating the old Lakers F4

Chapter 50: First away game, one-on-one challenge against Kobe Bryant

Chapter 50: First away game, one-on-one challenge against Kobe Bryant

Under Nike's continuous publicity, in just one or two days, Duane's stunning debut performance has attracted widespread attention and discussion from North American fans.

Everyone knows that the Lakers are an OK team.

However, without the OK combination, the Lakers actually won the Western Conference powerhouse Dallas Mavericks under the leadership of Payton, Dunn, and Malone!

You know, the Mavericks were the team in the Western Conference Finals last season. In order to strengthen the championship, they introduced two great players in the offseason - Walker and Jamison.

The core of the Mavericks' original team-the troika, are all All-Star players.

Walker is also an All-Star, and Jamison is also a quasi-All-Star player.

The Mavericks' five-star configuration meets the Lakers' two-star configuration, not to mention winning steadily, at least they shouldn't lose as much as 13 points.

It can only be said that the rookie Du En, who was not in the scope of everyone's consideration before, but performed the most brilliantly in this opening game.

It's the X factor that surprised everyone and helped the Lakers win!

But Du En is a yellow-skinned Chinese player, which makes Du En even more eye-catching and very topical.

It was also Duane's debut performance that was too explosive. After receiving the news, Wade and Anthony, who hadn't contacted for a while, also called Duane one after another.

He not only wanted to congratulate Du En, but also wanted to learn from Du En.

They are all rookies in the same class, and their NBA debut is about to start, so everyone is still a little bit nervous.

Du En imparted a little bit of his own experience to the two brothers, but Du En's own personality was relatively shameless and he was not very affected by outside influences.

For example, in the face of the current public opinion, Nike arranged some interviews for Du En after training.

Whether it is praise, doubt, or slander, Dunn will go to participate.

After all, black and red are also red, not only can gain fame, but also get a notice fee.

In fact, after the first show data of 35+8+7+3, there are not many media who still have the heart to Heduen.

Even if most media will retain doubts about Du En, it is only because Du En performed too well, a little too high-key, and did not return to normal levels.

Dunn also knows that with Kobe's return and the decline in possession of the ball, his statistics will inevitably decline. If he can maintain an average of 20 points per game, then thank God.

In addition, because of his outstanding performance, he will inevitably be studied by the coaching staff of other teams like the team's head star.

When the coaches of other teams have thoroughly studied Du En's style of play, Du En's scoring efficiency will drop a bit in the face of targeted defense.

If Dunn can't constantly adjust his state and make progress in the game, he will inevitably hit the rookie wall like most rookies.

Some rookies hit the rookie wall because of their play style, some rookies because of physical fitness and injuries, and some because of excessive exposure to public opinion and mentality problems.

Duane mainly plays the triangle offense in the Lakers. With a more thorough understanding of the triangle offensive tactics and more integration into the Lakers' offensive system, the problems in the style of play can basically be solved with time.

In terms of physical fitness, Du En began to use external objects to replenish energy again.As long as you don't get raped, the chance of getting injured is relatively small.

In terms of mentality, as a time traveler, Du En naturally thinks that he is relatively mature.

For example, right now, there are more Yingying Yanyan who want to be friends with Du En, but Du En has maintained a good composure.

Closer to home, the time came to October 10th in a blink of an eye, and Dunn took his luggage for the first time and went to the away game with the team.

It is worth mentioning that before boarding the plane, Du En received a red envelope from the team leader, which was $80 when he opened it.

After listening to O'Neill's introduction on the plane, I realized that this is the meal allowance for away games.

The meal subsidy allowance is stipulated by the league, and the team cannot give more if they want. Of course, the vast majority of owners want to save this expense...

And as long as the players go to the away game with the team, even those like O'Neill who recuperate from injuries and do not play, will have meal allowances.

If it is a special holiday like the Christmas War, the meal allowance will be ten times the original amount, which is $800.

In other words, because it is a charter flight, the flight process of the plane is fairly smooth.

However, after flying in the air for two hours, it is inevitable to feel a little tired after arriving at the destination.

When they arrived in Phoenix, the team had booked a hotel in advance. Like other teammates, Duane exercised a little, listened to music, did meditation, and then simply fell asleep.

Of course, there are also individual players in the Lakers team who feel that it is rare to come here, go out to find a friend who knows the way, and dance a passionate ballroom dance...

"Dune, do you want to eat something together?"

"Kobe, do you also eat hotels? Shouldn't big-name players like you have a dedicated nutritionist?"

Early the next morning, Du En met Kobe in the restaurant of the hotel. He did not expect that Kobe would take the initiative to chat with him.

"Well... I broke up with my nutritionist, and I don't have time to find a new nutritionist, so that's it.

What would you like to eat?Whatever you want, I'm treating you.

Thank you for helping the team win games while I was away.

Are you going to train after dinner?If so, would you like to challenge me one-on-one? "

Perhaps because he had just returned from the hearing, Kobe, who had accumulated a lot of anger, was eager to find a place to vent.

Dunn remembered that Kobe seemed to have a rushing rule, that is, when he came back from the hearing just now, he was in a particularly fierce state.

Even though he arrived at the arena during the start of the game and didn't warm up much, he was still in incredible hot shape, with super high scoring efficiency and the crucial buzzer-beater...

"Looks like I've been whipped! Will you treat me to a meal before being beaten? No wonder you're so polite to me..."

Dunn just said that Kobe had been very indifferent before, with a posture of rejecting people thousands of miles away. When he saw him today, he not only greeted him, but also treated him to dinner.

"If you don't eat for nothing, don't eat!" Duane also wanted to try, Kobe's claim to be able to keep pace with Jordan's one-on-one ability.

After breakfast, he rested for half an hour, and then spent another hour warming up. After he was fully prepared, Dunn played heads-up with Kobe.

"Damn it, move your elbow directly?"

"Are you expecting me to show mercy? A rookie!"

During the offseason of 02, Kobe gained weight. If he wanted to take over O'Neal's position as the team boss, he turned into a little Malone.

It was also because of the weight gain that I had knee problems, and then I went for surgery, which happened to be a big trouble like the Eagle County incident.

Due to the troubles this offseason, Bryant not only did not lose weight, even heavier.

Back hit directly raised the elbow, Dunn really had nothing to do with Kobe.

After confronting for a couple of times, knowing that he couldn't force himself to do so, Duane took the initiative to give up half a step, but Kobe turned around and shot a jumper with only such a little space.

That is to say, Kobe didn't know that Duane bounced very fast, and Duane successfully interfered with Kobe's shooting at the beginning.

Later, Kobe knew the general condition of Du En's body, so he directly relied on the strength of his waist and abdomen to stay in the air, and waited until Du En was about to hit the ground before making a move. After all, Du En's hands were short and his ability to stay in the air was average.

For more than half an hour, Duan and Kobe played a total of three games, and the best one only scored 11 points.

You know, this is Kobe who didn't practice enough during the offseason and didn't adjust his state!

Duane's current level is indeed not qualified to touch a top ten superstar in the league like Kobe Bryant.

But so what, Kobe is Dunn's teammate rather than an opponent!
Besides, how many points can Kobe score in a game?It's not impossible for Dunn to score like Kobe on the bench!

"There is still a game tonight, so let's do it today! It's almost noon, I'm going to eat first."

Knowing the gap between him and Kobe, Du En stopped looking for abuse, and found an excuse in advance to escape.

Kobe’s anger, it’s better to save it, and then release it in the game against the Suns at night. It is more important to lead the team to victory.

Dunn wanted to run away, but Kobe didn't stop him, and continued to practice in the arena without saying a word.

It wasn't until the warm-up session before the game that Duan met Kobe again, but Kobe returned to his cold demeanor.

"Did you treat me like medicine dregs?"

(End of this chapter)

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