Healthy basketball, starting from eating the old Lakers F4

Chapter 64: Inheritance No. 31, Player of the Week (please follow up)

Chapter 64: Inheritance No. 31, Player of the Week (please follow up)
Practice is the only criterion for testing the truth. With the experience of dreaming and practicing, Du En naturally wants to see if his ball control level has improved.

Early the next morning, Dunn drove to the Toyota Center alone, but unexpectedly his locker was full of beautifully packaged balloons.

As an NBA player, he is no stranger to small balloons. Before each away game, the players union will send a commissioner to give rookies one or two hundred small balloons.

It's not entirely for the rookie himself, but the rookie brings the veteran's small balloon with him.

The culture of the NBA locker room is that even if the veteran calls the rookie at two or three in the middle of the night, the rookie has to get out of bed and send a small balloon to the veteran.

The workplace bullying culture in Japan and South Korea is very popular, in fact, they learned from the United States.

The number of small balloons in Du En's locker is obviously wrong now. There are thousands of them at least, which are enough for Du En to use for a year and a half.

This is undoubtedly a prank by O'Neal, Payton, Malone and others.

Du En didn't pay much attention, packed up the condom, and went to the arena to practice.

In the afternoon, Lakers players came over to practice one after another, but no one said they did it.

Du En didn't pursue it and just pretended that it didn't exist.

Until November 11, when the Lakers were about to face the Grizzlies at the Staples Center, O'Neal appeared in front of Duane with a playful smile and chatted with Duane about female fans.

As someone who has experienced it, O'Neill advised Duan not to be too obsessed with it, and not to take it lightly every time you use it, but to take it and dispose of it yourself afterwards.

Surrogacy is legal in most states in the United States.Moreover, compared to the hundreds of thousands of dollars in alimony, the cost of IVF is undoubtedly a piece of cake.

Some rich men in their [-]s and [-]s can still have children, which makes the old rich men doubt their lives, thinking whether they have been greened by others.

After the test was completed, it was discovered that it was indeed their old man, Fufeng, and old clam holding the pearl.

In fact, most of the time it is their women who use technology to get a long-term meal ticket.

It is normal for a rising star in the NBA like Duane to be targeted by bad women.

Even Hollywood female stars, there are some who can't get along after a few years, and they are very greedy for Du En.

Having learned from O'Neill's experience, Dunn was originally cautious, but now he is even more cautious.

After playing and playing, you still can't make fun of people's lives.

Dunn quickly put away his thoughts of conquering Hollywood and focused on playing basketball.

Having said that, as Kobe Bryant's right shoulder injury healed, coupled with the fact that he has been playing at home in a row recently, the Lakers' record is obviously getting better and better.

The Lakers first beat the Grizzlies by 32 points, and then beat the Wizards by 21 points.

It wasn't until November 11th, when the Lakers faced the Spurs, whose GDP was gathered together, that they played four full quarters of game time again.

However, winning this time was easier than last time.

Although it has been a while since Duncan returned from injury and Parker returned to the Spurs, the Spurs have just formed a lineup with GDP as the core, which still seems a bit jerky.

In addition, Dunn's ability to punish small guards with the pick-and-roll is excellent!


Also relying on a large number of shots and super high scoring efficiency, Duan used the star's unlimited fire method to successfully help the Lakers beat the defending champion Spurs by 19 points!
After this game, Popovich also realized that Parker and Ginobili cannot be placed on the court at the same time. The Spurs need more defensive players on the outside to limit the opponent's scoring instead of enhancing their own offensive ability.

In other words, after the Lakers repelled the Spurs, they soon ushered in the Eastern Conference team-the Indiana Pacers.

Due to Duane's recent performance, the local media in Los Angeles no longer only marketed Kobe, but began to create some momentum for Duane.

When Dunn first chose the No. 31 jersey, he revealed that he was a Reggie Miller fan.

Therefore, before the Pacers were about to arrive in Los Angeles, the media began to create a topic about the inheritance of the No. 31 shooter.

"Dune, your talent is unparalleled. You are my favorite rookie. I believe the future belongs to you."

During the warm-up session, Reggie Miller came to Du En with great interest and chatted with Du En for a while.

It can only be said that Reggie Miller is worthy of being the king of trash talking. He clearly intended to show goodwill to Du En, but it sounded quite aggressive to Du En.

Later, Reggie Miller didn't say any more sarcasm, but instead taught Dunn the experience of running without the ball and defending people without the ball, as well as three-point and mid-range shooting skills.

Time is not forgiving, Jordan has retired twice, so why doesn't Reggie Miller, known as Jordan's strongest opponent, not know that he will leave the NBA soon?

At a time like this, how could he not be happy that someone carried his name and continued to fight in the NBA "wearing" his jersey?

You know, whenever Du En achieves something, the media will definitely mention his name!Just like when Jordan stirred up trouble in the league, Dr. J's name will be heard throughout the NBA.

It wasn't until Jordan became a symbol of the NBA and even basketball that this situation completely disappeared.

It can only be said that the old guys in the NBA were vicious and morally corrupt before they retired.

After retiring, they tend to become kind-hearted, constantly supporting and advancing, saying that it is all because of their own interests!

Playing in the NBA requires competition. You need to differentiate yourself and use your strength to win the benefits you want. After retiring, you can only take advantage of the popularity of your juniors.

Once they don't find a "spokesperson" who represents their image, someone as strong as Kareem Abdul-Jabbar will not gain the respect of fans.

It is naturally a great blessing in life that Reggie Miller can meet Dunn before retiring.

Of course, Dunn was lucky to be able to get Reggie Miller's guidance at this stage.

"Reggie, although I respect you very much, I will not show mercy!"

The game is about to start, and Duen will also go back to warm up again and find the feeling of shooting.

Tonight, Dunn definitely can't just rely on pick-and-roll small guards and staggered travel to score, but to defeat Reggie Miller in front of the American audience!
"I look forward to your next performance! After the game, I will tell you what shortcomings you have!"

Although Reggie Miller, who was a good teacher, spoke in a calm tone, his attitude was somewhat arrogant, as if he only regarded Du En as a rookie.

When Du En heard this, he could only continue to remain humble on the surface, but in fact he was fierce in his heart, preparing to punch the master to death next!
"Kobe, leave Ron Artest to you, I'll guard Reggie!"

Before the game, Duan discussed with Kobe Bryant who to defend.

Kobe said calmly: "Go ahead! If you can't prevent it, tell me again and I will help you deal with Reggie!"

Just like Reggie Miller didn't take Duane seriously, Kobe didn't take the old Reggie Miller seriously either.

Indeed, the current Reggie Miller is no longer a terminator who can compete with Jordan a little bit at his peak.

After the game started, Dunn discovered that Reggie Miller is not as difficult to guard as Hamilton.

Hamilton just kept running and running until he reached Doon without daring to eat.

Reggie Miller basically runs for a while and then stops for a while. At most, he moves more when running back and around screens, and his movements are more aggressive.

In half a month, Dunn defended against Hamilton for two games, and he has accumulated a lot of experience in defense against off-ball.

And before the game started, Reggie Miller transmitted his off-ball experience to Dunn through dictation without any worries.

Duan knew that Reggie Miller did this on purpose. Although he shot himself in the foot like this, he also had some excuses for losing to Duan after the game.

Nowadays, Reggie Miller's scoring efficiency is not as good as before, and he rarely scores more than 20 points in a game.

In terms of winning and losing based on statistics alone, it was almost impossible for Reggie Miller to win Duane before the game started.

It can only be said that the stars of the older generation not only have skills, but also brains, and know how to find a way for themselves.

Dunn didn't pretend to be smart, and deliberately didn't use the experience taught by Reggie Miller to defend Reggie Miller.

The goal is to win anyway, so why doesn't Dunn learn from the experience taught by Reggie Miller and try to make his matchup performance better?

It was also Dunn who learned humbly, and quickly found the feeling of defending Reggie Miller, and then defended Reggie Miller miserable.

The Pacers need Reggie Miller to stretch the floor, break down defenses, and absorb some of the ball.

Reggie Miller failed to throw a ball out of the blue to attack the weak points of the opponent's defense as he did in the past.

It is naturally difficult for the Pacers to break through the Lakers' defense by relying on O'Neal and Artest to attack with the ball.

It can only be said that the Lakers just completely suppressed the Pacers' starting lineup, and even Payton was inferior to Kenny Anderson.

Although the Pacers' bench lineup is good, the Lakers' main players have a lot of playing time, and Duane and Payton can bring the bench to the transition stage.

After the first quarter, the two sides played 21 to 27.


It can be said that the Lakers' lead in the first quarter was mainly due to Duane.

In the second quarter, Duane still scored some points by bringing a substitute. By the time Reggie Miller came back on the court, Duane had already scored 13 points.

It is also because the playing time and possession of the ball are far inferior to Duane's. After the first half, Reggie Miller only scored 7 points, but Duane had already scored 18 points.

“Reggie, I don’t disrespect you, but if we want to win, we must limit Doon’s scoring.

Ron, this important task is entrusted to you!

You defended Kobe very well in the first half. We need you to continue to use tough defense to lock up Dunn's offense severely!

Let's win this game, the Los Angeles Lakers are the opponents we must solve to win the championship! "

At halftime, after returning to the locker room, Carlisle had to adjust his defensive strategy in time.

Although Reggie Miller wanted to continue fighting with Duane, but for the team's victory and the coveted championship, Reggie Miller could only suppress his own selfishness.

However, after the start of the third quarter, Duan was restricted by Artest, but Kobe's side was in full bloom.

Kobe has recovered from his right shoulder injury, and in the previous few games, he gradually regained his super-level offensive ability.

As for why he only scored 11 points in the first half, it wasn't entirely because of Artest's defense. It can only be said that the lights at the Staples Center were too dazzling...

In the second half, he faced Reggie Miller who had old arms and legs. Even though Reggie Miller made a lot of small moves, it was difficult to restrict Kobe who was in his prime.

Kobe, who was fully fired, scored 11 points alone in the third quarter, helping the Lakers further widen the point difference.

In fact, Duen was not bad either. He made 4 of 3 shots in a single quarter and 2 of 1 three-pointers. He relied on fast breaks, air cuts, and screen three-pointers to score 7 points efficiently.

At the beginning of the fourth quarter, Duan and Payton continued to play with substitutes.

Before Reggie Miller came up, Duan scored another 6 points, and his scoring data had reached 31 points.

Player No. 31 scored 31 points, which is reasonable.

However, another No. 31 player, under the strict defense of the new recruits, only scored 10 points in the first three quarters.

In the past, doubling the number of kills and doubling the score on the court was already remarkable. Reggie Miller had just taught Du En, but Du En had no respect for his elders at all. He directly bullied his master and destroyed his ancestors, suppressing Reggie... Miller twice.

Seeing this, Reggie Miller could only shake his head, and sighed to Olney Jr.: "Dune is a player of the Los Angeles Lakers, which is too unfortunate for us!
If we had been able to use the resources to intercept Hu Doon.

I am afraid that in these few seasons, no team can prevent us from winning the championship! "

After hearing what Reggie Miller said, O'Neal also fantasized about how great it would be if Duan was their teammate.

It's a pity that although the Pacers intended to select Duen back then, they only had a second-round pick, not even a first-round pick.
In fact, it was Duen who played the game. There have been many confident draft picks in history, only to find out that they were poor picks.

Afterwards, everyone can be smart, but like the logo man, there are very few people who have repeatedly created draft miracles.

Having said that, Duen was in good form in this game, and his scoring data was not limited to 31 points.

After the main players on both sides returned to the field, Duen played for another 3 minutes before leaving the game.


81 to 104, the Lakers once again defeated a powerful enemy and surged to the first place in the Western Conference.

After the game, Dunn accepted an interview and generously revealed to the media what he talked with Reggie Miller before the game.

Duan modestly attributed the reason for the hot state to Reggie Miller's preaching career.

Reggie Miller was originally a son of the previous generation of Americans. After all, Dunn is a Chinese player who has been beating top American players, which is a bit uncomfortable.

However, through this interview, more people accepted the No. 31 inheritance between Reggie Miller and Duane, and accepted Duane who was sometimes flamboyant and sometimes humble.

After the interview, Dunn never saw Reggie Miller again.

However, Reggie Miller did not break the appointment, but continued to give Dunn some advice from the perspective of the old man over the phone.

Du En knew that Reggie Miller was not arrogant, so after self-thinking and summarizing, he listened to Reggie Miller's suggestions.

The time came to December in a blink of an eye. What Dunn didn't expect was that the first honor he won in the NBA was the Western Conference Player of the Week!
[Congratulations on winning the Western Conference player of the week during the regular season of the NBA03-04 season and achieving the best player of the week achievement.Get the opportunity to draw the best player template of the week, is it a lottery? 】

(End of this chapter)

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