Basketball UFO

Chapter 78 078 All-Star Prospect

Chapter 78 078 All-Star Prospect

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Brent Barry officially joined the Nets. He said excitedly that he can't wait and hopes to contribute more to the team.

Carter welcomed the Flyers in White on behalf of the team, and the addition of Brent Barry made up for the team's scoring shortcomings on the bench.

Brent Barry also has the ability to attack with the ball. As the core on the bench, he can get a better record.

After entering December, the Nets entered a strange stable state. After winning three to five or five or seven games, they would always lose one of them without too many disturbances.

Carter won Player of the Week once in November and December, but failed to win Player of the Month.The team's record is more stable than his numbers.

Carter's scoring average was 27 points, not too high or too low, slightly lower than last season.But he played more easily. Last season, he tried his best to score, but he failed to win the scoring title. This season, Carter is more willing to share the ball and drive his teammates.

"The record is the most important thing. The team doesn't need me to score very high now. As long as we win the game, we will be in the best state." Carter takes the scoring data very lightly. He is more willing to let the team go further.

"Brent, are you ready to compete for the best sixth man?" Carter teased Brent Barry. After joining the Nets, he averaged 5 points more per game than the Clippers, reaching 13 points, and became a substitute. Be the first scorer.

The one holding the ball on the Nets bench is Robert Parker, and now with Brent Barry, the two work together very well. Sometimes Ben and Mobley play together, which can have good results.

Brent Barry's biggest problem is on the defensive end. He is not an above-average defensive player. His lateral movement speed is too slow and he is easily broken through.However, his shooting and jumping are very good, but his ball control is not as good as Robert Pike's. He is average and can hold the ball, but cannot reach the level of a starting guard.

In fact, he is only a third-year rookie and is still improving.Therefore, many operations of the Clippers are very confusing. They are worried that players will get big contracts, send them away in advance, and automatically become training machines for other teams. Fortunately, Sterling can figure it out.

But the Clippers can make money every year...very similar to the New York Knicks, eating the light of big cities and big ball markets.

Hearing Carter teasing himself, Brent Barry smiled and said, "This is a good choice, otherwise I wouldn't be able to participate in the All-Star event. Hey, Vince, you should participate in the dunk contest. It's too easy to win the championship."

Brent likes the atmosphere of the Nets very much, and the team is very cohesive.I used to be in the Clippers, thinking that making it to the playoffs was a big problem, but I didn't expect that in the Nets, I didn't have to worry about the playoffs at all.The team considers how to go further, and even how to beat the Bulls.

Carter also led the players, often went out to have fun off the court, and was willing to stand up for his men on the court.

"Please, if you can win the championship, I will naturally win the championship." Carter is very confident. If he participates in the slam dunk contest, no one can stop him from winning the championship, but now is really not the time. When the cheers and expectations are louder, "This season, I will still participate in the All-Star Game, and the slam dunk contest will be given to players in need. Brent, I feel that you can participate in the three-point contest."

Brent Barry won the 96 Slam Dunk Contest.Last season's All-Star was Kobe Bryant who won the Slam Dunk Contest.

Many players and fans have speculated that Carter will sign up for this year's All-Star Slam Dunk Contest. So far, no players have signed up...

Brent Barry thought about Carter's suggestion. It seemed feasible. The three-point shooting contest was also good, at least it was a stage to express himself.

Brent also has his own pride. He is the son of NBA star Rick Barry. Rick Barry is the star of the urinal free throw. He has four sons, three of whom have scored in the NBA. and brother Joan Barry.The youngest brother Canyon Barry is only 4 years old. He will not enter the NBA until 2018, which is still early.

"I really don't want to participate. The slam dunk contest is not interesting." Carter shrugged and expressed his opinion to his teammates. The All-Star voting has started for a while, and the fans gave him a lot of votes, ranking among the top five among all players. Carter is confident that he can lock All-Star starter.

I had no intention of signing up for the slam dunk contest.

On the contrary, the fans are looking forward to Carter's participation, and other players are worried that Carter will participate. They will become the background board and directly exclude the dunk contest option.

"It's not like I have a brain defect. If I go there, I will only become Carter's backdrop. His dunks are so outrageous that I can't compare with them." Glen Rice and Shawn Kemp both hid far away.

Kobe Bryant thought for a while, "I already won the championship last season, there is no point in winning another championship."

McGrady wanted to participate, but he didn't dare to sign up. He was worried that he would not perform well, so he called Carter specifically.

"Vince, haven't you signed up for the dunk contest yet?"

"Oh, Tracy, I support your registration. This event is not attractive enough to me." Carter was straightforward. He was more concerned about health. The team was in good shape and must be stable.

The few players on the inside have already rolled in crazily, grabbing every ball and scrambling for their own rebounds, and they will not give their opponents a chance at all.Carter found that Jason Williams and Robert Parker would sneak up on them, and their feet were not clean, which seemed to have led to Mobley.

Daben is more upright, and would rather go head-to-head with someone directly than stab someone in the back.Rashid said that he is half of the outside line, and it is better to stretch the space, allowing them to take advantage of the inside line and avoid the hurting guy.

McGrady wants to participate in the slam dunk contest with Carter, so that he can announce to the media that they are brothers. Everyone hopes to have a powerful brother.

Just talking about seniority in detail, McGrady is still a generation higher than Carter.

"It's a pity, if you plan to participate, I will accompany you in the dunk contest!"

"Okay, if I participate, I will tell you in advance." Carter made an agreement with McGrady.This season's All-Star Slam Dunk Contest winner, Carter was not impressed at all.Due to the closure of the stadium next season, even the All-Star Game will not be held. The next time we participate will be the 2000 Slam Dunk Contest.

In the NBA, David Stern is also paying attention to the performance of various teams.

This season is Michael Jordan's last season, he desperately needs to find the next superstar and maintain the NBA's influence.That's the most important thing about the league.Among all the current players, Stern has also selected several candidates.

Grant Hill seems a little less wild and personable, not like a basketball player.Anfernee Hardaway has an elegant and charming style of play, but he seems unable to carry the team. He has been injured more and more frequently recently.

Other players want to find a young one, and they can only be selected from the 1996 draft to have top guard seedlings.Vince Carter is the top one, with impeccable physical talent and team leadership record.

Iverson is full of personality, Marbury is like a lone wolf, Ray Allen is a gentleman, and Kobe Bryant has enough ambition.

"It all seems good. Let them polish it more, and one day the NBA can set off a global craze." David Stern thought for a while and settled down. After Jordan retires, the NBA will continue.

However, many team owners have complained to him that too much money has been squeezed out by player salaries, and it is necessary to curb player salary levels.

Regardless of this in advance, think about it during the offseason. The Christmas game has already been arranged. The gimmick of the Heat against the Bulls is attractive to countless fans. It will be very difficult to arrange a more exciting Christmas game next season.

He is now thinking about the All-Star Game in two months.

The voting is in full swing. Michael Jordan has a high number of votes because he announced his retirement at the end of the season. He is currently ranked first. Carter is behind Jordan and Grant Hill, exactly in third place, ahead of Penny Hardaway and Sean Can. Pu et al.

Surprisingly, Kobe Bryant actually ranked second in the Western Conference guards, second only to Gary Payton, and is expected to be selected as the All-Star starter. Of course, the number of votes for Western guards is not high, and the competition in the Eastern Conference is fierce.

But Kobe is still just a substitute for the Lakers...

"Vince Carter, Kobe Bryant." David Stern chanted the two names with great interest.

Allen Iverson was able to enter the All-Star last season, and this season the competition is more intense. His streetball style, coupled with the team's weak record, makes it difficult to compete for the All-Star starter.

Tim Duncan called Carter, "Vince, do you think I can make the All-Stars this year?"

Unexpectedly, Duncan also wanted to enter the All-Star to prove that he is a wrist.He is only a rookie this year, although the statistics are very good, averaging 22 points and 12 rebounds per game, he is like a super insider.

David Robinson's light was overshadowed by Duncan.

Carter smiled, "It's absolutely fine, as long as you tell the media that you are my good brother, you will be able to enter the All-Star."

"Damn, is it true?" Duncan didn't believe it and suspected that Carter was bragging. "If I told you that I didn't make the All-Stars, would you pay me?"

"If you don't make it to the All-Star, you will beat me when you win the championship. If you make it to the All-Star, I will beat you when I win the championship." Carter laughed, "Do you dare to take a gamble?"

"Such a vicious oath?" Duncan was frightened. Is Carter crazy?I have so much confidence in him and know that he has the ability to win the championship. "If we win the championship this season, can you break out of the Eastern Conference? Michael won't let it go, right?"

"Please, you and I won the championship more than once in our career, right?" Carter has this confidence. If he can't win the championship in the past few years, the Eastern Conference will be weak in the next few years, and it is possible to enter the finals consecutively.

Assuming you enter the finals 10 times, no matter how low the winning percentage is, you can still win four championships, right?Ugly is ugly, but in any case, it is not a championship.

"Hey, that's true. My Spurs Twin Towers have a higher probability of winning than you." Duncan was infected by Carter, and his emotional intelligence declined.

To be honest, Duncan is not afraid of Jordan. After all, the Bulls are seriously aging, and no matter how strong Jordan is, he can't guard Duncan, a tall inside man.

"If you can't talk, talk less." Carter cursed.

He also wants to beat Jordan, but this is not enough. The Bulls this season, fighting to the death, want to end perfectly, and it is difficult to be defeated.

The Nets are now ranked third in the East, after the Bulls and Pacers.No one could have imagined that the Bulls quickly returned to normal after experiencing the contradictions at the beginning of the season, occupying the first place in the Eastern Conference.The Pacers also recovered quickly after struggling at the beginning of the season and have already ranked second in the Eastern Conference.

Larry Bird's coaching ability has been verified and seems to be more convincing than the other Larry.

Behind the Nets are teams such as the Heat, Hornets, and Eagles, and the Cavaliers have also entered the top eight in the Eastern Conference.

The Spurs are ranked fourth in the Western Conference. The top three teams are the Utah Jazz, the runner-up last season; the Los Angeles Lakers and the Seattle Supersonics.

For the Nets, Mobley was injured for half a month before recovering, and then Sam Cassell was injured and missed 3 games.Robert Parker fell at home, sprained his gluteus maximus, and was sidelined for half a month.

After entering 1998, the Nets seemed to have a bad year and suffered frequent injuries.Carter was better, strictly controlling his playing time, and was not affected much.

Before the All-Star game, Jason Williams injured his elbow, which seemed to be smashed into someone's face and hit by the opponent's teeth.To be vaccinated against rabies, he will be out for a week.

He performed extremely well this season, averaging 13.6 rebounds per game and 11.2 points, a double-double record.It's just that he couldn't win the rebounding title. Rodman averaged 15 rebounds per game, which was outrageous.

"Damn it, I missed the All-Star. I can't be selected this time..." Jason Williams looked sad. If he can become an All-Star, even if he is a substitute, the amount of his contract next season is still possible. higher.

"It's a pity, but I believe you will perform better. By the end of the season, you will become a top defensive player, and you will get a big contract by then." Carter comforted Jason Williams.

The 1998 All-Star Game was held in New York, and the New Jersey Nets were also considered half of the home court in New York. In theory, there should be more players participating.

Only Carter on the team is expected to become an All-Star.

New York native Jason Williams actually has hope, but if he is injured, he will not be selected as an All-Star substitute, and there will be less attention.In addition, although Kendall Gill and Sam Cassell have acceptable data, they have not received enough exposure.Kendall Gill averaged 17 points per game, and Cassel averaged 14 points and 8.5 assists per game, both of which are strong players.

As for everyone else, there's no chance.Rasheed's 14 points and 7.9 rebounds are not enough among the strong inside group in the Eastern Conference.Mutombo, Ewing, and Mourning are the three major centers. At the power forward position, there are Shawn Kemp, Grant Hill, and even Rodman who are more likely than him.

Jason Williams shook his head, "Next season, if I get a big contract, I will be an All-Star."

"I believe you."

"However, I have to fight for every ball. It's really tiring. Hahaha, I will be more adaptable to casual play next season." Jason Williams no longer wants to be so tired.

"Man, the goal of this season is revenge. We have been beaten up, and we must get it back no matter what." Carter once again set off Jason Williams' scar.

As long as this guy wants to be lazy, remind him that he was beaten like a dog by Rodman, elbowed by Shawn Kemp, elbowed by Mourning, it is a collection of human sorrow.

"I'm going to kill them!" Jason Williams once again ignited a raging fire and continued.

(End of this chapter)

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