NBA: One S-level skill per game

Chapter 126 3rd Overtime (2)

Chapter 126 Third Overtime (2)

In the TNT live broadcast room.

I have to admire "Chen"'s spirit of throwing a basketball no matter what time it is.

Although the probability of this ball being shot is close to 0.

At this moment, Kenny Smith retorted: "No no no! Charles, look."

I saw the basketball flying high over the backboard, and then hit the basket, weighed it twice, and fell into the net.


"Fuck, can you get in here too?" Barkley was dumbfounded.

At the same time, the fans in the Aviation Center Stadium were dumbfounded.

At this moment, there was a sound of gasping for air in the arena.

This goal stunned the Mavericks fans.

Even the referee's whistle in my mouth fell out unconsciously.

Buckley was dumbfounded and said, "This lucky little monster."


"What?" Kenny Smith looked at Buckley in confusion.

"Quickly, give me God's phone number. I want to call him and beg him to take his illegitimate child away! Humans don't need his illegitimate child."

Kenny Smith burst out laughing.

At the same time, Li Chen who smashed into the crowd clenched his fists fiercely. He also wanted to give it a try, but he didn't expect it to succeed.

The fairy ball passive effect is actually triggered.

"Fuck, bastard, you still don't get up, are you trying to crush me to death?" It was a white guy who cursed weakly.

It was only then that Li Chen came to his senses. After apologizing, he was pulled up by the rushing teammates.

"Fack, Chen, can you make this shot? You are too good." Odom looked at Li Chen admiringly.

At the same time, the same goes for other players.

"Chen, you can make shots that are impossible to make. Are you still human?"

"Definitely not, hahaha!"

"Damn, you are not human anymore?" Li Chen scolded his unscrupulous teammates.

For a time, the atmosphere of the Clippers became relaxed.

After 5 minutes of the game, the Clippers and the Mavericks scored 111 to 111, and the score was tied again.

After a while, the second overtime game officially began.

In the fierce game between the Clippers and the Mavericks, when the second overtime began, the unimaginable scene was staged again-the two sides tied again at 19-19.

In the TNT live broadcast room.

"It's unimaginable that the two sides even drew again. This is really a fierce game." Barkley said excitedly.

"Yes, Charles, the whole overtime game was tense and exciting. At this critical moment, Li Chen and Nowitzki showed amazing determination and calmness. They deserve to be the core."

At this time, Kenny Smith continued: "As the core of the Clippers, Li Chen has always won praise from the fans for his outstanding basketball talent.

Whether he is in three-pointers or mid-range shots, he has shown a precise and stable shooting rate.

At this critical moment, he not only played the role of a scorer, but also showed excellent organizational skills.

His breakthrough and passing dribble can be turned into assists every time, which is amazing.

Every choice he makes is thoughtful, wise and decisive.

His choice became the beacon of the team, leading the entire Clippers forward.

He deserves to be the captain of this Clippers team. "

At this time, Barkley also opened his mouth to analyze: "As the core player of the Mavericks, Nowitzki also showed his outstanding ability in this game.

His consistency and versatility have been one of the Mavericks' strongest pillars.

Nowitzki's honed skills allowed him to stand up at critical moments and push the team forward with outstanding performance.

Whether it is shooting or rebounding, he has demonstrated excellent ability and the level of a top superstar, and the signature golden rooster independence he learned from Li Chen is even more difficult to defend, becoming a nightmare for opponents. "

In the end, Barkley gave Li Chen another stab, "It can be said that Li Chen has created a formidable opponent for himself."

Kenny Smith complained in his heart, Charles' mouth is still so damaged!
Then he said: "You can't say that, not being afraid of your opponent is also a sign of self-confidence."

At this time, Barkley thought of one thing, and he said with some expectation: "Kenny, tell me, will there be a fourth overtime game between the Clippers and the Mavericks?"

"This...probably not." Kenny Smith thought for a while and shook his head.

"Oh? How should I say it?"

After organizing his words, Kenny Smith said: "It can be seen from the two overtime games that they are all trying their best to win."

"so what?"

"So the two teams consume a lot, and the third overtime game will definitely determine the winner."

Barkley gave a thumbs up, "The analysis is in place."

In the Clippers rest area, Li Chen's chest was heaving and heaving, and he was always using breakthroughs to contain the Mavericks' defense in the two overtime games.

On the defensive end, he has been taking care of the main scoring points of the Mavericks, and he can't stand it anymore on both offensive and defensive ends. He is really too tired.

Seeing this scene, Alvin Gentry was very distressed, the Clippers would not be able to play without Li Chen!
So he said: "Chen, in the third overtime, you are responsible for the offense, and you don't need to deliberately fill up the defense."

Li Chen nodded without refusing.Because this physical strength is no longer enough to support him.

The other players are not as physically strong as Li Chen, they are more tired than Li Chen, but Li Chen has become the most relaxed one.

Alvin Gentry saw this scene and wanted to replace the two main players, but he was a little worried, and in the end he did not change Elton Brand and others for the sake of victory.

As for Li Chen?He absolutely did not dare to change the game, he was sure that as long as Li Chen was off the game for 1 minute, the Clippers' score would be opened.

At the same time, the Mavericks players are not much better than the Clippers, and they are also tired.

But the Mavericks' lineup is not comparable to the Clippers, and they have room for rotation.

But Nelson did not dare to replace Nowitzki.

Because Li Chen is simply a hungry wolf, as long as the Mavericks show a little weakness, he will pounce on them and tear their opponents to pieces.

Thinking of this, Coach Nelson rubbed the center of his brows, thinking to himself, this kid is really a tormenting little devil.

The third overtime begins.

In the first 1 minute, the two teams did not score a single point.

Obviously due to excessive physical exertion, the shooting percentage of the two teams dropped sharply.

Clippers offense.

As soon as Li Chen got the ball, the Mavericks players rushed up and double-teamed Li Chen.

Li Chen stepped out of the three-point line a few steps behind, and then suddenly started, he broke through the double-teaming of the two like a leopard.

"Fuck, shouldn't he be very tired? Why is he so explosive?" Barkley complained.

Kenny Smith thought for a while and said, "No! He's very tired. Look at Li Chen's footsteps after layup."

At this time, in slow motion, the scene of Li Chen staggering to the ground was fully displayed.

At this time, Kenny Smith continued: "Maybe this is their terrible thing. Their willpower far surpasses others, just like Jordan that time, he needed Pippen to support him when he was off the court, but during the game, who can tell Jordan played while sick."

"What a bunch of bts." Barkley muttered.

(End of this chapter)

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