NBA: One S-level skill per game

Chapter 203 The deal with old Bass

Chapter 203 The deal with old Bass
At the end of August, Li Chen returned to the United States to attend Michael Jackson's birthday party, and at the same time he saw Britney again.

There were some changes in her, because he obviously felt that she had gained weight.

After talking to Britney for a while, Li Chen felt very awkward. He couldn't find the feeling of being friends like before. He was really embarrassed, so he only chatted for a few minutes before they separated.

This time Li Chen came to repay his kindness. He learned that Michael Jackson suffered from insomnia and came here with magical Chinese medicine.After handing the gift to Michael Jackson, Li Chen left.

It's not that Li Chen doesn't give Michael Jackson face, it's just that those ladies are too enthusiastic and he really can't resist them.

On September 9, Avril Lavigne’s birthday, Li Chen carefully prepared a birthday party for Avril Lavigne.

Avril was very happy, but still joked: "Chen, it's really strange that you can take the initiative to celebrate my birthday! Tell me, did you do something bad?"

Avril Lavigne's joke made Li Chen panic. After all, he really had something on his mind!

After celebrating her birthday, a slightly drunk Avril suddenly thought of her embarrassment and depression when her first time with Li Chen was inexplicably taken away.


Alcohol is indeed a good thing, allowing Avril to perform exceptionally well.

Two hours later, Li Chen looked at Avril lying on his chest like a kitten.

He decided to confess his affair with Britney, which was like a knot in his heart.

"Avril." Li Chen shouted hesitantly.

But Avril, who was already exhausted, did not hear the hesitation in Li Chen's tone.

She hummed lightly.

After a while, Li Chen explained what happened in detail.

After hearing this, Avril's delicate body trembled wildly, and she was dumbfounded.

The next day, Avril left New York and returned to Canada.

Li Chen was a little speechless. He never expected Avril to react so strongly.

After thinking for a while, he decided to call Old Jack.

When Grandpa Avril heard what Li Chen said, he cursed loudly.

"Boy, you are confused. How can you tell Avril this kind of thing? Is your head squeezed by the door? Why didn't you discuss it with me in advance? Now if something happens, come to me, you idiot."

Li Chen was stunned for a moment after being scolded, because Old Jack actually spoke Northeastern dialect.

"Jack, how did you learn Chinese?"

Although Avril's matter made him very anxious, he was still very surprised by Old Jack's question.

"Of course it's your grandpa. I'm extremely smart." Old Jack said proudly: "I'll help you solve this matter. Avril is very serious about relationships, so don't say anything stupid about stealing fish in the future."

Li Chen "..."

He discovered that this was not Avril's grandfather, but his own grandfather!
After a while, Old Jack put down the phone.

At this time, a plump woman in her 40s wearing a floral cloth came to the dining table carrying dishes and said: "Jack, who called?"

"No one. My grandson-in-law and my granddaughter got into trouble and came to me for help."

If Li Chen saw this scene, his eyes would definitely widen. You must be 60, right?Are you really "ok"?

Old Jack will definitely tell Li Chen very strongly that your grandfather is not only good at it, but also very good at it.

After supper, Old Jack picked up the phone and waited quietly for his granddaughter to arrive at his door.

Sure enough, within half an hour, Avril called.

After a while, Old Jack answered the phone.

"Grandpa!" Avril shouted in a low voice.

"Hey! It's Avril, you don't seem to be in a very beautiful mood! If you have any difficult things, tell grandpa, and grandpa will help you sort it out." Old Jack pretended not to know.

After hearing this, Avril seemed to have found a target to talk to and told Li Chen's story.

Old Jack knew what happened at that time, and before Avril could finish speaking, Old Jack interrupted: "First of all, Chen's frankness proves that he cares about you very much. Also, you have to think about his status in your heart. think about it!"

With that said, he hung up the phone, and Old Jack's phone number shouted: "Xiao Hong, I'm here."

On the other side, Avril was silently thinking about her grandfather's words. At this moment, the scene of Li Chen expelling the poison appeared in front of her eyes. At this time, she had a happy smile on her lips.

At this time, she knew what she was thinking, "Humph! However, we can't let this matter go like this."

Thinking about it, she made a few calls and found Britney's phone number.

When Britney answered the unknown call and found out it was Avril Lavigne, she was also surprised, and then she guessed the purpose of Avril Lavigne's call.

Britney told what happened without hiding anything.

Two hours later, Avril Lavigne put down the phone with no satisfaction. She and Britney talked about music for nearly two hours. They felt like they had met too late.

At the same time, she could also understand the despair she felt after being drugged by her boyfriend at the time, and she felt some sympathy for Britney at this time.

So, she forgave Li Chen for Britney's sake, because they are now musical confidants.

Although Avril forgives Li Chen in her heart, she doesn't want to use such an excuse to do anything in the future.Therefore, we must let him have a longer memory.

Li Chen was very depressed while waiting for the good news. He called Old Jack several times to inquire, but he always said that the matter had been resolved.

But why hasn’t Avril come back?

Later, Britney sent him a message, and he knew that the matter was really resolved.This made Li Chen's heart finally relax.

In October, Li Chen received a piece of very important news for him, that is, Rockets general manager Carroll Dawson was ill.

This is not the main thing. The main thing is that the Rockets official announced that Fatty Morey will soon take up the position of deputy general manager of the Rockets.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see this news. Morey will be the general manager of the Rockets in the future.

And with Carroll Dawson out sick, that leaves a lot of trade stuff in Morey's hands.

Morey joined the Rockets earlier than in the original timeline, but Li Chen couldn't care less, he only knew that he could take action.

If we say that on August 2005, 8, five teams in the league conducted the largest multi-player trade in history, it was an earth-shattering event.

So, if the Knicks reach this deal, it will change the course of the NBA.

However, this matter needs to be discussed with Dolan first.

Thinking of this, he picked up the phone and dialed Dolan's number.

Dolan was a little surprised when he saw the call was from Li Chen.

After a while, he smiled and said: "Chen, what, what do you want from me? Didn't I tell you that you can have anyone you want, money is not an issue."

Although the Knicks won the championship, the second-generation rich Dolan always felt that the Knicks' lineup was not gorgeous enough, so he always hoped that Li Chen would request reinforcements.

At this time, Li Chen asked tentatively: "Mr. Dolan, if...I mean if, I can guarantee that the team is competitive, can I trade the current lineup?"

Hearing Li Chen's words, Dolan frowned. He didn't know what Li Chen was up to, so he wanted to ask Li Chen who he wanted to trade, but when he thought about it, the Knicks would be fine as long as they had Li Chen.After all, he saw it firsthand last season.So he took back what he wanted to ask, and instead said generously: "Chen, except for you, the Knicks can be put on the shelf."

Li Chen was overjoyed when he heard this, as long as Dolan said this.

Afterwards, he chatted with Dolan for a few more words, and then left politely.

After putting down the phone, Li Chen called Alvin Gentry again. After all, Alvin Gentry is the general manager of the Knicks.

However, when Alvin Gentry heard that Li Chen was going to trade Jr. Smith, Ariza, and Crawford for Yao Ming, his head shook like a rattle.

You know, Jr. Smith can trade for Yao Ming alone, but a bastard like Li Chen actually wants to trade three for one. This is obviously a loss-making deal!

"Chen, absolutely not, I cannot accept such a deal here."

After saying these firm words, Alvin Gentry felt that it was too ruthless, so he changed his words: "Chen, even if I agree, Mr. Dolan cannot accept it."

Li Chen touched his nose and said, "But Mr. Dolan said that anyone on the Knicks team except me can be put on the shelf."

Alvin Gentry "…"

Alvin Gentry cursed in his heart, this little brat, he is completely slapping his teacher in my face.

"No, I don't agree." Alvin Gentry insisted. Anyway, he just didn't agree.

Li Chen scratched his head, thought about it and said temptingly: "Coach Alvin, do you want Popovich's capable player to play in your hands?"

Alvin Gentry was stunned, "You...what do you mean by this?"

Li Chen smiled mysteriously and started cheating mode again, so Alvin Gentry, who had been competing with Popovich, compromised.

After finishing Alvin Gentry, Li Chen smiled slightly and it was time for the next topic.

Kobe Bryant has been unhappy in Los Angeles these days. The management has not taken action on the reinforcements he requested, so today he came to see Buss again.

Kobe's character is straightforward and there is no beating around the bush, so he will ask about reinforcements.

Old Buss smiled slightly and said kindly: "Kobe, don't worry." As he said that, he looked at Mitch Kupchak.

"Mr. Bass, the first target we have reinforced is Yao Ming, but the Rockets don't seem to be planning to trade Yao Ming, so I am looking for other candidates."

"Kobe, look, we are already working hard to help you find teammates. Your task is to wait patiently." Bass continued.

Kobe took a long breath and nodded. Now he can only wait for the result as Old Buss said.

Just then, his phone rang, and he frowned, muttering to himself, "Who is it!"It was so annoying, and while his thoughts were wandering, he apologized: "Sorry, Mr. Bass, I'll take a call."

Old Bass nodded.

After a while, Kobe took out his phone and saw that it was Li Chen, and he wanted to refuse the call.

The person that Kobe is most afraid of now is Li Chen. He is very afraid that Li Chen will brag in front of him.

After thinking for a while, he reluctantly answered the phone, "Hey! If you have anything to say, tell me, I have something else to do here!"

Li Chen was stunned when he heard Kobe's impatient words, but he had business matters and was too lazy to talk to Kobe, so he got straight to the point and said, "Do you know Old Buss's phone number?"

Kobe was stunned and asked subconsciously: "What are you looking for him for?"

"What? Can I tell you that you can make the decision?"

Li Chen is not a loser. This is a counterattack to Kobe's impatient tone just now.

Kobe "..."

"My birthday wish for next year has come true again." Kobe gritted his teeth.

Li Chen "..."

"Hurry up, or I'll go to your house and tell Junior about your embarrassing story."

I really want to hit someone!Kobe held the phone tightly, feeling so angry!

Kobe gritted his teeth again and said, "Okay! I'll call Mr. Buss right now."

Hearing this, Li Chen was stunned again because he heard the implication of Kobe's words.

After a while, Li Chen seemed to have guessed why Kobe and Buss were together through the conversation that Kobe had just had with Buss, coupled with Kobe's stronger character.

At this time, a kind and kind voice came from the phone, "Hello, little one!"

Li Chen recovered his thoughts and said politely: "Hello, Mr. Bass."

Old Bass didn't reply and listened to Li Chen's next words with interest.

Li Chen added: "This time I am harassing you because I want to negotiate a big deal with your Lakers team."

"Oh? What kind of deal? Those players from your Knicks are not our Lakers' targets."

Obviously Buss still hopes to get an inside assistant to Kobe Bryant.

At the same time, Lao Bas was very surprised by Dolan's trust in Li Chen.

"I believe he is the player your Lakers want most." Li Chen said confidently.

"Hahaha! It's a good thing for young people to dare to say it, but don't be arrogant!" Old Bass joked with a smile.

"Yao Ming, I can trade Yao Ming to the Lakers."

As soon as Li Chen said this, Old Bass frowned. He didn't know why Li Chen was so confident.

While his thoughts were wandering, Old Buss shook his head and said: "Boy, I'll tell you the truth, we made an offer to the Rockets to trade Yao Ming, but the Rockets' reply was that Yao Ming is not for sale. So, boy, what are you talking about? A big deal is simply not possible.”

Li Chen smiled and asked: "Mr. Bass, in the eyes of businessmen, there is no such thing as not for sale. If there is, it means there are not enough chips, that's all. Do you think I am right?"

"This..." Old Bass was shocked. He never expected that young man Li Chen could see so clearly.

Yes, this is absolutely true. If you use it enough, anyone can trade.

At this time, Old Bass became interested, "Boy, I want to know what price you want to pay to get Yao Ming, and what do you want to get?"

Kobe was shocked to hear that Li Chen was actually discussing business with Buss. At the same time, he was also a little envious. Li Chen was so awesome with the Knicks.

On the other side, "This is a secret. As for telling me what I want..." Li Chen paused slightly, and then said: "I want a promise from you."

"Oh? What promise?" Old Bass asked with interest.

So, Li Chen stated his request again.

His request is that when he wants to buy an NBA team, he hopes that the Lakers will vote yes. At the same time, after he becomes the team owner, he hopes that the Lakers will stand on his side without harming their own interests.

This transaction does no harm to the Lakers, and Buss has no reason to object.

In this way, an old man and a young man reached a verbal agreement.

As long as Li Chen can get Yao Ming to the Lakers, their verbal agreement will not become reality.

(End of this chapter)

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