NBA: One S-level skill per game

Chapter 219 The first match against the Big Three Celtics

Chapter 219 The first match against the Big Three Celtics
Dolan didn't talk nonsense, "Chen, I heard that you are a master of stocks..."

What Dolan meant was to look at Li Chen's opinions, and then use his own judgment to consider whether to buy the stock.

In fact, when Bill Duffy revealed this matter to Dolan, he regretted it a little, because his understanding of Eastern people was that they made a fortune in silence. Now that he told the story about Li Chen, he He was afraid that if Li Chen got angry and stopped playing with him, he would be in trouble, so he immediately told Li Chen about the matter.

That's why Li Chen was surprised, but not surprised.

In fact, Li Chen has long wanted to use Dolan's line to reach a community of interests with NBA owners, so as to facilitate his future plans.

And this time is the best stepping stone.

So Li Chen spoke out his thoughts about stocks in a very angry manner.

At the same time, he also said: "Mr. Dolan, we need to pull up Google's stock as soon as possible, so that we can make big money."

Obviously Li Chen asked Dolan to ask other friends to join, but Dolan knew Li Chen's purpose very well.

However, that was real money. Although Li Chen's words were garbled and clear, he still maintained his sense in his heart.

He hesitated for a moment and said, "Okay! Let me see if they are interested."

In fact, Dolan just wanted to take a look at the market. If Google's stock can really rise, it won't be too late for him to buy it.

Li Chen didn't push him. Anyway, they were the ones who suffered the loss if they bought it late.

Due to Li Chen's crazy spending of 200 billion, Google's stock rebounded very quickly, rising to US$100 in just one month.

This made Dolan regretful, so he called Li Chen again to confirm that the stock continued to rise, and he decisively bought $[-] million in Google stock.

Of course, Dolan is a sensible person. The reason why Li Chen told him about this way of making money was for his own personal connections.

Call some NBA owners who have good relationships with him.Of course, he truthfully told them that this was the news from Li Chen.

Of course bosses like Li Chen know that he is not only an NBA No. 1, but also a financial genius who was delayed by basketball.

The fact that they made 200 billion yuan proves everything, so they have great trust in Li Chen's vision.

At the same time, a major event also occurred in the NBA league.

Celtics general manager Danny Ainge's skillful operation brought a drastic lineup adjustment to the Celtics. They recruited Kevin Garnett and Ray Allen to the Celtics at a huge cost.

For a time, the Celtics overwhelmed the Knicks and became the NBA's biggest favorite.

Now Dolan was anxious, so he asked Alan Houston to find Alvin Gentry.

By the way, Alan Houston finally retired. He retired with satisfaction after winning three championships. In this life, with Li Chen's chaos, Alan Houston can be regarded as one of the few winners in life.

After a while, Alan Houston came to Alvin Gentry's office and said: "Coach, Mr. Dolan asked you to come over."

Alan Houston, who was wearing a crisp suit, smiled and joked when Alvin Gentry saw him: "Alan, you are not a player now, we are colleagues, just call me Alvin."

Alan Houston scratched his head and chuckled: "I'm used to it."

Alvin Gentry smiled and shook his head, then put down the pen in his hand and asked casually: "Alan, do you know what Mr. Dolan called me?"

"Oh! It's about reinforcements for next season. The Celtics have formed the Big Three, and Mr. Dolan is worried."

Alvin Gentry acted as if this was indeed the case, then stood up and walked out of the office with Alan Houston.

On the other side, Li Chen had already arrived at Dolan's office earlier.

He sat across from Dolan's desk, not looking like a subordinate at all.

This is not difficult to understand. After all, Li Chen's ability made the proud Dolan have to admit his talent in finance.

This is what American businessmen are like, as long as you have money you can be respected.

Now that the Knicks have left, they are lacking everything except a point guard.

But good point guards are hard to find. Nash can, but the Suns can't trade him, and the defense is really bad.

Wait, suddenly Li Chen thought of a player who was very suitable for the Knicks.

After a while, Alvin Gentry and Alan Houston arrived belatedly.

Seeing everyone gathered, Dolan said: "I am very optimistic about Carmelo Anthony."

Hearing this name, the corner of Li Chen's mouth twitched, thinking to himself, how dare you think about it!Now Anthony doesn't say whether the Nuggets will release him.

Even if they let him go, all the wealth he worked so hard to leave to the Knicks will have to go into it.

Of course Li Chen would not agree to this plan, so he interrupted: "Mr. Dolan, that's not right. If Carmelo Anthony is traded now, the Knicks may have to pay half the starting lineup and most of the substitutes. You Do you really think Carmelo Anthony can support the Knicks?"

Dolan was a little dissatisfied when he heard someone refute him, but when he saw it was Li Chen, the dissatisfaction in his heart slowly subsided.

After carefully considering what Li Chen just said, he felt that it made sense.

So Dolan looked at Li Chen and said, "Who do you want?"

Li Chen looked at Alvin Gentry.

Alvin Gentry understood the situation and immediately said: "Mr. Dolan, we need a point guard."

"Point guard?" Dolan muttered to himself, then he slapped the table and said, "It's Nash."

Li Chen was a little helpless, but he did not hit this rich second generation.

So Alvin Gentry made an offer to Nash, but the Knicks rejected the offer without paying any attention to it.

This made Dolan very depressed, and he found that his money making ability was not working well.

Seeing Dolan hit a wall, Li Chen expressed his thoughts.

So Li Chen used himself as a bargaining chip to reach an agreement with Dallas Mavericks owner Cuban.

After a three-team deal with the Knicks, the Mavericks reached a deal with the New Jersey Nets.

The Mavericks sent Devin Harris, Desaguena Diop, Trenton Hassell, Maurice Agger, Keith Van Horn, two future draft picks and some cash to the Nets in exchange for Jason Kidd, Malik Allen and Antoine Wright.

The Knicks traded David Lee for Jason Kidd.

No matter how you look at this three-way deal, the Dallas Mavericks are taking advantage of it, but this is not the case.

Everyone also saw some tricks in this transaction.

When Kidd came to the Knicks, he had some mixed feelings.

Li Chen was the one who made him realize his dream of a championship, but this championship made him a little ashamed. But he never expected that after going round and round, he would actually play basketball on the same team with Li Chen, which made him feel uncomplicated. ?

When Li Chen saw Kidd's complicated emotions, he smiled and said: "I know you are unhappy with me. Don't worry, I will leave the Knicks next season. After I leave, I hope you can support the Knicks." .”

Hearing this, Jason Kidd was a little surprised, but then he was relieved. Yes, if Li Chen didn't leave, how could he come to the Knicks?
You know, the man in front of you has achieved double-doubles for four consecutive seasons!His organizational ability is countless times stronger than mine.

But Jason Kidd doesn't understand, why is it him and not someone else?

So Jason Kidd asked the question in his heart.

Li Chen smiled slightly and asked, "What do you think?"

Kidd "..."

On November 11, the NBA 3~2007 season officially started. Li Chen handed over the task of organizing offense to Jason Kidd, and he returned to his long-awaited shooting guard position.After a month of running in, Kidd fell in love with the Knicks because this team's three-pointers are so accurate.

Especially Li Chen, his pull-up jump shot was amazing. Only after getting along with Li Chen did he realize how terrifying it was.

Time flies by and November 11th arrives in the blink of an eye.

Tonight their opponent is the Celtics team with the Big Three.

The strength of the two teams this season can be said to be head-to-head. Both teams have undefeated records and rank in the top two of the rankings.

However, because the Knicks' goal difference is not as large as that of the Celtics, the Knicks are temporarily behind the Celtics.

This game can be said to be a battle for the top spot.

After the start of the first quarter, the two teams fought for rebounds and defense, trying their best to compete for every scoring opportunity.

The Celtics' big three played well and showed their unparalleled skills and abilities.

In particular, Garnett was as strong as a chicken, showing strong dominance at the basket. His rebounding and defensive capabilities made the young Knicks team feel powerless.

Also, the Knicks' 2~3 zone defense strategy was cracked by their opponents, causing them to encounter some difficulties on the defensive end.

At this time, when Li Chen was returning to defense, he walked side by side with Jason Kidd and said: "Shouldn't you encourage your teammates?"

Kidd rolled his eyes and said, "With you here, will they listen to what I say?"

Li Chen "..."

Entering the second quarter, the Knicks began to adjust their tactics and strengthened their pressing and defense against the Celtics.

They adopted a more vigorous attacking strategy, actively looking for open spaces and creating scoring opportunities.

Kidd performed well, showing his excellent ball-handling and organizational skills.

He used his strong vision to make beautiful passes, winning some valuable points for the Knicks.

But Kidd is not arrogant, because he clearly knows that this team has Li Chen, the most lethal player in the league. Most of the Celtics' attention is focused on him, so he can easily find the best pass. ball point.

The Knicks caught up in the second quarter and narrowed the gap with the Celtics.

At the beginning of the third quarter, the Knicks maintained a good state and continued to fight for every scoring opportunity for themselves.

They improved the team's overall coordination and created a lot of pressure on the Celtics through quick passing and effective offensive strategies.

The Celtics' Big Three were restricted by the Knicks' strong defense, and their scoring efficiency dropped significantly.

With the collaboration and efforts of the entire team, the Knicks gradually caught up and took the lead.

Entering the fourth quarter, the game entered a stalemate stage.

Both teams played at the top level and competed fiercely with each other.

Kidd showed his calmness and decisiveness at critical moments, leading the Knicks to stabilize their position. He could always pass the basketball to Li Chen when the Celtics relaxed.

Li Chen admired this kind of passing sense.

Li Chen saw that the game time was almost up, so he began to bombard the Celtics basket with all his strength.

Although the Celtics once strengthened their counterattack, with the support of Li Chen, the Celtics' finishing ability at the basket dropped sharply. In the end, the Knicks successfully maintained their lead and won the game. fight.

In January 2008, Zhang Yiming's short video platform was finally launched.

But the reality is cruel, the short video did not become popular.

Li Chen was mentally prepared for this.

In addition, with the help of banknote capabilities, Xingchen Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. was officially listed.

At the same time, Xingchen Investment Company borrowed a total of 60 billion from six banks.

In fact, if they could, they would love to lend Li Chen 1000 billion, but the bank stipulates that each enterprise has a quota.

With money, Li Chen started buying land, looking for construction companies, and finally started pre-selling buildings. Li Chen continued his old style and started to get involved again.

[-]% cheaper than others per square meter,
But real estate is not an e-commerce platform. The water here is very deep.

Xingchen Company had just pre-sold the property and was boycotted by other real estate companies.

First of all, any other construction company that dares to take orders from Xingchen Real Estate Company will be listed on their unpopular list in the future.

But there is an old saying that money can solve 99% of problems. As for the 1% of problems, more money is needed to solve them.

Li Chen waved his hand and gave the construction company a guarantee that the project payment would be settled immediately after the project was completed.

At the same time, the project price is 10% higher than the market price.

At the same time, these developers also angered Li Chen. It would be fun if Li Chen was angry, so his properties were [-]% cheaper than those of other developers.

Li Chen's madness stunned all the real estate tycoons. The deal was [-]% cheaper and there was no profit at all.

So they all watched Li Chen's joke, but Li Chen didn't want to make money at all at first.

After the regular season, the Knicks ranked second in the Eastern Conference, and the Celtics were first.

The Pelicans are first in the Western Conference. The Lakers' record was very unsatisfactory due to Kobe's injury for half the season.

However, after Kobe's comeback, they caught up and finally got a ticket to the playoffs.

The Knicks defeated the 4ers 1-76 in the first round and successfully advanced to the next round.

The Celtics played seven games against the Hawks.

It can be seen that the Knicks are stronger in the playoffs.

At the same time, a major event occurred in China. At 5:12 on May 14, the underground rock formations near Xuankou Town, Wenchuan County suddenly fractured and moved, igniting the fuse of the 28 earthquake.

In two seconds, the seismic waves triggered by the rupture reached two kilometers above the source of the earthquake. People in the earthquake began to feel that the ground suddenly rose, houses shook, and windows broke.

After another second, the rupture rushed out of the ground along the fault, and houses collapsed in Sanjiang, Zipingku, Yingxiu and other places. The wind force of the mountain released 15% of the earthquake energy in these 16 seconds.At this time, Wenchuan Dujiangyan released hope.

The earthquake was clearly felt in Chengdu. 25 seconds later, it began to be felt in Beichuan and other places. About 40 seconds later, it ruptured at the mouth of a northwest-directed strong fault north of Qingping, Mianzhu. During the confrontation of several seconds, huge energy was transferred southward to Kangxi, and then Suddenly, it turns back to the north and returns to the vicinity of Qingping, forming a convergence of two energies.

Between 17 seconds and 46 seconds, seismic waves tossed back and forth in the rupture area about 100 kilometers long. This force and shock caused devastation to Yingxiu, Hongkou, Longchi, Dujiangyan, Yiyangou, Yinhua, Honghuai, Hanwang and other places. of destruction.

In these 29 seconds, 60.00% of the earthquake energy was released. Three 48-meter ruptures suddenly jumped over the shoreline and rushed out.The ground was suspended flat by ribs across the entire Beichuan County from south to north, causing tragic damage to buildings and mountains. It then passed through Beichuan, Chenjiaba, Pingwu, and Pingkong Town, and arrived at Nanba Town in about 60 seconds.

Sixty seconds after the seismic energy was released, it ruptured northward and did not extend along the northern section of the Longmenshan fault zone. Instead, it cut obliquely across the Pingwu-Inchuan fault zone, triggering the last set of serial explosions on the neighbor's property.

In about 80 seconds, the end of Sui City's strong crossbow still shocked Shaanxi and southern Gansu.

From 60 seconds to 80 seconds, 5% of the earthquake energy is released.

The entire process ruptures propagates at a speed of 2.8 kilometers per second, which is about ten times the speed of sound.

The length of the surface rupture is 216 kilometers, and the length of the market town is 275 kilometers.

In just 80 seconds, Wenchuan turned into ruins.

(End of this chapter)

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