NBA: One S-level skill per game

Chapter 36 I don’t think highly of him

Chapter 36 I don’t think highly of him

Pacers postgame press conference.

"Mr. Miller, what do you think of the Pacers' performance in the game?" the blond female reporter asked.

“Even though we lost tonight, we performed very well tonight.”

"What do you think of the Clippers' performance tonight, and what do you think of Artest's foul?" the blonde female reporter asked again.

Reggie Miller thought for a while and said: "The Clippers performed very well tonight, better than us, especially the rookie Li Chen. His breakthrough reminds me of Iverson. At the same time, he performed perfectly tonight. An All-Star caliber player, or better."

Reggie Miller thought for a while and then said: "As for Artest's final foul, that was the best choice, otherwise I might be killed. No, we will definitely be killed, because Li Chen was too accurate today. ”

"Mr. Miller, can the Clippers enter the playoffs this year?"

"This..." Reggie Miller thought for a while and said, "I think they can do it under the leadership of that magical oriental boy."

Immediately afterwards, Reggie Miller was a burst of poisonous milk.

the next day.

In the NBA headquarters, in the president's office, Li Chen's outstanding performance made the president David Stern think differently.

He wants to make Li Chen the face of the NBA. The reason why he has this idea is because the huge market in the East, coupled with Li Chen's miraculous rise, will give people a sense of expectation.

However, he still hesitated. After all, his original plan was to push Kobe up first, and then James, the chosen one, but Li Chen's sudden appearance caught him off guard and disrupted his current layout.

He didn't care at first, but then Li Chen's magical performance against the Lakers suited his taste.

David Stern is an ambitious man who wants to make basketball the number one sport in the world.Although he knew it was difficult.

After much thought, he decided to ask Michael Jordan for his opinion.

After a while, David Stern expressed his thoughts and concerns.

Boss Joe, who had just come up from the swimming pool, sat on the recliner, held the phone in silence for a while, and then slowly said: "David, to be honest, I don't like that yellow man. I watched the game against the Lakers. It's all luck, it won't work, and believe me, David, he won't get very far."

"David, you have also seen the physical talent of LeBron James, why do you take risks?" Jordan continued.

David Stern was silent, not knowing what he was thinking.

Boss Joe saw that David Stern, who was holding him up with one hand, was still unwilling to accept it. He said again: "Let's do it! When the Clippers and Wizards play against each other, I will see the strength of that Oriental boy."

David Stern nodded, "Okay! Michael, by the way, I will send you Li Chen's latest physical test data later."

Half an hour later, Michael Jordan held a cigar in one hand while reading the fax data sent by Skone.

When he saw Li Chen's basic data, Jordan couldn't help but straighten up and became serious.

Name Li Chen, basic data, barefoot height 199.8, weight 93.3kg, arm span 210cm, palm 28cm, Achilles tendon 32cm, standing height 2 meters 60, in situ bounce 96cm, approach jump 122cm, 10.6m speed 2 seconds, high jump performance 22 meters 7, long jump score 88 meters 0.90, the longest time in the air can reach [-]s
After reading Li Chen's basic statistics, Michael Jordan still couldn't believe it. This oriental boy's physical talent was almost the same as his own, but how could this be possible?

He really wanted to call and ask David if he got the data wrong?But he knew it was impossible.

Michael Jordan took a long drag on the cigar, and the red spots on the cigar suddenly became brighter and brighter.

He exhaled the smoke in his lungs for a long time, and murmured in his heart, "It's interesting. I'm looking forward to facing off against the rookie."

In the Clippers manager's office.

"Mr. Baylor, why did you suddenly think of asking me to retest my body data?" Li Chen asked tentatively.

Elgin Baylor joked with a smile: "How do you know you've grown again if you don't test it?"

Li Chen knew that it was the functional drink that made his body grow again.

Moreover, Li Chen didn't use his full strength in this test, he had some reservations, he was afraid that his talent would suddenly explode and cause unnecessary trouble.

At this time, Elgin Baylor liked Li Chen more and more. If Li Chen could play it, then Elgin Baylor would not be ridiculed as the second child of Wannian.

If Li Chen could achieve the same level as Jordan, he might become the number one manager in history.

Thinking of this, Elgin Baylor couldn't help feeling excited.

Looking at the old man Elgin Baylor's involuntary smile, the corners of Li Chen's mouth trembled, and he maliciously speculated in his heart that Lord Baylor wouldn't want to take a concubine!
Just when Li Chen was slandering Elgin Baylor, the team manager, Elgin Baylor suddenly said: "Chen, next season, if you need any help, I will try my best to satisfy you."

Lord Belle is also cruel, he wants to stud, and bet everything on Li Chen.

At the same time, Li Chen was also a little surprised, and then a smile appeared on his face, "Mr. Baylor, Mr. Donald Sterling will be angry if you do this. If he is angry, you may be laid off." Li Chen joked.

Elgin Baylor glared at Li Chen. This bastard is really hateful. He always pours cold water on himself when he is high-spirited.

However, he was then annoyed at the thought of Donald Sterling's stinginess.

So he snorted coldly, and then said loudly: "You don't have to worry about this, you just need to say who you want."

Li Chen knew that Elgin Baylor wanted to prove himself, but why didn't he want to prove himself?
So he looked at Elgin Baylor with a serious look and asked: "Mr. Baylor, wouldn't it be more interesting to win the championship with the Clippers' lineup?"

When Elgin Baylor heard this, he was confused. Do you want to win the championship with the Clippers' garbage lineup?Are you kidding me?
Li Chen looked at Elgin Baylor's shocked expression and smiled and said: "Mr. Baylor, the Clippers are not as useless as you think, really."

Yeah?I don't know the virtues of the people I choose?Elgin Baylor grumbled in his heart.

To be honest, Elgin Baylor really doesn't like the current Clippers players.

However, Donald Sterling, that stingy bastard, refuses to delegate power. This is the best choice with limited funds.

Li Chen seemed to know what Elgin Baylor was thinking, "Mr. Baylor, after all, the Clippers also have two No. [-] picks on the team."

"Hehe! Kid, don't insult the word "No. [-] Scholar." Elgin Bellepy said with a half-smile.

Apparently Elgin Baylor thought Elton Brand and Michael Olowokandi were thrown in the face of the No. [-] pick.

Li Chen touched his nose, feeling a little embarrassed.

Elgin Baylor didn't want to mention those troublesome things, so he suddenly changed the subject and talked about Li Chen again.

(End of this chapter)

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