Chapter 127 The first game against the Suns

"In addition, in terms of playoff experience, the Warriors are also obviously lacking, which is one of the reasons why I am not optimistic about them."

"But the Warriors still have a long way to go. I think within three years, this group of young people will become strong contenders for the championship." Although Barkley does not think the Warriors can win the championship this year, he is still optimistic about their future development. very promising.

"After talking about the Warriors, in fact, the performance of the Suns this year is also very impressive. They are the only team in the Western Conference that swept their opponents in the first round. The object of the sweep is the Spurs, who have been suffering for many years." Smith recalled The Suns' record this year.

"So Charles, do you think this year's Suns can break through the limits and create history?" Smith continued to ask.

"No, even though the Suns are very strong, I don't think there will be any advantage against the Lakers and Celtics." Although Barkley is considered a Sun star, he doesn't do much to protect his shortcomings.

"However, in any case, the Warriors and the Suns can at least bring us a beautiful game today."

Barkley's words are not wrong. After all, the Warriors and Suns are both teams that are good at offense. The game styles of both teams are mainly run and gun, and their main focus is fast-paced offensive basketball.

This kind of offensive battle, no matter how you say it, can feast the eyes of the fans.

In the first game against the Suns, Du Zhe still appeared in the starting power forward position.

And what he has to face is naturally the famous "little bully" Stoudemire.

In this Suns team, Stoudemire is the undoubted core of the team.

On the offensive end, Nash is often responsible for threading the needle, while Stoudemire is responsible for the final word.

Able to run, jump, and have unlimited energy, Stoudemire also has many fans with his explosive playing style.

"Mount Hua has been hacked away by him."-Although this is just a joke from Hua Guo fans, it can also give a glimpse of the explosive style of the bully.

For the Warriors, if they can strangle him to death, their chances of winning will be a little higher, and Du Zhe, who defended Nowitzki in the last round, naturally took on this important task.

Before the game started, Stoudemire was not particularly surprised when he saw Du Zhe coming to defend him.

After all, Du Zhe had already proven himself in the last round of the series.

Even Nowitzki, the top offensive master among the active power forwards in the league, cannot get any benefits under his hands.

But Stoudemire did not fear Du Zhe because of this.

One is because Nowitzki has not yet won the championship, in Stoudemire's eyes, he is just an ordinary person who has suffered black eights and black sevens.

The second is because Stoudemire, as an All-Star player, naturally has an arrogance in his heart, and he will not easily give in to others.

What's more, compared with Nowitzki, he feels that his physical fitness is much better.

From Stoudemire's point of view, even if Du Zhe can restrain the skilled Nuo Tianwang, he is not a vegetarian.

Relying on his tyrannical physical fitness, he can still drop ten times with one force and blow up his opponent.

Although Stoudemire is full of confidence and wants to do a big job, his teammates obviously don't think so.

Especially Nash and Richardson, who had been defended by Du Zhe in the front, were even more worried.

"Amare, if you are playing against Du Zhe, don't stick to the ball too much. If you really don't have a chance, you can pass the ball to your teammates first. Don't take risks." Team boss Steve Nash said before the game Stoudemire was warned to be careful.

"Don't worry Steve, I'm not Dirk Nowitzki, I won't let that Huaguo boy ride on my head and shit." Stoudemire was full of confidence and murderous.

After all, Du Zhe dunked a lot on his head in the previous few matches.

Now that he had the opportunity to talk directly, Stoudemire naturally tried his best to settle the score with Du Zhe.

Nash wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Jason Richardson, who also came to advise Stoudemire to be careful.

"Amare, Steve is right. Du Zhe is really difficult to deal with. You have never faced him directly, so you don't know how scary he is."

"In the past few games, Steve and I suffered a lot from him. That guy's defense can always force you to play in the most uncomfortable way, and his steals are even more terrifying. His judgment is accurate and his shots are crisp. , Definitely the top level in the league." Richardson looked solemn as he spoke, seeming to have recalled the painful memories of playing against Du Zhe.

The three of them became a tiger. Seeing that Nash and Richardson were so afraid of Du Zhe, Stoudemire couldn't help but murmur.

For Du Zhe, it is undoubtedly a challenge to play against Nowitzki and Stoudemire, two top offensive power forwards.

Unlike Nowitzki, Stoudemire's physical fitness is more powerful, and his style of play is mainly based on face-to-face attacks.

Of course, this does not mean that Stoudemire is a simple jump boy.

In fact, Xiaobawang is also very good at shooting. In addition to being able to hit the basket explosively, his mid-range shots are also quite stable.

However, compared with his top offensive level, Stoudemire's defensive ability can be said to be quite hip

He has been criticized for his poor defensive habits and poor defensive positioning.

If the hardware conditions are not too good, I am afraid that Stoudemire's defense will directly become the bottom of the interior.

But for Du Zhe, Stoudemire, who is loose on the inside and stretches his hips, is the best object for him to test his newly learned bottom step.

During the first round of competition, Du Zhe was not idle. Although he did not continue to conduct high-intensity training these days, he would still spend time in the training hall whenever he had time, thinking about his inside footsteps.

Since the bottom step is a relatively simple type of inside footwork, plus Du Zhe has a system bonus, and his own potential has been improved, it is natural to learn it by leaps and bounds

At present, his ups and downs are very precise and formal, but he still lacks some experience in actual combat.

So he planned to practice on the field if he had the chance.

After all, if one more skill can be mastered, the team's chances of winning will increase by one point.

After the opening, the game rhythm of the two teams was relatively fast.

In the Suns' offensive round, Stoudemire and Nash had a wave of pick-and-roll cooperation, which is also one of the Suns' commonly used routines.

Nash used the screen of the pick-and-roll to break through, while Stoudemire immediately went down to the basket.

Then Nash saw the space and had a classic collaboration with Stoudemire.

(End of this chapter)

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