Chapter 141 Du Zhe’s counterattack

But Du Zhe, who was fouled brutally, was unexpectedly calm at this time, and stopped his angry teammates instead.

He knew that doing so would hit the other party's hands, and he had to find a suitable opportunity to take revenge without leaving any traces.

Although the Warriors players didn't understand Du Zhe's ability to swallow his anger, due to Du Zhe's status in the team, they still reluctantly swallowed it.

Just such a conflict that was on the verge of breaking out was quietly resolved by Du Zhe.

Du Zhe then completed two free throws honestly, calmly as if nothing had happened.

However, his actions gave Kobe a slight misunderstanding, and he couldn't help but think to himself: "Could it be that this Chinese boy is a coward?"

After careful analysis, Kobe felt that his inference was also very reasonable.

After all, when the two met for the first time, Du Zhe was new to the league and didn't understand the rules. It's normal for a newborn calf to not be afraid of tigers and not to know the depth.

And after being suspended and punished by the league, this Huaguo boy knew how powerful he was, and he might restrain himself a bit.

This inference made Kobe feel confident, and the worry in his heart gradually faded away.

The interrupted game between the two teams finally started again, but now the smell of gunpowder between the two teams on the field was obviously much stronger.

The entire Warriors team took a deep breath, and under the leadership of Du Zhe, they started a crazy counterattack.

Especially Du Zhe, who frequently made trouble from outside the three-point line and once narrowed the point difference between the two teams to less than 5 points.

But every time this happens, the bald referee will call a few fouls at the right time, interrupting the Warriors' offensive rhythm.

Repeatedly, Kobe's old habit returned.

Since the referee only gave him a common foul after the chokehold, and Du Zhe didn't seem to have much reaction, this also made him bolder.

In the past, when the referee was standing nearby, Kobe just used his elbow secretly and did not dare to make his movements too obvious.

Now that he was sure that the referee would cover him, he became more and more bold in his actions. Even in front of the referee, he waved his elbow blatantly.

The bald referee pretends not to see it most of the time. Only when it goes too far will he pretend to give Kobe a foul.

The opponent pressed forward step by step, but Du Zhe remained calm under Kobe's iron elbow.

He is waiting for an opportunity, waiting for a suitable opportunity.

Although Kobe has let go of his hands and feet now, it is not enough for Du Zhe.

Facing the other party's provocation, he still swallowed his anger and gave way every step of the way.

And Du Zhe's uncharacteristic performance also made Kobe more sure of his inference.

This Chinese boy seems to be really scared!

After being convinced of this, Kobe became even more jealous.

For the team's victory, he also went all out.

In the next offensive round of the Lakers, Kobe relied on a pair of iron elbows and began to break through to the inside to cause damage.

Du Zhe, who was facing the front, was beaten back by his fierce offensive. This made Kobe very happy and even more complacent.

Although Du Zhe retreated step by step, he was not idle.

He had been secretly observing the distance between Kobe and the referee.

Kobe was accelerating at this time, and the elbow of his left hand was already waving high.

The referee was standing outside the bottom line of the basket, just on Kobe's breakthrough route.

Three steps, two steps, one step, Du Zhe retreated while silently estimating the distance between the two in his heart.

It's now!Seeing that the time had come, Du Zhe immediately stepped out to reveal a gap and let Kobe break through.

And seeing Du Zhe retreating under his iron elbow, Kobe couldn't hold back his excitement.

Eager to make a difference, he immediately felt the wind at his feet, preparing to get into the paint and complete a powerful layup.

But Du Zhe made room for him, not because he wanted Kobe to score comfortably.

At the moment when he ducked to let Kobe break through, Du Zhe also secretly exerted his strength and pushed the opponent's waist.

Kobe was trying his best to break through at this time, and Du Zhe suddenly pushed him, making him a little bit overwhelmed.

After the balance of the body was destroyed, Kobe was like a car with brake failure, driving forward out of control.

And in front of him was today's referee - the bald guy who made Du Zhe hate him so much.

Kobe's speed, angle, and strength were all perfect, and the iron elbow erected was like an arrow off the string, heading straight for today's referee.

Du Zhe endured it for so long, and finally waited for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

He didn't even have to do it himself, he just needed to do a little trick in the dark.

As for Kobe's strength, Du Zhe still has great trust.

After all, Kobe has been in the league for so many years, and the power of a pair of iron elbows is also well-known in the world.

Although not as good as Malone back then, he can also be regarded as a rising star among the new generation of players.

A few years ago, Kobe Bryant injured a fan when he fumbled his elbow while scrambling the ball.

The fan was seriously injured at the time, and died a few years later due to swollen lungs.

It can only be said that a full blow from a strong NBA player is really terrifying.

But now Kobe has tried his best, and Du Zhe is secretly helping behind the scenes.

It can be said that the power of this blow is enough to make that annoying bald man drink a pot.

And Kobe's mood at this time also took a 180-degree turn.

He was so proud just now, but now he felt like he had fallen into an ice cave and was completely in disarray.

After being pushed by Du Zhe, he couldn't stop the car at all.

The time was too short, and he didn't even have time to take back the iron elbow he had set up.

Although the bald referee is considered a strong man among ordinary people, he looks quite petite in front of Kobe, who is 1 meters tall.

With this height difference, Kobe's elbow was just right enough to hit him in the face.


An indescribable sound came, and Du Zhe turned his head away unbearably.

In an instant, the entire stadium seemed to be much quieter.

A moment later came the exclamations from the fans at the scene.

The players on the Warriors' bench all jumped up from their seats, waved towels and began to applaud and boo.

Just looking at this excitement, people who don't know think that the Warriors just killed the Lakers.

However, Old Nelson, who was still nagging the referee just now, calmed down a lot now, and he quickly stopped the player who wanted to enter the field to boo him.

According to NBA rules, a substitute player will be punished for entering the court at will.

Although it was a relief just now, the old Nelson was not overwhelmed by the excitement, and he was still working hard to maintain the order of the bench.

And Kobe, who had just completed the feat of elbowing the referee, was at a loss at this time.

It's fine if he elbowed the referee, the key is that he used all his strength just now, and the current scene is really horrible.

Although Kobe has always been known for his big heart and has seen many storms and waves, but this is the first time he has experienced such a scene today.

(End of this chapter)

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