Chapter 161 Invitation from the National Team

To be honest, Kobe, Nowitzki, Nash, Stoudemire... among Duzhe's defeated opponents, if you just pick one of them, the strength is not inferior to them.

Even Stoudemire, the least famous of the four, is a multi-time All-Star in his prime. Before the Big Three joined forces, Pierce and Ray Allen's league status was almost as different as him.

As for the comparison with the other three MVP-level characters, the two of them are even worse.

These characters are in a state of embarrassment against Du Zhe, let alone them?
Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit cold, the coach He document quickly took over the conversation to boost morale.

"Kevin is right. We have gone through hundreds of battles and fought hard one after another. No matter who the opponent is, we can win it!"

"However, Du Zhe not only dominates outside the three-point line, but his strength in the paint should not be underestimated. If he gets inside, it will be up to you, Kevin, to help defend him." He Wenwen also handed over to Kai. Ving Garnett has a mission.

Garnett's face was as hard as steel after hearing this, but the words had already left his mouth.He could only accept this task with a pat on his chest.

Now it was his turn to have a headache.

Du Zhe's inside dominance shown in the last round of the series is also really scary.

If Kobe was crushed by Du Zhe under the basket, Garnett could barely accept it.

Then Artest also lost ground when facing Du Zhe, which inevitably made him a little timid.

Although Garnett is an insider, his confrontation ability is not too strong in the insider.

As a tall and lanky insider, he has no advantage over Du Zhe in terms of strength and tonnage.

Although Garnett was not worried about being directly eaten alive by Du Zhe in the paint, facing Du Zhe who was like an animal, he couldn't help but sweat for his old bones.


At this time, the Warriors are still immersed in the joy of successfully reaching the finals.

And Du Zhe became a god in one battle, and his name was praised throughout the San Francisco Bay Area.

The combination of an undrafted player and a loser at the bottom of the league not only made it to the playoffs, but also made it through the playoffs with a lot of strong teams, and continued to counterattack and reach the finals with a black seven attitude.

It can be said that Du Zhe is now synonymous with miracles in the minds of Warriors fans.

"Leave Du!"

"Du deserves a maximum salary!"

"We want to build a dynasty team around Du Zhe!"

"Du is too tired. The team must find some stronger helpers for him. We are not afraid of paying the luxury tax!"

The fans' voices came one after another, and the only purpose was to keep Du Zhe.

But current Warriors owner Chris Cohan doesn't have such long-term plans.

As a pure businessman, he bought the Warriors purely to make a fortune.

And he has always been criticized for his short-sightedness in the team's operations.

Since he took over the Warriors in 1994, the team's record has been consistently hovering at the bottom of the league.

Even including Du Zhe this time, the team has only entered the playoffs twice in the past ten years. It can be said that the record is very miserable.

After the Warriors reached the finals this season, the team's valuation has also ushered in a skyrocketing.

Cohan felt it was time to sell the Warriors.

Now that the team is in a strong position in the playoffs, he can still charge a high price and make a lot of money. As for how the Warriors will develop in the future, that has nothing to do with him.

Therefore, the team's management is very chaotic now, and there is no long-term plan for the future.

However, this has no impact on the Warriors players. It is the first time for almost everyone on the team to stand on the stage of the finals. For them, it is their first time to let go and fight without any regrets. is the most important.

But a few days before the start of the finals, Du Zhe was still concentrating on his training.

After adding points last time, the Warriors won three more games in a row. In these three games, Du Zhe got another 24 system points.

In addition to the remaining 3 system points before, Du Zhe has now accumulated a full 27 system points, which is enough for him to improve his strength again.

This time Du Zhe exchanged 25 system points for 5 ability value improvement cards, and chose to improve his fancy dribbling ability.

[Fancy dribbling: 47-72]

It can be seen that before adding points, Du Zhe's dribbling abilities were hovering in the [-]s and [-]s. This level is not enough in the CBA.

Thinking of these, Du Zhe admired the courage of the original owner of the body.

Apart from his static physical talent, this guy is absolutely useless. He actually dares to attack the NBA. I have to say that he is really brave.

It can only be said that he dared to make such a choice, or he had no idea and was extremely arrogant.

Either the CBA is too good, and the original owner of the body can kill the Quartet with only static talent, which leads to inflated self-confidence, and he doesn't know how much he is.

After the extra points, Du Zhe finally achieved an NBA-qualified dribbling level.

At least now he can move the ball a little bit when facing the defense.

Of course, Du Zhe's choice to add points to his dribbling was not entirely out of consideration for competing in the NBA.

He has set his sights further.

Not long ago, when Dayao was unable to come back, the Chinese national team invited him, hoping that he could lead the national team to participate in this year's World Championships.

Although Du Zhe said he was playing in the playoffs, he did not respond positively for the time being.

But in fact, after receiving the invitation, he had already decided to lead the national team to compete in this world championship.

The reason for the delay in agreeing was mainly because he had to make a fuss and strive for some favorable conditions for himself.

He didn't want to be like Dayao, who played in every game and ended up ruining himself.

And Du Zhe also knew that if he played against a strong opponent in an international competition, he would definitely not be able to play as comfortably as he did in the Warriors.

After all, at the level of a CBA guard, once the game becomes more intense, he really can't expect too much about passing the ball and organizing offense.

In this case, he needs to have a certain ability to hold the ball to avoid the team falling into a misfire situation when the defender cannot pass the ball.

Fortunately, most of the opponents in the World Championships are not as good as NBA teams. Du Zhe feels that he can do something with his own strength.

And after adding points this time, I don't think the strength has naturally risen again.
【Name: Du Zhe】

【Comprehensive review: 95】

【Remaining system points: 27】



[Talent: Death Coil (Hall of Fame level), Microwave (Hall of Fame level), Lore Killer (Gold level), Aggressive (Gold level), Frame Protector Elite (Bronze level)]

[Others: Stealer Gloves (active equipment), Stadium Villain (passive aura)]

(End of this chapter)

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