Chapter 187 Xia Lian’s arrangements

In addition, Andris Biedrins has 4 years and 3600 million left in his contract, and he still has an incentive clause of 800 million. Contracts are not a small number in this era.

You must know that the NBA salary cap has not skyrocketed at this time. Considering Biedrins' attendance and contribution last season, the contract amount is already very high.

However, Nelson said that the team has started negotiations with the Rockets, planning to use Biedrins as the core bargaining chip to trade Yao who has not yet recovered from injury.

Trade Biedrins for Dayao?
When Du Zhe heard the old Nelson talk about this idea, he immediately felt that it was not reliable.

Although Dayao is out for the entire season, he is still the cornerstone player of the team in the eyes of the Rockets.

Although he knew that Dayao was hard to return to the top, the Rockets didn't open their eyes.

It is impossible for the Rockets to agree to trade Dayao with a blue-collar Biedrins.

Of course, many Chinese fans are still very happy to see Yao and Du team up.

Since Dayao's contract is a player option in the final season, many fans hope that Dayao can break out of the contract and join forces with Du Zhe in the Warriors, so that the two can win another championship together.

But based on Du Zhe's understanding of Dayao, unless the Rockets trade him, the other party should not take the initiative to jump out of the contract.

Of course, in addition to the players mentioned above, the Warriors still have several players whose contracts have not yet expired.

For example, Kelana Azubuike, who was reimbursed at the start of the season, has one year and 1 million left on his contract with the Warriors.

Ronnie Turiaf also has a two-year, 800 million contract.

Anthony Randolph also has two years and $2 million remaining on his rookie contract.

And Vladimir Radmanovic, who played mediocre last season and spent most of the time recovering from injuries, will take up nearly 700 million salary space for the Warriors.

It seems that the salary of each player of the Warriors is not very high, but after careful calculation, it is found that the team does not have much salary space left.

Not counting Du Zhe, other players alone have taken up 5000 million dollars in salary space. For the Warriors with a salary cap of only 5800 million, there is very little room for maneuvering.

Unless you sign first and then change, some big-name players who must be paid a maximum salary to come don't even think about it.

However, the Warriors did not give up their ambition to make a big move in the trading market.

According to Nelson Sr., the team is now negotiating a big deal with the Knicks.

The team plans to use Turiaf, Randolph and Azubuike, plus a draft pick, in exchange for last season's All-Star power forward David Lee from the Knicks.

The team believes that this transaction can make up for the Warriors' internal shortcomings, while also reducing part of Du Zhe's scoring burden.

Du Zhe naturally had no objections to this transaction.

Because the situation in the previous life has proved that it is indeed a wise choice for the Warriors to exchange for David Lee.

In addition, under the influence of Du Zhe's shocking championship last season, some veterans who missed the championship have begun to contact the Warriors.

As long as Du Zhe can stay with the Warriors, they don't mind taking an appropriate salary cut to sign with the Warriors.

The most famous of them is Jermaine O'Neal. He still had a big contract of 2300 million knives with the Heat last season, and averaged 13.6 points and 6.9 rebounds per game in the regular season.

But after the contract expires this offseason, he is willing to sign a one-year veteran's basic salary contract with the Warriors in order to win a championship.

Although Jermaine O'Neal's value in the free agent market is not as good as before because of his average contribution of 4 points and 5 rebounds per game in the playoffs last season, and his shooting percentage was only 20%. .

For example, last season's overall runner-up, the Celtics, offered him a two-year, $2 million contract.

But Jermaine O'Neal still did not immediately agree to the Celtics' invitation, he was waiting for Du Zhe's decision.

If the two players mentioned by the old Nelson can be won, then the inside combination of the Warriors next season will become David Lee + O'Neal, and the strength will definitely be much stronger than now.

The old Nelson contacted Du Zhe this time, in addition to introducing the current situation of the team during the offseason, more importantly, he wanted to discuss the contract matters with Du Zhe.

Due to the limitations of the Arenas clause and the team's salary space, the maximum contract the Warriors can currently give Duzhe is only about 4 million for four years.

Of course, with Du Zhe's status as the current championship + FMVP, it is really inappropriate to get an average salary of 700 million.

Therefore, Nelson suggested that Du Zhe wait for offers from other teams. No matter how high the offer from other teams is, the Warriors will match it.

When it comes to this, the Warriors thank Arenas from the bottom of their hearts.

As the victim of Arenas being forcibly signed away by the Wizards, the Warriors encountered the same dilemma this year.

Fortunately, with the Arenas clause as a guarantee this time, the Warriors don't have to worry about being robbed of their star again.

For Du Zhe, it is also the most suitable choice for him to wait for offers from other teams and then let the Warriors match. At least this will increase the contract amount a lot.

Du Zhe then asked Lao Wang to continue to be in charge of negotiating the contract. After finishing this round of business activities, he was preparing to start his own special summer training.

Of course, before the start of the special training, Du Zhe has to prepare first to go to Las Vegas to participate in the summer league.

However, this time he will no longer play for the Warriors in the summer league, but will appear as a member of the Chinese national team.

During the recent period, he has been matchmaking between the national team and the NBA, hoping to facilitate the national team's trip to the Summer League.

After Du Zhe, the first FMVP in China, was born, Stern also wanted to strike while the iron was hot, and the two sides hit it off.

In the end, several parties reached an agreement that the national team will play five warm-up games in the NBA Summer League this time, and Du Zhe will play in 2-3 of them, with each game playing no more than 20 minutes.

For the sake of traffic, the opponents of this competition are also very particular.

The five opponents are the Golden State Warriors, Houston Rockets, Los Angeles Lakers, Milwaukee Bucks and Dallas Mavericks.

These five teams are all participating teams in the Las Vegas Summer League, which can just save the Huaguo national team from traveling around.

The more important reason for choosing these five teams is that they are all related to Chinese stars, and they are also popular in China, so they can just expand their publicity.

With the summer league scheduled to start on July 7, Duzhe is running out of time after wrapping up a series of commercial activities.

Therefore, he did not join the Chinese national team. Instead, he returned to the United States for special training on his own and waited until the national team arrived in Las Vegas on July 7 to train together.

(End of this chapter)

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