Chapter 192 Budinger's determination
Seeing Du Zhe who is warming up on the court, Rockets small forward Chase Budinger, who is going to face him today, has a complicated mood.

At this time last year, also in Las Vegas, also in the summer league, the two had played against each other.

At that time, Budinger lost slightly, and Du Zhe's defense and dunks left him with a lot of psychological shadow.

But he was not discouraged by this. Instead, he worked harder and harder in the regular season and continued to work hard with the goal of surpassing Du Zhe.

In the regular season, he averaged 8.9 points, 3 rebounds and 1.2 assists per game. This is the data that Budinger handed over as a rookie.

As a second-round pick, his performance is even better than many players drafted higher than him, and this alone is enough to make Budinger feel proud.

But when compared with his old rival Du Zhe, Budinger can't help feeling a bit ashamed.

At the beginning of last season, Du Zhe was an undrafted pick with a basic salary, while Budinger was only in the second round, but he still had a guaranteed contract, so he was slightly ahead at the starting line.

But in the middle of the season, every time Budinger heard news about Du Zhe, the gap between the two widened by one point.

In the beginning, it was only negative reports about the Hua Guo teenager elbowing Kobe. At that time, he and his teammates used this incident as an after-dinner conversation. The fellow who talked about Dayao is really a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers.

But the news one after another shocked everyone's jaws.

In the second game between the Warriors and Lakers, Du Zhe completely defeated Kobe Bryant.

The Hua Guo teenager shined in the All-Star Weekend, winning three honors including the MVP of the rookie game, the three-pointer king, and the slam dunk king.

Du Zhe successfully broke the NBA single-season steals record and was crowned the steals king.

Huaguo Rising Star won the Best Sixth Man and Best Defensive Player.

Every time Budinger heard the news about Du Zhe, he had to re-examine Du Zhe.

This made all the Rockets players including him understand that Du Zhe did not rely on the so-called Huaguo market to be reused by the Warriors.

Du Zhe is very strong, so strong that no one on the current Rockets team may be able to match him.

By the time Du Zhe started to block and kill gods and Buddhas in the playoffs, Budinger had already become numb to this.

Only when Du Zhe led the team to win the championship and FMVP with an extremely exaggerated data, Budinger was slightly surprised.

But at that time, he no longer had any thoughts about chasing Du Zhe.

With this championship experience alone, Du Zhe may be able to successfully retire his jersey with the Warriors or even enter the Hall of Fame.

It can be said that the two are no longer players at the same level.

But this does not mean that Budinger will disarm and surrender in this game, obediently admit defeat.

As a professional player, he also has his own pride and persistence.

Since Du Zhe dared to stand in front of him, he would try his best to defeat him.

And today's game is definitely a golden opportunity to beat Du Zhe for Budinger.

After all, among the teammates around Du Zhe, the strongest teammate is just the Arab League who plays for the Nets.

As for the other members of the Huaguo team, Budinger is sure that most of them are not as good as the marginal players in the NBA in terms of strength.

At the beginning of the game, the national team's inside line was still composed of the twin towers of UAE and Dazhi.

However, Deng Huade was on the back line this time, but Sun Yue and Liu Wei were sent.

The reason is simple. With Du Zhe's presence, the most important role of the team's other perimeter players is to deliver cannonballs to him.

From this point of view, Wang Qi, who is inclined to attack, is obviously not as good as Sun Yue and Liu Wei.

After the opening, the Rockets focused on Du Zhe's defense.

The new FMVP came to play in the summer league. This is definitely the first time in the NBA. The players of the Rockets are all bright-eyed and want to take this opportunity to show off.

Although Du Zhe's strength is indeed formidable, wealth and wealth are in danger. As long as he can perform dazzlingly under Du Zhe, he might get more opportunities in the team.

The players who come to participate in the summer league either have not yet received a formal NBA contract or are rookies. Who doesn't want to take this opportunity to make a splash and get more opportunities?

Thinking of this, several players on the Rockets court looked at Du Zhe with a little more eagerness to try.

After the opening, Liu Wei passed the half without any hesitation and immediately passed the ball to Du Zhe.

Deng Huade was so anxious that he shouted quickly: "Liu, you are too anxious to pass the ball. You have to wait for Du Zhe to run a little before passing the ball!"

He has watched Du Zhe's game video, and he naturally thinks Du Zhe is a player who dribbles like a ball and prefers to play without the ball.

Liu Wei also blushed slightly, feeling a little embarrassed.

He did pass the ball in a hurry. It was only halftime, and he didn't care if he had a chance, so he gave the ball to Du Zhe.

But there was nothing he could do about it. In the last game, he had a hard time being defended by several Warriors defenders, especially Curry. He was indeed a little too timid at the beginning today.

However, Du Zhe didn't panic after catching the ball.

After he dribbled the ball twice from the outside, he called Arab League to come over and set up a pick-and-roll.

Seeing this, Budinger made a prompt decision, rushed up and made a gamble-style steal.

But Du Zhe's reaction was faster than he imagined. He immediately turned sideways to protect the ball, and with only one turn, he used the pick-and-roll of the United Arab Emirates to get rid of Budinger's entanglement.

The rookie power forward Patterson of the Rockets saw that Du Zhe had passed Budinger, so he quickly left the opposing UAE and came up to defend.

But his speed obviously couldn't keep up with Du Zhe's footsteps.

After Du Zhe made a simple change of direction, he basically got rid of his defense.

Da Zhi, who was close to the basket, immediately ran to the outside when he saw this, opening up space for Du Zhe to break through.

But Jordan Hill, who was playing against him, didn't care how Dazhi moved, and still waited at the basket.

Because Hill doesn't know who Dazhi is, and now he only has Du Zhe in his eyes.

If he can give the FMVP a big cap at the basket, then he can have more bragging talk later.

But Jordan Hill obviously underestimated how strong Duzhe is now.

Although he tried his best to confront Du Zhe, his small body was like paper in front of Du Zhe.

And even though he stretched his arms desperately, trying to stop Du Zhe.

But Duzhe's bounce and wingspan are no joke.

Jordan Hill, who is 2 meters tall, was completely suppressed by Du Zhe in the air.


With the first ball in the opening game, Du Zhe completed a explosive dunk under the attack of Patterson and Hill.

Hill's face changed wildly as he was lifted up from the ground by Patterson. At that moment, Du Zhe made him see the gap in physical talent.

At this time, Hill looked at Du Zhe, completely without the greed and eagerness just now, but faintly revealing a bit of shrinking.

(End of this chapter)

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