Chapter 200 Take One Step and See Three Steps
Cleveland, inside a mansion somewhere in Bath Town.

"Rich? Tell me again, what price did the Warriors offer in exchange for me?"

In the reception room, James asked his manager, Rich Paul, while filling two goblets with a small half glass of red wine.

"The Warriors are also very interested in this deal, but..." Rich Paul sat on the sofa and showed embarrassment.

James was putting a glass of red wine next to his nose and sniffing drunkenly, when he heard Rich Paul's words stop abruptly, his face was slightly unhappy.

"Just what?" He suppressed the anxiety in his heart, picked up another glass of red wine, and walked towards his manager.

"It's just that the Warriors don't want to trade you with Ellis and Curry at the same time..." Rich Paul said cautiously.

After hearing this, James' hand that handed him the wine glass froze unnoticeably in mid-air.

Rich Paul got up quickly, took the wine glass, and continued: "The condition offered by the Warriors is to exchange you with Ellis and a first rounder."

"What? In the eyes of the Warriors, am I not as good as Ellis and a rookie?" James' tone was obviously a little more sullen.

This attitude of the Warriors made him, who regarded himself as the "King", feel uncomfortable.

Seeing this, Rich Paul quickly gave a reasonable explanation.

"The Warriors must do this to preserve the strength of the team as much as possible. If they trade away all the outstanding players, it will definitely be difficult for you to lead the team!"

Rich Paul speaks earnestly, but also tells the truth.

James has an excellent business mind, how could he not understand the truth.

Just pretending to be angry just now was just to put on the so-called "king" airs.

In fact, while Rich Paul had frequent contact with the Warriors, he also flirted with the "spare tire" Heat.

The Heat are only willing to offer 2 first rounds and 2 second rounds, which is not as good as the Warriors to be honest.

After all, the Heat now have champion guard Dwyane Wade and All-Star Chris Bosh. If James goes there again, he will actually have three giants who are at their peak.

This strength on paper, let alone in the east, even if you look at the entire alliance, it is difficult to find an opponent.

How could such a team have a poor record in the regular season, and it is certainly impossible for the draft pick to be so high.

As for the value of this kind of draft pick...of course, it is mediocre.

"Forget it, you can put pressure on the Cavaliers' management for me, and say that if you don't agree to this condition, I will directly jump out of the contract. It will be a big deal for everyone." James said leisurely after tasting his lipstick.

"Okay LeBron, I will contact the management of the Cavaliers when I get back. This time, I must let them know the pros and cons." Rich Paul hurriedly agreed.

However, he was extremely convinced in his heart that it was impossible for James to jump out of the contract.

As an agent, Rich Paul is already familiar with the league's collective bargaining agreement.

And James's thoughts have long been seen.

Compared with signing with the Cavaliers first and then making a trade, the naked signing of the Warriors or the Heat may not be much different in the final contract amount, but the inside road is not that simple.

After all, the contract signed by James and the Cavaliers has a bird right. Not only can the signing period be longer, but the annual salary increase is also higher.

Looking at it this way, the benefits of signing first and then trading for James are obvious.

First of all, under the same total contract amount, a sign-and-trade that allows for higher salary increases every year can naturally lower the starting salary, which allows James' next team to get more salary in the first year. space for reinforcement.

This is still very important for James, who urgently needs a championship to prove himself.

At the same time, the contract period of sign-and-trade is longer. James can sign a contract with player options, and he will be much more flexible whether he leaves or stays in the future.

Secondly, the amount of the next maximum salary contract of an NBA star is not only related to the salary cap, but also related to the salary of the last year of the previous contract.

The higher the salary in the final year, the higher the theoretical starting salary for the next contract.

However, although the starting salary is low after signing first, the salary increase is very large.

For the same total contract amount, the salary in the final year of signing first and then changing is obviously higher than that of naked signing.

This operation can ensure that James will not lose money.

In the end, James announced his departure from the Cavaliers, which has angered many Cleveland fans.

And signing first and then changing will leave something for the Cavaliers anyway, so that at least it can create a kind and righteous personality for James, reduce the negative impact of his leaving the Cavaliers, and calm down the anger of the fans a little. .

Doing so kills three birds with one stone and kills three birds with one stone. It can be said that there are many benefits.

James has taken these things into consideration, and Rich Paul has certainly taken them into consideration.

Both of them are smart people who take one step at a time and see three steps at a time. Naturally, some things are seen through without telling the truth, so Paul readily agreed.

He believes that the Cavaliers boss, as a businessman, will definitely give priority to interests and will never make a choice that results in a lose-lose situation.

After arranging everything, James took a sip of the wine in his glass happily, shook the glass, and placed it on the coffee table.

Seeing this, Rich Paul also toasted and took a sip with him.

"By the way, after I announced that I was leaving the Cavaliers, why didn't I see any movement from Du Zhe on Twitter? Doesn't he welcome me to join the Warriors?"

Before Rich Paul could finish the wine, he heard James ask another question.

He didn't have time to taste it carefully, so he swallowed the wine in a gulp, and quickly replied: "Isn't this the World Championships that will start at the end of August? Du Zhe went to the summer league with the Chinese national team to warm up some time ago."

"It seems that in the last game, he even had a quadruple-double, which was also on the news."

Hearing this, James sneered. He hadn't paid much attention to games of Xialian's level for a long time. It's not surprising that he scored a quadruple double at Du Zhe's level.

Seeing that there was no other movement from James, Rich Paul continued to answer: "However, after the warm-up match, Du Zhe has no news on social media. Presumably, he should have gone back to China for training with the Huaguo national team."

"Although Du Zhe was the FMVP last season, in the eyes of the Chinese national team, he is actually just that. When the Rockets' Yao came to the offseason, he had to follow their national team to train and play. Competition, Du Zhe should be no exception."

"After returning to China, it is naturally inconvenient for him to welcome you on Twitter..."

Rich Paul's explanation was reasonable, and James nodded slightly, obviously satisfied with the answer.

(End of this chapter)

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