Chapter 209 Fiasco
After the first half, the national team only scored 26 points in the half, which was not even as high as the Dream Team's score in the second quarter.

The score between the two teams was 26:47. In just halftime, the difference between the two teams was 20 points away, and the game had completely lost its suspense.

Deng Huade's face was a little ugly. Although he knew that there was a huge gap between the two teams, the current situation of being unable to attack and defend was still a bit frustrating.

Dayao sat on the sidelines and was speechless. When he was still in the national team, although the men's basketball team was not a match for the Dream Team, it could at least make two gestures and not collapse so quickly.

Now that he has faded away, if the national team encounters such a strong team again, it will only be beaten unilaterally.


Thinking of this, Dayao couldn't help but turned his head and looked at Du Zhe on the other side.

At this moment, Du Zhe was looking at the scoreboard thoughtfully.

The huge gap between the two teams really surprised him.

Originally, he still had a little bit of luck in his heart, thinking that if he played, if he was lucky, he might be able to wrestle with this young dream team.

But after watching this half of the game, Du Zhe fully realized the huge gap between the NBA and the CBA, which definitely cannot be made up by a good player.

Even if he plays, he can score an extra 20 points at most in the half, which still can't change the situation of the national team's lagging behind.

What's more, once he appears on the stage, he will inevitably face crazy targets from his opponents. Without reliable teammates to attract firepower, even he may find it difficult to maintain an efficient performance.

Most importantly, Du Zhe could tell at a glance that the American team was clearly not doing their best.

In this case, even if he comes on to equalize the score, the opponent will widen the gap again as soon as he exerts his strength.

The game continues in the third quarter.

Deng Huade and Dayao, who were sitting on the sidelines, thought that the first half was already miserable enough.

But I didn't expect the situation in the third quarter to be even more worrying.

At the beginning of the third quarter, the American team's touch was completely open. Under the opponent's stormy offensive, the national team was completely stunned.

In the whole quarter, apart from free throws, the national team scored two three-pointers. This was also the national team's only second sports goal in the third quarter.

Deng Huade shouted until his voice became hoarse, but it was of no avail.

The two teams tied the game at 8:35 in the third quarter, and the 27-point difference in a single quarter was simply shocking.

Seeing the exaggerated score difference, Du Zhe felt like crying.

He had overestimated the gap between the two teams as much as possible, but the actual situation was more outrageous than he imagined.

And even if it was like this, the Meng Nine team on the opposite side gave him the feeling that they still didn't do their best.

After three quarters, the national team trailed by 34 points at 82:48.

The total score in the first three quarters was not even as good as the Dream Nine team’s single quarter score in the third quarter.

If this pace continues, the national team may not even be able to score more than 50.
It can only be said that the gap between CBA and NBA is really too big.

When Du Zhe surpassed the super giant limit of the NBA, his ability value reached 102.

In the Dream Nine team that played today, Durant and Rose are the only ones whose ability value can exceed 90.

Among them, Durant was in the first team last season, and Rose will usher in an explosion next season if there is no accident, playing MVP-level performance.

Most of the remaining players should have ability values ​​around 80, which is still a certain distance from the top level of the NBA.

As for the Chinese men's basketball team, the gap is huge.

Du Zhe estimated that in the entire team, only Ah Lian could touch the edge of 70 ability points.

Dazhi and Sun Yue should still be around 60.

As for the others, those who are stronger may fluctuate around 55, and those who are weaker may only be in their early 50s.

These are all top players carefully selected from the CBA teams. The ability value of ordinary CBA players will only be lower, and it should not even reach 50.

With such a huge gap, it's not surprising that they were beaten like this.

Of course, Du Zhe's judgment was made based on NBA rules. In fact, under FIBA ​​rules, some Chinese players are even stronger.

For example, Arab League, although his performance in several years of NBA career is mediocre, and his offensive efficiency is not satisfactory, but in fact, under FIBA ​​rules, Arab League's strength is still quite strong, even against some NBA star-level insiders Can also not fall into the wind.

But the UAE is just an exception after all. After the first three quarters, Du Zhe also has a clear understanding of the gap between the Huaguo men's basketball team and the top teams.

In the fourth quarter, the Mengjiu team, which was leading by nearly 50 points, felt dull, slowed down its rhythm, and relaxed its defense.

UAE, who was mainly targeted in this quarter, finally got some scoring opportunities. He hit consecutive mid-range shots and led the national team to regain one quarter at 17:16.

Of course, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the Dream Nine team was obviously released in the last quarter.

In the end, the score of the two teams was fixed at 51:98, and the national team swallowed the bitter fruit of failure with a huge difference of 47 points.

Although the opponent Meng Jiu team was extremely strong, Deng Huade still could not accept the result of such a game.

The national team made 39 of 10 two-pointers in the game, and the shooting percentage could not even exceed [-]%.

He only made 21 of 13 free throws, with a shooting percentage of over [-]%.

Only the three-pointers are not bad, 15 of 6 in the game, and the shooting percentage reached [-]%.

This kind of performance naturally did not satisfy the head coach Deng Huade. In the post-match summary, his voice became louder and louder, almost shouting.

In the end, Deng Huade, who was already hoarse, wiped his sweat, and made a final summary wearily: "In short, I didn't see a little bit of belief in winning this game from you."

"The dream team is very strong. We have never won against them, but this is definitely not a reason for you to give up the game!"

"Boys, we can lose, but we can't lose with such a lack of fighting spirit and backbone."

"In my opinion, today's game is by no means a reflection of our true strength. We must cheer up, show the belief that we must win, and fight every game, even if it is just a warm-up match!"

After Deng Huade finished spraying, he did not forget to encourage everyone and gave everyone some chicken soup.

Then he glanced around at the drooping heads and sighed helplessly in his heart.

Over the past year, he also drank a lot of chicken soup.

Although the national team has gradually become a unified team from a mess when it took over, in terms of hard power, apart from the addition of Du Zhe, it has not actually improved much.

The recent consecutive losing streak seems to have had a lot of impact on the team's morale.

The little self-confidence that had just accumulated in the Summer League and the Standwich Cup almost disappeared with these three fiascos.

The current national team urgently needs a victory to sweep away the decline.

"Du, you will start the next game, are you ready?" Deng Huade decided to play his last trump card. The team must win the next game.

"Of course, coach!" Du Zhe's answer was simple but powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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