Chapter 221 Insider Dominance

Bodo Lige, a team that just played against the national team in a warm-up match, is now standing on the edge of the cliff after two consecutive defeats at the beginning.

For Boduolige, if they want to retain the hope of qualifying, the next Chinese men's basketball team and the Cote d'Ivoire team are the opponents that must be defeated.

However, the current Chinese men's basketball team is no longer what it used to be. They just lost once not long ago, and now that they are fighting again, they will inevitably lose in terms of momentum.

For Puerto Ligo, what made matters worse was that Arroyo, the core of the team, was injured in the first match against Luoguo, and it was determined that he would not be able to play in the match against Huaguo men's basketball team.

This is bad news for Bodo Liga, but for the national team, the opponent has lost one of its generals before the war has even started, which is undoubtedly a good thing.

The current Chinese men's basketball team is riding on two consecutive victories and can be said to be unstoppable.

Arroyo is absent, and Porto's starting lineup has to be adjusted.

Jose Barea serves as the starting point guard.

Angie Vassallo, currently playing in Ligue [-], switched to shooting guard.

At the small forward position, defensive player Cameron Lee started. He has only one task - to keep an eye on Du Zhe.

At the same time, Boduoli's starting inside combination remains unchanged.

Ramos, who clashed with Duzhe in the last warm-up match, served as the starting center, while Buckelman started the game at the power forward position.

At the start of the game, the UAE jumped high and the national team won the jump ball.

Dazhi started with a fierce firepower, firing continuously from inside and outside and scored five points in a row.

With his teammates having a good offensive feel, Du Zhe chose to conserve his energy and defend well.

Facing Hatorika's small lineup, the national team chose to play steadily and through positional warfare, try to prevent their opponents from taking advantage of their speed and flexibility.

The national team places its main defensive focus on Barea, the core of Portolige.

Although Barea was able to get rid of Liu Wei's defense through speed and pick-and-roll, Du Zhe, who had been recuperating for several days, was very active in defense. Under constant defense changes and flanking attacks, Barea's opening performance was obviously affected a lot. Influence.

After Big Zhi scored five points in the opening game, his momentum remained undiminished. He and Ah Lian teamed up in the interior to overwhelm the river and directly hit a 17:7 spurt in the opening game.

After the start of the game, Ramos, the center forward of Portoli, seemed to be sleepwalking and was completely out of shape.

Not only was he like a decoration on the defensive end, but he also made frequent mistakes on the offensive end, giving the national team many opportunities to counterattack.

The anxious and angry Boduoli coach Cintron quickly called a timeout and replaced the big center who was so arrogant.

Cintron then made on-the-spot adjustments and boldly used Nathan Peavy to partner with Balkman in the paint.

Among them, Balkman needless to say, this power forward with a height of only [-] meters has exploded in physical fitness, and he has a taste of "half-orc" Faried.

And Nathan Peavy currently plays for the Atländer Dragons in the Bundesliga.

He is the same height as Balkman, at [-] meters, and has equally good physical fitness. However, his shooting range is longer than Balkman's, and he has the ability to shoot three-pointers from the outside.

Compared with the inside combination composed of A Lian and Dazhi, Balkman and Piwei are obviously at a disadvantage in terms of height.

But this does not mean that Bodolige will give up the inside line. In fact, both Balkman and Peavy belong to the kind of short inside line with bursting physical fitness and full of impact. They may not fall behind in the fight at the basket. Downwind.

As for Deng Huade, the recent smooth sailing and today's fantastic start have made him a little drifting, and he actually substituted Du Zhe and Ah Lian at the same time to rest.

After the readjustment, Bodoli, whose highest height on the field was only 2 meters, launched a counterattack.

With the help of a small and fast lineup, Hatori's overall rhythm has been improved by more than one level, and the transition between offense and defense has become smoother and sharper.

After Wang Qi and Ding Jinhui were replaced by the national team, the offense on the court came to a standstill.

Facing a stronger Porto Lige, Wang Qi did not have what he wanted when he played against Cote de Va.

Only Dazhi scored two points with his mid-range shot, and Bo Duoli got closer to the score without much effort.

At 19:16, when Deng Huade, who had just woken up from a dream, reacted and called a timeout, the national team's 10-point lead had been eroded to only 3 points.

During the timeout, Deng Huade did not arrange any too complicated tactics, but just sent his two thighs, Du Zhe and Arab Lian, to the court again.

After Du Zhe came on the court, he used the pick-and-roll to cut to the basket.

Facing Buckelman and Peavy, who are of average frame protection ability, he stabilized the situation with a gliding split button.

In the next round, the Bodoli teams although Vassallo hit an iron shot, Buckman used his momentum to grab an offensive rebound under the basket and then made a tip-in.

Then the national team, the United Arab Emirates CIC, struck a blow, but Bodoli took the opportunity to counterattack.

The small lineup of Bodoli each counterattacked unexpectedly fast, and they scored another goal in the chaotic battle.

There was not much time left. Du Zhe received the ball from the backcourt and threw a half-court three-pointer. The ball was still in the air, and the whistle sounded at the end of the first quarter.

At 21:20, the national team ended the first quarter with a slight advantage of one point.

In the first quarter, Du Zhe made 2 of 1 shots and scored 2 points and 2 steals.

Dazhi was on full fire in this quarter, scoring 12 points in a single quarter, but unfortunately, with his current age and physical strength, it is difficult for him to sustain efficient output for a long time.

At the beginning of the second quarter, the Boduoli teams, having tasted the sweetness, still chose to play with smaller lineups.

The inside combination of Buckman and Nathan Peavy is not tall, but it is full of toughness.

What's even more exaggerated is that the two of them can jump to a high height, and their bounce and hand speed are even faster. In terms of rushing for rebounds, they directly beat all the insiders of the national team.

Even an active NBA player like Arab League cannot withstand the two men's rush for rebounds in the paint, let alone Dazhi and Ding Jinhui.

Missed the first attack?It doesn't matter!Anyway, there is a board!

This greatly boosted the morale of the Bodoli troops, who had been somewhat low in morale, and the team also saw the hope of winning today.

In the first attack of the second quarter, Bodo Lige hit a three-pointer from the outside and successfully took the lead.

As for the national team, faced with Hatori's rapid defense changes, other players simply couldn't find a chance to break through and enter the three-second zone.

There is a disconnect between the team's inside and outside lines.

At the critical moment, it was Du Zhe who stepped forward again.

Using the pick-and-roll, he broke into the low post and beat Balkman hard.

Although Balkman's physical fitness is explosive, his weight of only 94 kilograms is still a bit weak in the interior.

Although Du Zhe is considered an outside player in the Chinese men's basketball team's tactical system, with a height of 2 meters and a weight of nearly 05 kilograms, this frame is more than enough to play inside.

Holding the ball in the low post and hitting hard, Balkman, who is nearly [-] kilograms lighter than him, is like a sapling in typhoon weather, swaying left and right, but in the end he still cannot escape the fate of being uprooted.

In just two or three strokes, Du Zhe forcibly pushed his back into the basket, and used a skillful bottom step to push his opponent away, which was a split dunk.

However, Balkman rarely stayed awake at the last moment.Seeing that he couldn't do anything, he didn't force himself. He hid aside early and watched Du Zhe complete the dunk. This at least avoided another foul.

The two teams tied for 23.

Boduoli each made a quick serve, trying to use his speed to counterattack while the Chinese men's basketball team was not gaining a firm foothold.

But Du Zhe immediately saw through their intentions, and instead of rushing back to defend, he pressed Barea who was holding the ball, making it impossible for him to pass the half comfortably.

The Boduoli teams, who had already studied the video of the match between the Chinese men's basketball team and the Greek team, knew very well how powerful Du Zhe was. Balkman did not dare to delay and immediately came over to provide pick-and-roll coverage.

By the time Barea finally managed to dribble the ball across the half court without any danger, the rhythm of Boduoli's counterattacks had already been interrupted, and they could only resume the position battle with the national team.

In a hurry, Vassallo struck under Du Zhe's defense.

However, the Boduoli teams were still very active in rushing for offensive rebounds. Piwei forcefully took the board off Ding Jinhui's head, giving Boduoli each another chance to attack.

Barea didn't waste any more opportunities this time and made a solid mid-range shot.

At 25:23, Boduoliga overtook the score again.

Deng Huade also didn't expect that this defeated player more than ten days ago would actually be able to play back and forth with the national team after the formation change.

However, he had nothing to do but pray that Du Zhe and Ah Lian could step forward to save the team.

The game has been played so far, and anyone with a discerning eye can see the crux of the national team today.

One is that the small lineup of Bodoligo today is really fast in terms of speed and rhythm. Once the national team makes a mistake or misses a shot, it is easy to be hit back.

The second is that the national team did not do a good enough job in rebound protection today.

It stands to reason that the Chinese men's basketball team is taller and should have an advantage in rebounding.

But the actual situation is far from that. Although Balkman and Nathan Peavy have little presence on the offensive end, they can be described as crazy in rebounding.

This is also an important reason why the national team cannot quickly solve its opponents.

After all, with their excellent rebounding, Boduolige is far ahead of the Chinese men's basketball team in the number of shots taken. It is really not easy to widen the point difference in this case.

Deng Huade kept shouting anxiously on the sidelines, wanting his players to protect the rebounds, but the gap in physical fitness was there and could not be eliminated by shouting twice.

In the next round, the national team attacked, and Du Zhe still firmly entered the inside to cause damage.

His purpose now is very clear, that is to consume the two confidantes, Balkman and Peavy, by constantly attacking the inside line. It would be even better if the other party can get into foul trouble and leave the field early.

Ding Jinhui pulled to the outside after a pick-and-roll to open up space, and Du Zhe came to the low post to get the ball.

It was still Balkman who defended him.

This time Du Zhe's attack was still the same as the previous round. Balkman gathered all his energy and wanted to regain some ground.

But in the face of absolute brute force, his efforts once again came to nothing.

His partner Piwei came up to defend this time, but unfortunately he was half a beat too late and was dunked to the ground by Du Zhe with the ball, and he was also charged with a foul.

Balkman gasped for air and helped Piwey up from the ground.

Confronting Du Zhe with all his strength in the interior for two consecutive rounds is also a big drain on his physical strength.

Although Du Zhe has plenty of physical strength, this style of play is obviously not as cost-effective as shooting three-pointers from the outside.

However, with such a steady and steady approach, the success rate for him is quite impressive.

Du Zhe scored 5 points at the beginning of the second quarter after making an additional penalty.

At 26:25, the national team once again took the lead.

Du Zhe's strong attack and dunks in two consecutive rounds made the Chinese fans who had been silent since the second half of the first quarter excited again.

The regrouped national team finally prevented an opponent's attack in the next round, and the Arab League also tried its best to protect the rebound.

The national team quickly launched a counterattack, and Du Zhe, who took the lead, seized the opportunity and directly hit a chasing three-pointer to further widen the point difference.

However, this three-pointer was, at best, just an adjustment in the gap between his constant attacks on the inside.

After a few rounds, Du Zhe once again came to the inside to fight with Balkman.

"Du Zhe was very aggressive today. He kept getting inside to find confrontation!" Director Zhang was very surprised by Du Zhe's uncharacteristic behavior.

"Haha, he played like Ray Allen in the first two games, but this time he played like O'Neal. It's really a bit abnormal."

"But he played like this probably because the national team didn't do a very good job of rebounding, so he chose the inside line with a higher success rate to attack."

Director Yu made an analysis seriously.

Director Zhang sang together and agreed: "That's right, if you miss a three-pointer, it's basically a long rebound."

"Boduoli was very fast and rushed hard. After grabbing rebounds from the outside, the good guy counterattacked again. It was four or five points inside and outside."

"So Du Zhe is still very steady and smart when he fights like this!"

Although the two commentators failed to analyze the point, the audience still enjoyed it very much.

While talking, Du Zhe imitated Arab Lian's classic moves and shot a feint into the paint from the right.

Piwei, who was on defense, had quick eyesight and quick hands, and committed a foul resolutely, finally preventing Du Zhe from wreaking havoc on his own basket again.

However, the price Peavey paid was also relatively heavy. Before the second quarter was halfway through, he had already incurred two fouls.

Portoli coach Cintron had no choice but to replace him.

However, Ramos, who was sleepwalking in the first quarter, has obviously lost the trust of the coach. In addition, the small lineup is indeed easier to use, so Cintron sent substitute power forward Ricardo Sanchez on the field.

However, there is obviously a gap between Sanchez's strength and Nathan Peavy, and the pressure faced by the national team on the court has been slightly relieved.

At the same time, the national team also replaced Da Zhi, wanting to strengthen the team's offensive firepower.

In the little time left in the second quarter, Du Zhe blossomed inside and outside and completely took over the game, while Boduoli was struggling to chase points.

Facing the last-ditch battle on the edge of the cliff, they showed tenacious perseverance and did not surrender as easily as they did in the warm-up match.

The two teams reached halftime, and the national team only led by 47 points, 41:6.

But seeing the situation on the court gradually stabilize, Deng Huade also breathed a sigh of relief.

If it wasn't for him being too big in the first quarter, how could he be forced into this state by Bo Duolige? If this game capsizes in the gutter, he will inevitably face verbal criticism from the fans after the game.

(End of this chapter)

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