The king of sprinting: I am an Olympic champion

Chapter 115: Being Ruthless To Himself

Chapter 115: Being Ruthless To Himself

He didn't want to argue with Li Wei about this issue. Anyway, Lin Kai concluded that Li Wei just liked beautiful women.

The training is still at the moment, Lin Kai doesn't want to continue to be lazy!
After all, usual training is also a way to improve one's own strength.

Of course, if the talent is not good enough, the improvement in this area may be minimal.

After all, at Lin Kai's level, talent is definitely the most important thing, and hard work has become secondary.

The physical bottleneck for ordinary people is probably 11 seconds away.

So now that Lin Kai can run within 11 seconds of the electronic timer, it actually indirectly indicates that Lin Kai has broken away from the ranks of ordinary people in terms of sports, or sprinting.

The end of training was just the end of his teammates' training, but Lin Kai's training was far from over.

Lin Kai chose to give himself extra training, even though coach Ye Jianhui had higher standards for Lin Kai, Lin Kai still felt that this was not enough.

The road is chosen by oneself, even if you vomit, you have to finish the road.

It can be seen that after running the last group, Lin Kai really knelt on one knee on the track and field and retched, feeling like his throat was about to vomit!
Don't think too much, today's training intensity is definitely up to standard, it can even be called beyond standard.

Li Wei, who witnessed the whole process of Brother Lin retching, admired Brother Lin for being a ruthless person! He was really ruthless to himself!
The reason why Lin Kai was so cruel was simply because he didn't want to leave any regrets for himself.

After deciding to participate in the Provincial Games, I devoted myself wholeheartedly to preparations and tried my best to improve my strength.

If there is no track and field system and only himself, Lin Kai believes that he is really not sure of winning the provincial games championship.

The problem is that Lin Kai is not only a person, but also the track and field system in his mind acts as a strong backing for Lin Kai. For this reason, Lin Kai feels that it is human-made!

When training is a part of your life, you will find that you don't think so much, you are tired enough, and you are too tired to think so much.

The two seniors have not taken the initiative to find themselves recently.

Lin Kai also knew the reason. It was just that the senior sister was also busy preparing for the college entrance examination.

You must know that as senior three students, Huang Susu and Xu Meishu started school about ten days earlier than me.

This shows how stressful it is to prepare for the college entrance examination.

Estimating the time, Lin Kai felt that the [-]-day sprint was coming soon.

I just don’t know if there is a so-called [-]-day pledge meeting.

At least Lin Kai hasn’t experienced it yet!
More than half a month has passed, and in early March, Lin Kai thought that he was approaching the provincial sports meeting day by day. Maybe after the provincial sports meeting, he had to prepare for the national high-level athlete exam.

The high-level exam is not as simple as imagined, and there are prerequisites for taking part.

The premise of this is of course that you must have a certificate on your body, or get some ranking in a recognized competition.

Thinking about it, things really happen one after another, one after another!
Anyway, Lin Kai doesn't need to worry. After all, he can defeat ten thousand people with one force. With his strength here, there really is nothing to worry about.

In addition, Lin Kai also has a certificate. You must know that Lin Kai has reached the level of a national second-level athlete in the city sports meeting. Naturally, he has long been able to apply for a national second-level athlete certificate through the Athletics Federation!
Now Lin Kai thought to himself: My progress in various physical fitness has not been hindered!
You must know that Lin Kai's main focus on improving his physical fitness is still on his endurance quality.

As for the others, Lin Kai believes that they can be improved through training.

Of course, the fastest improvement is the quality of strength and flexibility.

IQ: 65
Speed: 80
Stamina: 83
Power: 72
Flexible: 70
Quality points: 1
I vaguely remember that my strength and flexibility were only 71 and 66 when I first started school.

In the case of not using quality points, one month has also increased the strength quality and flexibility quality to 72 and 70 respectively.

Especially for flexibility, Lin Kai believes that if he had not chosen to be an athlete, he might still have the opportunity to pole dance.

After all, with such a good flexibility quality and such a rapid improvement, there is naturally a lot of development prospects.

As for the speed quality, it is still stagnant above 80, with no improvement at all.

The most important thing should be the endurance quality. After focusing on the quality points, I successfully reached 83.

It's just that there is such a big piece of news that since the physical fitness has broken through to [-], it takes two physical fitness points to add one point.

Lin Kai's comment on this is: more or less cheating, I don't know if it was developed by Ma Huateng.

Of course, this also made Lin Kai's quality points bottom out for the first time. He only had a few quality points for Lin Kai to use.

For this reason, Lin Kai felt that this was the first time he was in such a tight situation!
Life is not easy, and Ote is a performer. Lin Kai only hopes that the provincial sports games will come soon!
You are all ready!
All is ready except for the opportunity!

Ye Jianhui has seen Lin Kai's recent progress and kept it in his heart.

After all, there was nothing much to say, and Lin Kai never needed to worry too much.

Originally, he thought that Lin Kai would have little chance of winning the championship, but now that he thinks about it, he was worrying too much. It seems that Lin Kai has never let anyone down.

Ye Jianhui saw the recent efforts, and sincerely even Ye Jianhui felt that he could not make the same efforts as Lin Kai.

After all, such an effort is not just talking about it, but needs to be done practically.

This time Ye Jianhui still couldn't accompany Lin Kai to participate. As a coach, Ye Jianhui knew that he had no choice but to take the overall situation into consideration!
In fact, Ye Jianhui couldn't accompany him, and Lin Kai could understand that, since he's not a child, he needs his parents to accompany him when he travels far away.

In Lin Kai's opinion, there is absolutely no need for this.

Of course, the person leading the team this time is the head coach from Zhangzhou Foreign Language School in the urban area.

When it comes to Zhangzhou Foreign Language School, Lin Kai will only think that Zhangzhou Foreign Language School is really destined!
When Lin Kai thinks of Zhangzhou Foreign Language School, he thinks of Wang Weihai and Chen Jinglong. In Lin Kai's view, the two of them can be described as sleeping dragons and phoenixes.

The head coach's surname is Miao, and they all seem to be from ethnic minorities, Lin Kai speculated.

Lu Wen and Lu Bin are students who, like Lin Kai, have qualified for the Provincial Games.

In the entire Yundu County, only Lin Kai and the other three qualified for the competition.

Therefore, just being able to participate in the competition is enough to prove that Lin Kai and the others are the three strongest high school students in Yundu County.

Representing Yundu County in the battle, both Lu Bin and Lu Wen were vaguely led by Lin Kai, and Lin Kai could also see this phenomenon.

A young man takes strength as the only criterion to measure his strength!
Lin Kai thinks this is a good thing, at least there are not as many intrigues as adults.

The three of them met up with Coach Miao from Zhangzhou Foreign Language School who was leading the team in the urban area. They had to find a way to take a taxi to the urban area on their own first.

(End of this chapter)

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