Chapter 136 The same person?

Fill your stomach, rest in the limited time, and adjust your competition status.

With great ambitions, Lin Kai doesn't want to give in!
Before participating in the 200-meter final of the National High-Level Athlete Examination, Lin Kai never easily denied himself.

Even in the eyes of others, there is not enough time, not enough rest, poor condition, and insufficient physical strength.

But in Lin Kai's eyes, these are all excuses.

Excuses are used to hide your inner timidity and fear of failure.

But Lin Kai is different. Lin Kai thinks that he doesn't need an excuse, he just wants to do this and succeed.

In the eyes of coach Ye Jianhui, Lin Kai won the 100-meter final of the national high-level athlete examination. As for the 200-meter final, he no longer insisted on anything.

He found an open space outside the stadium and used his backpack as a pillow. Lin Kai didn't mind getting dirty and just fell asleep.

When I was in school, the harsh environment was overcome in this way.

And Lin Kai was participating in the provincial sports meeting or the city sports meeting, and the environment was not good.

When he came to the capital and took part in the national high-level athlete examination, Lin Kai could also overcome the environment.

The harsher the environment, the easier it is to shape the strong.

Before going to bed, Lin Kaitou reminded coach Ye Jianhui to wake him up when the time came.

Lin Kai didn't want to miss the game because he overslept.

Eyes resting on player Lin Kai's face, Ye Jianhui only felt that Lin Kai was really a resolute young man.

From Lin Kai's performance in recent games, Ye Jianhui saw in Lin Kai the shadow of his original participation in the unified sports recruitment.

Even though he was indeed admitted to Capital Sports University, he once lost to his opponent in a competition, which is still vivid in his mind when he thinks about it.

That's why Ye Jianhui shouted heartbreakingly, hoping that Lin Kai could win the game.

If nothing else, while Ye Jianhui was trying to wake up Lin Kai, he also seemed to be waking up his former self.

I have become stronger, but the game I wanted to win the most has long passed, and the regret remains deep in my heart.


"Wake up and warm up!"

'Wake up team member Lin Kai and let him start warming up.

Rubbing his sleepy eyes, Lin Kai only felt that his body was sticky.

The weather in May is really hot and unbearable.

Even if you take a nap under the building, you can sweat all over your body.

Feeling dry in the mouth and thirsty for water, Lin Kai didn't waste any time and started to warm up!
There is still an hour until the National High-Level Athlete Examination officially begins at two o'clock in the afternoon.

And Zhang Ze is encouraging his teammates.

"Come on, don't be nervous, calm down, and just run out of your usual performance!"

For his teammate Zhang Haifeng, he was too nervous, and all Zhang Ze could do was encourage him with words.

After all, it’s impossible for Zhang Ze to help his teammate Zhang Haifeng run away!
Even if he could, Zhang Ze didn't feel that he was stronger than his teammate Zhang Haifeng in the 200-meter event.

Teammate Zhang Haifeng is so nervous because his personal expectations are too high.

Seeing his teammate Zhang Haifeng starting to warm up, Zhang Ze simply had nothing to do and went to look at the list of contestants for the 200-meter final.

You must know that there is still a long time before the start of the game.

But when Zhang Ze saw the list of contestants for the 200-meter final, his first thought was, could someone have the same name?
How could there be two Lin Kai?

There is a Lin Kai on the 100-meter final list, and there is also a Lin Kai on the 200-meter final list.

But Zhang Ze felt that the chance of having the same name was too small. Most likely, Lin Kai in the 100-meter final and the 200-meter final were the same person.

It was Lin Kai who defeated him. Zhang Ze would remember this name for the rest of his life.

Defeating myself in the 100-meter final of the National High-Level Athlete Examination is enough to become a shame in my memory!
While this interested Zhang Ze, he also hoped that his teammate Zhang Haifeng could defeat Lin Kai.

How dare you?
One person participated in two events, and the most important thing was that they both reached the finals, and one of them even won the championship.

Zhang Ze admitted that he was really envious and jealous in his heart!
I usually think that my talent is one in a million, but Lin Kai has defeated himself, so does Lin Kai still have to be in one in a million?

Lin Kai here finished warming up and came to the entrance of the stadium.

Many players gathered here, and Lin Kai was just one of them.

The calculated time did not allow Lin Kai to wait for a few minutes, and the staff began to inspect.

"Lin Kai—"

Hearing his name being called, Lin Kai raised his hand and stepped forward.

The eight national high-level athletes in the 200-meter final test, all of whom were absent, entered the track and field in the stadium under the leadership of the staff.

Ye Jianhui, Zhang Ze, and other coaches and sports students in the audience were all waiting for the 200-meter final.

The huge track and field field is empty, but there are many endorsements around it.

As a competition area organizer, it actually costs money to host a competition.

Anyway, it is impossible for the school to burn this money.

Stepping on the soft and elastic plastic track, Lin Kai felt the blood in his body begin to boil.

The restless factors in his body began to be excited.

The game was about to start, Lin Kai couldn't help swallowing.

Two emotions of tension and excitement surround the heart.

Fiddling with the starting blocks on his own runway, the 100-meter final is of course physically strong, but the 200-meter final is his strong point.

In the bottom of his heart, Lin Kai really didn't know how he lost the game?
Totally impossible!
When Zhang Haifeng saw Lin Kai, he also suspected that he was not wrong.

Isn't this the player who defeated his teammate Zhang Ze this morning?
Why did you appear in the 200m final?

The already tense mood has become even more tense now.

So unstoppable!
Being watched is a common thing, and Lin Kai has long been used to it.

The contestants began to squat on the starting blocks one after another.

"Everyone take your place!"



The gunshot, the 200m final is about to start!
When the body hears the gunshot, the muscle memory formed by thousands of times of training instantly drives the muscles to exert force.

Before the brain started to work, the body muscles exerted their strength first.

When I kicked off the starting block, the starting block also made a squeaking sound!
From start to acceleration, Lin Kai's mature technical movements are aimed at reducing dimensionality in front of his peers.

Compared with 200 meters, 100 meters can make one's mature technical movements more clear.

As he immersed himself in running, Lin Kai was focused on nothing but one word in his mind - Hurry!
Increase your running speed to your fastest speed in the fastest possible time.

Within 30 meters, no clues can be seen.

Because of the gap in the curves, the differences in strength between the players should have been overshadowed.

(End of this chapter)

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