The king of sprinting: I am an Olympic champion

Chapter 148 Don't forget the original intention

Chapter 148 Don't forget the original intention
When have you ever encountered this situation?
Is this the so-called top talent?
Dare not to draw conclusions hastily, Ge Hong has his own pride in his heart.

He didn't think that a freshman who hadn't started school could make himself so fearful.

It’s definitely my own illusion!
How could he not be able to beat his junior brother who had not yet entered school? Ge Hong's inner pride told him that it was impossible!
His talent is not top-notch, but Ge Hong also has pride deep in his heart, so how could he admit that the other person is better than him?

Curves will be his advantage, Lin Kai always believes.

Technical movements in corners always allow Lin Kai to better stretch his running movements and use technical movements to gain an advantage.

Compared with Lin Kai, Ge Hong's curve skills are slightly worse, partly because of the special 100-meter event, but also because he is slightly weaker in the 200-meter event.

The team members were all surprised by Lin Kai's speed. Could this be a new student?

Is this new student's strength a bit beyond the limit?
When people like myself were freshmen, they vaguely remembered that their strength was not so terrifying.

Basically, they were taught a hard lesson by their seniors.

What is the operation of this junior named Lin Kai?
Could it be that he intends to teach our Captain Ge a hard lesson?
It sounds a little unbelievable, but in the eyes of the players, the speed of the two seems to be the same.

Of course, it may be that the eyes are not as vicious as the coach's, but I can see a general idea!
60 meters, 70 meters, 80 meters, the distance of the curve is shortening rapidly.

Both Lin Kai and Captain Ge are about to enter the straight.

However, Lin Kai seemed to have no intention of lagging behind Captain Ge!
These team members who are seniors, or those who come from other schools and are recommended by the leaders of other schools, all look at it with trepidation!
A junior should look like a junior, but how come Lin Kai’s junior seems to have the strength to be a senior!
Isn't this somewhat unreasonable?
It’s all so unfair to favoritism that kills the Creator!
Coach Wang and the two assistant coaches are always paying attention to this group of tests.

Coach Wang loves talents more, but Cai Quande, as an assistant coach, hopes that Lin Kai's strength will be stronger than Ge Hong's.

As the coach of the track and field team of Peking University, Cai Quande knew that Lin Kai was actually a member of the track and field team of Peking University.

Since he is his own team member, no matter what, he has to look forward to some good things from his team members.

Concentrating on running, Ge Hong could still see Lin Kai wherever he looked.

But Ge Hong has at least participated in many competitions, and through experience has long developed a good mentality.

Sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, Ge Hong didn't think that this junior named Lin Kai was strong enough to defeat him and threaten him!
It’s just that Lin Kai doesn’t think so. In track and field, the greatest respect for an opponent is to go all out!
Put water, it doesn't exist!
Sophisticated, even more impossible!
If it's football or basketball, Lin Kai thinks that he still has to weigh it carefully. He must know that what he is playing for is not about seeking, but about worldliness.

But track and field is not so particular, all strength is king.

Entering the 100-meter straight, Lin Kai and Ge Hong entered the 100-meter straight almost at the same time, running neck and neck!
This can shock one kind of team member to death. He is indeed a junior, not an old monster wearing the skin of a junior!
On par with Captain Ge, Lin Kai also noticed.

It's just that Lin Kai doesn't pay much attention to whether he is ahead or behind his opponents.

From the moment the game started, Lin Kai's goal was to go all out and run as high as he should.

As for surpassing someone, Lin Kai really didn't think about it.

I also intend not to forget my original intention, and always believe that my goal is to run out of my own level!
90 meters, 80 meters, 70 meters, 60 meters, the competition went very fast, and Lin Kai and Ge Hong were inseparable, as if they were stuck together by glue, and no one could break away from the other.

Even if Lin Kai loses to Captain Ge at this moment, the team members feel that this strength is enough not to be underestimated!
The students admitted to Beijin University this year are all dragons and phoenixes.

I thought they were cows and horses, but they turned out to be dragons and phoenixes.

It’s no less shocking than thinking you were born a cow or a horse, but actually you were born a Roman!
Nervousness is due to nervousness, but tension that can be controlled makes it easier for people to perform at their own level.

So Ge Hong is controlling himself and not letting himself get into trouble.

In the face of a powerful enemy, it is a taboo on the battlefield to mess up your position!
The track and field is like a battlefield, and the beginning of the game is a battle of swords.

Less than 50 meters away, Ge Hong faintly felt that his physical strength was almost exhausted, which caused Ge Hong's speed to drop seriously.

Even so, Ge Hong was still trying his best to stabilize his sprint speed.

Who makes Ge Hong not want to lose to Lin Kai!
They were all seniors who were about to enter their senior year. Ge Hong didn't want to lose face when he lost to a freshman who hadn't entered school yet.

He couldn't say the shocking words, Zhang Ze only had admiration in his heart. He still admired Captain Ge at first, but now he realized that his admiration was clearly wrong.

I should admire Lin Kai. They were both admitted to Beijin University, but how could they be in one world and one under the earth? There was such a huge difference between the two.

Zhang Ze couldn't understand that in just two months or so, there had been such a big gap between himself and Lin Kai?
Speed, what Lin Kai wants is speed!
A shocking scene happened!
It just happened in front of everyone!
Lin Kai, who was exerting strength, was faster than Captain Ge and was already ahead of Captain Ge.

Captain Ge gritted his teeth, but he couldn't change the fact that he was pulled away by Lin Kai!
How could Ge Hong, who was already wearing a mask of pain, expect that fellow student Lin Kai would surpass him?

Even if it is an insignificant position, it is unacceptable to Ge Hong.

Track and field is all about strength, and only those with strength are qualified to speak!
At present, Ge Hong has no say and is lagging behind Lin Kai. Ge Hong only hopes that he can catch up.

However, Lin Kai's speed is just to get stuck here due to this gap.

It's like a fish bone stuck in the throat, and it's so annoying!
The numbers on the electronic timing device flash at a high frequency, and every flash means that the results are changing.

Standing at the starting line, Coach Wang could only see the outlines of the backs of Lin Kai and Ge Hong.

Coach Wang definitely does not dare to make a casual conclusion about who is ahead of whom.

It's just that in the eyes of Coach Wang, the positions of the two are extremely close.

Otherwise, there would not be two figures sprinting, and there would not be any obvious weight.

Pressing the line, sprinting, really is a hearty 200-meter test.

(End of this chapter)

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