Chapter 151 The Last Day

Otherwise, as a qualified coach of the national team, how could Wang Qianxun be able to chat with a university professor.

It is still unknown that Cai Quande really has the real material. From the bottom of his heart, Wang Qianxun recognizes the other party's talents.

If Cai Quande is the same type as other people who are mixed with sea turtles, otherwise Wang Qianxun might not even think of talking to Cai Quande.

For Lin Kai, Cai Quande naturally hopes that his talent can be displayed through his own hands.

Who made Cai Quande also have a dream in his heart, that is, through his own efforts, domestic athletes can run into the 100-second mark in the [-]-meter event.

It is not recognized internationally that Chinese athletes can break the ten-second mark in the 100-meter event.

Therefore, Cai Quande believes that as a knowledge learned overseas for such a long period of time, it is necessary to make contributions within his ability to the track and field of his country.

And Lin Kai seems to be his own chance!
You must know that as a sports student who is admitted to a university, in fact, there are very few talents who can fall into Cai Quande's eyes.

For this reason, Wang Qianxun chooses to believe in Wang Qianxun's vision, and his vision can't be wrong!
Lin Kai is definitely a rare good talent!
Lin Kai, who was training, didn't know what these coaches were thinking.

I just feel that the atmosphere of being alone, a benign atmosphere, can increase everyone's enthusiasm for training.

If it was a normal training by himself, Lin Kai might not have such a high enthusiasm for training.

I don't know if he took some strong medicine. Yesterday Zhang Ze suddenly told himself that he would train hard.

Sure enough, today's Zhang Ze really worked extra hard.

This made Lin Kai feel a sense of crisis, so he had to work harder.

What if Zhang Ze catches up with him? Of course, this possibility is too small to be ignored.


"It's finally time for training. This is the time I've been waiting for every day!"

Zhang Ze, who was walking on the road, complained, and Lin Kai, who was beside Zhang Ze, agreed in his heart. It is true that there is hope in doing things, and the same is true for training!
The setting sun gradually sets, adding a golden glow to Peking University, as if it is shrouded in a sacred veil.

"You worked hard today. What's the reason?"

Before Zhang Ze could answer, the phone in his pocket rang in advance.


Listening to Zhang Ze's call, Lin Kai already knew the answer and didn't need to ask too much.

It turns out it’s because of the motivation given by my girlfriend!
No wonder why Zhang Ze suddenly made up his mind to train hard. It turns out that there is hope for life.

"What? It was your girlfriend who called just now?"

"Ang! She told me to train hard."

Having said that, Zhang Ze scratched his head in embarrassment.

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about. There are only a few reasons why men work hard, women, money, ideals and love, otherwise why else!"

As someone who has experienced it, Lin Kai thinks this is nothing. No matter what the purpose of your efforts is, the most important thing should be that you work hard!
Under the setting sun, the figures of the two teenagers gradually drifted away, and the shadows were stretched so long!
Huang Susu, who is far away in a small county, originally thought that before school started, she would always meet Lin Kai's junior!
Even if they are separated in two places after going to college, they may lose contact.

I couldn't make up my mind all the time. After I made up my mind, I finally contacted Lin Kai.

The last news I got was that Junior Lin Kai was already in the capital, not in the small county at all.

Even if I want to meet again now, there is no chance!
This made Huang Susu think in his heart that maybe he and Lin Kai have no fate!
If there is fate, how could there be no chance to meet again.

But Lin Kai didn't take it seriously. After all, Lin Kai was focused on training.

Furthermore, in Lin Kai's heart, the relationship between Huang Susu and himself is just that of an ordinary senior sister and junior.

The summer training passed quickly, and it was almost the end of the summer training. His strength must have improved, but by how much, Lin Kai had no idea.

The results are naturally unclear, but Lin Kai has a trick, that is the track and field system.

At least through the track and field system, you can see what changes have taken place in your physical fitness.

IQ: 65
Speed: 86
Stamina: 84
Power: 76
Flexible: 74
Quality points: 0
Whether it is endurance quality, strength quality or flexibility quality, they have all been improved. The endurance quality has been improved by one point, the strength quality has been improved by two points, and the flexibility quality has also been improved by two points.

This also proves that the summer training organized by Peking University has achieved remarkable results!
It's just that the quality of IQ is not fake at all, and Lin Kai also found an excuse for his poor study, simply because the quality of IQ can't keep up.

The goal has not been mentioned so far, Lin Kai suspects that if he calls Coach Wang "Old Wang", he will probably be in his next life.

You must know that the rules of the game are determined by Coach Wang, and the tasks of the game are never made public.

Anyone else probably wouldn't want to play this game.

"Do you think you have the confidence to call Coach Wang Lao Wang? There are only the last three days left?"

"No confidence!"

"Then when Coach Wang asked you, did you still agree?"

Regarding this question raised by Zhang Ze, Lin Kai unconsciously had a headache.

"If you were asked to come, in front of so many people, would you refuse?"

Choosing to ask Zhang Ze back, Zhang Ze shook his head without thinking.

"So this is ah!"

As long as the goal is public, Lin Kai can still calculate how sure he is.

The problem is that I don’t even know what this goal is, so how can I be sure of it?

It's like you don't even know who your opponent is before you go into the ring. How dare you easily guarantee that you can beat the opponent!

"Everyone should know what day it is today?"

"Last day of summer training!"

Someone in the team yelled, which made Coach Wang nod in agreement.

"That's right, entering is the last day of summer training, and it's also a day to test your summer training results!"

"Whether you make progress or not, your usual hard work will be reflected in the test later, and you can also know immediately whether you can reach the goals I set for you!"

Coach Wang's sharp eyes lingered on every player, but Lin Kai didn't take it seriously.

It may be the first time to participate in summer training, and I don't have much feeling!
However, Lin Kai glanced sideways and saw the seriousness on Captain Ge's face, and knew that the goal set might not be simple!
It's not that simple?
Then Lin Kai is interested in giving it a try!
"Later, Lin Kai and Ge Hong, you two are in the first group!"

Before setting up the test venue, Coach Wang arranged for Lin Kai and Ge Hong in advance.

Coach Wang said so, Lin Kai stopped talking nonsense and started warming up directly.

(End of this chapter)

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